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When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1)

Page 11

by Pixie James

Cherubs, and naked people, and what is that? A Pegasus? A gold trimmed chaise lounge rests in the center of the room and perched on the far right cushion is a Xebulin male with the brightest hair I’ve ever seen.

  “Cherise, meet Eugene, formally known as Ki’Van. He’s the know all, end all, premiere resource for fashion in the Xebulin world and, lucky for us, he’s located right here on campus.” She leans in to whisper. “He’s Ha’Jahn’s nephew and gets paid to stay on site. That man loves a three-piece suit.”

  I noticed. And Eugene? Who chooses that for a stage name?

  The brightly decorated Xebulin smiles, as if he’s enjoying the introduction, and gently rests his cup of tea on its saucer. His orange shoulder length curls bounce as he stands and glides toward us. “Tia, I hope you made an appointment for yourself because those jeans are absolutely unforgiveable.”

  She rolls her eyes and pulls him into a hug, careful not to touch his skin with her hands as he gestures to her legs. “Have you seen these stems? It’s a sin to cover them up.”

  “Tia is beautiful,” I agree, unsure of what to say. Navigating social situations has never been my thing. Most of the time I’m lucky if I get out of any conversation alive that isn’t just with myself, and even then I usually manage to say something awkward.

  The sound of metal on metal fills the air and Eugene waggles his eyebrows. “Come with me, girls. The goodies have arrived.” Leading the way, he takes us down another hall into a room full of nothing but racks of clothes. They’re everywhere. Lining the walls from the ceiling to the floor and there’s an entire assembly line of Xebulin men bringing in additional racks.

  How many more are there? Five? Ten? Fifteen!

  Noticing my open-mouth stare, Eugene chuckles, his forest green eyes twinkling in amusement. “When Tia called and said we had an emergency I activated the phone tree, girl. Pulled out all the stops. And when I heard the Xebulin Assembly offered you a fat check… I called the girls back and demanded they send more.”

  “This is all here for me?”

  He stands a little taller and throws the bright pink silk scarf around his neck over his shoulders, “It sure is.” He looks to Tia. “Now chop, chop girls, my stylist and makeup artist get here in an hour and you know I’m fussy about these locks, so if you want to go first you better be ready!”

  First, a dress and now this? It’s too much…

  Or, maybe it’s just enough.

  The sheer volume of garment bags is intimidating. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  I turn to look at Tia but she’s already unzipping her way through the first rack. “I wasn’t sure of your size, but I took a little peek at what clothes you do have and kind of guessed. European sizes are all weird so, we’ll just have you try on as many as you can and you call out if anything stands out.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. So, what do I do while you search?”

  “Just relax, Cherise, and head over to the dressing room. I know this isn’t your thing but trust me. You’re going to look divine.”

  “Nothing too flashy though, okay? I just want to get in and get out without people noticing me.”

  Mischief swirls in Tia’s lavender eyes. “Sure thing, girl. Plain and simple. They won’t even know you’re there.”

  I’m sweating and my nerves are a jumbled mess. The party starts in thirty minutes and I’ve been staring at the dress Tia and I chose for the past hour. I know I need to get ready but for some reason actually putting it on feels like a huge step. I’m light years out of my comfort zone and no matter how long I try to get my mind around what’s happening, I can’t.

  I’m a teenage girl from another planet about to attend a formal ball in my honor, with a bunch of fancy people I’ve never met, planned by a girl who hates me.

  What could go wrong?

  It was instant—the desire I felt to wear the masterpiece draped gracefully over the chair in front of me. There’s no doubt in my mind it was designed for royalty. Gorgeous black, wide lace straps in the most delicate pattern, a fitted bodice with the same lace embellishments and an attached skirt that falls just below my knees.

  It’s gothic and classic and deserving of someone way cooler than me to wear it for the first time. Apparently, it debuted on the runway last week and just the idea of putting on something so regal makes me more nervous than the party itself.

  Okay, that’s a lie. The party makes me want to find a cave somewhere and hibernate until next winter.

