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A Light Beyond The Darkness

Page 7

by Sherry Gist

  Mags cries out, "Please don't fight. Please!"

  Hearing her tortured soul, calms them both down.

  Maggie, Mags and Adam fly off, leaving Hybrid and Twilight there to discuss the plans that they must follow. They talk for hours, planning and with a kiss, they spend some much needed R and R together before what may be the end of the world.

  They arrive at the tip of the volcano where Happy Dragon was fond of laying. Hybrid always said it is the gate of tarterous, the land where Hades comes.

  It will be the last place Hades will come and the last place the Amazon's will look. They are there for a few hours when Absalon arrives waving happily. They all sit there talking and spending time with the boys. Thunder fills the air and the earthquakes shake the earth. It's getting worse.

  Words come from the North that Hades has now conquered half the world and is heading to their location. The Amazon's are prepared for war yet are looking for Mags and her boy because with his death, the war stops. He must be thrown into the entrance of tarterous. Killing him and closing the doorway which will suck Hades back in.

  Another day passes. Hybrid and Twilight arrive to the tip of the volcano. The earth is beginning to split in two. The howls of death fills the air as ashes fall from the sky. The sun no longer shines and darkness fills the land. The Amazons have finally tracked them down.

  Danielle screams and pleads, “Give us the boy! Its almost to late! He comes!"

  Lightning strikes the ground in front of them and opens a large place in the earth. Fallen Amazon sisters begin to rise from the earth. Mags holds Apollo close to her in fear as Hades arrives.

  "Hello, my child." He says reaching towards Apollo who is snatched away from Mags and flown up to him laughing.

  Spears are thrown by the Amazon's, but it's too late. They are easily deflected by Hades who with one hand sets them aflame. He looks at the hybrids and Amazon's then smiles and tells them words that send chills to their soul.

  " I'll be back." And flies off with Apollo.

  Maggie and Adam stand motionless. The two chosen have failed because for once they couldn't move. Completely frozen with fear.

  Chapter 6

  "You have killed us all." Danielle tells them, "There is nothing we can do now. Except prepare for the end."

  " No!" Hybrid yells," We will fight and if we die we die."

  Twilight holds her loves hand in agreement. A hand on his shoulder from his son and Maggie walks towards him and lays her head on his chest and as she does, a tear falls and hits her on her head. He looks at his daughter and tells her that he loves her.

  Absalon walks towards this family of warriors, " I'll fight too." He says.

  "What can you do?"

  " I can try." He says proudly.

  " Ok," Hybrid says, " If you wish to die with us, you can."

  Mags heart is torn, but as she prepares to fight, she gains strength. This Amazon and fearless warrior has been in many battles, her body has war scars, but none of these battles have been able to stop her. She hugs Alexander, telling him how much she loves him.

  Danielle takes him away to keep him safe. A hug is shared between the queen and her most faithful warrior. She turns away. She knows what she must do, but does she have the strength to do it?

  They track Hades down. Absalon comes too. Hybrid is actually impressed with this peaceful man coming to war with them. Maggie and Adam are always ready for war as is his Twilight. This is a suicide mission. They set out on this taxing mission. He looks and he realizes that if they succeed, they will not all return. Halfway, they stop and make camp. They share stories of themselves, of Maggie and Adam growing up and wars and battles they have fought and won. Absalon tells of the centuries he has lived and explains how much he loves Maggie.

  "Ouch!" Maggie says holding her stomach.

  "What's wrong? " Mags asks.

  Maggie throws up and is very ill. Absalon runs to his wife.

  " Mom," Maggie calls, "I guess you can tell him now."

  "Tell me what?" Hybrid asks very concerned. Absalon looks at Hybrid and tells him, "You’re going to be a grandfather."

  Hybrids face is in shock as Adam runs to his father hoping to hold him back for the anger he may unleash.

  Hybrid stands and smiles, "I've known for some time now. " He says in a very low voice.

  " How?" Maggie asks.

