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Gunship - The Series

Page 30

by John Davis

  Meanwhile, the only Colonial Star still intact pulled out of the fighting, setting course for deep space in wait for reinforcements that would arrive from all over the Skyla System. The Theron cruisers didn't attempt chase, knowing full well the injured Colonial ship could still deal extraordinary amounts of damage. The truth was, as the chatter hit the waves of Colonial coms on the surface of Tameca, its soldiers shared one feeling. They were alone. There was no guarantee that help was on the way, and if indeed it was, there was no exact time table for its arrival. They simply had to dig in and do their best not only to survive, but protect the citizens of this once great planet while doing so.

  “My Lord,” a Hunter said as he approached Vladris, who remained standing in the fields of gore and wrapped in his own blood covered armor of thick leather. “We went through the personal affections of their leader,” the Hunter said. “It seems there are a few Benzans living abroad, as well as a shuttle with five passengers which left only hours ago.” the Hunter added, handing the flight log to Vladris.

  The demon in charge of the group of Hunters assigned to eliminating the Benzans stood there. Silent, the tribal markings on his smooth scalp visible as the wind blew roughly, hell hound by his side.

  “The remaining elites will accompany me to Arch City, I will personally see to their executions myself. You are to return to our queen with the list of Benzans living throughout the Skyla System. Tell her of our great victory here and inform her that as soon as my task in Arch City is finished I will return to resupply and hunt the remaining.” Vladris said with authority.

  “Yes my Lord, at once.” the Hunter replied, turning to quickly execute the wishes of the elite.

  As the other two surviving elites joined Vladris in standing and looking into the falling snow which surrounded them, he finally pulled his attention away from the sky.

  “Now it is certain that we are the most dominant race in this galaxy. Our brothers fought with bravery against mortal men who fought in fear, which is why their people lay slain on the ground today and we leave to tell of the battle,” Vladris said in his deep and demonic tone. “Now we go to Arch City in order to finish our task.” he added as the three elites walked to a nearby Hunter shuttle in order to begin their journey.

  Quinton sat down at the cafeteria table next to Zane and Roman as all three men began to eat whatever it was scooped onto their tray. “Not gonna miss this food, that's for damn sure.” Zane said as he dissected it with his plastic fork.

  It was nothing more than mush formed by a large spoon and stood on its own once it hit the plate. The most common prison feast was algae, although that was a bit too luxurious for men of their standing. They usually got more along the lines of the algae leftovers mixed with thistle weed, which was the fancy name for the stringy weed that excavators removed to get to algae deposits.

  “They treat us like fucking animals.” Roman replied, eating his food without reserve which included a brown water. It was dubbed “meat juice” by the prisoners simply because it gained its brown color from softening good meat before the guards ate it.

  “They've got their shots in on me since I've been here. Slapped me around a bit, spit on me and talked down to me. When the time comes, I plan on gutting as many of these low down bastards as I can.” Roman added.

  “I don't have much of a story to tell yet, but I do know that last week I was eating buttery Tamecan crab and now this is staring me in the face.” Quinton said, pushing his plate to the side.

  “Eat my brother, we're going to need every bit of strength we can get.” Roman said, pushing the plate back in front of Quinton.

  “You got a point.” Quinton said as he slowly began to choke down each bite of the pathetic bliss of chow.

  “So, when we do get out I guess your first order of business will be with your friends and their broken promise huh?” Zane asked. Roman sat there for a few moments, his body overtaken by the numb feeling as he thought about the Gunship crew who had been saved because of his staying behind.

  “No. If Adam could have gotten me out of here he would have. It was my choice to stay behind, not his. I don't hold him at fault for this.” Roman finally replied.

  “Hell, for the right price I'll take care of him for you.” Zane said jokingly. Quickly grasping the table's edge and slinging it to the floor, Roman grabbed Zane by the front of his shirt and began pummeling him in the face with a closed fist.

  “If you ever threaten another friend of mine motherfucker I'll kill you!” Roman yelled as the prisoners began to shout in riot fashion.

