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Page 16

by Allyson James

  The strap hurt and it didn’t. The sting radiated through Elisa’s buttocks and her pussy, making her undulate in pleasure.

  Slap, sting, fire, soothe. Slap, sting, fire, soothe.

  The sound of the leather hissing through the air added to the pleasure…the creak of his clothes, the whisper of his breath.

  “Your ass is so red, sweetheart. So pretty.” Braden kissed it, his lips cool to her hot skin. “You make me want to fuck you.”

  “Please.” Yes, to feel him enter her after this would be heaven.


  “Not yet.”

  He’d liked it when she’d begged for him before. “Please, Braden. Please.”

  Swack. “Hush now, or I get out the gag as well.”

  Elisa closed her mouth again. What did he want? For her to tell him she’d changed her mind about leaving the order? It hardly made sense for him to be pleasuring her if he preferred she go back to being celibate.

  Braden spanked her a few more times with the strap, kissing her to soothe it instead of using his hands. Then the strap went away but, joy, she felt his finger, cool with lube, at her anus.

  She lifted her hips, eager for him to touch her there. Braden gently pressed the opening. In the darkness behind the cloth, her hands unable to reach for him, she felt only that sensation, a point of excitement.

  Elisa let out a little moan as she felt a plug slide in, this one the largest yet. It was still fairly small, about the size of his finger, but the difference was there.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said. “A few, actually. This is the first one.”

  The plug began to vibrate—fast. It buzzed and hummed, and Elisa pressed herself upward with the pleasure. Maybe, just maybe, he’d put another one in her vagina. Or better still, roll her over and enter her in the front while the wonderful plug did its dance in the back.

  When the strap cracked across her buttocks again, Elisa screamed in joy. He had to take her now, had to.

  “Are you ready for the second surprise?” Braden asked.

  The vibrator and strap together wasn’t surprise number two? This could be wild.

  Braden left the bed. The mattress no longer bore his weight and she felt suddenly cold. She wanted to beg him to come back, but maybe he’d punish her. Glorious thought.

  Then again, him not taking her now would be the worst of punishments. Elisa bit the inside of her mouth and said nothing, in case.

  She heard the door of her bedroom hiss open, the tread of someone else entering the room.

  “This is my friend Justin,” Braden said. “Justin, meet Elisa.”

  Justin—the tall Shareem with brown hair she’d seen leaving his house two days ago. Seeing her naked, facedown and blindfolded, hands manacled, her ass rising as the vibrator pleasured her.

  “Very, very nice,” Justin said in a rumbling voice.

  She heard Braden’s voice in her ear, felt his lips brush her cheek.

  “Surprise,” he said.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two Shareem.

  Two. Taking her.

  She couldn’t. Elisa couldn’t let them.

  Her body—excited, shaking, hot, open—told her she could.

  Braden watched Justin look at Elisa as she lay stretched out for their pleasure. The light at half volume flooded her body with a rosy glow.

  She was beautiful, her cheek on the pillow, her ass slightly elevated, showing Braden how much she craved him. He didn’t need to touch her to know she was wet, so very wet.

  Justin eyed her like a hungry man at an unexpected banquet. The idiot probably hadn’t gone to a woman since he’d arrived in Bor Narga.

  “What can I do?” he asked.

  “Anything you want,” Braden said. “Touch, taste, play, fuck. The pussy is mine, but all else is fair game.”

  “Got it. Can she do a double?”

  “I think so. I plan to try.”

  He imagined Elisa lying on him, fully enclosing his cock, while Justin came behind her. The two of them sandwiching her in ultimate pleasure. Gods, yes.

  Elisa had been made for pleasure. She might not have realized it until she’d dumped the asshole who’d wanted to marry her for her money, but she was. At least she’d been wise enough to prefer no man at all to one who’d never fulfill her.

  When Braden had walked into her library, he’d seen the spark in her eyes in spite of her celibate’s robes. She was a woman who wanted to know pleasure, to discover the depths of her own sexuality.

  So lucky Braden was willing to show it to her.

  Justin approached the bed and started stroking her skin—legs and arms, back, getting to know her body. Elisa moved under his touch, responding to Shareem caresses.

