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Taking Her Hard (Death's Door MC, 2)

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Vain nodded and followed her in, shutting the door behind him, not about to deny any of the things he said.

  Shit had already gotten real, but it was about to get a hell of a lot more surreal in the next few seconds.


  God. To Lizzy this felt like a dream, like she’d been dropped in one crazy-ass Twilight Zone episode. When she’d heard Vain and Ace talking right outside the door, and that conversation had turned to her, Lizzy’s heart had stopped.

  She’d quickly gotten dressed and made a split-second decision to confront this head-on. She’d expected Ace to go crazy, maybe start a fight over it. But his reaction had been the opposite and she’d been shocked.

  Vain stopped by the door, his huge body tattooed and muscular, making her feel so small and feminine. His short dark hair and equally dark eyes made him look harder, scarier then he really was.

  It was like he could see into a person’s soul, take hold, and rip it right out.

  “Did you mean all of that?” she asked softly, not knowing if she should believe what Vain had said. But why would he lie? Why would he risk saying anything to Ace, risk getting into a fight? But the very idea that Vain wanted her, loved her, was almost too good to be true, too much for her to even comprehend.

  He stepped closer, and her pulse picked up. “Why would I say that, tell someone I loved them if I didn’t?” He kept moving closer. She couldn’t answer, her throat too tight, her mouth so dry. “Yes, I did mean it, every fucking word. I would have let Ace kick my ass if that’s what it took for me to claim you fully.”

  Oh. God.

  She was breathing hard, fast, her body hot, every part of her ready for him, for this moment. She didn’t know if it would get to that, but God, she wanted it to.

  “Did you mean what you said?” he asked, just a foot from her now, his scent overpowering in the best kind of way. She craned her neck back to look into his face, loving the way he stared at her … like he was starved for a taste of her.

  She nodded, not able to form any words at the moment.

  “Come here, Lizzy.” His voice was low, hoarse, and there was a touch of dominance in it. Vain always had this way of commanding people without having to do much more than give them a look. She stared at his mouth, focusing on the way he formed the words.

  She licked her lips and moved that last bit of space it took to almost have their chests brushing together. God, he smelled incredible. They didn’t speak, didn’t even move for long seconds. They just stared at each other.

  “I want you so fucking badly. I’ve needed you for years, longer than I ever let myself feel or express.” He reached out and cupped her waist with one hand, covering one side of her face with the other. “But I’m done pretending, thinking I’m strong enough to leave you alone, to not make you mine. Having you here is hard, but in the best of ways. And knowing you want me too, that you hid how you felt, makes it impossible for me to back away and give you time to fully understand this.”

  “I understand this. I want you, and you want me.” She felt the calluses on his fingers. He held her cheek in a tight, almost painful grip. It was like he was afraid she would turn and leave, maybe thinking this wasn’t real. Hell, she kind of felt like that. Vain brushed the pad of his thumb along her cheek. Back and forth. Back and forth. And because she couldn’t stop herself, Lizzy rose on her toes, braced her hands on his chest, and leaned forward to place her mouth on his.

  He didn’t kiss her, didn’t apply pressure to her mouth. He moved the hand that held her face to the back of her head. He tunneled his fingers into her hair, tightened his hold on the strands until pain mixed with her pleasure.

  “Fuck, baby girl. You have no idea how much I want you now.” His lips moved along hers, just the slightest motion, the tiniest pressure. She was so desperate for him, so ready to make this her reality.

  “It’s only ever been you, Lizzy.” His voice was so deep, so masculine. It moved along her entire body, making her crave more, need more. “There hasn’t been anyone else for me but you.” He still had a tight hold on her hair, the pain a pleasurable sensation. “Years I’ve wanted you, waited for you.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed out this stuttering gust of air. God, she’d never been this wet before, never been this ready. She was a virgin, true, but she knew desire, had felt it every time she looked at Vain.

