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Gunship - The Series

Page 31

by John Davis

  “Not sure and don't care. As long as we can take the landing bay when the time comes, he can have the ship and all of the bad memories that go along with it.” Roman replied.

  “How are you on ammo brother?” Quinton asked.

  “About three fourths full.” Roman replied after glancing down at the neon green charge count on the rifle's side.

  “A little under halfway for me.” Quinton said.

  “As long as we do things smart and conserve what we can we should be fine,” Roman replied, tucking the officer's baton into the back of his prison issued pants. “We'll lay low and let Zane fight it out with the guards. All we need to do is worry about whoever is left standing when the transport ship arrives.” Roman added.

  After nearly an hour of gunfire being exchanged, the armed prisoners finally took the Security room, allowing them to unseal the ship's locked down hatches and move around at will. The Gali prison guards were highly trained, most of them former commandos themselves. However, they were outnumbered, if not overwhelmed by the volume of prisoners on the overpopulated ship. Before they were given warning, a third or more of the ship had already been lost to them.

  For hours the sound of heavy gunfire throughout the ship continued, Gali trained guards fighting the massive riot of former Gali soldiers turned prisoner. Both Quinton and Roman waited patiently as they remained out of sight, positioned behind a large set of steam filled pipes. For the first time in many years Roman began thinking about his past, something he usually avoided. Looking down to his scarred body, he remembered the Goliath parts that had been forcefully removed and events that led him to having them in the first place.

  He thought about everything, even the lies both he and Quinton had told Zane. Glancing at Zane for a moment, he nodded his appreciation. They were indeed like brothers, but for very different reasons than those Zane had been given. Greyspine. Yea, Roman had been there, and he had indeed killed the Queen of Hunters on that very day. But he was not a Gali commando, not even a soldier in the least. He wasn't even supposed to be there. He was a terrorist, at least he had been for the majority of his life. His family had been murdered at the hands of Hunters, that much was true. Quinton and family had taken him in, though the family was a terrorist group named Black Cell.

  Watching his family cut down in cold blood had done something to Roman. Opened his eyes, if nothing else, to the reality of how the world worked. The strong survived. And he had promised himself he would survive at any cost while slaying as many Hunters as he possibly could. After Black Cell fell to the Hunters, Roman and a handful of its members went on the run.

  Killing the Hunter Queen, Black Cell had been dressed as though they were Gali soldiers. Rather than watching his government sign a treaty of peace with the murdering bastards who had slain his family, he watched the Hunters blame Gali. They called it a setup, and soon that led to war. The war between Gali and the Hunter tribes lasted nearly two years with neither side declaring victory. The Hunters had been killed to the point of near extinction, while Gali fell from a major power throughout the Skyla System to merely an afterthought. Their ranks had depleted to crisis levels.

  They never signed a treaty of peace. Instead, there was a unspoken understanding between the Gali and Hunter tribes. They kept their distance. Live and let live. So many had died on both sides, all because of Black Cell. If they were found in Hunter occupied space, the members of the former terrorist group were painfully executed. As they were rounded up in Gali occupied space, they weren't given the pleasure of death, instead sent to live out a life unfit for a dog aboard this prison ship of horrors. As Roman looked himself from toe to hand slowly, he knew it in his heart. He would never stop killing. Hunters and sympathisers of Hunters. They were and would always be his targets.

  Meeting Adam and his crew, Roman's agenda had first been to kill the crew and take the ship. Planning to find as many members of Black Cell as he possibly could and continue the fight. What he quickly discovered, however, was the feeling of family aboard the Gunship. He began to like Adam and crew, feeling accepted among them. They treated him with respect, he felt as though they were what his brothers and sisters would have been like if not slain by the Hunters.

  Soon Roman's motives changed and he just wanted to remain with the Gunship crew, hoping to outrun his past forever. As he stared across to Quinton, Roman began to wonder who he was. Was he still the terrorist linked to Black Cell, the killer who had sworn his life to ending the Hunter race? Or had his time with Adam and crew changed him? He knew that in not so many days he would be faced with the very decision, and he wasn't sure where his heart would lead him.

