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Dragon Island [Dragon Love 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  She closed her hand around the flaps and pushed the jeans over his hips and to the floor. Sucking in a breath, she finally lowered her gaze.

  Damn, but he’s so big.

  She’d seen him before, of course, yet each time she was still shocked at the size of his cock. At the sizes of all their cocks.

  “Easy, sugar. Remember to breathe.”

  She nodded, not sparing enough breath to speak.

  “And don’t forget about us.” Montana came up beside her, easing his body against hers. His firm and so very naked body.

  Anthony’s warm breath was behind her. His fingers undid the clasps of her bra. “There’s no way we’re letting her forget about us.”

  Her bra slipped lower, caught by her elbows. The warmth of the air around them skimmed over the swell of her breasts. “I won.” Why was she repeating herself? Yet she couldn’t think straight with them so close.

  “Yes.” Montana’s green gaze mesmerized her. “We know. You’re a lucky girl.”

  Her gaze slipped to his cock, which pressed against her hip. “Yes, I’m a very lucky girl.”

  Anthony ran his hands over her buttocks, fondling them, squeezing them. “You’ve got a great ass. Especially when you’re leaning over the pool table.”

  Hadn’t she leaned over more than she’d needed just to be sure they’d look at her butt? “I do?”

  “Yeah, you do.” His hard chest met her back, making her skin burn. “And I’m going to fuck your great ass.”

  What could she say to that? Yes, please? Now, please?

  “You can have her ass, cousin, but I want to taste her sweet juices.” Branson kissed her lightly.

  She closed her eyes, savoring the texture of his firm lips on hers. The kiss grew in intensity and need, his tongue savagely plunging inside to play a game of chase with hers. She became even more breathless and wondered if she’d pass out from the lack of oxygen. If she did, it would be worth it.

  Suddenly, he broke the kiss, only to start it again over her nipples. With Anthony’s hands playing with her ass and Branson’s mouth and tongue torturing her nipples, she was consumed with a fiery need. If she didn’t get their cocks inside her soon, she’d demand that they pay her the prizes she’d won.

  They’re the prizes.

  Montana slid his hand along her hip then between her legs. “Are you wet yet, babe? If not, I can make you wet.”

  She didn’t have to answer. Not when he’d already eased his finger between her folds and dipped it into her pussy.

  “Yeah, babe.” He pulled his finger out and sucked her juices from it. “Juicy and sweet, just like I knew you’d be.”

  “Please.” She cast her gaze lower, silently telling him what she wanted.

  “No need to ask. After all, you did win.” Branson fell before her, grabbed her behind the legs, and pulled her to him.

  She gasped as his tongue found her clit and swept over it. Clutching his shoulders, she did her best to stay on her feet. But that was before Anthony fell to his knees behind her. His nibbles sent stings of sweet pain through her butt cheek. His hand answered those stings with one of its own as he slapped her other cheek, making her skin ripple.

  “I think we’re the ones who won.” Montana took her chin then kissed her lips, following it with a sweep of his tongue along the seam of her mouth. “Not only today but the day you came to our island.”

  If she’d thought their touches were sweet, his words were even sweeter. Tears welled in her eyes.

  “Hey, babe, don’t cry. We never want to see you cry.”

  “It’s okay, man.” Branson looked up, his face still close to her mons. “They’re tears of happiness, right, sugar?”

  “Uh-huh.” Her words were so pitifully inadequate.

  Then Branson was back at her pussy, driving the strength from her legs.

  “We’d better get you on your back before you fall down.” Montana pulled her away from the others, lifting her in one easy movement.

  She expected him to put her down on top of the leather couch. Instead, he surprised her by lowering her onto the pool table. “Here?”

  “Yeah. Here. I want to make a hole in one.”

  “That’s golf, man. Get your sports straight,” corrected Anthony.

  She giggled as Montana pulled her toward him, her butt resting on the railing. What was he doing?

  “First things first. I want a taste of what Branson’s raving about.” One little pull later and Montana had his mouth against her.

  Spreading her legs wider, she gave herself to him. His tongue plundered her pussy, sweeping over her clit then into her pussy. He tasted every bit of her, lapping up her juices then sucking on her clit and running his tongue around the outside of her pussy. She cried out and tried to lift her head enough to see him but couldn’t.

  Her mind could no longer think rationally. Heat from the outside was matched by heat from the inside of her. Primal lust swirled inside her, boiling over like lava ready to erupt from the volcano.

  Branson jumped on top of the table like a great cat leaping onto a boulder. “I sure hope this thing holds our weight.”

  “We’re going to find out soon enough,” answered Anthony. He shoved Montana aside. “My turn to taste you.”

  She got only a brief reprieve, not long enough for her body to calm in any way, before Anthony had his mouth on her. He captured her clit with his teeth and sucked, adding a delightful pain to the already overwhelming sensations spinning her out of control.

  Branson knelt beside her and took her breasts in his hands. “You’re beautiful, you know that? Every damn inch of you is beautiful.”

  Bending over, he took her nipple into his mouth. He worked his teeth back and forth, sending a constant ache of pain into her breasts. The ache, however, had her head spinning, her need flying to an even higher level.

