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Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

Page 20

by Erin Osborne

  “Riley, I can’t believe everything that’s been going on!” Bailey says, understanding, excitement, and concern lacing her voice. “And your baby girl is just adorable. I’m so happy that you found her. Question though, why didn’t you tell any of us?”

  This is the question that I’ve been waiting on all day honestly. “Well, I never thought I’d actually find her. So, I didn’t want to get anyone else involved. Rage found out by accident when we were taken. Then Gage found out and he’s the one that did everything in his power to find Shelby and bring her home to me. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have her with me right now. Hell, I wouldn’t have my parents here either,” I tell her, sitting back and relaxing. Another thing that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do again. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to just sit and relax with friends, true friends.

  “Well, I’m happy as fuck at the turn of events in your life,” Keegan tells me, reaching out and grabbing on to my hand. “You have a man that adores you, your baby girl and family back, and you’re getting married. I’m so happy that you finally found your happily ever after.”

  “By the way, I have a month to plan my wedding. Gage wants to get married as soon as possible,” I say, letting everyone know that there’s a time crunch on this wedding.

  “Okay, well that doesn’t give us much time. But, it’s doable,” my mom pipes in, letting me know that she’s fully on board with me getting married to Gage. Both of my parents have fallen in love with him, and the rest of the guys in the club.

  Everyone starts talking at once about what needs to be done and where we can go shopping. I’m trying to follow the conversation but I’m already getting lost and feeling overwhelmed. This is why I love these girls. They are excited as hell to know that we have a certain amount of time to get this thing planned. Now, I have the hard decision to make as to who should be my maid of honor. Keegan is my obvious choice, but then there’s Darcy. What the fuck am I going to do here?

  “I know that your mind is spinning a million miles a minute right now. Keegan should be your choice,” Darcy says, leaning in close to me. “I’m your friend, but she’s been your sister from another mister for a long time. Even when you weren’t close, you still would’ve been there for one another.”

  I tear up at the knowledge that Darcy can read me so well right now. She knows that I was going to have a hard as fuck time making this decision and took that away from me. Now, I can move on to the next hard decision that I’ll have to make with this wedding. And it’s not even like I want a perfect day. I just want a day that Gage and I will remember for the rest of our lives. It will be perfect for us, even with the mistakes and mishaps that are sure to happen along the way.

  Before anyone else can say too much more, I feel Gage standing somewhere behind me. He hasn’t said a word and I didn’t see him come back outside after Steel made his appearance again. I look back and see him standing there watching me. There’s a look of pure lust and want filling his face and I know what my night is going to entail. I’ll be up for hours more, but when it’s time for bed, I’ll be sated and sore in all the right spots.

  Gage walks up behind me and lays his hand against my cheek. It’s what he does when something is bothering him and he needs to feel grounded. I’ve just recently picked up on that, but it’s what I see. I’ll give him what he needs whenever he needs it. And I know that he’s been waiting to get away from everyone and spend some time alone. So, I’m already ready to go inside and be with my man.

  “Say good night, beautiful,” he says, his voice low and husky. It’s a tone that lets me know I’m about to have a night filled with fun and I will be thoroughly sated when we’re done.

  “I guess I’m saying night everyone,” I giggle, looking at my family and friends. “Let me say goodbye to our daughter.”

  Gage helps me stand and we walk over to my mom, who is holding Shelby in her lap. We each take a turn and bend down to kiss her and tell her that we love her. This is going to be very strange for me, but I know my parent’s will protect her. And that Gage will probably have a guy or two standing guard until we make it back to the house. As soon as I’m done kissing my mom and hugging my dad, Gage scoops me up and carries me away inside the clubhouse. He doesn’t stop until we’re in his room and he’s kicked the door shut with his boot.

  “Takin’ my time with you, beautiful,” he tells me, gently setting me down on the end of the bed and starting to remove my clothes.