  The sound of footsteps has me tightening my robe and after two dainty knocks, Eugene pokes his head into the room. I look away, feeling vulnerable and not wanting him to see my distress. The door clicks closed and the cushion beside me sinks under his weight.

  We sit there in a not-so-comfortable silence for a moment before he holds his phone out to me. On it is a picture of a skinny black haired Xebulin boy with a long drawn face and dull eyes. It takes me a few seconds to realize the boy in the picture is him.

  He smiles when recognition dawns on my face and doesn’t even seem to mind the shock written all over it. “Crazy, right? That this sad little ole’ thing used to be me.” His black sequin covered tux shimmers in the overhead lights as he flicks off a piece of lint that’s managed to find its way onto his pants. “Here’s the thing about fashion, Cherise. It lets you be who you want to be, who you feel like you are on the inside. You don’t wear it for other people, you wear it for yourself, and the moment I found that out, this…” he points to the phone, then gestures to himself, “morphed into the fineness you see in front of you.

  “I won’t pretend to know your story, or who you are in here,” he taps a finger to his chest, “but I’ve been watching you stare at that dress the last two hours, and what I see sparkle in those pale lavender eyes of yours is the same hope that sparked in mine.”

  He stands and walks over to the chair and lifts the garment. “You’re going to wear this dress. You’re going to waltz right through those doors and let everyone in that place know who you are, because if you don’t, you best believe I’ll bill you for the additional hair and makeup.”

  I cock a brow. “You wouldn’t…”

  “I’ve got a reputation to protect, honey. You’ve got to do that tag justice. Now, get your butt up and get dressed. Tia’s almost done with her makeup and the guest of honor isn’t allowed to be late.”

  Suck it up, Cherise. Time to pull on the big girl panties and get this over with. At least if you die, it will be in Dior.

  Using the tiny burst of energy Eugene gives me, I force myself off the couch and pad over to the long silver mirror standing near the dress. The stylist—So’Pra I think her name is—worked wonders on my hair. She trimmed the sides, shaping all my wayward strands into a more traditional pixie cut and giving it an old glam wave on top.

  My eyes are lined in heavy kohl that blends into a smoky eye and she gave me a soft red lip. No foundation, no concealer. Just a hint of a highlight to make my face pop and that was it.

  For once in my life I actually feel…pretty.

  The dress is heaven against my skin and it’s just as lovely on me as it was on the hanger when I zip it up. Combine that with the red-soled shoes Eugene insisted I wear, and I don’t even recognize myself.

  “Huey, stop that! She’ll come out when she’s good and ready!” The door moves back and forth like my furry friend is trying to paw his way inside. “Sorry, Cherise. Take your time. Huey here’s going to learn to behave.” Tia lowers her voice to scold him, “Dagnabit, Huey. Don’t you dare take that thing off! Te’Lara spent six hours making it for our surprise.”

  “Surprise? What surprise?” I call out, smiling at her antics, and she continues to scold my Raska under her breath. “See? Look what you’ve done, you big baby, you couldn’t wait ten minutes for her to finish?”

  I open the door to find her squatting awkwardly near Huey, waving her finger at him. I’m surprised she’s so comfortable with him when most people intentionally steer clear. I guess when you
sleep in the same room as him every night his giant fangs become a little less intimidating.

  Tia straightens, nearly losing her balance in her three-inch gold heels and smooths out the white floor length gown hugging her curves. Her dark hair is swept up into a romantic twist at the base of her neck, and she’s accentuated her delicate features with gold highlights and a deep blue lip. She looks gorgeous, and Huey…

  A belly laugh bursts out from somewhere deep inside me at the sight of my massive four legged friend dressed in a mini tux with a bow tie velcroed around his neck. -

  Tia narrows her eyes at him. “He keeps refusing to wear the hat. It must bother his regala or something. But surprise! We figured since he won’t leave your side there was no chance of him not insisting on joining us at the party. At least this way he can stalk you from the shadows in style.”