  “Here, sugar. Take my dick.”

  She opened her mouth, accepting his huge cock dripping with pre-cum. Sucking, she let his juices sing in her mouth. He was tangy, musky with a wild something extra below the surface.

  Branson and Anthony controlled her as Montana, his gaze mixing frustration and need, stood by. “Damn, but you’re one sexy woman. Yeah, babe, suck on him hard. Circle your tongue around his cock. That’s good. Hollow your cheeks.”

  She cupped Branson’s balls, loving the weight against her palm as she wrapped her other hand around his length. He played with her tits as she worked him, pulling, tugging, lashing him with her tongue. Yet she had to concentrate. With Anthony biting her clit and plunging two fingers into her pussy, it was difficult not to cry out and turn Branson’s cock free.

  “Enough. My turn.” Montana pulled himself on top of the table. Shoving Branson so hard that his friend almost fell backward off the table, Montana straddled her. “Like I said, my turn. Suck me, babe.”

  She took his cock in and compared his taste to Branson’s. He tasted different, yet he had that same underlying wildness she couldn’t define. He caught her breasts between his legs and started rubbing her nipples, tweaking them and making her moan.

  The two men treated her as all women wanted to be treated. Roughly, yet with a definite touch of respect. She surrendered to them, not as a weak woman but because she was strong enough to do so.

  Their hands worked magic on her. Their hot bodies spread their heat along her skin. She cried out as an orgasm surged outward, stunning her with its arrival.

  “Come here, sugar.”

  Did Montana growl when Branson pushed him off her? Before she could think, he’d taken her under the arms and pulled her all the way onto the table.

  “Fuck me, sugar.” Taking hold of her legs, he spread them wide and hooked them over his elbows. Then, with a flash of red sparking in his eyes, he drove his cock deep inside her.

  She yelped as he entered her, forcing her pussy walls to give way to his massive length and width. Her fingers clawed at the top of the table, needing to gain purchase somewhere, anywhere. If she didn
’t, she was certain he’d shove her over the other edge with his powerful thrusts.

  Another orgasm built inside her, its whirling need spinning and surging through her. Anthony and Montana came to her sides, each taking a breast. While they massaged her tits and sucked on her nipples, Branson shoved into her time and again, harder and harder.

  She screamed as the second climax broke apart to pummel its way out of her. When had she ever had more than one orgasm? Hell, sometimes she hadn’t had even one with other men.

  Branson shoved one last time into her then paused. She felt him stiffen a moment before he laid back his head and roared his release. Hot cum shot into her.

  Breathing heavily with perspiration wetting her brow, she looked to Montana. “Your eyes. What’s happening to your eyes?”

  “I don’t give a damn about my eyes right now. I want you.”

  “Not alone, you don’t.” Anthony eased her onto her side. “Don’t worry, bella, this won’t hurt.”

  Before she could tell him that she trusted him, he had already spread her butt cheeks apart and was working his fingers into her dark hole. She tensed, but the surprise of it was lost as Montana settled on his side next to her and lifted her leg over his. His cock pushed against her entrance.

  Montana’s gaze lifted to Anthony. “Ready?”


  “Ready,” answered Anthony.

  A moment later, they entered her at the same time. She was pierced from front and back so fast and hard that she lost her breath. The pain hit her, but it was gone in the next moment, changed somehow into a raging need so hot and raw that she would’ve begged them to fuck her if they weren’t already doing so.

  She closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was sure she was seeing things. Tiny flames danced in the air around them, sparking to life then going out as quickly as they had appeared. Smoke circled the men’s heads and sifted toward the ceiling.

  They fucked me crazy.

  She would’ve laughed if she’d had the energy.

  They became joined in more than a physical way. As their bodies writhed together, she could feel them on a deeper level, as though their souls had, in some magical way, joined with hers. Their breaths came together, matching each other. Their bodies moved together effortlessly. Without understanding the how of it, she swore their hearts blended together.

  She reached out for Branson and took his hand. That small touch was enough to bring him into their fold.

  Gone were the jokes. Gone were the shoves to get between her legs. They blended together as though they were four parts to one carnal puzzle that only they could piece together.

  The next orgasm came as quickly as the first, overtaking her, sending her mind into freefall. She cried out, her body coming apart with the last of their thrusts. Together, the three of them climaxed together, their bodies shuddering out their releases.

  While she was still trying to regain her breathing, Branson scooped her into his arms and slipped off the table with her. His silver eyes gleamed as he looked down at her with such tender emotion that her vision blurred as, once again, tears burned in her eyes. She squirmed, ready to be on her feet. Wasn’t he exhausted, too?

  “Easy, sugar. Don’t try to get free.”

  “Listen to him, bella. Being with us takes a lot out of a woman.”

  With Montana following behind them, they carried her upstairs. By the time they’d placed her in her bed, her eyelids were too heavy to stay open.

  * * * *

  Branson stretched his wings out as far as they would go. Sailing through the night over the ocean was one of his favorite things to do. Yet this trip was different. Montana had spotted a few ships farther away from the island. Too far to know what course they were heading. So, instead of enjoying the flight, Branson had to pay closer attention than usual.

