How Sex Works
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Hass, Earl, 28
Hayden, Deborah, 189
hCAP-18, 132
Heinrich, Thomas, 27–28
herpes simplex, 180–85, 229; herpes infections in fingers, toes, skin, eyes, and brain, 182–83; HSE (herpes simplex encephalitis), 182–83; Klüver-Bucy syndrome and, 183–84; pregnancy dangers and, 184; treatment, 184–85
Herz, Rachel, 77–78, 81–82, 221–22
Higham, James, 196, 197
Hippocrates, 27, 120
hips, 11–14; fertility and, 12–13, 16; higher IQ of offspring and curvy, 13–14; hip-waist ratio, xi, 12, 13–14; sexual attraction and, xi, 11–12
Hitler, Adolf, 189
HIV/AIDS, 190–93, 229; children born to HIV-positive mothers, 171–73; circumcision and prevention, 53–58; condoms and, 39; Langerhans’ cells and, 55; multiple partners and multiple contemporaneous partners and, 192; senior sexual revolution and risk, 192–93
HLA (human leukocyte antigen), 79–80, 82, 86, 220–21
homosexuality, xiii; among animals, 157–63; bonobos and, 161–62; evolution and, 159–60; finger length and, 168–69; genetic link, 165–67, 227; lesbianism in Japanese macaques, 157–59; origins of, 163–69, 227; in prisons, 157; scent and, 84–87, 164
honeybees, 45–48
Houston, Avril Melissa, 191
HPV (human papilloma virus), 174–77; cervical cancer and, 56, 175, 177, 193; circumcision and prevention, 56–58; oral sex and oral cancers, 176–77; penile cancer and, 175; vaccine (Gardasil), 57, 176, 229
Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan, 187
Hutson, John, 50
hymen, 105–8
hymenoplasty, 107
hymenotomy, 106
hypothalamus, 84
Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique, 120
infanticide, 199
infidelity, ix, xii; genetics and, 111; HLA genes and, 82; male reproductive success and, 97, 109, 227; ovulation and, 76, 77; vasopressin and, 110–11
intercourse, vaginal: circumcision of male and comfort of, 50–51; first time, 105; HIV/AIDS and, 191; induced ovulators and, 30; mons pubis or mons veneris and, 17; penis size and, 37–38; UTIs and, 133–34
Intersex Society of North America (ISNA), 141, 143, 153, 154
Inuit people, 103
Janssen, Erik, 53
Japan: tampons, 27
Jasienska, Grazyna, 12
Jews: circumcision and, 49, 50; Orthodox, menstruation and, 26
Kama Sutra, 107, 120
Kampe, Knut, 98
Kaska Indians, 26
Kelly, Ian, 209
kissing, 102–3; health and taste of, 104
kisspeptin, 4
Klinefelter syndrome, 148–49
Klüver-Bucy syndrome, 183–84
Knell, Robert, 189
Korea: pubic hair and, 19–20
Kotex, Kleenex, Huggies: Kimberly-Clark and the Consumer Revolution in American Business (Heinrich and Batchelor), 27–28
Kulkarni, Jayashri, 219
labiaplasty, 95–96
lactation, 5–7, 9; amenorrhea and, xiv, 199–201; breast size and, 15; in men, 9; witch’s milk, 9
Lahn, Bruce T., 65
Lassek, William, 3, 13
Lee, Joyce, 3
Lerner, Aaron B., 101
LeVay, Simon, 164, 166
Liberti, Tom, 193
Light, Kathleen, 34
Lipson, Susan, 12
Little, Anthony, 91
LL-37, 132, 134
Lloyd, Elisabeth, 114, 115
love, xii; attraction, potential sexual partners, and, 72–74; infidelity threat and, 112; orgasm and, 116; oxytocin as a “love hormone,” 34–35; pair bonding and children, 34–35, 72, 108, 115–18, 227; scent of partner and, 222–23; women’s orgasm and, 33–34
