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Dragon Island [Dragon Love 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  “How did you get to the island?” Anthony’s expression hardened, yet there was still an element of concern in it. “I mean, after you fell into the ocean?”

  She bit at her lower lip. If only he hadn’t asked that particular question. She could either lie and tell them that she’s washed up on the shore…or she could tell them the truth and hope they’d believe her.

  “Babe, be careful how you answer.”

  She met Montana’s serious emerald eyes that were so much like the emeralds in the bag of gems. If she lied, the lie would hang between them forever. But if they didn’t believe her, then what?

  She did the only thing she could do. “I was floating on a life preserver the crooks threw to me. I guess they wanted to keep me above water until they could row out to me. But something, maybe the crew, stopped them.”

  “And?” urged Branson.

  “And”—she paused, fear of their reaction stalling her—”that’s when the dragon grabbed me and lifted me into the air. The next thing I knew I was flying over the ocean. I think I might have blacked out a couple of times because it put me down on the beach while I was out.”

  “A dragon? Like in a fire-breathing dragon?”

  Was Anthony going to start laughing at her? Or call for the men with the straitjackets? She lifted her chin defiantly. If they didn’t believe her, then maybe she was wrong about them.

  “Was he a handsome dragon?”

  “What? Was he handsome? I came to and found it lying on top of me. When it finally moved away, I saw what it was and almost shit my pants.”

  “No, you didn’t. Okay, maybe for a moment.” A soft smile curved the corners of his mouth. “But then you were intrigued. Hell, you even tried to touch me.”

  “How do you know what happened? Wait. You? I tried to touch you?” Would Anthony and Montana think both she and Branson had gone insane? Yet judging from their expressions, they believed everything they’d heard.

  She was on her feet in the next instant and backing up toward the wall. They came toward her, three sexy men who knew about the dragon. “What are you saying? That you’re a dragon?” She waved her hand, indicating his long, lean body. “You’re a man, not a dragon.”

  “Why can’t I be both?”

  “What? I don’t understand.” Her mind reeled with the possibilities.

  “He’s both a man and a dragon,” offered Anthony. “Just like us.”

  Her back hit the wall. She flattened her hands against the hard surface and tried to think. “Just like you? You’re saying all three of you are dragons?”

  “We are. We’re called shape-shifters, men who can change into dragons.” Montana shrugged. “Why is that so hard to believe? After all, you saw Branson in his dragon body so you know dragons actually exist.”

  “But as dragons, not as men who can change into mythical creatures. This is too incredible to believe.” Yet, he was right. If she expected them to believe she’d been rescued by a dragon, then why was it any harder for her to believe they were shape-shifters?

  “We’re not mythical creatures.” Branson took a step closer then stopped when she jerked back harder against the wall. “We’re not evil animals, either. We’re men who can manipulate their bodies and change their forms.”

  Yeah. What’s so hard to believe about that?

  Yet she sensed they were telling her the truth. She’d seen Branson as a dragon. So why was it so difficult to believe them now? “I just don’t know what to think.”

  “Bella, we’re still the men you see before you. We’re still the men who love you.”

  “Yes, but if you’re—” Her eyes widened. “What did you say?”

  Anthony sported his own smile, much like Branson’s. “That we’re men.”

  She shook her head, realizing he was teasing her. “You know what I’m talking about. You”—she bit her lip and hoped it wasn’t a dream—”love me? All three of you?”

  “We sure do, sugar.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. They loved her. What more could she want? But did she want men who could change into dragons? The answer came back fast enough. She’d love them no matter what form they were in. Anthony was right. They were still the men she loved.

  And they love me.

  Anthony’s smile faded. “Unfortunately, we think the thieves may have found you. Or at least, are going to check out the island to see if you’re here.”

  A different kind of fear hit her. “They’re here?”

  “Not yet,” answered Montana. “But they’re on their way. There’s a yacht headed toward the island.”

  “How do know it’s them?” It could be anyone. Why worry until she had to? Yet, if the men were worried, that was enough of a reason for her to worry, too.

  “We don’t.” Branson held out his hand. “Which is why we need you to come with me.”

  “What for?” She had a feeling she didn’t really want to know.

  “I’m going to fly you over the yacht. You can identify the thieves, right?”

  “Yes, but they’ll see you. Us.”