  He hoped the ships had headed the other way. Many times a ship would get close to the island and then veer off. One day their luck would run out, but until then, the existence of their home would remain known to only a small group of others, as well as the dragon clans.

  His thoughts shifted to Arielle. All of them had believed her to be beautiful, but they’d held back on giving her their hearts completely until they’d had sex on top of the pool table.

  No. Not having sex.

  Making love.

  That was what it had been.

  After they’d lain with her and felt their souls connect as they had with no other woman, they’d known. She was their mate.

  Our mate.

  “Yeah, she is.”

  Branson twisted around to see Montana flying toward him. What are you doing out here? he asked telepathically.

  “I figured you could use a little company.”

  And Arielle? You left her alone with Anthony?

  “Yes and no. She fell asleep watching that old black and white romance movie. He won’t wake her up so we’re safe.”

  Branson pulled his large dragon mouth into a grin. Good.

  “She’s the one for us? You’re sure, right?”

  I can already feel myself aging.

  As dragons they were immortal. But once they’d given their hearts to their mate, they began to age as humans did. As far as they were concerned, giving up a lonely long life for one filled with love was a good trade.

  “We still need to find out what happened and how she came to have the jewels.”

  Branson’s good mood faded. I’ve checked the news sources again. There’s nothing about any jewel heist. Maybe we’re making a problem when there is none.

  “And maybe you’re trying to gloss over the problem. Someone didn’t just give her a fortune in gems. We have to find out the truth.”

  What’s Anthony say? As if he couldn’t guess.

  “He wants to confront her tomorrow. I think he’s right.”

  As much as Branson wanted to disagree, he couldn’t. They’d let the question slide long enough. So we ask her straight out tomorrow?

  “I guess we could fuck it out of her, but I doubt Anthony’s going to go along with that idea.”

  Yeah, probably not. A flash of light caught his attention. Shit.


  Branson dipped his right wing and made a hard turn. There. A ship.

  Montana flew alongside him. “Damn it. You’re right. And it’s headed straight for our island.”


  “Come on. Judging from their slow rate of speed, they won’t make it to the island before tomorrow. It’ll give us a little time to plan for whatever might happen.”

  And to get her to talk.

  “Yeah. I just hope we’re not too late.”

  Branson lifted his head toward the moon and soared straight up into the night sky. Then, with a twist, he spun around and straightened out his course. Home. We have to get home to Arielle.

  Chapter Eight

  Arielle’s thoughts were on the men even as she watched the reality show on the large flat screen in her bedroom. When she heard them enter, joy filled her. She clicked off the television and was up and moving toward them before she realized how glum their expressions were.

  “What’s wrong?” Alarm snaked through her, forming a quick knot in her stomach. Did they know?

  “We need to talk, bella.” Anthony was usually more serious than the other two men, but he looked not only serious but worried.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Other than lie to you every minute I’ve been here?

  She hated what she’d done, but how could she have known she’d fall in love with them? Although every moment with them gave her a happiness and excitement she’d never had before, there was an underlying edge of guilt. Still, the longer she stayed, the harder it was to tell them. What if they got angry at her? What if they no longer trusted her and wanted her out of their lives? As surprised as she was that she’d fallen for them in such a short time, she couldn’t risk not having them return that love.

  Do they love me? If they do, will that make a
difference once they find out?

  She held herself taller. She’d lied. It wasn’t as though she’d actually stolen the gems. Could someone steal from thieves?

  But I lied to them. Maybe it was by omission, but it was still a lie.


  Montana pointed to the small loveseat. “Have a seat, please.”

  Oh shit. Montana’s being extra polite. That can’t be good.

  “Is this the part where you tell me that it’s you, all three of you, and not me?” Her joke, however, fell flat. Her knees felt weak—and not in a good way—as she took a seat in the middle of the loveseat.

  They gathered around her with Montana on her right and Branson on her left. Neither one of them touched her, leaving her even more afraid. Anthony stood in front of her as though he were about to pronounce a verdict.

  “Please tell me what’s wrong.” They had to know. But how had they found out?

  “It’s not what we can tell you, but what you can tell us.” Anthony stuck his hands in his pockets. “Tell us what really happened.”

  She was about to open her mouth to repeat how she’d fallen off the ship when Branson added in a tone that brooked no argument.

  “And tell us how you wound up on our island with a bag of precious jewels.”

  Oh shit. They do know.

  She looked from one man to the next. Again, she started to speak, but this time it was her conscience as well as her love for them that stopped her from telling them a lie.

  Dragging in a big breath, she told them. Starting with finding the men in the stateroom, she told them everything she could remember—except for the part about a dragon saving her from drowning. She couldn’t handle it if they thought she was crazy.

  They didn’t appear to be surprised by her story. “And that’s how I ended up here on your island.”

  “Do you think the thieves will come after you?” asked Montana.

  She had the impression that he already knew the answer. “Yes. Although I don’t know how they could find me. It’s not like I jumped on a boat or a plane with a predetermined destination in mind.”


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