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Page 7

by Riley Edwards

  My stomach started to twist. Is that what he thought about me? Of course, it was. I was nothing more than a warm body to pass the time with. Nothing more. Nothing special. Nothing memorable. As a matter of fact, the Barrack Bunnies had more going for them than I did. They seemed to embrace who they were, and God knows, they had way more experience than I did.

  “You are not one of them,” Clark said, seemingly reading my mind. “Not even close. That is just a small part of what makes this different for me. It also means that we need to talk.”

  Sweet baby Jesus! I didn’t want to talk about sex, or what had already happened between us. Which was funny because when I was a teenager, my mom used to tell me that if I was too embarrassed to talk about sex, I wasn’t ready to be having it. Now here I was, sitting on the couch next to a man that was far too sexy for me, not wanting to talk about the very act I wanted to have with him. I was acting like a child.

  “I want to have sex with you.”

  There I said it. Unfortunately, my outburst only made me sound like an idiot. Clark nearly choked on his coffee when he turned his wide shock-filled eyes toward me. “Glad to hear it, because I want to have more than just sex with you and it would really suck if you didn’t feel the same way. First things first. I’m clean. We all get tested every month for work, and I haven’t been with anyone since my last test.”

  Oh shit, we were doing this, having a mature adult conversation about our sexual history. Right. Okay. It was the responsible thing to do, but now I had to say out loud and admit I was nowhere in his league of sexual equivalence.

  “I have had two lovers. One was my senior year of high school. I lost my virginity the weekend of prom. Don’t say it, cliché I know. I was almost eighteen and just wanted it over with. We had sex a few times. It wasn’t good. Then he dumped me. Number two was my sophomore year of college. The sex was equally as disappointing, but Tom was a nice guy, so it made up for it. There have been a few guys since I’ve made out with, but that’s it.”

  I was seriously pathetic. Not because I didn’t sleep around. I was picky about what kind of laundry soap I used; I think that I should be more particular about who got to touch and see my vagina than if Tide made my clothes smell funny or not. I felt like a pitiful girl who couldn’t find a date. While I told Clark the truth, there had been a few guys I’d made out with, that number was actually three. I’d dated three men in the last three years. I had kissed a total of six guys my entire life.

  Maybe if I learned some good old fashioned social skills men wouldn’t run for the hills as fast as their legs could carry them.

  Chapter Nine

  Two. She told me she’d only seen two men naked before, so I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but I was. I also knew that I was the only man to ever bring her to orgasm; however, the thought that she’d only had two lovers did crazy shit to me.

  I wanted to fuck her until she forgot there were two men before me, then lock her in my house and make sure there was never a number four, but I knew that would never happen. The attraction I had for her would die off after a few days, a week if we were lucky, then she’d be gone.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that – jackass.

  What the fuck was wrong with the men in Montana? She was beautiful, smart, and had a wicked sense of humor. The girl had me laughing more than any person I’d ever met. That was what made her so irresistible; she made me laugh without thought or trying to do so. She always had me in stitches. It wouldn’t be long before some lucky son-of-a-bitch snatched her up and married her.

  “What else do we need to talk about?” she asked, pulling me from my stupor.

  What else? My mind went blank when she fidgeted with her now empty coffee cup and set it on the table. Just enough of my shirt she was wearing pulled up, exposing the outside of her thigh when she leaned toward the table.

  “It’s important to me that you understand I don’t want us being physical to change our friendship. I like you and don’t want any hurt feelings when this ends. I can’t give you more than a few nights.”

  “You already explained that. I told you I understood. What’s the problem?” she snapped.

  I brushed a few strands of her shiny golden hair away from her face and left my hand on her cheek. “No problem. Just double checking we’re on the same page. I don’t want to screw this up.”

  “We’re on the same page. Orgasms. Nothing more.” She leaned into my touch, making my cock stir. “Now, we’ve talked. Can we go back to your room?”