Low, Bobbi, 12
Lybrel, 218
lysine, 185
Mae Enga of New Guinea, 26
mammary glands, 5, 8–9
Maner, Jon, 72, 73
Maori people, 103
Marker, Russell, 214
Martinez-Patiño, Maria José, 144, 147
Mating Mind, The (Miller), 228
Mayer, Louis B., 94
McClintock, Martha, 30
McCormack, Naomi, 134
McCormick, Katharine, 214, 216
McCormick, Stanley, 216
MDMA (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine), 35
melatonin, 101
men: arousal and, 99; attractive to women, xi, 74, 77–89, 92, 96, 101, 227; breasts of, 8–9; circumcision, xi, 48–58; ejaculation, xi, 59, 66–67; fertility of sexual partner and attraction, 7–8, 11–12, 83; gender development in, 142, 144–45, 168; infidelity, 97, 110–11; lactation in, 9; orgasm, 112–13; penis, 37–58; pornography and, 98–100; promiscuity, 97, 107; puberty, 58, 145; pubic hair, 18; sexual maturity in, 37–70; symmetry and, 92; vasopressin and, 110–11
menarche, 1, 25–26, 66; average age, change in, xi, 1–4; psychosocial acceleration theory, 2
menopause, 193, 201–3
menstruation, 22, 24, 25–28; cramps (dysmenorrhea), 22–23, 28–29; cultural treatment of, 26; female athletes and, 26, 147; feminine hygiene products (pads and tampons), 26–28; lactational amenorrhea, xiv, 199–201; moon and, 30–32; myth of synchronized cycles, 30; the Pill and cessation of, 217–18; primary amenorrhea, 106; Whitten effect, 30; women’s preferences for men and, 74–75, 97. See also menarche
Merck Pharmaceuticals, 57
methylation, 167
Miller, Geoffrey, 227
Miramontes, Luis, 214
Mismatch: Why Our World No Longer Fits Our Bodies (Gluckman), 4
mitochondria, 204–5
Moeliker, Kees, 161
monoculture, 80
monogamy, 108–12
Monroe, Marilyn, 94
mons pubis or mons veneris, 17
Montgomery’s glands, 6
Morris, Desmond, 8, 102
Moroccans, 26
morula, 23
Mullins, Jolene, 193
Muslims: bride’s chastity and, 107; circumcision and, 49, 50; pubic hair removal and, 19
Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love, The (Fisher), 112
necrophilia, 161
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 189
nitric oxide (NO), 43, 61, 119
nipples, 8; supernumerary (extra), 10; nipple orgasm, 32; variation, 95
obesity: childhood, 3
O’Bryan, Moira, 68
Ofek, Itzhak, 134
Olofsson, Jan, 179
On Seed and the Nature of the Child (Hippocrates), 120
oral sex: fertility, protection from preeclampsia, and, 136–37; gonorrhea and, 186; HIV/AIDS and, 191; oral cancers and, 176–77; taste of semen and, 69–70
orchiopexy, 61
orgasm, xii, 112–37; anal stimulation and, 32; “blended,” 33; breast, 33; clitoral, 32–33, 120, 130; G spot, 120, 129; men’s, 112–13; nipple stimulation and, 10, 32; oxytocin levels and, 35; power of the mind and, 32, 33; symmetrical bodies and, 91–92; vaginal stimulation and, 32, 130; woman’s love for partner and, 33–34; women’s, xii, 32–34, 112–16, 120–31
Origin of the World, The: Science and Fiction of the Vagina (Drenth), 106
ovaries, 25, 145
ovulation, 1, 29–30, 109; age of mother and, 202–3; Billings method, 206; Bruce effect, 197–98; cervical mucus and, 21; changing partner preferences and, 74–75, 97; fertilization of egg by sperm, 67–68; induced ovulators, 30; kisspeptin and onset of, 4; lactational amenorrhea and cessation of, xiv, 199–201; men’s attraction to women and, 83; mittelschmerz, 29–30; natural prevention of, in animals, 195–99; number of eggs, 25, 202–3; rhythm method and, 205–6; twins and, 76