  He looks adorable with the jacket and vest one piece strapped to his chest and back. He trots over and nudges my hand and I snort at the annoyance-laced glare he throws my best friend. He totally hates it, but he let her put it on him for me.

  “You’re a proper date now, aren’t you, Huey? You can escort me, but if you try to eat anyone, you’re out, understood?”

  Huey cocks his head, something drawing his attention away, and he takes off for the door. Five bucks says it’s Eugene trying to bribe him with snacks again in an attempt to take a selfie. “That guy doesn’t give up does he?”

  Tia giggles and lifts the back of her dress off the floor. “Well, it’s not every day you see the alpha Raska dressed in an overgrown dog costume. Not to mention, dedicated enough to his charge he’d allow someone else to dress him in it.”

  “He really is something, isn’t he?”

  “He is. And so are you. Girl, you look so good. That dress is everything.”

  I run my hands over the bodice. “Really? You think?”

  “Please, I know. Come on, the car is going to be here in five and we have an entrance to make.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ten steps. That’s all it will take for me to get out of the town car that Eugene insisted we show up in and make it inside, but I’m glued in place. I mean, I managed to take my seat belt off, so that’s something.

  Huey nudges my hip toward the door like he’s anxious to get out. Traitor. Fine, I’m going. I guess.

  A rush of cold air assaults the interior as the Xebulin driver opens the door and I rub my arms trying to fight off the chill. Eugene blatantly refused to let me bring a jacket at the risk of covering up the dress, then gave me the side eye for several minutes and shook his head. What? It’s freaking winter.

  The sounds of soft harp music float through the air as Tia, Eugene, and I make our way up the front steps of the school. There’s a large auditorium in the East wing that Tia and the rest of the student alliance members decorated for the party, and I can’t wait to see it.

  All the eleventh and twelfth years were invited tonight, and even though the sheer number of people who will be shoved into that one room makes me want to barf, I’m going to try my best to enjoy it.

  At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I’ll know in about thirty seconds when we actually get into the room.

  Trying to walk without making a fool out of myself, I half stumble through the doors of the auditorium and am completely blown away. It’s absolutely gorgeous. All the chairs have been cleared from the middle, allowing the wide-open space to serve as one giant dance floor. The lights are dim and there’s the most beautifully eerie song begins playing in the background. It’s a different sound than before, one I’ve never heard.

  I scan the room, searching for the source, and find an older Xebulin woman sitting over what looks like a bright yellow bed of crystals, using a small silver circle clipped to her ungloved hands. She strums along the crystals’ edges—each one creating a different beautifully eerie melody. I’m drawn to it, whatever it is, and I have to know more about it.

  “Tia, who is that?” I ask, pointing toward the woman gracefully strumming away.

  “She’s a Scrinade. A traditional Xebulin sound weaver. They manipulate the Erkite crystals’ energy and project it throughout the room. It’s really cool, actually, and a little hokey, but those crystals can have the same effect that you get from Huey but on a much smaller scale. It’s basically healing through sound, if that makes any sense.”

  Eugene snorts. “I like how you totally left out that they’re basically the same as human fortune tellers.”

  Tia smacks him on the arm. “You know they hate that comparison.”

  “What? I’m just being honest. Hey, Tia? Any particular reason Ha’Jahn would be frantically waving you over?”

  Her gold earrings brush the tops of her bare shoulders as she searches for him in the crowd.

  “Ah, crap. Come on, Cherise. The headmaster has spent the last week going over how he wants me to introduce you to the Xebulin Assembly members. Let’s hope I don’t screw it up. Now, remember. No touching, handshakes included. They will most likely give you a traditional Xebulin bow where they press a hand to their forehead and bend at the waist.”

  “Why are you just telling me this stuff now?” I whisper yell in a blind panic. “Anything else I need to know since we’re like ten feet from them?”

  “Yep. Smile. And make Huey wait here,” she says through a wide grin.

  The pleasant distraction the Scrinade provides fades, and my lungs tighten the closer we get to the adults gathered in the center of the room. These are the people with all the power, and in my experience, those are the one you need to avoid. Knowing that Huey will blatantly refuse, I don’t bother asking him. I just ignore Tia’s request and follow her.

