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A Light Beyond The Darkness

Page 6

by Sherry Gist

  "I'll never know real love Sherry ." Tears roll from her eyes. Twilight reaches over the table and embraces her trying to reassure her that one day she will.

  Chapter 2

  Two weeks have passed and the kids have skipped altogether their 3-4 year old stage and seem like they are about 5-6. They run and jump most days. Laughing and playing with the hybrid clan. A good time is had by all, but somewhere in the distance, a set of eyes watch them at all times. Morning sweeps over the cold land, Mags rises to take her rowdy bunch on a morning walk. They have nearly made it to the meadow when she is hit hard from behind. She falls to the ground only to rise up quickly. She's surrounded by men in black cloaks, their faces completely covered and a strange symbol on their chests. She rushes towards them, fighting and knocking two of them down. She is hit again and again. There are just too many. They grab the boys and again she rises trying to reach her children.

  They scream, "Mom! Help mom!" She rises again only to be hit once more; laying on the ground and slowly going unconscious, she sees a man carrying two boys fighting and screaming, off thru the meadow.

  'Alexander! Apollo!' She thinks right before going completely unconscious.

  She's awakened several hours later by Twilight.

  "Mags, what happened?"

  Coming to and seeing her, she screams in agony, "My babies! They took my boys!" Screams of pain shoot thru her body as the tears flow uncontrollably.

  She's embraced by Twilight . It doesn't help as she tries to stand. It doesn't work. She's been badly beaten, broken ribs, a fractured hip and a broken wrist.

  Twilight vows that she will find who did this.

  Mags tells her, “Pray you find them before me." As Twilight lifts her on her shoulder, carrying her back to the cave. A trail of tears follow them. Sobbing the entire way, Twilight tries but can't stop the tears because hearing her friend cry, breaks her heart.

  Twilight arrives to the cave, tells them what has happened and anger flows through the cave. Adam and Maggie run to the place where their swords lie and grab them up. Hybrid transforms and instantly they are gone.

  Running like the wind, searching for any scent, any trace of what they know as their family. Hours pass, but they still can't find the scent. It is as if they have vanished.

  Meanwhile, at the cave, Twilight tries to comfort Mags, but her anger rises and falls. Trying all she can to not transform and take off to help search for her nephews.

  Suddenly, a saddened Adam returns followed by Maggie and finally Hybrid.

  " We can't find them. " He says tearfully, "I promise I will if it takes the rest of my life." He loudly proclaims, " Your sons will be in your arms again."

  Mags heart breaks again until finally her body can't take the stress and she passes out.

  The next morning, a bruised and battered Mags tries to sit up, but her body is to broken. She calls out, but no one is there. Everyone is gone. She attempts to roll out of bed only to meet the floor with a loud thud. Her body is so broken, so torn, but nowhere near as bad as her heart and soul knowing that her children are gone and may never return.

  Hours pass and finally the hybrid clan arrive. Exhausted and weary. They have searched and searched, but to no avail. Sadly, Twilight helps Mags up from the ground.

  Adam and Maggie can't really take it. They have all this power, but it hasn't helped them at all. It's the first time in their lives that they have felt so helpless. They drop their swords to the ground in defeat and with heads down, walk to the back of the cave.

  Hybrid reaches down and hugs Mags. He has never shown her this kind of affection before and she doesn't know how to take it. He tells her again that her babies will be found safe this time with tears in his strong eyes. Something about the way he says it, comforts her soul. Twilight holds her head and Mags holds onto Hybrid's hand.

  Three more days pass, same as before, they spend it searching the land for the boys or even just a scent of anything that is a sign of life. Suddenly, Twilight finds a scent heading towards the land that used to be where the vampires lived. The scent quickly dissapears. She runs more and more, calling to the boys, but her voice falls on deaf ears.

