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Ugly Duckling: A True Life Story of Beauty, Manipulation and Murder

Page 11

by Phillips, Royal

JUNE 26, 2010


  Dear Royal,

  Last Thursday, June 24, I visited Pamela again. She’s doing pretty well and asked me to write to you and tell you “she loves you”. She asked if you could contact her children and tell them too that she loves them. Pam hasn’t written or called you because it is complicated to do so -- also, she does not want to involve you in the proceedings. Everything, which she writes to you, or you to her, is read and could of course be used against her. Pamela is due to be extradited to Arizona any day now. Evidently two Air Marshals will accompany her on the flight.

  After receiving the official permission to visit her some weeks ago, I tried but was turned down, since she had already had a visitor that day. She is only allowed to have one visitor for 30 min. on Tues. & Thursday. On June 10, I visited her for the first time -from behind a glass & speaking over a phone. She told me then that she had originally been put in a cell with other women and was happy to have company. However, someone stole things from her, etc. and she had moved to a single cell for which she is thankful. She said that you had asked her years ago if she could ever be on her own. She said that now she can. She spoke about what a gifted writer you are (I agree), and that you would be the person to write her story. Pamela had on gray jogging outfit, appeared calm, spoke about her belief in God, and speaks of you with great affection. She thinks of you as her Mother and loves you and her children. She was worried about you and if you were overweight -- I told her you looked very healthy and happy when I saw you. She said there is a civil case against her, and she could lose everything there -- and then not have the funds to pay for lawyers for a criminal trial. (I thought a criminal trial comes first.) She spoke about 2 lawyers who had represented her before, but they took huge fees. However, she says that they know her case very well, so tends to think they should represent her. (In Vienna there are 2 lawyers who have her case.)

  She has one hour each day when she can walk around a closed courtyard. Food is delivered to the cell evidently. She has TV. She mentioned a young man whom she met last year and who comes to visit her regularly. Every 2 weeks she can attend Catholic Church service. We discussed in general terms that whatever happens, it will be a big change in her life. I told her my opinion: it is better for her to have the case decided in the court, than to live a life on the run. That if one looks to God for the answers, He will guide her. He has a plan for each of us. Who knows what He has in store for Pam’s future, but she can be assured that He loves her. Better to turn to God for the answers and He will supply our every need! (I later mailed a book on ‘Life’s Problems & God’s Solutions’ by Dr. Dwight Pentecost, a well-respected Christian theologian.)

  There are security checks on entering the building and also to enter the visiting area. Last Thursday as I told the guard I wanted to visit Pamela, a young man appeared and said he wanted to visit her too, so we both saw her. He regularly visits Pam, buys necessities for her, and has had contact with her lawyer in Aspen (the lawyer told him that Pam was a difficult client, as she did not follow his advice).

  We had to wait 45 min. until Pamela came, as she had seen the doctor. She hasn’t been able to sleep, so doctor gave her something. I encouraged her to cut down as much (and very slowly) as possible, because she needs to have a clear head for the coming trial. Suggested that she do Pilates or anything that will tire her enough to sleep. (Psychopharmica can mess up a person’s mind in fast order.) Later, the young man told me that when she first went in, she had a ‘nervous breakdown’ and they gave her meds after that. She seems to want to cut back on meds, but she is nervous about what lies ahead. She said she smokes far too much (which doesn’t promote sleep either!). We talked about what she would wear on the plane -- He will bring a blouse & shawl, I guess from luggage that she left at the hotel.


  Your sorority sister


  JULY 3, 2010

  I watch you stoically walking into the Tucson airport with a scarf covering your shackles surrounded by guards. The Lupita Murillo news lady keeps asking you questions, which you ignore. She is pushing the mike into your face. I am alarmed at how much you have aged. All the Botox and facial surgery looks like it is melting. I know you would freak out if you heard my descriptions. It is just bizarre to see you like this. And to Lupita’s hounding question of HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE BACK IN TUCSON WHERE YOUR HUSBAND WAS KILLED?