  Braden suddenly wanted to snarl, dash across the room and shove Justin away from her. Maybe this had been a bad idea.

  Mine. My Elisa.

  His spark of jealousy surprised him. Braden had done plenty of two on one—even three and four on one. He’d never been jealous of the second, third or fourth man in the equation.

  Focus. He’d brought Justin here for Elisa’s pleasure. Not for his needs or Justin’s.

  “Nice to meet you, Elisa,” Justin said. “For real, this time.”

  His hands went all over Elisa’s back, down her legs to her feet and up again. Braden clenched his fists and forced himself to watch.

  Justin flicked the vibrator with his fingertip. “This looks fun. Is it?”

  Elisa made a little noise of surprise but said nothing.

  “Answer him,” Braden said.

  “Yes,” Elisa groaned.

  “Would you like my cock back here?” Justin asked, caressing her buttocks. “My cock will go back here, and you’re going to like it.” He grinned, his level-two pheromones heating. “This would be even more fun with whipped cream. Got any, Braden?”

  “No,” Braden growled.

  Justin shook his head. “What can you do with level threes? No sense of play. I’d like to dab whipped cream on my cock and have you suck it off, Elisa. Maybe with a cherry on top. Then I’d lick the cream from your pussy. I’d lick it so slowly, Braden would be all hot and bothered and pissed off at me, because he’d be dying to have you.”

  Elisa quivered both from Justin’s touch and his words. The dark of the blindfold shut him out but Elisa remembered walking past him and looking up into his lonely eyes.

  Now she heard glee in his voice, felt heat in his touch. He might be sad and lonely, searching for something, but he was putting that aside right now to be Shareem. For Braden and for her.

  Justin’s touch was different from Braden’s. Justin’s hands were as hard and calloused, but his fingertips skimmed featherlight over her skin. He tickled, he wove patterns over her back, he playfully dipped to her pussy and out again before she could gasp.

  Level two. Fun and games.

  His hand rested on her buttocks, caressed. Then spanked. Not as hard as Braden did, more like friendly little pats.

  Then the strap, stinging across her backside. Again not as hard—just enough to make her squirm and laugh.

  Justin swatted her a few more times, then he put his hand on her shoulder. “Turn over, sweet thing.”

  Elisa waited, sensing that Braden wouldn’t like it if she obeyed Justin without question.

  “Go ahead,” Braden said. His voice held approval, as though she’d done right.

  Elisa maneuvered herself onto her back. The butt plug fit snug against her and kept on vibrating.

  “Pretty,” Justin said.

  He skimmed hands over her breasts, tugged at her nipples. His hair brushed her belly as he leaned down and licked her navel. She giggled.

  “Level twos,” Braden said in disgust. “Never can keep to the essentials.”

  Justin licked Elisa’s navel again. She loved the tickle of his tongue.

  He pressed a kiss below her navel and another just above her clit. “You shaved her.”

  “I like it bare.”
r />   “So do I,” Justin said, breath warm on her clit. “Hair is nice too, though. It can be pretty.”

  Justin continued the kisses, dropping light ones to her clit and across her opening as he bent her knee and pushed her legs apart.

  “She tastes good,” Justin said. He blew on her opening. “Come and taste this, Braden.”

  “I’ve tasted it. Keep on.”

  Justin kissed and licked some more, his tongue light and tickling. He briefly suckled her clit, teeth scraping, then lifted away. Elisa wiggled her hips, wanting more.

  What she got was his hand. First he cupped her, warmth and pressure, and then he patted. Little slaps and pats against her pussy and clit, making them tingle.

  She heard Braden cross to the bed. “You’re beautiful, love.”

  Then they were both patting her, her legs wide apart, four hands applying sweet pressure to her pussy, her clit on fire. Elisa rose to it, her bound hands wanting to part, the chain frustrating her.

  “Braden,” she begged. “Braden.”

  “Don’t come yet,” Braden said. His voice was in her ear, breath scalding.

  “But I want to. I need to.”

  Another slap on her pussy, harder this time. “Not yet.”