  Her heart was thundering, her panties were soaked, and her nipples were painfully hard as they stabbed through the material of her shirt.

  She wanted to run her hands over the tattoos that covered his flesh, feel the muscles under his skin flex, the power coming through.

  “Fuck, baby.” His voice was harsh, so rough. It was like sandpaper along her skin. “Tell me you want this, that you want me to take you right here, right now.” He was breathing hard now. “Tell me you want me to claim you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He groaned, his jaw tight, the muscles underneath his scruff-covered skin flexing. “I need you so fucking badly.” And then he had his mouth on hers and his tongue speared between her lips. Vain slid his hands down her shoulders and gripped her waist tightly. Yes, she wanted that pain, needed it.

  For long seconds he just fucked her mouth with his. There was no other way to describe what he was doing with his lips and tongue.

  And then he was walking them backward until she felt the cold, hard wall greet her back. The cinder block was unforgiving. It helped to cool her overheated body.

  The deep rumbles that left him had her inner muscles clenching almost painfully, needing him inside of her, stretching her, making her feel that pleasurable burn.

  He opened his mouth wider and deepened the kiss, and then moved his hands to the edge of her shirt and started to slowly lift it up.

  He was grinding his erection into her belly, this massive, hard rod that told her what was to come. She gasped.

  He took a stumbling step back, breaking their kiss, the connection. His head was downcast and his eyes trained right on her. He was breathing frantically. “I want you,” he gritted out. “I want this, right here, right fucking now.”

  They stood there several seconds, neither speaking nor moving. The sexual chemistry moved between them, a living entity, charged, alive.

  “I want you, too,” Lizzy breathed out. She didn’t want to wait anymore. Lizzy felt brave, bold. She’d never been with a man, but being in Vain’s presence seemed right, so comfortable. She didn’t even think about anything else as she pulled her shirt up and over her head.

  “Fuck, baby girl.” He ran a hand over his mouth. “Your body is so fucking gorgeous.” And then he was right in front of her again, kissing her, licking her lips and sucking her tongue into his mouth.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, needing him branded right on her.

  “As much as I want to take you on a bed, I’m finding it really fucking hard to keep my hands off you long enough to do that.” He started kissing her again, harder, faster. He broke the kiss and dragged his lips up and down her throat. “I’ve been thinking about this moment for years, baby.” He sucked at the base of her neck. “I’ve jerked off to the image of you so fucking much.” He made this harsh sound. “I can’t even think of another female. You’re always on my mind, the only woman I want.”

  She breathed out his name, because that was all she could do right about now.

  “Tell me what you want, baby girl. Tell me and it’s yours.” He pressed his erection into her belly again, and she moaned low in her throat.

  “I want you inside of me.”

  He let out this hoarse groan.

  “I want you to take my virginity, to be the only one who has me.”

  “I’ll be the only one who ever knows what you feel like.”

  Never had Lizzy thought she’d be so bold with her words. He groaned, and she swore she felt his cock jerk behind his pants.

  In the next few seconds Vain was tearing his shirt and cut off and going
for the button and fly of his jeans. All she could do was stand there and watch. Lizzy stared at the outlines of his muscles, at the way his shoulders were broad, at how his pecs were so defined.

  His abdomen was rippled, and he had a hard cut V of muscle that framed his six-pack. And then there was his bulging biceps, ones that were covered in colorful ink.

  God, this was what she’d been waiting for, and she had no intention of stopping it.


  Vain had his hands on her breasts, clenching and unclenching the mounds through the material of her bra. Lizzy needed the offending clothing off, needing to be totally nude, at his mercy, bared to him.

  Then, as if he read her mind, Vain had the clothing gone from her.

  There she stood, naked, aching, needy for him.

  He pressed her to his body once more, his hardness to her softness. He was hot, firm like granite, and she groaned. And his cock … his dick was big, stiff. The tip was slick with pre-cum, the fluid smearing on her belly, showing her how worked up he was.