  This girl was going to be my downfall. No ifs, ands, or buts. She was going to kill me.

  “Yeah. We can.” I didn’t waste any more time talking; I tugged her hand, and she stood with me. She followed me into my bedroom, not bothering to close the door behind us as I led us to my bed. I was thankful that I’d never had another woman in my house or my bed. It seemed fitting that Reagan would forever be the only woman who’d grace my personal space. Long after she was gone, there was no doubt I’d lie in my bed and remember her.

  “Last chance to change your mind,” I told her and reached for the hem of my tee. Even in the oversized shirt, with her hair wet from our shower, she looked stunning.

  “I want you to fuck me.” The blush told me she wasn’t used to saying those words. As a matter of fact, I’d bet my retirement she’d never uttered them to another man. Yet here she was, bold as brass, telling me exactly what she wanted.

  “I’m not going to fuck you.” I placed a finger to her lips when she tried to protest. “I’m going to lie you out, spread your sexy thighs, and eat you until you come on my tongue and fingers. After that, I’m going to clean you up and take you to get some breakfast before I go to work. Tonight, after I cook you dinner and we talk some more, if you still feel the same way, I will fuck you until you see stars. But not until then. I want you spending the day thinking about what it will be like to have this…” I grabbed her hand and pressed it against my cock. Her fingers flexed, and I pushed myself harder against her now rubbing palm. “Replace my finger. Image what I can do to you with my cock if I can make you come around my finger.” I pulled the tee over her head and tossed in on the floor, leaving her naked in front of me. “You are fucking beautiful Reagan. All of you, inside and out. I’ve never met someone so extraordinary. Get up on the bed.”

  She scrambled to do my bidding. I stopped her when she tried to drop to her back. “Don’t move.”

  My hands went to her ass, and I had to force myself to go slow.

  “But… you can… see my… ass,” she grouched.

  “Yeah babe, I can. I see everything from this angle. I’ve been dying to get my hands on your sweet ass since I saw you. You were listening to Sam Hunt, and my first thought was that song was written for you. A body like yours, soft in all the right places and tight and strong where it matters, needs to be worshipped. I’m having to use all my control to go slow.” I squeezed the toned flesh of her ass, and she moaned. “Has anyone ever gone down on you?”

  I don’t know why I asked her that. I almost told her not to tell me when she pushed her ass back into my grip and answered. “Never.”

  I lowered my head and flattened my tongue, licking her from slit to ass, getting my first taste of her.

  “So damn sweet, Reagan. Crawl onto the bed a little farther. Perfect.”

  With one more swipe of my tongue, I pulled away so I could lie on my back under her, essentially having her sit on my face. Using both my thumbs, I spread her wide and went to work.

  It didn’t take long for her to start grinding her pussy on my face. The throbbing in my cock intensified each time she rocked her hips.

  “Nolan,” she panted. I was too busy to answer her verbally, but my thumb added more pressure on her clit. Her legs were trembling, and I could feel her pulling at the sheets near my head. “Nolan.”

  “Relax, Rea.”

  “I can’t. I’m afraid I’ll lose my balance and suffocate you.”

  Making the decision not to a
rgue with her about whether or not I’d let her suffocate me, I quickly pulled out from under her and flipped her on her back. My fingers found her wet heat and my mouth latched on to her clit, sucking hard. Reagan squirmed and pulled my hair.

  “Oh my god.”

  “Now let go and come in my mouth.”

  I went back to work on her clit and didn’t let up until I felt her tighten around my finger. When she finally let out a guttural moan, I slowed down, gently licking her, bringing her back down.

  After a few beats, she opened her eyes and gazed down at me.

  “Holy hell! That was awesome.”

  My lips twitched, and I smiled against her thigh. That was an understatement. She was stunning when she let go. My cock couldn’t wait to get inside of her.