  “There you are, we have been wondering where you took off to.” Adam said as he slowly approached Sasha. She had made her way back to the shuttle, sitting on its steel ramp and watching the night life of Arch City unfold.

  “I'm fine. Just spend so much time in space anymore that when I get a chance to sit and watch the world in motion, I like to take it.” Sasha replied.

  “Mind if I sit with you?” Adam asked, his curious affections for her growing stronger by the minute.

  “As long as you don't pull out any of those horrible pickup lines.” she replied, both of them laughing as they thought of Dalton's poorly choreographed one liners, many of which had already been used tonight.

  Though he had seen no payoff on the empty compliments as of the moment, Dalton began to see a trend. His furry friend Whiskey attracted women, a lot of them, which made him man's best friend indeed.

  “Listen,” Sasha said, continuing to stare across the highway to the hotel where they would all spend the night, though Dalton's would more than likely be spent in the lobby bar. “I hope I haven't put any pressure on you. It wasn't my intention at all.” Sasha said softly, turning to Adam as they continued to sit on the shuttle's ramp, their arms wrapped around peaking knees in front of them.

  “You haven't,” Adam said, pulling his left arm up and placing it around the shoulders of Sasha to pull her close. “Besides, I'm the great Captain Adam Michaels. I am wired to deal with pressure.” he said mockingly as they both laughed softly.

  “Yea, you are quite the living legend.” Sasha replied, smacking him on the arm playfully. Moments later, they had engulfed one another with a shared kiss, a deep linking of lips which drown in life altering passion.

  The kiss was fantastic, and they both silently agreed on the fact. Looking into each others' eyes afterward and sharing a moment that no amount of time could ever take away.

  “So, I'm not completely over her. Just so you know.” Adam said, continuing to hold Sasha with his left arm as they turned their attention back to the hotel.

  Finally he felt comfortable enough to admit his lingering feelings for Sarah Blaine.

  “I know. I'm alright with that as long as what we do have is something real.” Sasha replied.

  “It's real,” Adam said. “Just wanted to be up front about my feelings is all. Us smugglers and our damn passion for telling the truth.” he added as Sasha turned to look at him with sarcasm.

  “What about Kraid, are you over him?” Adam asked.

  “Um, yea. Only about five years ago.” Sasha replied, huffing a bit.

  “Relax, I was just asking.” Adam replied in his own defense.

  “In the spirit of honesty though, I don't think he's over me.” Sasha said.

  “In the spirit of honesty,” Adam agreed, both of them giggling once more. “Means he either plans to kill me or sent his boys to make sure I stay away from you.” Adam said.

  “Why do you say that?” Sasha asked.

  “Call it a smuggler's intuition. That and the fact that they are heading this way.” Adam replied, Sasha quickly turning to see both Primal and Stage making their way across the busy street.

  “Damn.” Sasha said out of frustration.

  “It's alright. That kiss will be lasting me several hours yet.” Adam replied, smiling as he turned to his sparking love interest.

/>   “We were able to knock down the transmission tower. Looks like we control the mess hall, security room, cell blocks one through seven and about a third of the administrative wing. The man still controls the rest.” one of the prisoners said as he stood holding a riot style shotgun.

  “Concentrate as much manpower as you can on the administrative wing. We take that, we take the ship's armory.” Zane replied. He was certainly in command, several loyal friends at his side as they worked on a strategy to take the remainder of the ship.

  “We outnumber them by a long shot, but they're well trained,” Zane said as the group looked on. “We need to take the armory and keep the landing bay. If we lose the landing bay then we lose our ticket off of this ship.” he added.

  “What about Roman?” one of the prisoners asked.

  “You let me worry about Roman Raines. You just keep that landing bay secure and we'll leave his ass here high and dry to sort it all out after the fact, and that's only if I don't find him first,” Zane replied as he shouldered a shotgun and motioned two of his loyal friends to accompany him. “Time to go hunting boys. Time to go hunting.” he added.