  "I'm a hybrid baby. I could hear the baby moving inside you. You cannot come with us to fight."

  "I must father. I am the keeper of the realm." She says crying.

  "Maggie," He says softly, "The child that your carrying is why we fight. For hope, a chance to live. If this world will end tomorrow, I don't know, but I promise you this, we will fight for all of our survival."

  The words give hope to all in the camp and as the hours fade, they rest and prepare. Tomorrow is the day they face a God.

  Chapter 7

  The rumbling of thunder makes it hard for them

  to sleep. A small bit of sunlight breaks through the clouds as they set out on the last leg of their journey. Not much is spoken as they prepare for what may be their last moments. At last they arrive at the base of the large volcano. Hades' army marches forward. The can hear them from afar. The army is huge and with every step it sounds like thunder. He laughs with Apollo as they fly over the army and bringing pestilence as they trod. Now, finally, they can see them coming over the horizon.

  Mags screams to her son, “Apollo! Apollo! Mommies here!” She receives no reply from him, only laughter from Hades.

  He sees this small group that opposes him, “Surely there is more of you.” He laughs mockingly.

  Maggie and Adam draw their swords and transform as does Twilight and Hybrid. Absalon draws a spear as does Mags.

  The number of Hades army is 5000 and their numbers small. They began running towards the large army. They reach it and the battle begins. Swords meet flesh and bone as Maggie and Adam go through first quickly followed by Twilight and Hybrid and lastly Mags and Absalon. The war rages. An intense battle pursues.

  Mags eyes fixed only on her son, Apollo. Maggie and Adam take to the sky and intercept Hades. Adam throws his sword straight and true, but it is caught right before it hits his face.

  “Nice throw.” He laughs, throwing the sword to the ground. Then shoots flames in Adams direction.

  Maggie attacks. Wielding sword with perfect form, but each blow is blocked by Hades and with perfectly placed kicks to her midsection. She falls hard to the ground and feels something warm running down her legs. It’s blood! She screams in anger and attacks again and again only to be pushed back.

  Hybrid and Twilight have fought through many, but are getting tired. Absalon has also taken his fair share. Mags is a wild woman. Killing everything that moves. She must reach her son.

  Maggie throws her sword, but it is ducked by Hades. It hits Apollo in the arm. He screams in pain and begins falling to the ground.

  Mags runs towards him, but he is caught by Absalon. Reaching towards Absalon, Mags motions for him to bring her son to her, but he runs faster and faster towards the opening of the volcano.

  Mags runs behind him as fast as she can, ‘He’s going to kill my son!’ She thinks to herself.

  Apollo’s blood gushes all over Absalon. He’s covered in the boys blood. Maggie sees her husband running towards the volcano and leaves Adam to fight Hades alone. Hades gains the upper hand quickly, but Twilight wildly attacks. Hybrid joins in and they slowly fight Hades back.

  Twilight sees what’s happening over by Mags and runs wildly. Twilight runs past Mags and grabs the bleeding child. She is covered in his blood.

  As Adam reaches her, he heals the child. Twilight looks over the battlefield, all the destruction, her love and her children all fighting so valiantly and her friend whom she loves as a sister. In her heart she knows what she must do.

  As her eyes meets Hybrids for the last time, she says,” I love you.” Then leaps into the volcano.

  A gi
ant clap of thunder and suddenly Hades and his army are gone.

  Hybrid falls to his knees in disbelief and begins screaming her name.

  Maggie and Adam sob as Mags holds Apollo. This hurt they feel is so terrible. Looking into the volcano whispering the words, “Thank you.”

  The world begins to cry. As rain heavily falls to the ground, the realm weeps too for the fallen Amazon who has brought forth the savior of the realms and gave her life for her family and her friends. Maggie is held by Absalon who can’t believe what has happened. Mags is beside herself with grief. They pick themselves up from the victory, but head home in defeat. The End

  From beyond the darkness

  (Book 5)

  Chapter 1

  Adam followed his dad as they walked back towards home. His heart hurt, his throat clogged with unshed tears, and the image of his wonderful mom filled his mind. She sacrificed herself for Apollo just as she would have done for his sister or himself. He was amazed at her ability to love so unconditionally. She was always there to comfort, control, and keep them together. She was the glue that held them together. Now what were they to do? What would he be without her? Would he make her proud?

