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When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1)

Page 12

by Pixie James

  There’s an awkward exchange between the seven of them, clearly directed at the Assemblywoman’s comments, and I get the distinct impression she’s the one who always speaks her mind and steps out of line.

  I like her already, and I could be wrong but I might have just found my first ally.

  Ha’Jahn clears his throat. “Well, opening remarks will begin within the next ten minutes after the rest of the students and instructors arrive. Cherise, you and So’Tia enjoy yourselves.”

  The head Assemblyman cuts in, eyeing the outspoken female, “Yes, have fun. This is to be a celebration. Not the place for politics and business.”

  “Yes, yes. Of course. Xebulin rights and the protection of our young Xebulin females against the oppressions of the human government can wait, I mean, after all, it’s a party.”

  There’s so much shade being thrown back and forth, I’m starting to sweat. It’s awkward and I want to leave, but we haven’t been dismissed and I have no clue what to do.

  Noticing the other Raska positioned all along the wall standing sentry, I lean down and whisper in Huey’s ear while the two Assembly members continue to bicker.

  “Hey, do you want to go over there and see your friends? It’s okay if you do. You should have some fun, I’ll be fine.” Huey snorts, letting his regala slide along my wrist, and I nearly stumble back when in my mind I hear a distinct “no.”

  Everything else in the room fades at the sound of my slobbery friend’s voice in my head. What in the world did I do differently? Why all of a sudden can I hear him now and couldn’t before?

  “You finally listened.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Tia whispers, and when I look at Ha’Jahn, he waves us away from the heated argument that has now exploded across the entire group of Assembly members. After we’ve made it about thirty feet away, she dramatically exhales. “Oh, my crap. That was terrible, right? Did I do okay?”

  “You did great. But you’re right, that was…intense. And weird. Do those two always respond to each other like that?”

  The room is starting to fill up as more and more people trickle in, and Tia and I head for the far corner of the room to get some space. There are beautiful dresses everywhere, and it’s obvious the Xebulins like to go all out. I mean, Nova has always reeked of boarding school excellence but this rivals the fanciest I’ve ever seen.

  “Yes. Ki’Jol and Ki’Lor have been bickering since birth. They’re brother and sister. I overhead my parents talking once. Both of them are the longest-serving members and fiercely battled for the Elite position. Many believe Ki’Lor only won because he’s a male, and held strong favor with the remaining Tys on our home planet.”

  “But wait, how many Tys are there left? I thought Ty’Nix was hot stuff because he’s one of the only ones.”

  She shakes her head. “No, he and his father are the only ones here. There is still a royal guard of Tys on our planet, and several our age or younger, as well, but none are held in the same regard as Nix and his father. You almost met him, you know? Nix’s dad…he’s the Assembly member who’s going to be late.”

  A chill spreads across my skin at the thought of having to face the man responsible for all those awful memories I accidentally felt. Anyone who could do that to their own child deserves a good throat punch and a life sentence. Not to be praised and hold a position with authority.

  Despite my attempts not to, I find myself scanning the room for him—the boy who, for some odd reason, never quite leaves my mind—but there’s no sign of him. I do, however, spot a familiar set of pouty lips and want to chunk an imaginary tomahawk at her head.

  Of course Ki’Lin would look fabulous. The villains always do.

  “Cherise? Are you listening to me? ” Tia asks, yanking me out of my own head.

  “No, crap. I was spacing. What’s up?”

  “I asked if you were ready to take our seats. Ty’Nix is on stage. The party’s about to begin.”

  Following her gaze, I find him and instantly wish I hadn’t. Now that I know where he is, I have no doubt my eyes will wander his way more than once, and the last thing I need for him to do is catch me staring. Standing tall and proud—the pompous pretty boy mask fully in place—he’s waiting off to the side, reading what looks to be a prepared speech while an older Xebulin male hovers nearby. His full lips are moving. His face is the epitome of relaxed, but his eyes tell a different story, mirroring the exhaustion they held this morning.

  It’s times like this, when he looks the slightest bit vulnerable, that I have to remind myself he isn’t mine.

  And that he never will be.

