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Taking Her Hard (Death's Door MC, 2)

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  Back and forth.

  Over and over.

  Faster and harder.

  He watched her face the whole time, saw the way she opened her mouth, panting for more air, right there at the precipice. He rubbed her faster.

  She arched her back, thrusting out her breasts, and cried out. Only when she was coming, her pussy sucking at his cock, did he finally explode.

  He leaned forward, bracing his hands on the mattress beside her head, and grunted as he came. He’d never come this hard, never felt this good.

  When the pleasure receded and he was able to breathe again, Vain saw Lizzy watching him. With his cock softening inside of her, his cum in her, and his hands now tangled in her hair, he leaned down and kissed her.

  He kissed her long and slow, making sure she knew with his touch how much she meant to him.

  “I couldn’t have imagined that any better, baby girl.”

  He pulled back, smiled, and with a defeated sigh, pulled out of her. Vain lay beside her, his hand between her thighs and his finger pushing his cum back into her. As impossible as it was, his dick started getting hard again.

  “What does all of this mean?” She pulled back only enough that she could look into his face. He brought her closer, holding her right up against his body.

  “It means you’re mine, only mine, and it’ll always be like that.”


  One month later

  Lizzy closed her eyes and just absorbed the feeling of the wind rushing around her. The sun was beating down, warming the leather jacket she wore—the one Vain insisted she wear. Sweat beaded along her brow, and she felt a smile creep up along her lips.

  She was on the back of Vain’s bike, going far faster than they probably legally should, but she didn’t care. Lizzy loved this, loved that she felt free, that nothing held her down, held her back. This was how it was with Vain, how she knew it always would be.

  He revved the engine and took the corners tightly, having her heart jump in her throat for a second before calming. Vain turned his head slightly, his focus still on the road, but his mouth closer to her so she could hear him talk. “Dixon managed to get everyone together for a meal. You ready to head back?” he said loudly, clearly trying to be heard over the rumble of the engine. “Or we could keep riding. Your call, baby.”

  The feeling of this powerful, massive bike beneath her, rumbling, vibrating the sensitive area between her thighs, had her turned on, her pussy wet.

  She wanted Vain, could have asked him to pull over and fuck her and he would have. But Dixon wanted a nice sit-down meal with everyone. Lizzy could control herself until afterward.

  Leaning forward slightly, she ran the tip of her tongue along the shell of his ear. She felt his big body tense, knew he was already worked up. “As much as I want you right now, we better head back to the clubhouse or Dixon will have our asses handed to us.”

  He made this deep noise, and then he was taking the next turn and headed to the MC. He slowed, even though they were still on the back roads, and feeling slightly adventurous, like she was on top of the world, she braced her feet firmly down on the footrests.

  She held on to Vain’s shoulder and rose slightly, knowing how dangerous this was, but wanting to feel alive.

  “Baby, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” He slowed even further and turned and looked at her over his shoulder for a second. He faced forward, shook his head, and she heard him chuckling. “You’re fucking crazy, but damn, that’s why I love you.”

  Now standing, she closed her eyes. Lizzy let the feeling of really being free, of nothing holding her back, nothing tethering her to the world, wash through her.

  Her fingers twitched, and if she’d been an even more courageous person she would have let go of his shoulders and spread her arms out wide, but this was enough of a rush for her.

  “As much as I love you being all strong and courageous, I might have a heart attack if you don’t sit that gorgeous ass back down.”

  Now it was her turn to chuckle.

  After sitting back down, wrapping her arms around his waist, and resting her cheek on his back, Lizzy enjoyed the rest of the ride back to the MC.

  It was only about a ten-minute ride to the clubhouse, and once they were in front of the gates, she straightened. Seeing the massive compound, Lizzy felt like she was home for the first time in a long time.

  She knew it was because of Vain, because he loved her, was by her side, and because she finally had the strength to be honest about it all.

  Vain pulled his bike to a stop in front of the gate that blocked off the rest of the world from the Death’s Door MC. He waited until the prospects opened it, then drove up the paved driveway. She kept her hands wrapped tightly around his waist.

  There were several video cameras stationed around the property, and although the clubhouse was pretty protected and no one really fucked with them, they didn’t like to take chances.

  Once at the top, he pulled the bike up beside the row of Harleys, cut the engine, and sat there for a minute. Lizzy held on to him, her head resting on his back once more, the feeling that this was exactly where she was supposed to be filling her.

  He finally dismounted, helped her off, and they took their skullcap helmets off.

  Lizzy noticed the prospects smoking outside, the Cherries by their sides. Guess Dixon wasn’t ready to serve dinner yet. The front door opened, and Ace came walking out with Lance and Mace right behind.

  “’Bout time you two got back.” Ace stopped in front of them. “You out for a ride?”

  Lizzy nodded. Ace and Vain started talking shop for a bit, and she stared at her brother. His dark hair was in a man bun today, and his blue eyes, so much like hers, regarded Vain solemnly.