  “Hell, I might come,” Justin said.

  “Fucking level twos.”

  “Tight-ass level threes.”

  More pats to clit and pussy, moving down to her ass and the vibrator there. Waves of climax rushed at her, blotting out all other sensation.

  “Not yet,” Braden growled.

  “Please, Braden!”

  “No, sweetie. Not until it will be the best coming you ever had.”

  Elisa didn’t care right now. A pretty good one would be fine with her.

  “Let her,” Justin said. “I want to see it.”

  “I’m the Dom in this room. We do it the way I want it done.”

  “Damn it.” Justin’s touch left her, and Elisa heard fabric slither.

  She wished she could see. Was Justin stripping down? Would he be as hard-muscled as Braden? Would he be as erect, wanting her?

  Something blunt and warm touched her nose then bumped her lips. If this was Justin, then yes, just as erect, and pretty much as large.

  “Suck him,” Braden said, his voice now coming from across the room.

  Justin got up on the bed behind her, knees on either side of her. He gently tilted her head back, supporting it, so she could open her throat and take him upside down.

  Strange sensation. Justin’s firm cock slid between her lips and bumped the roof of her mouth. It took her a moment to understand how she would so this, but finally she closed her mouth and sucked.

  “Oh yeah,” Justin said above her. “Damn, Braden, she’s good.”

  “She learned from the best,” Braden said. “She’s a good librarian. This is what she means when she asks her patrons, ‘What can I do for you?’”

  “What, she takes them into the stacks and gets on her knees?”

  Elisa stopped in surprise, and Justin batted her cheek gently. She worked him again, realizing his game.

  “Sure,” Braden said, closer now. “She’s bad that way, can’t wait for the next person to help.”

  Justin groaned, his fingers tightening as he rubbed her hair. “Mmm, makes me want to visit the library.”

  Braden gave her pussy a little spank. “She likes devices too. She wears an ass plug all day while she’s working.”

  Partly true. Elisa remembered the warmth of the plug inside her while she quietly helped her customers find the digitals they needed. The secret knowledge that she wore the plug had kept her nipples tight with excitement.

  “I like that,” Justin breathed.

  “She loves to have things up the ass,” Braden said. “Plug, vibrator, tongue, cock.”

  Elisa moved, climax rushing at her. It made her want to suck, and she sucked hard at Justin.

  “Gods, she’s beautiful.” Justin rocked into her mouth, his hands still supporting her. “It’s been too long. Oh, sweet baby, take me.”

  Braden cupped his hand hard over Elisa’s pussy. “Now.”

  Hot, salty-smooth seed filled Elisa’s mouth as Justin gave it up. Elisa rose, stimulated by the vibrator and, most of all, by Braden’s firm hand. He cupped her, harder and harder, until she lost hold of Justin’s cock in an open-mouthed scream.

  She coughed, raised her head to swallow, Justin helping her. Braden was on top of her then, riding her climax with her, hand still on her pussy, kisses all over her face, throat, breasts.

  “My sweet Elisa,” he whispered. “My sweet, beautiful lady. I lo—”

  The word cut off, lost in Elisa’s cries and Justin’s groans. Braden kissed her again, tongue mastering her mouth, his hand doing its dance to send her to paradise.

  * * * * *

  Not long after, Braden lay on his back on her bed, watching his sweet lady come to him. She still wore the blindfold and her hands were still bound as Justin guided her down onto Braden’s stiff cock.

  Braden held her steady and pushed up into her. Her head went back as he went in deep, her little gasp making his heart pound like crazy.

  Damn the games, and damn it, why had he decided to bring Justin? Braden just wanted to fuck. Simple, straightforward, man and woman, no games, no elaborate preparations.

  Just making love to the woman he wanted most to be with.

  But what the hell? Justin was here, might as well make use of him. Elisa would love this.

  Justin let Elisa pleasure herself on Braden a few minutes before he eased her onto Braden’s chest. Braden gathered her in his arms, the librarian he loved.