  Taking a second to snag Eugene away from the hors d'oeuvres before he eats his way into a food coma, we take our seats at the reserved table in front just in time for Ty’Nix to step up to the mic. Two other student alliance members are on stage beside him, Ki’Lin, and another girl whose name I can’t remember. Alien Barbie is standing close, too close for my taste, almost as if she’s going to lean down and share the mic with him. Either that or eat his face.

  Ugh, he does look like a snack…

  Chairs slide and heels click against the tile floor as the stragglers find a spot to sit and Ty’Nix begins. “It was a warm night in 1947 when our people landed on Earth in search of a better way of life. We have thrived here—integrated into society, found our place within the human world, and no one is more deserving of thanks for that than those who paved the way for us to be here. I ask that you stand at this time and honor the Assemblymen and women who have dedicated their lives to finding a way to better ours.”

  Standing almost in unison, the entirety of the room touches a hand to their foreheads and bows until Elite Assemblyman Ki’Lor dismisses us with a nod. I follow along as best I can, just trying to do what everyone else is doing.

  “Now, we all know why we are here tonight. To welcome home one of our own. We do not know how it happened, but we are thankful that the stars have seen fit to return her to us. So, tonight we celebrate in her honor.” A chorus of cheers spreads throughout the room and I roll my eyes, earning a stern look from Tia.

  I’m sorry, but none of these people have even attempted to speak to me. All this camaraderie is obviously for show, and I have no doubts who it’s for.

  “Cherise of Xebulis Five, we welcome you.” As another round of clapping begins and Ty’Nix smiles at the crowd, my eyes search his out, but his gaze remains fixed on something in the back of the room. A hint of disappointment and sadness creeps in, and I chastise myself.

  Stop it, already. It isn’t going to happen.

  Directing my attention anywhere else but him, I focus on the fancy silverware laid out in front of me. It’s almost too pretty to eat with, not that I could even if I wanted to. My nerves are a mess and the night’s only just begun. Tia informed me decorum calls for me to interact with people for at least half the night. She’s kidding, right?

  These kinds of parties, they’re more her thing than she realizes. Even now, she’s leaned over in her chair, chatting up the girl beside her while the other three who were seated at our table make their way around the room. The only people I even remotely recognize outside of Eugene and Tia are teachers and I can’t exactly spend my time talking to them.

  “You’re killing me in that dress.”

  The shock of Rev’s breath on the back of my neck sends my heart into a frenzy. “Don’t you know it’s not nice to sneak up on people?”

  He chuckles and slides into the chair beside me. He switched his brow and lip rings from onyx to silver and his hair is slicked back. He’s handsome. Sporting an all-black ensemble rather than a tux, with his signature wide leather wrist band, he looks the epitome of teen heart throb from the wrong side of the tracks and if I were a normal girl I’d probably be drooling all over myself.

  “Yeah, well. What you’re doing isn’t nice either. Coming in here and looking like that.” He smiles and leans in, his fingertips mere centimeters from mine. “How am I supposed to conce
ntrate on schmoozing the Assembly when all I can do is stare at how amazing you look?”

  “Well, you could close your eyes,” I joke, trying to segue out of the awkward conversation. I should really be more into this, and I hate that I’m not. All I really want to do is duck out of here and go sit in my window, but I can’t, and now he’s staring at me like I’m on the menu for dessert and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

  “I don’t want to close my eyes. I want you to dance with me.”

  Oh, crap.

  “I can’t.” I waggle my fingers at him. “No gloves.”

  Pulling out an all-black pair, he lays them on the table in front of me. “I had a feeling you’d say that. Most of the girls either wear them like Tia, or bring them in a bag, but when I saw you arrive without one, I doubled back to my dorm and grabbed an extra set. I’m surprised Tia didn’t have you carry some.”

  “She’s not the dancing type, Rev. She doesn’t need them,” Tia adds.

  The music changes—the Scrinade beginning another tune—and the deep notes draw my focus to the corner where she plays. Her lithe arms move across the pile of iridescent crystals, and when I lift my gaze to study her face, it’s not her eyes I find.