  The ship's alert siren sounded loudly as shuffling feet thundered their way into the cafeteria. Meanwhile the guard in the gun cage above fired a warning shot, a stern reminder to each prisoner that any man standing when the second shot rang out would be punching his ticket to the grave. Every prisoner, including Quinton, hit the floor with their hands behind their heads as Roman and Zane continued to go at one another.

  “You're a dead man!” Zane yelled with maddened rage as he threw a hooking punch which found its mark on Roman's chin.

  Rather than stagger and fall however, Roman turned his head back to Zane and landed a rising elbow under chin and into the throat of his adversary, causing Zane to flip over a nearby table.

  By this time the ship's guards had arrived, six total were first on the scene. Closing in on Roman first, he quickly fed a back fist as he spun around, following it by a numbing elbow that nearly knocked the first guard out of his boots. Jumping onto the second guard that entered, Roman began beating the life out of the man clad in riot gear. Noticing the guard who stood in the gun cage taking aim on Roman, Quinton quickly reached for the first fallen guard's rifle, aiming with precision and hitting the chest of the cage guard which put him down abruptly.

  As the other four guards rushed into the crowded eating hall, the remainder of the prisoners quickly stood and began to overpower the seriously outnumbered officers, besting them within a few seconds. Taking both the baton and rifle of the guard he had beaten to death, Roman quickly glanced at his brother before sprinting out of the room, Quinton following with rifle in hand.

  “You're fucking dead Roman Raines, do you hear me,” Zane yelled through the crowd. “Somebody climb up and take the gun cage. You three take a rifle and secure this room, the rest of you follow me. We're taking the ship.” Zane announced while pointing his finger, the rest of the prisoners following out of his much earned respect.

  It took the Gali prison guards several minutes to truly assess what was really unfolding. A full scale riot. When they finally came to terms with prisoners running loose, well armed and programmed to kill, they sealed off as many doors as possible. Solid steel blast doors closed, their latching mechanisms locking remotely as the guards still had control of the security station.

  How long that control would last, however, remained to be seen. The security station was housed in a circular room, only accessible by a narrow catwalk, and currently it was filled with armed prisoners who were engaging the guards in a gunfight. During which, the large antenna used to communicate both throughout the ship as well as to approaching ships was destroyed. Deliberately, of course, the prisoners hoping they had done so before a distress signal could be sent.

  As she heard the news come across the com, Sarah sat in her seat, stunned just as the rest of the shuttle's crew was. “Reports indicate several thousand Colonial soldiers perished in the explosion. General Ortega has formed an operating base on Tameca's surface and is asking any civilian nearby in need of rescue, to please relocate to the large set of warehouses near the Tameca City bridge. Again, all civilians and crash survivors are being asked to make their way to the industrial section of Tameca City, the Colonials have a secure forward operating base in the warehouse section of the district. More news as we receive it.” the man's voice broadcast in a looped message across the Colonial com.

  “Oh God, I should have stayed behind.” Sarah said, her words filled with regret.

  “Sarah, there is nothing you could have done to help. You may have even been on the ship when it exploded, or fallen into the hands of Legion soldiers. General Ortega is very capable, you need to focus on the idea of possibly seeing Adam again.” Lassiter replied.

  Sarah nodded, leaning back in the plush of her chair a bit and turning her attention to the window on her left, casting stares out onto the landscape of what would soon become Arch City.

  “Don't concern yourself with the ongoing war Sarah, just focus on Adam. I want to see you happy again.” Lassier said, placing his hand on her own for a moment as she looked at him with appreciation.

  “I just hope he hasn't completely forgotten me.” she admitted, her stare never breaking from the window.

  Lassiter quickly removed his hand from Sarah's, careful not to show his growing feelings for her.

  “That's very unlikely to ever happen my lady.” he replied, at a loss as to what else he could possibly say or do to comfort her.