  Hybrid and the kids still have yet to find anything. Mags sits at the cave opening, slipping farther into depression. Hybrid returns to the cave first and sees Mags sitting there upset.He places his hand around her shoulder. She turns to him and embraces him. His hand rubs through her hair and he tries to console her. She looks up at him, eyes filled with tears and begs him to find her babies. He answers with a nod, “They will be found Mags. That I promise you." He kisses her forehead and helps her back to the bed and tucks her in. Twilight and the kids arrive to the cave. Twilight tells them of the scent she found. A small glimmer of hope fills the room. They now have an idea of where they must search.

  Absalon comes to the cave after being away for some time and finds out what has happened. As he places his hand on Maggie’s, he receives a stern look from Hybrid.

  "Sir, if you don't mind, can we talk?"

  " Sure," Hybrid says angrily.

  As the two walk off, Maggie is afraid. A loud noise followed by a screaming Absalon has Maggie running outside to find her new fiancé laying on the ground holding his face and bleeding.

  "Dad! Stop!" Maggie screams as tears fall.

  "You’re a girl. You’re not ready for this! You are not ready for the responsibility!"

  Maggie yells back, " I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and if I want to marry him a thousand times, I will!"

  Hybrid transforms only to be hugged from behind by Twilight, "Get him out of here now!" Twilight yells. Holding Hybrid back as much as she can until Maggie grabs her fiancé and flies off.

  Chapter 3

  Adam arrives to the scene, laughing hysterically, "Sooo dad found out, huh?" He laughs.

  Hybrid turns around swiftly, looking at him, his eyes blazing in anger.

  "Dad calm down. It's ok."

  Twilight holds him tight and rubs his face, but it's not working.

  All of this has taken a toll on him too. He shrugs her off and runs wildly to the woods.

  Adam is about to run after him when his mother places her hand on his chest, "He has to deal with this himself." She tells him.

  Mags staggers to the front of the cave, reaching for them and as she loses strength, she falls to the ground.

  Seeing her in such bad shape, Adam begins to cry. He reaches down, lifts her into his arms like a baby and walks her back to the room.

  Twilight runs after her daughter only to find them standing before Danielle. She walks towards them as she hears the words, " You are now husband and wife."

  Twilight grabs her daughter who shrugs her off, "Mom, it's done. Accept us or leave us the hell alone!" Before the words leaves her mouth good, Maggie is slapped in the face by Twilight who now stands over her.

  Absalon pushes Twilight, "Back off."

  Maggie angrily transforms!

  Danielle holds both arms out as her Amazon tribe now surrounds them with arrows pointed at them. Maggie stands wiping blood from her mouth, "I'm done!" She yells, " I'm done being what you want me to be." Twilight says, "All I have ever wanted was for you to be happy. I have never asked for more than that. That's all child. Remember? I'm the one who told u to follow your heart? I'm your mom and that alone deserves respect Maggie."

  Tears roll down Maggie’s cheeks as the two embrace only for Absalon to tap Twilight on the shoulder, "Uuum me and my wife are leaving for our honeymoon tonight." He says blushing.

  "Uuuum," Twilight says with a pause, "If you leave tonight, Hybrid will track you down and he will kill you. You may wanna wait until he calms down."

  Hybrid returns hours later exhausted. He lays at the foot of the cave and falls asleep. Mags can't. sleep and walks out of the cave and trips over him. He begins to laugh, "Oh MY GOD! You are so stubborn!" " I know." She laughs. Laughing makes her hurt even worse. They both sit up all night talking. When Twilight
finds them together the next day, the hybrids again set out looking for the boys. This time close to where the vampires used to live. Only they have a tag along. Absalon trying his best to seem helpful he's a bit clumsy, falling over and his presence causes Hybrids blood to boil. Absalon, being brave, taps Hybrid on the shoulder and says, "Dad, we're going to find the boys."

  Hybrid turns to him quickly, looks at his daughter and Twilight hangs her head.

  Hybrid realizes that the marriage has already happened. He slowly turns and walks away before turning it into a jog then a full fledge run. Tears flowing down his proud chin.

  Maggie screams, "Daddy!" But it's too late, he's gone. She turns to her husband and asks loudly, “Why? Why did you say that?"

  " I... I just want to be accepted baby." He says. Twilight goes to speak when she hears something coming from the ground. There's a sound of voices coming from underneath the ground. Twilight is excited.

