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Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

Page 19

by Erin Osborne

  Shadow grabs her by her arm, not hard enough to hurt her, just enough to ensure that she’s following him to the room she used to have here. Everyone out in the common room is looking on to see what’s going to happen next. Riley shocks the shit out of me and takes the lead to let the rest of the club girls and the strippers from the Kitty Kat know how things are going to go from here on out.

  “Listen up! You all know that Darcy is with Crash and Trojan and I’m with Gage. Most of the guys from Clifton Falls are married, and you know this as well. If you want to remain a part of this club, then you’re going to have respect and not go after anyone that you know has an old lady or is in a relationship of any kind. From now on, you answer to me and if I’m not here, then to Darcy. We give you an answer about something, you will follow it. I’m not going to tolerate you pitting anyone against one another, especially the men and their woman. And, I’m not going to let you get away with not pulling your weight around here. In the next few days, we’ll be sitting down and going over the new rules for you, is that understood?” Riley asks, looking at all the club girls and the strippers that are currently here.

  When no one responds, I speak up. Not to undermine my girl, but to show that I’m on board with everything she just said to them. “You heard my girl, you will be answering to her from now on. If she says you’re out, then you’re out. No one will go over her head to one of the men in the club. Riley is your queen now and she will be listened to,” I say, pulling her even closer to my side.

  After a minute of complete silence, everyone in the common room begins to clap and shout. They’re all so proud of Riley and the way that she’s standing up for herself right now. She’s asserting her own dominance when it comes to me and her role in this club now. It’s sexy as fuck to see her standing on her own two feet and letting everyone know that I’m off limits, while making sure that the club girls know that the rest of the men that are attached to someone is off the market too.

  Pulling my girl back in the office, I slam the door shut and push her against the door, following her with my body. Our lips slam together, and I can’t get close enough to her while we still have clothes on. So, I break contact and bring her over to my desk.

  “This is gonna be hard and fast, beautiful. Need you right now, though,” I tell her, letting her know what my intentions are already.

  Instead of bending her over the desk, I set her on top of the desk so that nothing is pressing against our baby. Riley is wearing a short jean skirt, so all I have to do is remove her panties and take my jeans down. Later on tonight I’ll take my time with her, savor her body and show her the worship that she deserves.

  “Please fuck me, Brock!” she says, burying her face into my neck, beginning to suck and kiss her way down to my chest while she pushes my shirt up and over my head. Who am I to deny my girl anything?

  I push her skirt up over her hips and rip her panties from her body. While I’m struggling to free myself from the confines of my jeans, I insert a finger in her pussy so that I can make sure she’s ready for me. This truly is going to be hard and fast so that we can get out with everyone before they come knocking on the door. Finally free, I line myself up and slide inside her wet and greedy body. It feels like she’s sucking me in and won’t ever let go.

  “You feel so good,” I tell her, bringing my lips to hers and kissing her until we’re both breathless.

  The entire time, I don’t slow my movements down as I play Riley’s body to get her as close as I can to finding her release. My thrusts are erratic and I’m already feeling my body getting ready to explode. I move one hand down to start playing with her clit while my hand continues to play and mold her tits.

  “Need. To. Get. There.” I growl out to my girl, breaking my lips from hers and moving down to bite her already hardened nipple. That’s all it takes to send my girl flying over the edge.

  After three more thrusts, I follow Riley over the edge and holler out her name. I don’t give a fuck if everyone but the kids know what we’re in here doing. Pulling Riley to me, I hold her to me and rub her back until both of our breathing returns to normal. She wraps her arms around me and I relish the feeling of her in my arms, relaxing and enjoying one another.

  I tried to stay quiet, but I know that we weren’t successful. Hopefully there’s no questions about that one when we go out into the common room. I’m not sure how we’d handle that one. Riley might have to take the lead on that one because I’m sure I’d fuck it up and get even more questions out of the deal.

  “You know I’m proud as fuck of you right now, don’t ya?” I ask Riley as we begin to straighten our clothes and get ready to head out and join everyone else.

  “Thank you. I didn’t overstep any boundaries?” she asks, letting her shyness and uncertainty shine through.

  “Nope. Later on, we’ll sit down with a few other guys and see what you have planned for the girls. If we have any questions, or concerns, we’ll discuss it and make any adjustments we all agree on. Sound good?” I ask, wanting her to understand that she’s going to be in control, but we still have to run things by the club as a whole.

  “Okay. I’ll make a list in the next day or two to bring to the club. We’ll go over it and see what everyone thinks,” she tells me, double checking everything to make sure that she’s still presentable before we head out to join everyone.

  Chapter Fourteen


  WE’VE BEEN OUT WITH EVERYONE, eating, drinking, laughing, and having a great time for a while now. Riley has spent most of the time with the girls and Shelby. Her parents are here and they’re trying to mingle with everyone so that they know that the girls are going to be safe and treated with respect. Her dad and I have already had a conversation about this and I’ve assured him that he’s got nothing to worry about, but that he can do what he needs to within reason to make sure of that for himself.