oxytocin, 34–35, 110; autism and, 34–35
PAP (prostatic acid phosphatase), 126
Penaten baby cream, 131
penectomy, 175
penis, xiv, 37–58; anatomy, 42–43; angle of, 41; in animals, 44; in bees, 45–48; “boner,” 43
; breaking/fracture of, 44–45; corpora cavernosa, 43, 44; corpora spongiosum, 43; erectile tissue, 43; erection, 43–44; ethnic differences, 38–42; foreskin and circumcision, 48–58; glans, 42–43, 50; micropenis, 41; myths, 42; in nonhuman primates, 37; penile cancer, 175; shaft, 42; size, 21, 37–42; smegma, 49–50; tunica albuginea, 44–45; underdeveloped or missing, 167–68; vasocongestion and, 62; Viagra and erection, 118–19
Penn, Dustin, 221
Perry, John, 122, 125
pheromones, 78. See also scent
phytoprogestogens, 196
Pillard, Richard, 164
Pillsworth, Elizabeth, 77
Pincus, Gregory, 216
pineal gland, 31, 101
pitocin, 34
pologamy, 108–12
pornography, 98–100, 124; monkeys and, 100; sperm production and, 68–69
Pox: Genius, Madness and the Mysteries of Syphilis (Hayden), 189
preeclampsia, 136–37
pregnancy: ectopic, 24, 211; fertilization of egg by sperm, 23–24; herpes, dangers of, 184; preeclampsia, 136–37
promiscuity, ix; HIV/AIDS and, 192; men, 107; STIs and, 183
Prostasomes, 131
prostate, 125–26; female, 126–28; size and position of, 128; tissue of, 129; zinc in prostatic fluid, 131–32
Prozac, 219
PSA (prostate-specific antigen), 124–26
pubarche, 17
puberty, x–xi; kisspeptin and onset of, 4; men, 58, 145; women, 4; women, body shape and, 11–16; women, childhood obesity and early, 3; women, secondary sexual characteristics, 5, 11–16 (see also breasts)
pubic hair, xi; Brazilian wax and pubic lice, xi, 18–19, 229; cultural/ethnic differences, 19–20; in history, 19; men, 18; mons pubis or mons veneris and, 17; pubarche, 17; scent signature and, 18, 20; shape of distribution, 17–18; shave, trim, shape, or wax, 18; transplants, 20; wig (merkin), 19; women, 17–20
Pythagoras, 66
Ratjen, Hermann, 144
Red Queen, The: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature (Ridley), 140
Reichman, Judith, 133
Reiner, William, 167–68
reproduction, 227; asexual, x, 140–41, 172, 226; birth defects, DSDs as, 142–51; birth defects, folate and, 87–88; birth defects, genes and, 81; breast size and fertility, 15–16; CAH and, 150; cervical mucus and, 22; chimpanzees, age of female and, 202; chlamydia and infertility, 178–79; consanguinity and, 80–81; estradiol and fertility, 12–13; female success, attributes needed, 97, 113–14; fertility and oral sex, 136–37; fertility treatments, 229; fertilization of egg by sperm, 67–68, 113; gene variation and, 80–81, 139–40, 172–73; male success, attributes needed, 97, 109, 113; ovulation and changing partner preferences, 75; pair bonding and children, 34–35, 72, 108, 115–18; pornography and sperm production, 68–69; puberty and fertility, 66; pubic hair and fertility, 20; risks of sexual reproduction, 171–93; sexual, x; sexual differentiation and, 144–45; sexual and errors, xiii; sexual and evolutionary ad vantages, xii–xiii, 80–81, 139–40, 172, 226; temperature and health of sperm, 59–61; testicle size and, 63–64; women’s body shape and fertility, 3, 12–13, 16