  He takes his time and I know that he’s being true to his word and going to worship me like he told me earlier. I’m not going to complain or try to speed his movements up. But, he better be prepared for me to take my time and worship him as well. I’m going to make sure he knows exactly how I feel and what the last few months have truly meant to me.

  Once he has my wedged sandals and skirt off, Gage starts lifting my shirt while kissing his way up my body. Every new inch of skin that he reveals, I feel his mouth and tongue skating upwards. Goosebumps break out along my skin and I can’t wait to return the favor to him. He only kisses and licks his way up to my chest. As soon as my shirt is above my tits, I feel him stop and open my eyes to look down at him. I know my chest has gotten bigger in the last few weeks with my pregnancy, but it’s like Gage is seeing me naked for the first time.

  “So fuckin’ beautiful,” he tells me, lifting my shirt off the rest of the way before reaching around me and unhooking my bra.

  Before, I would have been completely uncomfortable knowing that I was naked and vulnerable in front of a man. In front of anyone really. Gage has shown me nothing but love and compassion since I first moved here. Everything that he’s done has been to help me from the smallest thing to the very big things in my life. This has led me to be totally relaxed and as comfortable as I’ve ever been in my own skin.

  “What are you thinkin’ about so hard, beautiful?” he asks, pausing in his actions to make sure that I’m okay and in the moment with him.

  “Just how much I’ve grown and learned about myself since moving here with you. None of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for you,” I tell him honestly. “And that I will be returning the favor and savoring and worshipping your body the same you are mine.”

  “Well, bring it on baby,” he taunts thinking that I won’t do just that.

  Getting up off the bed, I position him so that I can push him back. As soon as he’s settled on his back, I kneel down and start removing his clothes. Starting with his boots and socks, I move up to undo the belt and his jeans before sliding them down his muscled thighs. The entire time I’m working them down his legs, I let my nails scrape along his skin. It amazes me to see the hard flesh pebble with goosebumps until I see the slight tremble that moves through his body. On my way back up his body, I place kisses and gentle nips along the way until I reach his hard cock. Yeah, it’s pierced in a Jacob’s ladder and I find it sexy as hell.

  Taking the tip of him in my mouth, I swirl my tongue around and delight in the moan that escapes him. I place one hand at the base while I take as much into my mouth as I can, bobbing up and down slowly while using my tongue. At the same time, I use my other hand to roll his balls. The pebbled flesh continues to stay as I work his body over. Before I can really begin to enjoy what I’m doing, Gage pulls me off of him causing a loud popping sound as I let my mouth slip off of his cock.

  “Not cumin’ in your mouth this time, baby,” he tells me, ripping his shirt over his head while my eyes gape at the newest tattoo adorning his body.

  Right above Gage’s heart sits a crown with a heart in the middle. My name is on the top of the tattoo while Shelby’s sits nestled right above his heart. I can feel tears slip down my face and I don’t do anything to stop them. Looking up at the man that captured my heart, I feel it swell even bigger with the love that he continues to show my daughter and I with the small gestures that he makes.

  “No tears, beautiful,” he says, pulling me up his body.

  Gage uses his
fingertips to wipe away the tears as fresh ones start to fall right behind them. “When did you do this?” I ask, needing to know.

  “Just before we found you. I knew that I needed to have our daughter and you with me in one form or another. This seemed like the perfect fit. You are the queen of my heart and Shelby is our little princess. She’s the first princess of this club and will be treated as one while you rule by my side as my queen,” he responds, kissing me so that I can’t form a coherent thought to respond to him. “Ride me baby.”

  I lift myself up enough to slide his cock in line with my pussy. Slowly sliding myself down his length, I pause until I know that I’m not going to hurt myself. I’ve never been in this position before and I find that I like the control that I have. For the time being, Gage lets me go nice and slow. In this moment, I don’t want hard and fast. This is how I’m going to show my man how much I love him and what he means to me. On every downward movement, I add a twist to my hips causing a groan to escape his lips before he sits up and pulls a nipple into his warm, wet mouth.