  Headmaster Ha’Jahn is the first to return my smile. “So’Tia, Cherise, how wonderful to see you tonight. Come, let me introduce you to the Assembly men and women responsible for this magnificent celebration.” He waves his arm in a great sweeping gesture as he guides us toward four bulky older Xebulin males and three petite Xebulin females.

  It’s obvious they’re important. There’s an aura around them that screams power, and the way they hold themselves reminds me of British royalty on TV.

  All the males wear what I’ve come to learn from my Xebulin History class is the traditional hair cut amongst Ki nobility—the YuGra. Shaved on the sides with the top left long and straight about shoulder length, then pulled back and cinched at the crown of the head, middle, and bottom with what looks like black leather bands.

  Large bronze markings stretch up their necks from underneath the collars of their black tuxes, each displaying varying swirls and concentrations of color. Come to think of it…

  I turn back to Ha’Jahn, noticing that he too displays a prominent pattern of swirls, not silver but black, that climb all the way up his neck and curl around his ears, before disappearing into his long silver-black hair.

  Where did those come from? I swear they weren’t there before. They’re beautiful, but I have no idea what they are. The females have them too, all bronze but more delicate and concentrated on their hands and arms, almost like traditional henna. Tia notices my lingering gaze and nudges me with her hip. Huey growls at her, and she rolls her eyes in response.

  “Esteemed Assembly members, may I present the newest daughter of our race, Cherise. I would love the honor of introducing you, if that is an acceptable request,” Tia says with a demure smile on her face. Equal parts poised and imposing, the tallest of the group nods, and all seven turn expectantly, resting their hands together palms up in front of them. “Cherise of Xebulis Five, meet Elite Assemblyman Ki’Lor, Assemblyman Ki’Zan, Assemblyman Ki’Tray, Assemblyman Ki’Vash, Assemblywoman Ki’Sar, Assemblywoman Ki’Rayn, and Assemblywoman Ki’Jol. These are the Xebulins who arrange for our safety and represent us here on Earth.”

  As she names them off, I do my best to pay attention, but I’m so nervous, who’s who completely slips my mind. Huey doesn’t help either. Tiny fin looking things shoot up along his spine w
hen he goes to stand in the middle of the semi-circle they’ve formed, making his presence known, and I get the distinct feeling he’s giving them some sort of warning.

  “Dan-A-Tish. “ A chorus of acknowledgments echoes through the group, and each one addresses Huey with deep nod. The shorter female on the end gives him a wink and a wave and Huey returns a bow. But only to her. And the others seem to notice.

  Each of the Assembly members touch their top hand to their forehead just like Tia mentioned they would. As the last Assemblywoman finishes the gesture, she smiles. “It is our pleasure to meet you, Cherise. You are a most welcome addition to our people. We apologize the final member of our governing body, Ty’Don, could not be present. He is otherwise engaged at the moment but will be available for an introduction later tonight.”

  Assemblyman Ki’Lor grunts, seconding the sentiment. “Ha’Jahn, am I to understand she will have a proper naming ceremony next year with her markings reveal?”

  A what with my what? I glare at Tia. Something else I had no clue was happening.

  “Ah, yes. We are hoping to determine her origins and Inkiatype prior to the ceremony to allow her a name closest to that which would have been given to her at birth.”

  The Assemblyman’s brows furrow slightly. “And have we received the remains of her human shell for testing? Are we any closer to discovering those origins?”

  “The humans have yet to relinquish it. But we are hopeful that within the next few weeks, they will complete their tests and allow us ours. It is one of our requests since we are allowing her to be interviewed.”

  He means poked and prodded. Not sure why he doesn’t actually say the words.

  The same Assemblywoman who welcomed me before shakes her head. “It is a shame we must suffer such tasteless abuses of our right to privacy, but we are gracious you have complied with such a ridiculous request, Cherise. I myself voted against it. You did not choose to be placed in such a predicament and I find it abhorrent you are being made to suffer for it.”


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