  The only words you utter are: It’s warm here.


  AUGUST 20, 2010

  I find out from your little brother how to write you in the Pima County Jail. I cannot use stamps for they are afraid there will be drugs on the glue. I must go down to the post office and have the guy hand stamp all my letters. I cannot send photos unless they are printed on the regular paper. I can’t use gel pens. Your brother has nicely been to see you via TV monitors and is putting money into your “account”. This is so you can have cigarettes and coffee. I find it hard to believe that the jail doesn’t serve coffee. I am sad you are still smoking. There is also another account you can pay for so that you can do emails.

  I send you snail mail. I don’t hear from you for a long time. When I do hear, you complain about no face cream or hair dye. You lament that you are in there with prostitutes, bad check writers, drug pushers etc. and that they swear. I have never been to jail but would imagine that those would be the people in there. I would imagine that every other word would be FUCK or SHIT.

  I send you photos and tell you that this can be your very own ashram. You can meditate and do yoga. After all the lawyers that did nothing for you but took millions of dollars, you like your public defender and his investigator. You now have no other recourse. You want someone to bail you out; however your bail is $5 million and you are a high security risk.

  I feel like I am moving in a dream behind all this. What happened to my joyful Pammie that did cartwheels on the beach and dug holes for my pregnant belly? It is surreal. First Putzie and now you. Where did Frank and Lois go wrong? Your parents would be astounded.


  SEPTEMBER 15, 2010

  I found out that Pam was arrested by the Austrian police on a money laundering charge filed in the country of Lichtenstein. She had been red flagged and wanted by Interpol, wanted on conspiracy to commit murder and murder charges for Gary Triano, her xhusband and father of her two children. Her accomplice, Ronald Young, already tried and convicted, sits in the ASPC prison in Florence, Arizona with First Degree Murder and conspiracy to commit First Degree Murder charges and is serving two life sentences. Pam sits in the Pima County jail awaiting her trial.

  Pam reflects in the Cayman Islands 2007


  AUGUST 19, 2013

  Another six page chaotic letter from you. The writing and content are hard to read. I am so glad you have writing as an outlet but find what you write disturbing. The last letter included jail flyers, one of which featured a Suicide Prevention Lifeline number.

  Oh, Pammie, you have no idea how I worry about you!



  Louann from Asheville calls. She says she has known you “forever”. That is odd, as I have never heard you mention this friend before. She asks for photos of you for the Arizona courts. Yes, I have photos of your whole life since you were born but I do not intend to give them to people I don’t know. Talking with her, I realize that Louann doesn’t really know you well. Very curious.


  FEBRUARY 12, 2013

  You keep writing and mentioning your good friend Louann. I don’t understand what the urgency is for me to meet her. I wonder if there is a motive here.


  FALL, 2014

  I spoke with your little brother in Tucson and he has been bothered by mail from a jail inmate who states she is your main girlfriend and loves you. I am not surprised. I wonder if this is the friend you referred to when you asked me for lettering pens. Was it for
this special friend?


  FEBRUARY 3, 2014

  I wonder about your expectations, Pammie.

  You wrote:

  I just heard some girl in here had all her charges dropped. They gave her a bag to pack her things in and leave. Maybe the judge will allow me to go stay with Todd and his wife here in Tucson.


  FEBRUARY 4, 2014

  So sweet of you to remember my birthday. Your OLDE auntie in her seventies now! I appreciate the pencil drawing you did for me. I never saw you do artwork before. Another good outlet for you. I pray that you are truly focused on your upcoming plight of the final trial.

  You wrote:

  I need court clothes-need your thoughts. I love sweaters, v-neck and pants, skirts. Classic suits. I have gained weight in here. L-XL top sweaters-thicker around middle than I should be. I want back in my jeans. I will need exercise when I am thru this.