  Feeling myself get closer to finding my release, I’m at a loss of how to get myself there. Looking into his eyes, I silently let Gage know that I don’t know where to go from here. He wraps his arms around me and carefully flips us over so that I’m on the bottom and he can control what happens. Instead of speeding up and chasing his release, he continues the slow pace that I set while I was on top. I need more though. Sensing that without exchanging any words, Gage grabs my hand and moves it down my body. Together we begin to rub circles on my clit until I can’t help but let the release building in my body loose.

  “Brock!” I scream out, raking my nails down his back and tighten my thighs around his hips.

  He follows me over the edge after a few thrusts and bellows out my name. I’m sure that anyone in the vicinity knows exactly what we’re doing in here, if they didn’t already. Gage rolls off of me and we face one another as we continue to rub each other’s back while we come back down to earth. As I begin to fall asleep, just a nap before the next rounds begin, I snuggle in closer to the man that has captured me heart, body, and soul.

  Chapter Fifteen


  THE LAST MONTH HAS ABSOLUTELY FLOWN BY with plans for the wedding taking up most of our time along with my work in the salon. Shelby and my parents have had another good portion of the time I have while Gage takes up the rest. While I haven’t had a lot of time to spend with Gage one-on-one, I know that in a few short days none of that will be the case. We’re getting married in a matter of days now. Then my parents and Tammy will have Shelby while we take a few days for ourselves. Once we get back, my parents, Tammy, and her husband will be moving to Dander Falls. It’s a good thing that Tammy can work from anywhere only having to make the three-hour drive home once or twice a month.

  Today, I’m getting ready to head to the clubhouse for my meeting with the club girls and any strippers from the Kitty Kat that make regular appearances. I’ve met with Gage and the guys from the club along with Addison for the strippers. Each and every female will be answering to Darcy or myself. We have new rules in place, a set list of things to happen daily, and a few other topics that will be discussed when I heard a few things from the guys in our meeting. My mom is watching the baby while Shadow drives me to the clubhouse. He’s been down waiting, talking to my dad, for a few minutes and I see that I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. The last thing I have to do is put my rag on over top of the black Wild Kings tank top that I’m wearing.

  “Mom, I’m leaving,” I call out, knowing that they’re most likely in the kitchen.

  “Okay honey. We’ll see you in a little bit. Don’t forget that tonight is the dinner for the girls and you,” she reminds me knowing that I’ve started to get that whole pregnancy brain thing going on. I can’t hardly remember what day it is, let alone what I’m supposed to be doing.

  After kissing my daughter, we make our way out to Shadow’s truck and head to the clubhouse. The drive is short, and I can’t wait to get this meeting over with. I have wedding things to do and this is not part of it. But, if I’m going to be held responsible for the club girls and every female in the club, then we need to get this out of the way. It’s been put off long enough as it is.

  “Do you know if everyone is there already?” I ask Shadow, wanting to know if I’m going to have to wait.

  “By the time we get there, Harley and the rest of the girls from the Kitty Kat Lounge should be there,” he replies, not turning his attention from the road. Ever since we got taken, he’s put even more effort into making sure that nothing happens to Shelby and me.

  “Shadow, we haven’t really had a chance to talk. I want you to know that I don’t blame you for what happened. One way or another, Nicolette would’ve gotten her hands on Shelby and me. Please, stop being so serious and start being the guy that made me laugh when we were in Whitney Glen,” I tell him, wanting him to know that he shouldn’t feel any guilt over the situation whatsoever. I was the one that told him to stay behind with Butcher so if anyone’s to blame, it’s me.

  “I can’t do that. What happened there should’ve never happened. I’ll live with it every day I have left here,” he tells me, finally sparring me a glance so I can see the seriousness and regret flashing across his face before he looks back out the windshield of the truck.