  “Look, all I'm saying is that I should be getting paid fifteen percent from you, combat pay from the Colonials and 'aint seen a damn dime of nothing,” Dalton said as he sat with Adam at the long bar of wood and silver polish. “Which is why drinks should be on you.” he added.

  “I'd be glad to pay for drinks if you didn't bang 'em down like you had one day left to live. Not to mention you've bought every woman in here a drink, and most of them more than one.” Adam said, a wide smile on his face.

  “I may only have a day left, hell, with some of the shit you drag us into it's anybody's guess.” Dalton replied.

  “Tell you what. I'll pay up if you get rid of that raggedy brown coat once and for all.” Adam said, stoking the already emotionally intoxicated Dalton James.

  “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on buddy,” Dalton said loudly, drawing unwanted attention from several of the patrons. “The brown coat stays!” he added.

  “Here,” Sasha said, slapping enough credits onto the bar to pay for Dalton's venture. “Now shut up and quick bringing stares our way, we're here to pull off a heist for God's sake.” she added sternly.

  “What about Whiskey?” Dalton demanded to know, his trusted pooch to be treated like royalty now that he understood a woman's attraction to such a cute dog.

  “Sure, order any drink you want.” Sasha quickly responded, staring at Adam for a moment in disbelief.

  “I meant the dog.” Dalton said loudly, his demands ignored. “Damn she's got an ass on her.” he mumbled, watching the Benzan beauty walk away, her heart shaped backside bouncing inside form fitting pants.

  One of the bar's video feeds switched to the news coming out of Tameca, causing the entire crew to once again join Dalton at the bar in silence as they watched on. It was one of those sobering moments in life, an event takes place and you know that it will remain written in history forever. You never forget where you are when the news arrives, and for everyone here, they remember the bartender turning the volume up loud enough for everyone to hear clearly.

  The hardest hitting of the video segment was a montage of photos showing the level of savagery in which civilians were being murdered. It was the news of a downed Colonial Star, however, that hit Adam hardest as he tried to catch his breath; feeling as though he had been kicked directly in the stomach. He waited, hanging his hopes on every word of the news journalist as he awaited the fate of Sarah Blaine. Instead, they didn't mention her name a single time. She is the elected Colonial leader for God's sake! Adam thought, stunned of no news on the woman his heart still hurt for.

  “Bet them 'sumbitches are getting' paid,” Dalton said loudly, several patrons of the bar, including his own crew, turning to look in disbelief. “That's right folks, my name is Dalton James and I work for a deadbeat employer.” he added, bringing chuckling in the rear of the gathered group.

  “Dalton, people are dying.” Sasha said snidely.

  “People are always dying. That's politics for you. That's why, unlike pretty women and whiskey, I just can't do 'em,” he replied, changing his facial expression a bit. “I mean whiskey as in the drink.” he added.

  Sasha, who began to reflect on her own family being murdered as she watched the events unfold on the video feed, grew angry and wanted to lash out at the drunken man.

  “Hey, just let it go,” Adam said, grabbing her softly and immediately noticing the hurt in her eyes. “Want to walk outside for a few minutes, just the two of us?” Adam asked, turning to gaze at Stage and Primal as if to dare them to join.

  Rather than respond, Sasha got up slowly to accompany him and stared through Dalton with anger as she walked away.

  “Guess she's a voter.” Dalton remarked as Primal began to explain the fate of her family.

  “What's going on?” Adam asked with sincerity as both he and Sasha walked away from the hotel a bit, approaching a metal bench located nearby as the hustle and bustle of citizens continued walking around them.

  “I don't know. Seeing those video feeds just made me think about my family I guess. It's tough to walk through the day as though nothing is bothering me.” Sasha replied.

  Her words struck home with Adam, who found himself pushing through each day as though it were an uphill battle as well, wanting to hold Sarah Blaine one last time.

  “Try to focus on the positive things. We're together, we're out in space enjoying a freedom which many will never know. The past can't be changed, no matter how hard we wish it,” Adam said. “What you need to understand is, my heart still isn't completely free. Soon, there will come a time when it is and when that happens I'll be knocking down your door begging for a chance to be with you. Hell, any sane guy would. You're beautiful, intelligent and I gotta admit you have a knack with handguns.” he added, bringing a brilliantly sweet smile to her face as he placed a finger on her cheek to wipe away the most visible tear.