  He looked toward his dad and wondered if his dad would be alright. He loved his mom fiercely, but his dad loved her so much more. He had loved her with a soul binding love that shone through his eyes and seemed to transcend time and space. It was magic. He wanted a love like that. A love so strong that not even death could alter it. His dad's shoulders sagged a little, the light that lit his eyes had dimmed a bit, and the half smile he always wore when mom was present, was gone yet sadness hadn't over taken him. He held up a brave front, but underneath he had to be hurting.

  Adam looked away and shifted his eyes to his sister. She cried leaning against her husband. The tears were silent, but streaming none the less. She held a hand on her tummy and an arm around her husband. Her shoulders shook with the effort of trying to hold it in.

  A sniffle brought his gaze flying to Mags. She was like a second mom to him, but she was his mom's best friend. The hurt, pain and horror still marked her eyes. She was so full of grief and sadness. He felt his heart break a little more when he thought of how much his mom loved her. She had loved Mags so fiercely that she couldn't see her loose her baby. She gave her life not just for Apollo, but for her sister, her greatest, truest friend, Mags. Adams heart swelled with love at the same time it hurt. He loved his mom very much, but he missed her with a fierceness he never thought possible. He had to get away. He had to find himself. He needed to know who he was now that his mom wasn't there to gently guide him. Man, he missed her! His heart cried. He bit his bottom lip to keep it from trembling from the force of his grief.

  They reached home and he went to his room. He needed time to himself. Time to cry alone. Time to grieve alone. Time to decide what he would do.

  Hybrid walked back home with his heart so heavy that he felt he was walking on it with every step, it hurt more and more. He didn't know what he would do without her. He could have sworn that he saw her on the other side of the volcano through the smoke, but he wasn't sure. He just knew that he had a hole in his heart the size of his heart. It was missing. His heart was missing! Tears slid down his cheeks, burned his eyes and made being home so sad. He missed his heart, his bff, his love, his wife, his Twilight!

  The ache was so deep. He didn't know how he was still managing to stay standing. When they talked about it, he was sure that she would find a way to change the outcome. She had seemed so encouraging and sure when she said that she'd find another way if possible. He watched as Adam went to his room and shut the door. He wondered if he should go talk to him, but felt that he needed to give him time. He looked over to see Mags and the boys curl up on their bed, saw their shoulders shake and heard Mags deep shudder as she tried to keep the sounds from escaping. Maggie and her husband had sat at the table holding one another, crying together. He went to his room, gathered up her pillow, crawled in bed , buried his face in her pillow and cried. The tears came from so deep within that he thought he'd parish from the anguish of the loss. His body hurt, his heart hurt, his eyes hurt and the loneliness hurt! His Twilight! Gone!

  Chapter 2

  Adam heard his dad's muffled cry of anguish. He sat on the edge of bed with his head hung down and tears falling freely now. MOM! His mind screamed. Tears came harder and harder. The pain intensified to the point that he felt that he'd rip down the middle any minute. It matched his dad's anguish! MOM! MOM! MOM! He kept screaming to himself. The tears felt like fire as they chased one another down his cheeks. Finally, there was nothing left. He fell back on his bed and fell into a slumber.

  He felt covers go across him and a light kiss on his forehead. He smiled and whispered, "Mom." Just before sleep took him away. He slept for what seemed like hours.

  She looked around at the family she left behind and felt their pain. She watched as they each exhausted themselves of tears and drifted off to slumber. She moved room to room. She heard her sons angry cries and moved to him. She stood watching as tears of flames fell from his eyes and scorched his cheeks. When he fell back on the bed, she moved towards it to cover him and kiss his head.