  To think Ace would be okay with them being together, not even putting up a fight, had her feeling like shit for doubting he could be civil and accept what she wanted. She should have known better. He trusted Vain. They were family, like brothers.

  She should have never left, should have stayed here, and told Vain how she felt from the beginning. She shouldn’t have run, not from her family, her life, or her feelings. And that’s exactly what she’d done.

  She’d been a coward, but she’d finally jumped headfirst into this and she had no regrets.

  Vain grabbed her hand, gave it a light squeeze, and pulled her in close. Ace made this frustrated noise, probably hating the PDA, but the smile on his face told her he was happy for them. They headed inside, hand in hand.

  The club was rowdy, the Patches, prospects, and Cherries all having a good time. They found a seat at the table that had been erected in the center of the room, and sat down.

  It was nice being around everyone, her relationship with Vain out in the open and freely accepted. Even if it hadn’t been, she knew Vain would go toe-to-toe with anyone who went up against him and their relationship.

  She glanced over at the man she loved, the one person she’d tried so hard to keep her distance from because she didn’t know how to fully accept it.

  Maybe running from the club hadn’t been about her trying to stay away from the violence and danger, but more so she was trying to run from her feelings for Vain because she didn’t think they’d ever manifest.

  Vain glanced at her, and before Lizzy knew what was happening, he had her in his lap, his arm around her waist, and his mouth at her neck.

  “Just looking at you has me wanting to say fuck social hour and take you back to the room.”

  A shiver worked its way through her. She had no problem with that. Over time they’d look into getting their own place. She had a lot to do for herself first.

  Get a new job, figure out what she wanted to do with her life, if she wanted to go back to school. She wanted to share her life with Vain, but she also wanted to live her life for herself, too.

  Maybe the danger she’d always thought she was running from, trying to leave behind, was actually the fear she felt deep inside of herself? Taking that first
step was always the right decision to make, even if in the end it led her back to the beginning.

  Only a month had passed since they’d told each other how they felt, and although she didn’t know what the future held or how things would actually play out, she was happy and content. She finally felt like she was exactly where she belonged, and with a man she loved more than anything else.

  He cupped her chin, tipped her head back, and for a second just stared into her eyes. Nothing else mattered right now, not one of the prospects copping a feel with a Cherry, not the men laughing and talking crudely on the other side of them, and not the music blasting through the speakers overhead.

  It was just her and Vain, and that was perfect.

  “You’re the only one for me.”

  She smiled. Lizzy would never get tired of hearing that, never want him to stop saying the words. He could repeat himself over and over again, and she’d accept it all.

  “And you’re the only one for me.”

  Vain pulled her in closer, kissed her on the lips, and she sighed against him. Vain was a hardened biker, feared by a lot of people, and rightly so, but with her he was soft and gentle, loving and kind. But only with her.

  Always with her.


  Six months later

  The world was falling upside down, twisting, turning, and it was all because of the woman in his arms. He’d never known what living was, what breathing was really like, until he had Lizzy. He’d gone through the motions of living, of taking one day at a time, but that hadn’t been what feeling his heartbeat really felt like.

  Lizzy was his heart, what made it beat. She was his reason for everything, his light in the darkness, his warmth in the cold. Without her he’d survive, but it would be cold, bleak. He wouldn’t be living at all. He’d just be existing, a painful, lonely existence.

  “So good.” Lizzy moaned, her body sweaty, naked … all his.

  Vain grinned against her swollen, damp flesh, and licked her several more times before finally pulling away. She was on the bed, her naked body seeming relaxed, content. He squeezed the plump mounds of her ass, spread them slightly, and stared at her tight hole.

  He had no intention of stopping this. Vain moved his tongue up the slender line between the cheeks of her ass, the scent of soap and the natural sweetness of her skin turning him on like a fiend.

  He began to lick her asshole, over and over again, faster, harder. He dragged his tongue over that puckered hole, pressed it inside until he felt her clench around the muscle.

  He could have fucking come right there, drenched the sheets with his seed, just let go. No, he’d get off in her.

  Van moved back and stared at her ass, just enjoying the view. After long moments he grabbed his cock and poised the tip of his dick at her ass, imaging how tight she’d be, how much she’d clench around him. They’d had anal before, and he’d fucked her ass good and hard, but every time was like the first.

  He grabbed her waist hard enough Vain knew there would be bruises. Good. He wanted his mark on her, wanted everyone to see how much she was his. The way she lifted her bottom told him she needed this, too.

  “You want my dick in your ass?”

  She moaned, the only answer she gave him. No more waiting, no teasing, no torturing. Vain started pushing his dick into her slowly, stretching her wide so his dick could get past the tight ring of muscle at the entrance.

  “Fuck yeah, baby. That’s so it. That’s so good.”


  He loved when she whined out his name, a plea, a broken whisper. He slid all the way in, her inner muscles clenching at him, pulling him in deeper. When his balls were pressed tightly to her pussy, his entire dick in her ass, he breathed out heavily.

  Lizzy’s back was arched, her head thrown back, her mouth wide open. She looked like a woman who was in the throes of passion, in ecstasy.