Riddle, John, 205, 206, 208
Ridley, Matt, 140
Roberts, Craig, 220
Robinson, William, 215
Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm, The (Gräfenberg), 122
Romans, 26
Roughgarden, Joan, 159–61, 162
Rupp, Heather, 100
Sabuncuoğlu, Şerafeddin, 93
Sanger, Margaret, 214, 215
Savic-Berglund, Ivanka, 84–85, 87
scent: attraction and, xi, 77–87, 227; family members and, 83; as gender specific, 84–87, 164; HLA and, 79–80, 82, 86; homosexuality and, 84–87; onset of menarche and, 2; ovulation and, 83; pheromones, 78; the Pill and shift in women’s preferences, xi, 220–23; pubic hair and, 18, 20; underarm hair and, 18 Scent of Desire (Herz), 77–78, 221 Science and the Paranormal (Abell), 31–32
Science of Orgasm, The (Komisaruk, Beyer-Flores, and Whipple), 33, 114
Seasonale, 217–18
semen. See sperm and semen
serotonin, 219
Sex on the Brain (Amen), 98–99
Sex Practice in Marriage, 121
sexual aids or toys: G spot stimulation and, 41; teledildonics, 228; vibrator, 226
Sexual Responsibility in Marriage (Davis), 121
sexual selection, 16
Shanley, Daryl, 203–4
Simmons, Leigh, 68–69
Singh, Devendra, 13, 83
Skene, Alexander, 127
Slater, Alan, 89–90
Soundarajan, Santhi, 143–44
sperm and semen, 23, 64–70; abnormal sperm, 67–68; allergy to, 70, 136; aneuploidy of sperm, 88; composition of, 126; darker complexions, folate, and healthier sperm, 87–88, 227; ejaculation and, 66–69; ejaculation of, 59; fertility and oral sex, 136–37; list of lifestyle recommendations, 59–60; of nonhuman primates, 64–65; number of sperm cells, 48, 65, 66; phytoestrogens and lowered sperm count, 224; pornography and sperm production, 68–69; PSA in, 125–26; repeated exposure to, benefits, 136–37; “rogue” sperm, 25; stickiness of, 65; successful impregnation and, 97, 109; taste of, 69–70; temperature and health of sperm, 59–61; testicle size and, 63–64; zinc and, 131–32; zince and, 134
Sperm Wars (Baker and Bellis), 114–15
spring fever, xi, 101
square jaws, xi
Stewart, Elizabeth G., 17
STIs (sexually transmitted infections), xiii, 171–93; Chlamydia trachomatis, 177–79; genital warts, 57, 174, 176; gonorrhea, 185–87; herpes and related inflections, 180–85, 229; HIV/AIDS, 39, 53–58, 171–73, 190–93, 229; HPV (human papilloma virus), 56–58, 174–77; pubic lice, 19; senior sexual revolution and, 192–93; syphilis, 187–90
Story of V, The (Blackledge), 127
Sundahl, Deborah, 127, 130
suprachiasmatic nuclei, 101
surgery, reconstructive and cosmetic, 92–96, 228
Survival of the Sickest (Moalem), 183
symmetry, 90–92; breasts and, 14–15, 91; orgasm frequency and, 92; sexual attraction and, 14–15
Symons, Donald, 115
syphilis, 187–90, 208; in historic figures, 189; stages of, 188–89
Tarn Nam Jai orphanage, Thailand, 171, 173
Taschen, Angelika, 93
technology and sex, 226, 228–29
Tenderich, Gertrude, 28
testicles, 58–64; African velvet monkey, 62; of bats, brain size and, 63; “blue balls,” 61–62; cremaster muscle, 60–61; epididymis, 58–59; gender development and, 145, 146; of nonhuman primates, 62, 63; pampiniform plexus, 61; puberty and swelling of, 58; scrotal hyperthermia, 59; size, 63–64; temperature and health of sperm, 59–61; undescended, 61