  “And Dalton...” Adam began to say.

  “Ohh GOD, Dalton James.” Sasha replied with exhausted patience. “I know. Believe me, I know. Please understand though, he's a good friend and I would do anything for him. Just like I would you.” Adam replied, slowly placing his arm around Sasha to hug her a bit in the chilled night.

  “Adam Michaels, you are a good man.” Sasha said, enjoying the moment as she sat there, held by a man who had her heart and genuinely cared for her.

  “Yea, well there are at least a dozen outstanding warrants that say otherwise.” Adam replied, both of them starting to laugh quietly as a light rain began to fall.

  First as nothing more than a mist, the water quickly became heavier. Rather than run for the hotel, Adam pulled his climate jacket up, placing it above both of their heads as Sasha's face remained pinned to his chest.

  As the thick cold of rain fell, Adam protected Sasha with his jacket, using his other arm to hold her tightly as they kissed. Their bodies, even souls, connected at that very moment. Lips passionately feeling each other out as Adam's hand moved up, his fingers quickly flowing through her satin black hair. The rain fell so hard that it was almost impossible to see ahead. Almost. Unfortunately for them both, Stage saw the blossoming love unfolding as he stood at the front entrance of the hotel, watching his leader's love falling for another.

  “They're hitting us with everything they have sir.” Lieutenant Scott said loudly, the pounding of lead hitting weakening concrete. He stood in one of the building's interior hallways with several Colonial soldiers, including General Ortega.

  “I don't care how much they hit us with Lieutenant, these civilians are to be protected at all costs. Is that understood.” Ortega asked.

  “Yes sir. I only fear that soon we will have no walls protecting them.” Lieutenant Scott said.

  “Then we will throw our own bodies in front of bullets to protect them until help arrives. Is that understood?” General Ortega said sternly.
  “Yes sir, of course.” Scott replied.

  Outside the warehouse, dozens of armored Theron vehicles continued their barrage of gunfire onto the crumbling outer walls. Grey slate turning to rubble and sliding down, both Theron and Legion soldiers by the hundreds waiting a safe distance back, ready to enter and kill everyone when the time was right.

  As General Ortega entered one of the larger rooms on the hall, his two posted Colonial soldiers moved aside to allow his entrance. Nearly fifty refugees, most of them women and children, sat in the floor.

  They had been battered by the stench of war, most of them bloodied and holding their children's ears as the building rocked from intense gunfire.

  “Excuse me. Sir. Can you please talk to my son, explain to him we will be alright.” a woman said, slowly approaching Ortega.

  She wore what once was a very upscale business outfit, dress pants and button up shirt; covered in the fog of war of course. Dirt and blood was all over the woman who was obviously someone of importance, at least before Tameca City had been destroyed. The general skimmed the room and saw it on all of their faces, even in the eyes of his posted soldiers. They saw no hope. They needed reassurance that victory was still possible.

  General Ortega approached the young boy as the entire room fell silent, eyes fixed onto the fearless leader of the Colonial effort.

  “Have you ever seen a Husk son?” General Ortega asked, kneeling down to the young boy of no more than six years of age.

  “No sir.” the boy replied timidly.

  “Husk are some of the most battle-tested warriors the Skyla System has to offer. They are strong, savage and much more capable than the cowards who are outside right now firing their weapons at us,” Ortega said, standing a bit so he may address the rest of the people in the room as well. “All we have to do is hold out. Gali has sent a large force of soldiers to help all of us, and with them, thousands of Husk will also arrive. All we need to do is hold on until they get here,” General Ortega said. “And son, I promise you this,” he added, bending over once more to place his right hand onto the shoulder of the young boy. “My soldiers will hold this factory and keep you safe until that time comes.” General Ortega said, bringing a huge smile to the face of the young man and reassurance to the rest of the refugees who looked on.


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