  She whispered, " I love you, Adam. I am so proud of the young man you have become and will soon be. Go. Find your way, my son. I will be watching and protecting you as always."

  As if he heard her, he smiled and fell into a peaceful sleep.

  She turned and went to her Hybrid. She found him curled up in a ball with her pillow. She smiled a sad smile. Tears streaked his face, sadness came off him in waves, and an expression of utter loneliness covered his face.

  Her heart ached. No, it hurt beyond measure. She moved closer to the bed, touched his cheek and whispered, " I'm here my love."

  His head snapped around, his eyes locked with hers and he whispered, "Twilight. "

  "Yes, love. It is me." She said as tears filled her eyes.

  "But how?" He whispered as he sat up.

  "I don't know. I'm trapped between worlds. I'm sorry Hy. I never meant for it to happen like this."

  "I know babe. What do we do?"

  "I don't know. I think you’re the only one that can see me for now."

  He smiled, " It does my heart good to see you. I wish I could hold you close again."

  "Someday soon. I don't know how I know that, but I do."

  He nods, "Then seeing you will be enough for now."

  She nods and sits beside him on the bed. They talk for hours. Finally, Hybrid drifts to sleep.

  She leaves and heads towards Maggie when Apollo catches her eye.

  Chapter 3

  When she looks in Apollo's direction, she notices that he is levitating while sitting with his knees to his chest in a hug. His head is turned slightly and he's mumbling.

  She moves closer and hears him saying, "Twilight, I know your here somewhere. I want you to know that I love you too. I'm sorry that you had to leave because of me. I wasn't myself and you knew that. You loved me anyway. My Momma misses you so much. I know you were her truest friend. I'm sorry that she is hurting. I don't know what to do. I only know that your gone because of me." He sighed heavily and his voice cracked when he continued, " Maybe you should have killed me. Maybe I'm evil. She wouldn't be hurting this much if it was me instead of you."

  Tears fell like rain down her face as she said, "Oh, Apollo! Your Momma would hurt so much worse if it were one of you instead. Your her whole world. Your all she ever wanted and more."

  Alexander raised his head and said, "Apollo, I think Aunt Twilight is nearby."

  "Really? Can you feel her? See her? Hear her?" He asked excitedly.

  Alexander shook his head no. Apollo sank to the floor and cried harder.

  "I know she's here, Apollo."

  "How? How if you can't see, feel or hear her? How Alex?"

  "I don't know . I just know she's trapped somewhere. We need to help her. I don't know how I know that either, but I do." Alexa
nder insisted.

  Apollo nodded, "Yes. She saved us. We can save her."

  "We mustn't tell anyone. They won't let us find out how to save her. They won't believe us."


  She looked on them with a smile and love. She felt it heat her skin and course through her rapidly. She felt almost alive.

  "Did you see that?" Asked Alexander.

  Apollo looked around, "See what?"

  "I thought I saw Aunt for a brief moment."

  "Maybe you did. Our powers are still devel...devel...what's that word?"

  "Developing." Alexander said with a kind smile to his brother.

  "Yes! That's it! Developing. " They shared a smile and then got quiet.

  She looked at them, smiled, and moved away. Again she headed toward Maggie. She felt a movement in the shadows. She looked and looked. At first, she saw nothing then suddenly, she saw the shadow move again. Fear gripped her. Her tummy knotted. Her throat closed briefly. What was there? Did it follow her? Would it harm her family? How could they fight what they can't see?

  Chapter 4

  He woke with a start and the word Mom slipped off his tongue. He closed his eyes briefly, took a deep breath and sat up. That's when he noticed the covers. It wasn't a dream! He remembered her smell, the feel of her lips on his forehead, and her voice whispering about watching and protecting him always.

  He felt rested. Energized. Yet hollow. He missed her so much. He never realized how much she truly meant to him until now. Sighing heavily, he got up and headed to check on his dad. He knew his dad loved her very much. They were like kindred spirits. That made him smile. He knocked on his parents door.

  "Come in Adam." His dad replied.


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