testosterone, 58; attraction and, 75; gender development and, 145; male characteristics correlating with high levels, 75; male pseudohermaphroditism and, 142; in male sweat, 84
TGF-beta, 136
thelarche, 17
Thornhill, Randy, 91–92
Tone, Andrea, 208, 216–17
toys. See sexual aids or toys
Trotula, 106–7
Turek, Paul, 60
Turner syndrome, 148, 149–50
twins: homosexuality studies, 163–64; superfecundation (heteropaternal, different fathers), 76
urethra: CAH and, 151; female, bacteria and, 132–35; female, role in orgasm and ejaculation, 123; male, hypospadia and, 93, 94; male, penile fracture and, 45
uterus: endometrium, 23, 24
UTIs (urinary tract infections), 132–35; cranberry juice to combat, 134–35; ejaculate and antimicrobial protection, 134
vagina, 16–17, 20–22, 38; acidity of, 67; arousal and, 96; CAH and, 150–51; childbirth and, 21–22; G spot stimulation, 41; opening (introitus), 20; pelvic nerve and, 33; penis size and, 21; stimulation and orgasm, 32
Van Gogh, Vincent, 189
Van Valen, Leigh, 140<
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vas deferens, 58, 66–67, 113; vasectomy, 212–13
Vasey, Paul, 158
vasocongestion, 62
vasodilation, 119
vasopressin, 110
V Book, The (Stewart), 17
Viagra (sildenafil citrate), 117, 118–19; senior sexual revolution and HIV risk, 192–93
Vilain, Eric, 154
Viravaidya, Mechai, 213
virginity, ix, 105–8
vole, 109–10
von Hutten, Ulrich, 187
vulva, 16–17; arousal and, 96; labia minora, 38, 95–96; symmetry and, 96
Wahlberg, Mark, 10
Walker, Lesley, 177
Wallen, Kim, 100
Walum, Hasse, 110–11
“water sports” or “golden showers,” 123
Wedekind, Claus, 79, 220, 221
Weisberg, Martin, 124
wet dreams, 66
Whipple, Beverly, 33, 114, 115, 121–22, 123, 125, 130
Whitten, Patricia, 197
Why Is Sex Fun? (Diamond), 116
Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior (Low), 12
Wilde, Friedrich, 209
Wilde, Oscar, 189
Wimpissinger, Florian, 126, 128, 129–30
Winston, Mark, 47
Wolfe, Linda, 157–59
women: arousal and, 99; attraction to specific mates, 72, 74–75, 76, 82, 97, 109; attributes that attract men, xi, 7–8, 11–12, 83, 227; body shape, xi, 3, 11–16, 227; breasts, xi, 5–11, 14–16; childbirth, 22, 23; circumcision, xi, 49, 51–52, 96; ejaculation, xi, xii, 120–31; gender devel opment in, 144–45; genitalia, 16–17, 20–22, 32, 38; hips, xi, 11–14; infidelity by, 76, 77, 82; longevity and fertility, xi, 201–4; makeup and, 98–99; menopause and grandmother effect, 201–5; menstruation, 1–4, 22–23, 24, 30–32; mitochondria and, 204–5; onset of menarche, xi, 25–26; orgasm, xii, 32–34, 112–16; ovulation, 1, 29–30; oxytocin as a “love hormone,” 34–35; pornography and, 98–100; prostate in, 127–29; puberty and sexual development in, 1–5; pubic hair, 17–20; reconstructive or cosmetic surgery and, 92–96; reproductive organs, 23–25; sexual maturity in, 1–35; slang or cultural names for genitalia, 17; symmetry and, 14–16, 90–92; virginity, 105–8
Wyeth Parmaceuticals, 218
Wysocki, Charles, 78, 85
Zaviačič, Milan, 121, 122, 127
zygote, 23