  His hands on her breasts were almost painful as he squeezed and released her flesh. She wanted more, so much more.

  Maybe she’d said the words out loud, or he wanted this too badly as well. Either way, he released her chest and slid those hands down her sides, moved one of them to cup her ass, and had the other one right over her pussy.

  “Ask me to touch this virgin pussy.”

  She was breathing hard, the sound of her heart thundering in her ears drowning everything else out. “Touch me.”

  He grunted and did just that. A gasp left her when he speared his fingers through her soaked folds, and the gruff sound he made had her heart beating faster.

  “Baby, you are so fucking wet for me.” He continued to move his fingers up and down her slit, teasing her pussy hole, then moving up and rubbing her clit. Vain was making these low, animalistic grunts and thrusting his dick against her, clearly so worked up he couldn’t control himself.

  The feeling of Vain like this had all sanity and common sense leaving her. He teased her for several more seconds by rubbing her clit every time he stroked his fingers up her cleft.

  Lizzy was so thoroughly on edge that she was ready to beg him to fuck her, to claim her virginity … make her his.

  “Look at me.” She hadn’t realized she’d shut her eyes, but when she opened them, it was to see Vain had his hand up, his fingers in her line of vision. It was the digits that had been on her pussy, rubbing her, bringing her pleasure. They were wet, glossy from her arousal. He spread her wetness, which was clearly visible, across his mouth. This gush of air left her at the sight. First he moved the fingers along his top and then bottom lip. She was so transfixed by the sight, eager to have him already, but wanting this to last in the same breath. And then he was kissing her again, making her taste herself on his lips, tongue.

  Vain gripped her hair, tugging on the strands at her nape. Lizzy stroked his tongue with hers, moaned at the musky flavor of her wetness on his lips and the spicy flavor that was all Vain.

  He broke the kiss and started moving his mouth and tongue down her neck, along her collarbone, and stopped when he was right above her breast. The small, hard, and hot pants of his breath bathed her flesh, causing her nipple to harden even further.

  “You want me to stop, baby, to let you breathe?”

  She licked her lips and shook her head. “No, but I’m dying here.”

  Vain latched his mouth onto her breast, sucking her nipple until her clit tingled and more wetness spilled from her. Over and over he tormented her until the pain and pleasure morphed into one.

  “God, please be with me already.”

  And with one last drag across the stiff peak, Vain gripped the cheeks of her ass and lifted her with a strength that made her feel petite and small.

  Her mouth parted on its own when she felt his length slip through her slit. Lizzy wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her breasts against the hardness of his chest, and was now the one kissing him brutally.

  It was like a floodgate was opened and all her passion, desire, and need for this biker came bursting through.

  Vain didn’t break the kiss as he grabbed himself, placed the tip of his cock at her entrance, and held it there for a long second.

  “You ready for me, for this?”

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  He didn’t go slow, didn’t prolong the discomfort both of them knew she’d feel. In one swift move he buried through her, claiming her cherry, her virginity, and making it only his. Lizzy gasped, the stretching, burning, and pain almost too much to bear. Vain held her, supported her weight, and let her get accustomed to his size.

  “I should have done this on a bed, been slow, gentle, easy with you,” he murmured against her throat.

  She shook her head. “That’s not who you are.” Tears pricked her eyes, but as the seconds moved by, that discomfort started to fade slightly. It didn’t disappear, and would probably reappear when he started moving, but she was ready. “This is what I want: you, this way. I don’t need you to be anyone you aren’t, just for the sake of you thinking that’s what I want.”

  He started moving in and out of her slowly, giving her time to feel him, to be comfortable. For long minutes he did this, sweet, gentle, just like he’d said he wanted to do in the first place. Sweat bloomed between her breasts, and the length and size of him still had that stretching feeling consuming her.

  “Christ,” Vain panted against the side of her neck.

  “More, Vain,” she wheezed out.