  Sarah knew Adam wasn't likely to forget her anytime soon, instead, she feared he had possibly grown fond of Sasha's company. She couldn't blame Sasha for wanting to be with Adam if it were the case, but that didn't make it any easier for her to think about. The fact that he was an amazing man was one thing. The fact that she may have lost the affections of such an amazing man forever was something else altogether, and the mere thought of it made her feel helpless.

  Meanwhile, the quiet continued at the rear of the shuttle, although everyone checked their weapons for readiness. Arriving at the hideout of Benzans unannounced was not wise for anyone, especially anyone bearing Colonial markings on the side of their ship. They had sought Benzans as criminals, jailed them and fired weapons on them at pretty much every opportunity. All of the soldiers aboard Tigon Twelve knew they wouldn't arrive to open arms, and killing would quite possibly ensue. They had to be prepared for anything.

  “Sir, our allies have arrived and driven the Colonial armada from our skies,” a Legion soldier said, walking quietly into the room that Lord Riven had declared his. “However, reports indicate they have help from both Gali and Sion coming.” the Legion soldier said somberly as Lord Riven stood in his chambers, staring at a battle map posted on the thick walls of the fallout shelter.

  “Good. We must welcome our allies to the fight and coordinate a strike against the Colonials who were left behind to die like the worthless cowards that they are,” Lord Riven replied. “We must do this quickly and then ready ourselves for the arrival of more invading armies. In time, enough slaying of heroes will serve as warning to anyone else that dares invade.” he added.

  “Yes sir. I will ask the Theron armada to land at once.” the soldier replied with respect.

  “Thank you my loyal friend.” Lord Riven replied.

  The bunker protecting Riven was still in good shape, repelling the attack from a dying Colonial Star less than an hour before. Other Legion strong points had not been so lucky, many of them laying in shambles, still smoking from the display of desperate measures by Colonial forces. Only a few hundred Legion soldiers remained, at least functional soldiers. Acting on Riven's orders, they began to execute their own, doing away with the injured by way of bullet rather than care for them. It was a sickening display of barbarism, but one Lord Riven felt was necessary in order to continue at full speed.

  As the Theron armada began to land its warships, flooding thousands of fresh bodies to the fight, Admiral Sweed remained on his ship under heavy escort as he awaited a meeting with Lord Riven. His warriors, with skin of deep tan and eyes of greyish tint, were human in every other sense of the word. A heart beat inside of their chest, and they walked upright on two legs with two arms holding weaponry. Still, the eerie sight of their gaze and complexion was not a welcome sight for most. Lord Riven and his Legion faithful were the exception, greeting their longtime allies as if they were brothers.

  “My lady, we are only a few minutes out.” the Colonial pilot said said as Tigon Twelve began to descend from the stars into the thick snow clouds of the Benzan's last known hideout.

  “Would be best if you stay aboard until we meet the Benzans face to face in order to be sure of peaceful talks,” Lassister said. “Sarah, I insist.” he added, cutting her off before she could even respond.

  Sarah simply agreed with a nod of the head as the Colonial soldiers and Husk all double checked their weapons and inspected every inch of body armor.

  “Sir, something's not right!” the shuttle's captain shouted back into the passenger area as the loud thrusters of the ship nearly overwhelmed his words.

  Sarah's heart began to plunge as she saw huge stacks of smoke rising from what remained of the hideout, most of the buildings burned to the ground with only the lodge remaining. Moments later, mountains of slain bodies became visible to the crew. The crisp from cold corpses left laying in the snow, immediately bringing Sarah to tears. Her sudden burst of emotion became a heavy cry as the shuttle touched down onto the blanket of while, Husks exiting first with large rifles at the ready.

  Even for the Husk, the sight was grim. Severed limbs, mortal wounds of gunshot entry points and burning flesh stood visible to them, a small river of blood flowing through the snow beyond their ship a bit. The Hunters had been here, that much was evident by their fallen warriors laying in the deepening drifts of snow. The surviving vampires had taken their time before leaving, that much was also evident by the gruesome cutting and maiming of the already fallen Benzans. They had taken their time with them, filleting the flesh from bone whenever possible. After looking around the immediate area thoroughly, the Husk warriors motioned the rest of the Colonials outside.