  'That's why we couldn't smell them!' She says to self. She points to the ground and places her finger over her mouth.

  Adam unsheathes his sword as does Maggie. They feel around for some type of opening. They find a small hole that leads to another which leads to a door hidden in the ground. They slowly lift the door and Twilight enters followed by Adam and then Maggie.

  They walk underground and slowly walk around the inside of the cave. They walk for a few miles and finally reach the end of it. Where they see a larger cavern. There are hooded people keeping guard.

  Adam retracts his sword and rushes forward with Maggie at his side. The men are killed with one swipe and they kick open the door. They find children there tied to the wall and their faces covered in blood.

  " What.... what is going on here?" Adam yells. "They've been feeding them blood." Twilight says in disgust.

  " But why? Why?" Maggie asks.

  "I don't know." Twilight says.

  They check each child. They lunge at them. They finally find Alexander. His eyes no longer beautiful, but red, his hair longer and his pure face now smeared in mud. They unchain him and he lunges at Adam. Without thinking, he punches him. Knocking him out cold.

  "Adam!" Twilight says in anger, “Why did you hit him?"

  " He tried to attack me Mom!"

  They walk all the way through when they finally reach a citadel, where the hooded men have surrounded Apollo. He's floating with arms outstretched, his eyes are red and blood is falling from his hands.

  Twilight flies through the air and grabs her nephew. Adam and Maggie punch and kick the hooded men. Their leader begins laughing.

  " It's too late! Its happened! He's coming back! Hahahaha he's coming back!"

  " Who? Who is coming back?" She asks.

  The ground begins to shake. The symbol appears on the ground, the same one from their robes. A man rises from the ground. He isn't a man!

  Laughing so evilly, he proclaims that this world is his. The hooded men kneel and proclaim the arrival of Hades. Twilight, being an Amazon, grabs her children and nephews and runs. They run quickly. Adam and Maggie not understanding why, but the fear in her eyes tell them they better. They run faster and faster. Until they reach the Amazon village.

  Holding the boys, she screams at the top of her lungs, " He's returned!"

  The words ring through the camp as the Amazon's all prepare for battle; perhaps for the last time. As they prepare, the ground shakes and the sky turns red. Adam and Maggie look at eachother in disbelief.

  'Who is Hades? Why does their mother fear him so?'

  Danielle runs to Twilight with her sword, "We have to find the key."

  " What key?" Maggie and Adam ask looking at each other.

  "Who opened the gates?"

  Twilight shakes her head, looking down at her nephew, Apollo, who lays in her arms. She can't tell them that he is the key to sending Hades back to Hell.

  Adam, holding a brainwashed Alexander follows his Mom who is still clinging to Apollo. They walk into the cave, seeing them Mags falls to her knees in disbelief. She runs to her boys, but they hiss and growl at her.

  "What? What did they do to my angels?" Her voice changes them and their eyes change back to their normal color, but Twilight is spaced out.

  She's thinking, ' There must be another way! How can we stop this?'

  The earth is still shaking as fire begins falling from the sky.

  " What's happening out there Sherry?" Mags asks.

  " It's the end of the world Mags. He's returned."

  " No!" Screams Mags, "How? Where did they find the key?"

  Shaking her head and crying, Twilight looks in Apollo’s direction which breaks Mags heart.

  "No! No! No!" She screams, "There's no way." Maggie and Adam look at each other, "We will take him down." They smile at each other.

  " No. You can't. He will destroy you. He's immortal."

  "We have beaten an immortal before Mom." Maggie laughs.

  "Not like this." Twilight says in fear, "There's only one way to beat him."

  "How?" Adam asks.

  " To kill the key."

  Horror goes across their face, 'Can they kill their own nephew to save the world?'

  Chapter 4

  Days have passed. Mags tries to bring her babies back to their normal selves, but what they have seen leaves them almost soulless. Adam and Maggie have attempted to play with them, make them laugh, smile or anything. Hybrid returned sometime in the night, but he too can't really talk at the moment; his emotions too full. Mags heart is so heavy thinking of her boys that when a scream from the front of the cave startles her.