  He thrust his hips forward, not able to control himself, not even about to try. A deep groan left him, and a feeling of weightlessness consumed him. There would only be one woman for him … ever.

  He pressed his hand to the center of her back. “Chest to the bed, ass in the air.” Vain added a little pressure, and she did what he said instantly. “That’s it. Good girl, baby.”

  He started pulling out of her slowly, until just the crown of his dick was lodged inside of her ass. He then shoved back in, a harsh sound leaving him at the pleasure that consumed him.

  Over and over he pushed into her and pulled back out, faster, harder, making sure she took all of him. Vain reached around, found her clit, and rubbed the bundle, needing her to come.

  A gasp left her, and he grinned. He fucking loved taking her this way.

  “That is so fucking it, Lizzy.” Sweat started to bead along his brow, and his pulse began racing. In and out, faster and harder. His balls were slapping her pussy, the sound turning him on.

  “You were made for me. Every fucking part of you is mine.” Her ass was tight and hot, and the way she was clenching around him had his orgasm rushing to the surface.

  And then she cried out her own completion, and he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He started pounding into her. Deep, guttural words left him, ones that were filthy, ones that only Lizzy would ever hear.

  He filled her ass with his seed, made her take all of it. She shook beneath him, her own orgasm claiming her, making her cry out for more.

  Once his high left and his dick started to soften, he came back to reality and gently pulled out of her. Lizzy rested on the bed fully, and Vain smoothed his hand along her sweaty back. He watched as she relaxed, this content smile on her face.

  His heart started thundering, and he knew if he didn’t do this, didn’t grow some balls, he’d forever be putting it off. Never in his life had Vain felt so on edge, so unstable.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for some time, but I’ve held back because I didn’t want to rush you or seem like I was pressuring you.”

  She nodded. “Okay, but what’s going on?”

  Vain reached down, grabbed his cut, and took out the small ring box from inside the front pocket. Could she hear how hard his heart was beating? Could she see how nervous he was? Fuck, he’d never felt this off balance before. “I love you,” he said and opened the box, showing her the ring. “I’m possessive, can be a pain in your ass, but I love you more than anything else in this fucking world.”

  She smiled, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

  “I never thought I’d want an old lady, let alone a wife, but I want all of that and more. I want you to be the mother of my children, the only woman that will put up with my stubborn ass.” She chuckled, and he grinned, feeling like things would be okay. They had to be.

  Vain needed to man up, just do this, and stop being a fucking wimp about it. “I love you, more than you’ll ever know, and I want this more than anything else, baby.”

  “Oh, Vain.” She had her hand covering her mouth, and her eyes were wide, her emotions written across her face. “I love you, too.”

  He’d wanted to do this the moment she’d said she was his, but being barbaric about it, seeming to rush it all, didn’t seem like a good idea. He didn’t want to scare her off.

  “I want you in my life for as long as you’ll have me.” He cupped one of her cheeks and leaned in to kiss her softly. She was breathing hard, and he saw she was crying. “Baby?”

  “I’m good,” she said and started smiling. “Don’t stop.”

  He smiled back, seeing how strong she was for him. Did she know she held all the power?

  “I want you to be my wife.” He took the ring out, slipped it on her finger, and waited. “Marry me, baby girl. You’ve always been mine, always will be, but I want this to be official. I need it to be.” For a second she just stared at the ring, and he wondered if even waiting six months hadn’t been rushing it for her.

  The she smiled at him and nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

  Vain had her in his arms
seconds later, needing her close, right up against him. She felt good in his arms, and he didn’t stop himself from running his nose up the arch of her neck. He inhaled deeply, her sweet scent hardening his cock again.

  This was his woman. Soon to be his wife.

  There wasn’t anything that would ruin this for them. He’d level cities, take lives if it meant Lizzy was by his side always.

  He was a bastard in a lot of ways, but he had to have done something right in order to have Lizzy in his life. He would not fuck this up.

  The End

  Coming April 2017

  Brutal (A Real Man, 11)

  You can add to your TBR shelf HERE

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  I had a death grip on my bag, my palms hurting from how strongly I was holding on to the damn strap. But God, I didn’t care. The sight before me had everything else dimming in comparison.

  Deacon McKnight.

  The only reason I knew his name was because I was nosy as hell, asking about him, my fascination like an obsession. We’d never spoken, and to my knowledge he’d never even noticed me.

  But I sure as hell have noticed him.

  If ever there was a person who could be the poster boy for what a real man looked like, Deacon would be front and center.

  The bay doors to his shop were open, and although it wasn’t hot out, I could see sweat covering his hard, muscular form. I swallowed. If anyone were to see me gawking at Deacon, they’d think I had some issues. I didn’t give one shit. Walking by his shop every day on my way to the community college I attended was the highlight of my damn day. The only downside was when I finally pulled myself away from the perfect male specimen that he was, I was breathless, wet, needy, and wishing I had someone to relieve the pent-up arousal that burned in me.


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