  I know better than to try to talk to him about this subject. When Shadow has decided that he doesn’t want to talk about something, or that no one can change his mind about something, he shuts down and won’t talk about it anymore. Gage and a few of the guys can get him out of his head when he’s like this, but something hurt him tremendously in the past and until that’s found out and resolved, Shadow will continue to hide in his own little world. So, I leave him be the rest of the short drive and stare out the window until we pull into the clubhouse parking lot.

  Walking into the clubhouse, I see all the girls sitting at three tables in the far corner. I know the guys are here somewhere, but they’ve assured me they’re going to leave me alone unless I call for them. And that’s only if one of the girls decide that they want to try to give me a hard time. I don’t want to have to call them, but I will if I have to. These girls need to know that I can stand on my own two feet and mean what I say.

  “Thank you all for coming today,” I say as I get to the tables and set my stuff down. “Now, I know that we all have a job here to do in the hierarchy of the club. My goal is that we can all work together and make it easier on everyone involved. Is everyone with me so far?”

  There’s a round of nods from the girls sitting before me. I don’t know what they’re used to, but things are most definitely going to change. Hopefully they all think it’s for the better, but we’ll see. Addison and Darcy are sitting with the rest of the girls and I draw my strength from them. I may not know Addison like the rest of the girls but they’ve assured me she’ll be on board with everything that I want to put in place.

  “Okay. Now, things are going to be changing here. You’re either going to be on board with the changes or you’re going to be finding your ass out on the street. I am Gage’s old lady now and you will be answering to me from now on. First of all, I was serious as hell when I said that there will be no attempting to get any man that has an old lady or relationship of any sort to fuck you. If anyone sees you attempting to do this, you will be dragged out immediately. Secondly, you will undergo routine testing for everything. This includes drugs, STDs, and pregnancy. You will be getting on birth control if you’re not on it already. If you are, proof is required. Condoms will be a must when you’re with any man here. And they will have control of that. We’re not going to have any of you trying to tie yourself to a man by intentionally getting pregnant. Are you all still with me?” I ask, needing them to follow everything I’m saying right now.

  Again, every girl before me nods their head in agreement. One girl is sitting in the back, all alone, and I know that something is wrong with her. I can te
ll by the way she’s holding her body and the way that she’s shielding her face from the rest of us. She’s wearing a hat pulled low on her head so that it’s casting shadows on her face. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on her from now on. I look over at Addison and let her know with my eyes that we need to talk afterward. She gives me a slight nod of acknowledgment.

  “Today is a lot to take in, but I have one more thing that we want to get in before you go about your day. Now, this place is normally clean, but I think we can make it even better. I’ve put all your names on a list and there are chores that you’re going to be doing every single day. After my wedding, we’ll be going through and doing a deep clean. We’re going to clean everything, organize, and make sure that everything we need is stocked. Is that understood?” I ask again, placing my hand on my hip because I know that I’m going to get some attitude from at least one girl. Probably the one that was the closest to Red.

  “Listen bitch, I’m only here because it was mandatory to come today. If you think I’m going to do what you want when you want, you’ve got another thing coming. If I want to fuck someone, I’m going to. It’s not my problem if he’s got a bitch at home. I’ll ride whatever cock I want to when I want to. And I’m not going to have you telling me how that’s going to work. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you can kiss my ass. I’ve been with this club longer than you and I’m not going to do a fucking thing you want me to,” this bitch finally speaks up, letting me know how she feels about everything going on now.

  “I am the girl that’s by Gage’s side. You will listen to me or you will fucking be out on your ass. There will be no second chances, no getting out of anything, and no protection once you leave this place,” I say, reminding anyone else that they lose everything they’ve come to count on since coming to the Wild Kings MC.

  About this time, Shadow, Gage, and Crash come walking around the corner. They’ve been letting me have this time to let the girls know that I can stand on my own two feet and handle myself when it comes to them. Now, I’m going to let my man handle taking the trash out. This should be fun to watch.


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