  I’m sitting by the grill with Crash, Steel, and Grim watching Riley from across the yard. She has literally been surrounded by all of the girls here since we walked out of my office. None of them have gotten up to dance with their men or anything. Hell, I’m surprised they leave her side long enough to go to the bathroom. All of them have fallen in love with Shelby and want to spend as much time with my girls as they can before they head out in the morning. I’m all for it, but it’s getting late and we need to get on with things before everyone has too much to drink or starts disappearing for the night.

  Looking around at my family surrounding us, I make sure that everyone is here and paying attention. I think now is the time to get on with everything and Riley will have the spotlight she deserves right now. Steel is the only one that isn’t paying attention, he’s glued to his phone as usual and I can feel the anger beginning to radiate through me. This is getting out of control and we will be talking about this as soon as possible. Getting up, I make my way over to him so that I can have a conversation before bringing my girl front and center.

  “Steel, I know you got shit goin’ on and we will be havin’ a conversation in the next day or so. Every time I look at you, you’re on your fuckin’ phone. Includin’ when I should have your undivided attention. Don’t think I haven’t noticed when you’ve had it on you durin’ church. A fine will also be issued. So, I think the rest of the night and until I call you into my office, you better think about what you want. If it’s to still be a part of the club, then things need to be brought to my attention. Understood?” I ask, letting my frustration out and not giving a fuck what he thinks.

  “Got it Prez. Just sayin’ that you know I want to be here more than anythin’, but things are goin’ on that aren’t necessarily my story to tell,” he answers, slipping his phone in his pocket and giving me his full attention.

  “Better get right with tellin’ me then,” I respond, turning and walking away from one of my closest friends until recently.

  I walk over to where Riley and Shelby are sitting and grab my girls’ hand. It’s time to give her the rag
that was made for her and make sure that every motherfucker outside this club knows that she’s mine. Yesterday her ring got finished and Shadow picked it up for me. Personally, I don’t think it could’ve come out any better than it did. Now it’s time to put both items on my girl, where they belong.

  “You ready, beautiful?” I ask, pulling her up in front of everyone while her mom keeps Shelby in her arms.

  “I am. You know I would marry you today if I could,” Riley informs me, shocking the shit out of me.

  “You have one month to plan the weddin’,” I tell her, squeezing her hand a little tighter to let her know that I’m serious. “I don’t care what you want to make the day special for you, or how much money it costs. I’m serious that you have one month from today.”

  Riley nods her head in agreement and comes to a stop next to me while I get everyone’s attention. Grim and Slim are standing behind us, each with their hands behind their back hiding the rag and ring. I couldn’t be prouder to have them standing up here with us right now. Three different clubs are represented in the moment that’s special to Riley and myself. Seeing that I have the attention of every member of our family, including Steel’s, I begin.

  “Riley has been a special person to me since the moment I laid eyes on her. Her broken soul called to me in a way that no one else ever has. We’ve both been to hell and back, still managing to open our hearts to one another. I love you and Shelby more than words can express,” I say, turning my full attention on the girl standing before me with tears in her eyes. “We still have things to overcome, fights will be had, and I’m sure I’ll find myself in the dog house more times than I can count. But, I wouldn’t want to do any of it with anyone else. Riley has already agreed to be my wife, now, she’ll have the ring to show every fucker that she’s taken.”

  Grim pulls his hands from behind his back and holds out the ring box to me. Grabbing it, I thank him and open the lid so that my girl can see the ring before I slip it on her finger. It’s silver with skulls lining the band with little stones in their eyes. The diamond itself is square and not as large as I could’ve made it. Knowing Riley the way I do, I know that she doesn’t like big rings. So, I did a mix of what I wanted and what I know she likes. If the tears running down her face are anything to go by, then I did a good job.

  “I love it!” Riley says, throwing her arms around me and kissing me breathless.

  Pulling away from my girl, when I really want to just carry her inside and have my way with her, I set her back on her feet and give her one more kiss before I continue on. “Riley is my old lady and this rag will let everyone know that she’s protected not only by me, but the Wild Kings as a whole. Along with the Phantom Bastards. I hope you wear this with pride and know that all of us have your back every second of every day,” I say, watching Slim step forward as I make my way behind my girl.

  I take the rag from Slim and place it on my girl. She holds her arms out and looks the front over as I look at the back. Yeah, she’ll be wearing nothing but this in a little while. Riley turns to face me and shocks the shit out of me once again. “I vow to show you, and the club, respect at all times and remember that my actions don’t just affect Shelby and me, they reflect your leadership in the club. And, I’ll respect everyone and their roles, no matter how big or small, within the club until the day that I die.”

  Now it’s my turn to kiss my girl senseless, instead of her kissing me until I can’t breathe. Riley doesn’t seem to think that she’ll make it by my side, but today has proven to me that she will do amazing standing next to me. She was as respectful as she could be when she was talking to the club girls earlier, and she knows what it takes to be an old lady in the club. Even if she doesn’t know it, I see it shining from her.

  “Are your parent’s takin’ the baby for the night?” I ask, reluctantly breaking my lips away from Riley’s.