  After I cleaned her up and gave her back my tee, she slipped out of my room to get dressed for the day. When she emerged from the guest room, looking stunning, I couldn’t help the smugness that crept into my stride as I moved to the front door. I was almost positive I was strutting. Her cheeks were still flushed, and she had a smile on her face that screamed satisfied. There was no way that Jasper would miss the look. No man would.

  The conversation at breakfast was light. She told me a little about the company she was working for in Florida and what her job in public relations entailed. She was passionate and smart; there was no limit on how much this woman impressed me.

  I was relieved when I saw Jasper had already left for the base, but it reminded me I was running late.

  “Thanks for breakfast,” Reagan said and reached for the door.

  “I’m the one that should be thanking you.” I was happy when the pink in her cheeks made an appearance. “I’ll be around to pick you up around five.”


  I watched her as she made her way to the front door and knocked. When Emily opened it, she turned and waved, a huge smile on her pretty face.

  Yeah, there was no way Reagan knew how to play it cool and run a game on a man. Her goofy wave was proof positive.

  Chapter Ten

  “’Bout time your lazy ass showed up,” Lenox called from across the room. I scanned the space, noting I was the last one to arrive.

  Levi was at his computer not bothering to spare me a glance when he asked, “Dude, are you wearing cologne?”

  I tossed my keys on my desk next to his and answered with a middle finger, though I doubt he noticed as he pounded away on his keyboard.

  “Busy morning?” Blake added.

  At that moment I regretted encouraging her to move down to Georgia to give Levi’s ass a second chance. I had to pull a few strings and call in a favor with the Commander to get her assigned to the 707. Neither Blake nor Levi knew the lengths I’d gone to, to ensure her transfer went through. Blake fit in with the team seamlessly. She was a necessary and welcomed addition. Not only was she a kick-ass field agent but her instincts were spot on. She’d saved Levi’s life, uncaring she could’ve been killed in the process. Anyone who would lay their life down for one of my brothers had my gratitude and loyalty. However, right now, I wanted to gag her ass before she could further encourage the guys to bust my balls.

  I ignored her and studied the blueprints and HVAC schematic on the big screen mounted on the wall.

  “What rig is that?” I asked Jasper as he considered the monitor as well.

  “The Horizon III,” he answered and scowled at me. “How’s Reagan?”

  “Fine.” His eyes narrowed at my short answer. The trouble with working with a team where you literally bled together, killed together, and saved each other’s lives, it was nearly impossible to keep secrets. We knew each other too well. “I dropped her off at your house before I came in.”

  “Good. Em wanted her input on the new wedding plans.”

  “How are those coming?” I asked.

  “Same as last night when we talked about them. What aren’t you telling me?”



  What was I going to tell him? Oh, well, I finger fucked her to her first orgasm, then I showered with her, after that I ate her out until she exploded on my tongue and it was so fucking sweet I can still taste her. But don’t worry, I fed her breakfast. And tonight, I plan on fucking her senseless because she makes me lose my ever-loving mind. Yeah, I liked my balls too much to tell him all of that.

  “Can we get back to work? I swear it’s turned into a daytime drama around here,” Levi said as if he didn’t start this line of commentary with his cologne comment.

  “Where is that rig located?” I asked, thankful for the change of topic.

  “In The Gulf. One hundred and thirty miles off the coast of Texas. The more important question is why are there tugs still operating out to an abandoned platform,” Blake answered.

  “Do you have satellite of the rig?” I asked.

  “No, not yet. We only now have enough intel to request a drone feed. The actual deep-water well was capped five years ago, but the platform has remained in position,” she added.

  “Can it move?” Lenox asked.

  “Yes. It is a semi-submersible and is moored to the seafloor. Alger Energy has left a fifty-million-dollar floating city sitting in The Gulf,” Blake answered. “I started watching the patterns of the oil rig tug boats leaving out of southern Texas when there was chatter from eco-terrorists about planting explosives on the platforms. The chatter came from a group based out of Brownsville. When a tug started making trips from South Padre Island out to the Horizon III, I concentrated on those trips to and from.”