  It's Danielle and the Amazons, "Come

  outside!" She screams.

  They all leave the cave to see what’s happening. Danielle points her spear directly at Apollo, "The key."

  "No." Maggie shakes her head, "It's not him." "It is him dear sister and you know what we must do. We will give you three days with him."

  "That's all?"

  " No!" Twilight says, " You will not take him. We will find another way."

  Danielle firmly snaps at Twilight, " How dare u raise your voice to your queen!"

  "You are not my queen." Twilight snaps back, " I am a hybrid and I said he stays with us." The Amazon's spears draw at the family. They all slowly transform, preparing to fight.

  "You will lose if you attack us." Twilight warns.

  "But this is for the greater good Sherry. It's not what we want to do, but what we must do. The only way that he can be returned is by the blood of the key plus a sacrifice!"

  Absalon arrives and stands in between them, "We have to figure something out. This child is innocent." His words fall on deaf ears.

  The Amazon's walk off, Danielle turns again and holds up three fingers.

  Mags, still in disbelief, holds Apollo close to her bosom.

  He holds her face and for the first time speaks, "Mom, they want to kill me?"

  Mags shakes her head no to reassure him, 'No one will touch you."

  Adam holds Alexander’s hand tight, "You wanna go play?"

  Alexander looks at him and speaks, " No! I want my Mommy." Crying, he breaks away from Adam and runs to his mother’s side. They have been missing for two months and to see them with her again is a wonderful thing, but the world is in turmoil.

  It is said that East Asia had multiple hurricanes and thousands died. Hades has raised an army of the dead and is conquering the world.

  'Who can stop him? Who will stop him?'

  Hybrid walks past Maggie who tries to stop him, "Dad." She says softly.

  He stops for a second and then continues to walk.

  Twilight places her hand on her shoulder, "Just give him time baby."

  Absalon knocks at the cave door, "Hello. May I come in?"

  "Sure." Twilight yells back.

  Absalon enters, he is looked upon by Hybrid. Hybrid growls low and shoulder bumps him as he exits the cave. Absalon and Maggie embrace as they see each other and Maggie tells her mother that she may be preg

  Twilight shakes her head, "Baby," She says, " Your dad has gone through so much. Don't tell him. Not yet."

  Absalon begins to smile as they both blush. Mags enters wondering why everyone is smiling only to be told nothing.

  Chapter 5

  Apollo's hair has grown shoulder length and there is a shadow of darkness that overshadows him. Mags is fighting the darkness with all the love she can. Alexander and Apollo are nowhere near close anymore. They barely speak. It's heartbreaking to see twins not together. Mags brings the boys together to ask why they don't talk or play.

  They look at each other and began fighting. The fight is serious. Apollo has drawn blood with his fist. Twilight grabs Alexander. He's bleeding, but trying to attack back. Mags holds Apollo close.

  "What is wrong with you two?" Twilight asks.

  "He's evil! He's here to kill us all." Alex says.

  In a deep voice, Apollo responds," Yes. This world will soon be mine." He begins to laugh.

  Mags shakes him and brings him back to himself. He lays his head on her chest. She rubs his hair, "My sweet child. I will save you somehow."

  Maggie enters the cave after being away with Absalon. Hybrid sniffs and looks harshly in her direction.

  "I can smell him on you." He says angrily.

  " He's my husband dad. What do you expect? The world may be ending. I'm gonna enjoy my last time."

  Hybrid stands and looks at his family, " I will kill Hades."

  "Baby," Twilight says softly, " You can't. There's no way."

  " If he bleeds," Hybrid says, " He can die."

  Earthquakes began again as the second day ends. Twilight and Maggie pack Mags up with the boys. Adam and Maggie fly them away to hide them from the Amazon's. Absalon enters the cave to kiss his wife goodbye before she leaves.

  Hybrid throws a brick in his direction. It is caught then crushed by Maggie.

  " Old man," she growls," Be careful."

  Hearing a growl in her voice, angers Hybrid. He rises and returns the growl.


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