  “Yeah. They wanted some time to get to know their granddaughter. Is that okay?” she asks, letting her lack of confidence shine through. Again.

  “It’s more than okay, beautiful. I just wanted to know because we’re about to leave this party. Want you all to myself now,” I tell her, letting her know exactly what we’re about to be doing. “You good with that?”

  Riley nods her head while a slight blush creeps up her face. She begins to make her way back over to the girls, so they can see the ring before I take her back to our room in the clubhouse. Her parents and sister should use the house tonight and not worry about finding a hotel or anything like that. Hell, her dad mentioned moving this way, maybe Riley and I should find a bigger house with her being pregnant and I’ll give our house to her parents. That way there’s an extra room for the kids when they stay the night, but the house isn’t huge for them to take care of. I’ll wait to mention it until I know what their true intentions are.

  I can hear the squealing and excitement from all the females surrounding my girl again. There’s no way that I’m getting Riley out of here anytime soon. So, I might as well get the talk with Steel over with now. Seeing that he’s sitting in his own world, glued to his phone yet again, I make my way over to him. He looks up when I stop near him and sees the seriousness on my face. Steel is a smart man and shoves his phone roughly in his pocket before standing and letting me lead him into my office.

  Once we’re closed inside, I take a seat behind my desk while Steel pulls up the chair opposite of me. I can see the torn look on his face and know that he’s trying to figure out what he can get away with telling me and not feeling like he’s betraying whoever he’s helping out. Unfortunately, it’s been taking his attention when it’s been needed on the task at hand and I can’t stand for that anymore. I’m sure the rest of the guys have noticed this and it’s only going to be a matter of time before they start speaking up and bringing shit to Steel’s door.

  “I know that you’re a loyal brother. One of the closest friends I’ve ever had,” I tell him, letting him know from the beginning that I’m on his side, but I have to take my role as President of this club seriously. “You will do anythin’ in your power to help someone in need. I admire that quality. Lately, it’s been takin’ you away from club business, church, and anytime that we need your attention with us. So, what’s goin’ on and what can I do to help?”

  Steel looks at me for a minute, his phone vibrating at an alarming rate in his pocket. I can hear it rattle against the odds and ends he has in his pocket and the pained look on his face alerts me to how bad he wants to look at it right now. Finally, he hangs his head and I know that I’m about to get an earful from him. So, I bide my time and let him speak when he can. Knowing Steel the way that I do, if I push him right now, he’s more than likely going to shut down and I won’t get an answer from him. He tends to not ask for help and holds things close for as long as he possibly can. Too bad for him that I know him almost as much as I know myself.

  “It’s Harley. Her brother is fucked up and he’s takin’ it out on her. There’s things I can’t, and won’t, tell you. It’s not my story to tell and I won’t betray her trust, Gage. I’m the only one that she has to turn to and I will not push her away by tellin’ you her secrets. I have a handle on the situation and I’m doin’ what I can to divide my time evenly,” he tells me, sitting back in his chair.

  “What do you need from me? How can I help?” I ask him, wanting to know what we can do. Harley is one of our employees and falls under the protection of the club. If she needs us, we’ll be there for her.

  “I need your trust, that’s it. Harley is scared as hell and it took a lot for her to open up to me about this shit. I’m tryin’ to talk her into stayin’ at the clubhouse for a while. If the rest of you go in all bat shit crazy, she’s goin’ to run or somethin’,” Steel tells me, letting me know that he’s truly scared about what she’s going through right now. If he weren’t, he would tell me the whole story and we’d bulldoze our way in to help her out.

  “I’ll give you this for now. You don’t have much time to conv
ince her, Steel. I will keep the secret for now that somethin’ is goin’ on, but you’re walkin’ a fine line here,” I say, letting him know that I’m going to be on his ass if he’s going to continue on with the same actions as the last few weeks. “If I have to talk to you again, you’re gonna know I’m pissed and I will pull her in here for a talk. You understand?”

  Steel nods his head and asks without words if he can leave my office. I nod to him and watch his hasty retreat. Harley has been acting a little different the last few times I’ve been in the Kitty Kat. At first she would come on to any brother that walked through the door, didn’t matter if they were with someone or not. The last time or two I was there, she was reserved and kept to herself. In fact, she turned the other way when I walked in and tried to stay hidden in any room she could. I should’ve been paying more attention to her and talked to her about her actions.

  I spend the next few minutes in my office alone. Very soon I’m sure that we’ll all find out the reason that Steel is having to help Harley, but I don’t want to think about that for right now. Now, I want to go find my girl and wrap my arms around her until we’re locked in our room. Riley will have my undivided attention for the rest of the night. And as much as I can give her and our family for the rest of my life.


  Today has been an emotionally draining one. From getting back home, spending most of the day with my family and starting to repair the damage that was done years ago, and the party that we’ve been at for hours now. Shelby is getting tired and I know that my mom is getting to be pretty tired herself. It’s time for them to head back to the house and get some rest. I couldn’t be happier that my parents and Tammy want to spend time alone with my daughter and get to know her. Especially when I never thought this day would come, but because of Gage it’s another dream that has been turned into a reality.


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