  Just like the first time I saw them, and every time after that, I’m frozen in place, held in a sea of green that even if I wanted to, I couldn’t escape. He’s standing in a crowd of people, several elder Xebulins to his right, but instead of engaging with them he’s staring right at me. There’s a fire in his eyes, burning bright. Leaving a trail of ashes in its wake as it blazes into mine.

  “She’s not even listening.” The irritation in Rev’s voice shocks me out of my trance and I jerk my attention back to Tia.

  “Tia’s right. I’m not the dancing type.”

  Rev scoffs as he stands. “Sure you are, just not with me.”

  “Wait, Rev,” I call out after him, feeling like complete crap for hurting his feelings. Just as I hop out of my chair to follow, Headmaster Ha’Jahn appears behind Tia.

  “How is everyone? Enjoying yourselves?”

  “Great,” we say in unison, causing Ha’Jahn to cock a brow.

  “Right, then. Assemblyman Ty’Don is now available and wishes to meet you. The others were quite impressed with the news of the Dan-A-Tish finally making his choice and have taken a renewed interest in your success.”

  “Oh, yeah? That’s really nice of them, but if it’s okay with you, Headmaster, I’d like to remain here. Formal introductions really aren’t my thing.”

  He gives me a tight smile, understanding flashing in his emerald eyes. “It is not a suggestion, Cherise, but an order. One that neither of us has the luxury of refusing.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  My legs feel leaden as I follow behind Headmaster Ha’Jahn with Huey at my side. Every step takes effort, and my Raska lumbers in front with his regala stock straight. He’s made himself bigger, lengthened his claws. Almost as if he’s preparing to defend me from the suit we’re about to meet. Makes me wonder if Huey is privy to Nix’s secrets as well.

  Ugh, when did I start thinking of him as just Nix?

  We pass through the small social circles huddled together in the center of the room, earning the occasional stare. All of them are eating food I can’t name and drinking fake champagne and laughing without a care in the world.

  They’re relaxed, just enjoying the scene while I sweat away trapped in my own version of social hell. I don’t want to meet him. Can’t even imagine how I’ll keep a pleasant look on my face while trying to engage the man that inflicted so much pain and torment. All I can do is bite my lip and pray I can fix my face long enough to get through it.

  The cluster of student alliance members chatting up Assemblywoman Ki’Jol part to make way for us, and a massive lump forms in my throat. Nix. Standing there looking all handsome and stuck up and unapproachable.

  Why does he have to be here, too? If I wasn’t nervous enough already…

  “Assemblyman Ty’Don, Ty’Vi, allow me to introduce Cherise, tonight’s guest of honor.”

  Ha’Jahn’s voice shrinks into the background as I’m reduced to nothing under Nix’s father’s destructive gaze. I can see it, the way he’s picking me apart, judging every aspect of me. He’s categorized, valued, and labeled my worth and he hasn’t even opened his mouth. Everything about it makes me want to smack him or melt onto the floor—anything to escape the disgust and disappointment swimming in his eyes.

  I guess he was hoping for something else. Some other Xebulin poster child who could serve whatever political agenda he has.

  Geeze, is this what Nix has dealt with his whole life?

  Stiffening my spine, I channel some of the outrage I felt earlier and do my best to save face and keep my composure. Bullies are like bloodhounds. Once they catch scent of what gets under your skin, they never stop, and this guy’s bad freakin’ news.

  Ty’Don’s thick black brows pull together, and he lifts his chin a fraction when I meet his gaze. His jaw switches slightly, his lips pressing into a thin line. He wasn’t expecting me to have the courage to look him in the eyes.

  I wasn’t expecting to, either. A rush of energy creeps up my arm, slipping into my veins and calming the unsettled feeling in my belly. I look down for the source and it’s only then I realize Huey’s regala is wrapped around my wrist. Ah, that explains it.

  My friend is lending me some of his strength.

  “Cherise, is it? Well, I’m pleased to meet you. I hope you are settling in well here at Nova. I trust you aren’t wasting my son’s time and are judiciously studying the training he is providing you with.”

  I cough, nearly choking on my spit, and fight not to gape at him. “I’m sorry?”