  Justin clicked off the vibrator and withdrew it from Elisa’s ass. Elisa murmured a protest then sighed in happiness as Justin smoothed her back opening with lube. His eyes were filled with blue, his cock as hard as though Elisa had never sucked him off. But Justin was Shareem, reacting to chemicals in the air, unable to stop himself.

  Justin got behind her. More lube, to her and to Justin’s cock. Ready.

  “Do it,” Braden said. “This is for you, sweet Elisa.”

  Elisa was already filled with Braden, her position on top making him go all the way into her. She loved it, and she loved they way he held her.

  His hands were hot, strong, steady. She couldn’t see him, but she could find his lips with her kiss, show him how happy he made her.

  That is, until she felt Justin’s enormous hard-on at her ass. She jumped, clenching, and Braden groaned. Elisa hadn’t minded Braden there, but…

  Justin took his cock away and his fingers soothed as they touched her anus. “Open for me, sweetheart. That’s the way.”

  Elisa’s muscles loosened on their own. Justin’s thick and well-lubed finger slid into her. “There you go.”

  Elisa kissed Braden. She opened his mouth with hers, sliding her tongue in as she’d learned to do. Lips met, fused, Braden cupping her face in his hands.

  Elisa’s backside rose a little higher under Justin’s ministering without her telling it to. Justin withdrew his finger, and she felt his large tip pressing where his finger had been.

  She automatically stiffened again but she made herself focus on Braden’s kiss, the feeling of Braden’s cock, hard and long inside her. Justin, now unimpeded, slid in.

  Two of them. Inside her.

  Elisa couldn’t take it. It was too much. She’d come apart. They had to stop.

  But she could take it. Both of them at the same time, Braden hard in her pussy, Justin snug in her ass.

  She could take it because Braden had taught her, and she’d learned her lessons well. The touching, the spanking, the plugs, the vibrators—all had been to ready her for this moment.

  Teaching Elisa to trust Braden, to obey him whatever he told her, was to make sure that when they did this—two Shareem inside her—it would be the ultimate pleasure, with no pain.

  It was a beautiful, beautiful feeling.

  They stretched her,
penetrated her, filled her. Justin started a little rhythm back and forth, careful so he wouldn’t hurt her. Little thrusts, designed to make her thrust back to take him.

  When Elisa pulled forward, there was Braden. Thick inside her, all the way inside her. Then back to Justin, filling her ass.

  This pleasure was a gift Braden was giving her. Elisa needed it, she wanted it.

  Never mind that Braden called it punishment, told her that she needed to understand what Shareem truly were.

  Elisa did understand, and she embraced it.

  Give this to me forever.

  Braden slid the blindfold from her eyes, his own completely blue, and Elisa smiled down at him. Justin pumped into her backside, Braden holding her in position to give her the greatest pleasure.

  Elisa squeezed in response, clamping around Braden’s cock.

  “Damn you,” he grated.

  Justin gave an answering groan. “She is so damn tight. This is good.”

  “I know,” Braden said. He kissed Elisa’s face. “She’s beautiful. Squeeze him, Elisa. And squeeze me. Show us what you can do.”

  Elisa squeezed. She wriggled, she thrust, she kissed. She shoved herself down on Braden’s cock and back on Justin’s until both men were making ragged noises.

  Braden’s cock penetrated so deep. Justin’s slid even farther into her, until she jerked and squirmed, the pressure driving her insane.

  I can’t take it, I can’t.

  But oh, goddess, it’s so wonderful, so freeing, like nothing I’ve ever felt before. They’re both so huge, so deep inside me.

  I’ll die if I take any more—I’ll die if I don’t.

  Braden. I love him so much. I never want him out of me.

  “Fuck it, I’m coming,” Justin said.

  “Not yet,” Braden said. “Wait ’til she has hers.”

  “I can’t. She’s too good. A sweet little peach, and I can’t get enough of her.”

  Seed suddenly filled her, Justin’s thrusts increasing as he came, fists on her back.

  Justin’s coming was different from Braden’s, who always shouted and said dirty things, or snarled at himself for not holding off longer. Justin was mostly silent, hips moving, hands holding her steady.

  Justin pulled out in one swift stroke. He immediately wiped her with a towel, the friction of it tingling on her ass.


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