  “I don’t get it. Why did that boat gain your attention?” Levi inquired.

  “First, because it was close to Brownsville and second, South Padre is not a usual port for an employee transport boat to leave from. Also, a transport boat takes workers to the rig, drops them off, picks up the crew that is rotating off and comes back to shore the same day. This boat goes out and stays out anywhere from five to ten days, sometimes longer. There is no rhyme or reason to how long it stays. One time I went down there and waited for the boat to return and no crew came off. I also ran the images I took of the captain through facial recognition and got no hits. I sent the image to your tablets and to the Commander.”

  Before I could get my tablet out of my desk, Levi had the image on the screen. White male, early thirties. A little young to be a tugboat captain, but not unheard of. His features look to be American or European descent. There was nothing unique about him. Even his clothes were nondescript. No name tags, brand names, or logos visible. He looked like any other fisherman from the area.

  “All of the images I have of him are the same. Mr. John Doe is plain and smart. I followed him into a local bar, and he went to the back where the restrooms were and never returned, leaving his beer and lunch untouched.”

  “Did he make you?” Levi asked, even though we all knew the answer to that.

  “Not a chance,” Blake smirked.

  “What does the Commander say?” Lenox asked.

  “We’re in a wait and see holding pattern. He’s approved the drone; unfortunately, this doesn’t take priority, and we are about fifth in line before we get to use one. While threats to blow up an oil rig is illegal, the higher-ups don’t think it’s a matter of national security.”

  “What does your gut tell you, Blake?” I asked.

  Blake’s heels clicked on the floor as she paced the worn concrete floor of the hangar. I was getting ready to comment on the absurdity of her wearing business attire to the old Army outbuilding when she spoke. “Something doesn’t feel right. If the group was planning on planting bombs on different rigs, why does the boat only visit an abandoned platform? Wouldn’t it be traveling to multiple rigs - learning their crew rotations?” She posed it as a question, but we all understood it was her way of talking it out. “But the boat goes out at night not returning for days. It also departs from a private dock. A crew boat wouldn’t do that.”

  “So, what are you thinking?”
Lenox asked, looking closely at the blueprints of the Horizon III.

  “I’m not sure. But I’d bet the chatter was code, fake. It’s dumb luck we’ve stumbled onto something else entirely. Once we have visual on the platform, I’ll have a better idea what we’re dealing with.”

  “Shit, this thing is huge,” Lenox noted.

  “Almost two football fields. I told you it was a floating city.”

  “Why don’t we go out there for a RECON op?” Jasper asked, and the rest of us simultaneously groaned. “Not that I want to go out, but fuck, I also don’t want to wait weeks to find out what the hell is going on out there. I agree with Blake; something is not right.”

  “I mentioned that to the Commander, and he said no.”

  Thank fuck. I didn’t want to have to leave on a mission that would take me away from Reagan when she’d only be here another few days or a few weeks tops, especially when we were just getting to the fun stuff.

  “Anything else for today?” I asked.


  “Not from me.”


  “No, but if you’re going to PT I’ll come with you,” Jasper said.

  Damn. That was another problem; the guys knew my daily routine. I always PT’d after our morning brief if there was nothing else pressing to take care of. Again, I couldn’t lie to him without him knowing, so I was fucked. I wanted time alone to sort my head out before I went back to his house and picked up Reagan. I also needed to think about if I was going to tell him about my nightmare. If Reagan told Emily, and Emily told Jasper, and I hadn’t told him myself, he’d be pissed. Rightfully so. I hadn’t had a chance to think about the best way to broach the subject without him asking a hundred questions.

  “Yeah, I’m headed there now.”

  The drive to the base gym was quiet. I was lost in thought about Reagan when Jasper sighed and turned the stereo off. “What happened?”


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