  He started pumping in and out of her. “Fuck, that’s so it.” Their flesh was already becoming slick with their combined sweat. That made it so much hotter.

  Lizzy held on to his shoulders even tighter as he became frantic in his motions, fucking her like he was lost, like he had no control. He scraped his teeth along her neck, and a shiver worked its way through her whole body before taking root in her clit.

  The little nub was swollen, tingling, and needing one small touch to have her going off. He thrust into her hard, the root of his dick hitting her clit, rubbing it until she cried out. There was pleasure, agony, euphoria.

  “So. Fucking. Good, baby.” Vain slammed his mouth on hers, controlling the kiss, fucking her with his tongue. “Pull my hair, make it hurt so fucking good.”

  She tugged at his hair, the strands damp from his sweat. She was moved up and then slid back down the wall with every violent, delicious thrust. This experience was erotic, hard-core, and for a first time it was definitely memorable.

  Lizzy didn’t want slow and easy, didn’t expect that from Vain. Neither of them could control themselves, but that was what passion was all about. The temperature in the room rose, and their touches were painful and delicious.

  With his cock still buried inside of her and his mouth on hers, Vain moved them away from the wall once more. She dug her nails farther into his skin, knowing he loved the pain.

  She could feel it in the way he held her, hear it in the grunts and groans he made. He tightened his hold on her ass, his fingers painful … wonderful.

  He fucked her harder. She was vaguely aware of them moving down to the floor, but she didn’t need a bed to be with Vain, to lose her virginity.

  And then he was shifting so she straddled his waist, her legs on either side of him, her pussy engulfing his dick.

  Lizzy placed her hands on his chest and started moving up and down, not sure what she was doing since she was so inexperienced, but loving the way he watched her intently. He had his hands on her hips, guiding her, helping her, making her feel incredible. Vain watched her with this hooded expression.

  “Every part of you is so fucking gorgeous … so mine.”

  He still had his hands on her ass, and when he spread the cheeks, slipped his fingers between them, and touched her anus, everything inside of her tightened.

  She was going to feel euphoria in a second, and she didn’t want to fight it.

  “Come on,
baby, let go for me, give it all to me.”

  And just like that she was coming.

  Shit, Vain was going to get off, and it was going to be so fucking hard. Lizzy’s tits were bouncing right in front of him, up and down, shaking as she rode him. Maybe he should have been gentle with her this first time, taken her to the bed, made love to her the way she deserved.

  But truth was, he was a dirty, raw bastard, and he’d been so worked up for her for so long that waiting and going slow didn’t seem realistic. Besides, his woman was right here with him, taking it, needing it, too.

  He clenched his jaw, trying hard not to come. Lizzy’s inner muscles clenched rhythmically around his dick, and this harsh sound left him. She was working him over so fucking good. It didn’t matter that this was her first time or if she was inexperienced.

  She made him feel so damn good. She was the only one he’d ever want. He wanted her to come again. Vain wanted to see the expression of euphoria cover her face just once more before he let go and filled her up with his seed, marking her as his.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist and grabbing on to her ass with his other hand, he rose up, and actually made it to the bed. They should have started off there. Now she was the one on her back.

  He was about to make her cry out in pleasure. He was going to make her feel sore in the best of ways afterward.

  He closed his eyes and groaned when he started moving in and out of her. Her pussy was so wet, so tight and hot. He didn’t stop himself from leaning down and licking a path between her breasts, sucking at the droplets that dotted her skin.

  He leaned back on his haunches and looked down to where their bodies connected. “Fuck, so damn hot.” Those words left him on a strangled groan as he saw the way her pussy stretched around his cock. She was all pink and soaked flesh, her pussy taking all of him. His balls drew up tight with his imminent orgasm. He slammed into her once more.

  “Yes,” she moaned and tipped her head back. He knew she was close to getting off again.

  Vain placed his thumb right on her clit and rubbed the hell out of that little bud.


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