  The remainder of the crew exited slowly, Sarah under the protection and escort of the Goliath V2 units.

  “You men search the lodge, find any records or information that may lead to Adam.” Lassiter said.

  “Yes sir!” the Colonial soldiers replied, quickly turning to execute his order. Meanwhile the Husk soldiers searched the dead, at least what was left of them, in hopes of some indication of Adam's whereabouts.

  “Don't worry Sarah, if Adam is here we will find him.” Lassiter said, attempting to comfort the hysterical woman who was deeply in love.

  “The battle is still fresh, not more than a day ago.” one of the Husk announced, walking toward Sarah and Lassiter. “No Hunter ships remain, which would lead us to believe that they walked away when the battle was over.” he added.

  “I can't live without him Eric...I just can't.” Sarah said to Lieutenant Lassiter as the small Colonial crew continued searching for clues of both battle, and the whereabouts of Adam Michaels.

  “I understand Sarah, believe me, not a day goes by that I wonder what a life with Kelly would be like.” Lassiter replied.

  Rather than respond, Sarah stood silently in shock, the heavy snowfall bringing large flakes quietly to the ground. Lassiter took her with his free arm, holding her close to comfort her while his remaining hand gripped a black combat pistol. As the frozen water constructed with such beauty fell onto her, covering her hair and shoulders a bit, Sarah prayed. She simply couldn't survive without the one man who would have loved her unconditionally. Thinking of him made her breathe heavily, thinking of his demise made her not want to breathe at all.

  Her life had been mounted onto the wrong beliefs for so long now, she wanted to change, wanted so badly to be truly happy. And that simply wasn't possible without Adam. So she prayed as hard as she could ever remember praying.

  “Sir,” one of the Colonial soldiers yelled, sprinting over to Lassiter's location. “It looks like a Benzan shuttle was logged as leaving shortly before the battle. Heading for Arch City.” the soldier added. Lassiter turned to face Sarah, who was sobbing uncontrollably.

  “My lady, Arch City is where the Gali prison transports are based. Could very well be Adam attempting to rescue Roman.” Lassiter said, loosening his grip of her, though he didn't want to.

  Stopping in mid sob out of shock, Sarah
continued to look at Lassiter as she began to wonder if it was a possibility. If maybe God had answered her prayers in only a matter of seconds.

  Was there a single moment waiting, a moment that she would be held by Adam Michaels once more? Sarah would have gladly traded the remainder of her life for one such moment.

  “If we are going, we need to go now,” one of the Husk said, holding up a gothic style medallion. “Hunter Elites fought in this battle, meaning they were here to wipe the Benzans out. Good bet they know about Adam's shuttle and are tracking it as well.” he added.

  “Hunter Elites?” one of the Coloniel soldiers asked.

  “Yes,” the Husk warrior replied. “Not something we want to run into. Trust me. And if we do, best be damn good and prepared for one hell of a fight. A fight like you've never seen before.” the Husk replied.

  He went on to explain the superior skills of a Hunter Elite, how they were born to end lives, direct offspring of the queen as well as only the most tenacious fighters turned undead.

  “It has to be Adam's shuttle, he's nowhere to be found here.” a second Husk said.

  “My lady, we need to go now if there is any chance of saving him,” Lassiter said. Sarah agreed with a shaking of her head as Lassiter began to recall everyone back to the ship. “Don't worry Sarah, we have enough muscle here to take out a Hunter group, elites or otherwise.” Lassiter said as they boarded, although the Husk soldiers knew better.

  “Well, that went well.” Quinton said as both he and Roman took a moment to rest behind a large system of piping.

  “I can do complicated as long as we get the fuck off of this ship.” Roman replied.

  “Good. From the sound of things it's going to be real complicated,” Quinton said as heavy gunfire was being exchanged throughout the ship. “Think he is really capable of taking the ship?” Quinton asked.


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