  Pammie, I realize that I could not send you clothing. I can’t even send mail with a regular post office stamp for fear of somehow transporting drugs. I have to buy special envelopes or go to the post office and have the mail to you hand stamped. You ask for me to get in touch with your children. I have tried to contract them over the years, but to avail.


  FEBRUARY 12, 2014

  I get a letter from you today telling me that your “good” friend Lou died. You are in shock. I am to find out all the details in the local Asheville papers. I find her obit online and it said the following: She had cancer, kicked it but recently caught a bug over the holidays. She went to the hospital and died shortly after. I sent a copy of her obituary for Todd to bring you. I cannot help but reflect on the number of people that you have known that have died.


  APRIL, 2014

  I see clips of you on GOOD MORNING AMERICA and notice you are wearing a black suit instead of the bright orange jumpsuit. Someone has gotten clothes for you. I also see that you sport some make-up. I always think of your lament about using a regular pencil for your eyebrows. VERY VERY important trial going on, Pam! Your life depends on this. In my letters to you, I urge you to pray. You will have a fair trial.


  MAY 22, 2014,

  Pamela Anne Phillips, 57, clad in a jail issue orange jumpsuit with only shackles for jewelry, received the sentence of twenty -five years or the natural span of her life without parole for first-degree murder. She also received the same sentence for conspiracy to commit first-degree murder.


  But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. (1 Timothy 6:9)

  This is a not a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are real. The material is from actual dated diaries, letters, faxes and family photo albums.


  Stella Larson for expert criticism, sage counsel and encouragement on this truthful endeavor. Randall Pütz for original layout concept, fine editing and sound advice. Amy Watson Wood, for providing helpful fresh feedback, edits and true warm friendship. Rochelle Lockridge, Minnesota, who is an absolute wizard with artistic ideas. Monte Schulz, Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference, for connections and friendship. Eric Blehm for his agent contact. Erik Phillips for his enthusiasm and connections. Special thanks to talented Nancy Mason for initial design of CHERRY BOMBS, VOLUME ONE and her belief in me. Gratitude to my dear friend, Nancy Robinson, who made me eat my words. Leonard Tourney, mystery author and professor at BYU, for edit. Dr. Gordon and Anne Herrald, for years of Montecito friendship and Colorado current events. Nancy Evans, Tucson, who faithfully kept me informed. Sorority sister Carolyn, Austria, who made the time to visit Pamela in the Vienna jail. Chuck Palmgren, who provided valuable support and friendship. Kristen Eppley, of CSI for giving me time in Virginia. For Carol freely always being there and sharing her business mind! Denise Smith, RN, who was always a guiding spirit. Anna Worley, for her nurturing and healing ways. David Cox, my MAC guy. Paige Phillips Martin, RN for all her caring confidence. Special gratitude to legal counsel from Jonathan Blinderman, Esq. and Mike Wimer, Esq. And a hug to grandson Sander Pütz, who taught me what upload means.

  And finally, for niece Pamela, a thanks for all the life lessons.


  Born on Valentines Day, 1940 in Chicago, Royal Phillips is an alumna of The University of New Mexico. An international childbirth instructor and doula for over 35 years, she has taught and lectured in the United States, the Middle East, Central America, Europe, Indonesia and Australia. She has been the teacher of choice for many movie actors and professional athletes. Royal has been a contributor to the Santa Barbara News Press and a columnist for The Montecito Journal. Her writing has received several awards, including her screenplay Incommunicado, based on her hostage experience in the 1994 Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas, Mexico. Her recently published book, Cherry Bombs, A Life in Poetry, is available on As an advocate for children, Royal has also created and produced childbirth-specific books, audiotapes, and videos. Her documentary, Prince for a Day, chronicles Indonesian circumcision rituals on the youth of Sumbawa and was presented at the Anti-Genital Mutilation Symposium at University of Sydney, Australia. She is a mother of three, grandmother of five, and an avid photographer, SCUBA diver, and world traveler having visited over 80 countries. Royal currently resides in the Smoky Mountains.




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