  Ha’Jahn interjects, “Cherise is a very dedicated student, Assemblyman Ty’Don. She has already successfully completed the expedited early Xebulin history courses we designed for her and is now thriving alongside Xebulin students of her age.”

  “Ha. Well, we shall see by the end of the year, now won’t we?”

  What the…? Who even says stuff like that?

  “Now, Assemblyman. I don’t think it’s necessary to speak about one of our students in such a way,” Ha’Jahn challenges.

  With the way Ty’Don smiles, he might as well have razor sharp teeth. “Is it your scope to decide what is or is not necessary, Ha’Jahn? Or are you tasked with teaching pupils in this school?”

  Ty’Don turns his back to us and gestures to a nearby waiter for another glass of whatever blue drink the adults are sipping on, effectively silencing Ha’Jahn’s response and then just walks off. How degrading.

  I look to Nix, expecting I don’t know…anything? I mean even his mother just stood there while he verbally reduced me to a pile of trash.

  Nothing. He’s just staring at the floor. He won’t even meet my eyes.

  Screw this.

  Without a second thought, I walk off, pushing my way through the crowd. Headmaster Ha’Jahn attempts to come after me, but Huey growls, baring his teeth, and shuts him down. Tia catches sight of the distress I can’t keep off my face and rushes toward me.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  I shake my head, still in shock and stuck somewhere between being so pissed I could cry and wanting to march back over there and tip that blue liquid down the front of his over-priced tux.

  “Come on, I know I said we had to stay for at least half the night, but let me go get my things and we can get out of here.”

  “These people are poisonous.”

  Tia slides her gloved hand in mine. “We aren’t all like that, I swear.”

  I sniffle, not quite giving in to the tears threatening to fall. “Well, duh. Go get your stuff. I need to get the heck out of here.”

  Tia nods and turns back toward the table but stops as Ki’Lin’s lithe form glides across the stage. The mic squeaks slightly and she giggles, waiting for the harpist and the Scrinade to stop playing and for the room to give her their u
ndivided attention.

  “What is she….?”

  Tia swallows hard. “I don’t know. This wasn’t on the schedule for tonight.”

  Her blue hair Is curled in long ringlets that cascade down her back, and the sweet smile she gives the crowd is so convincing I almost forget how mean she is.


  “Sorry to interrupt, everyone. I hope you’re having a wonderful time. I just wanted to once again welcome our newest sister, Cherise. I know there are also some visiting members of the Assembly and their families here tonight and we are just so thankful for all of you.” A chorus of “awws” echo through the crowd, and I swear if she keeps talking, I’m going to vomit. And what is with all this sister crap?

  “I know this wasn’t planned, but I just think it would be wonderful if we could dedicate the first dance of the night to Cherise. Her parents are well…”

  Don’t. Do. It.

  She meets my eyes. “We don’t really know who they are. So, I think it’s important we give her all the support her rejection has left her without.”

  I’m going to freaking kill her.

  “All right, Cherise. Who’s the lucky guy?”

  My throat goes dry, and my heart pounds as all eyes turn to me. A helpless whimper tears from Tia’s throat as she looks from Ki’Lin to me, taking in the destruction, and her shoulders bounce with each of her heavy breaths. What do I do?

  I look around for Eugene, praying he’ll step in, but I can’t find him. And Rev? I scour the room. Crap, he left after I refused to dance with him because I was too busy staring at a boy who barely even knows I exist. God, I’m such an idiot.

  As a last-ditch effort, I return my gaze to where Nix was, but all I find is his father’s smug smile.

  I shudder, trying to control the rising panic threatening to send me into a full-on anxiety attack when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

  Long black hair pulled up into a man bun. Dimples. Eyes the color of jade. I’ve never seen him before, I’m sure of it. I could never forget a face like that.

  He leans in, letting his lips tease the bottom of my ear, and I don’t miss Tia’s gasp. “You know, I’ve been watching you since I arrived, and couldn’t imagine a scenario where I’d gain the confidence to approach you. It seems the stars have aligned and presented me with an opportunity I’d be foolish to ignore. I’m Vrae.”


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