  “No, they won’t. We have a special ability that allows us to cloak ourselves, keeping us hidden from view. If they look up at just the right spot, they’ll see shimmers in the sky.”

  “Kind of like heat rising from hot pavement,” added Montana.

  “Right.” Branson put his hand out a little farther. “And since you’ll be riding on my back, they won’t see you, either.”

  She took his hand, needing to touch him, to know for certain that she wasn’t dreaming. “On your back? Are you serious? What if I fall off?”

  “Then I’ll catch you.” He gave her that wonderful grin of his. “Or you’ll get wet.”

  “Not funny, cousin.” Anthony took her arm and led her back to the loveseat. “The thing we need to know right now is whether or not you love us back.”

  She sat down, once more surrounded by her men. Given what they’d told her, maybe she should’ve taken more time before answering. Instead, she blurted out the truth. “Yes. Yes, I love you. Each one of you.”

  They visibly relaxed as though they’d been afraid to hear her answer. How could they have ever doubted that she cared for them? Hadn’t she shown them every time they’d made love? Now that she’d thought of it, hadn’t they shown her with every touch, every murmur of affection?

  “Good.” The worried look on Montana’s face faded. “We want you to stay with us, to be our mate.”

  “You want me to live here? On Dragon Island with you?” She couldn’t have asked for a better ending to a dream. If this was indeed a dream, she didn’t want to wake up.

  “Here or anywhere else you want to live.” Anthony skimmed his hand along her arm, electrifying her. “All we want out of the rest of our lives is to make you happy.”

  She blew out a relieved breath. “You sure do know how to make a girl feel wanted.” Their handsome faces, their gazes intent with red flecks in the color of their pupils, warmed her as no fire ever could.

  Red flecks. It must be because they’re dragons.

  “I have so many question, but I do know that I want to stay here with you three. For the rest of our lives.”

  Branson took her to her feet. “The questions will have to wait. Right now we have to find out who’s on that yacht.”

  * * * *

  Arielle couldn’t help but shout out loud. She was flying on the back of a dragon.

  At first, she’d been scared to death. Then, once she’d realized how easy it was to hold on to Branson’s scales, she’d calmed down and begun to enjoy the ride. The wind whipped over his body, his neck and head shielding her from the brunt of it. Below her was the dark ocean. Above her was the blue cloudless sky.

  “This is amazing!”

  Puffs of smoke trailed out of his mouth, flowing toward her like gray ribbons. She heard a sound that had to be a dragon chuckle. He was enjoying the flight as much as she was.

  Another growl came soon after, though, one that reminded
her of the reason for the flight. “I know. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  He dipped downward, thrilling her with his descent. Down and down he went, drawing ever closer to the speck on the ocean’s surface that had to be the yacht. Her heart thundered in her chest as they got closer. Would he pull up in time? She held on tighter, putting all her trust in him.

  Branson leveled out right above the yacht and, with his mighty wings flapping, hovered in mid-air. She leaned over as far as she could to get a good look.

  It didn’t take long for her to recognize the men from the stateroom. They were the men who had chased her, causing her to slip and fall off the cruise ship. “It’s them.”

  A rumble shuddered through his body, conveying his anger. Fire burst from his mouth and then was quickly gone.

  She was about to ask him to take her back to the island when he lifted his wings and brought them down, propelling them skyward. Clinging to him, she glanced back. “It’s them, all right, but what do we do about it? How can we keep them from coming to the island?” She didn’t expect him to answer, even though she’d had to ask the question. Another rumble rippled from him into her body.

  * * * *

  Arielle stood on the balcony outside her bedroom. In the hours since she and Branson had arrived at the house, the yacht had gotten closer. She could see the ship sitting in the bay. Montana and Anthony had flown over it several times, keeping check on the thieves’ activities.

  “You’re not going to kill them, are you?”

  Anthony pulled her back against his chest, his arms encircling her and giving her the comfort she needed. “We’re not planning on it, no.”

  “But you will if you have to. Is that what you’re saying?”

  Montana cleared his throat then came to stand beside her at the railing. “I’ve contacted a few friends of ours in law enforcement. They’re on their way.”

  “But how? I thought there weren’t any communication systems here?”

  “There aren’t,” answered Branson. “He did a quick flight to a nearby inhabited island and made a few phone calls.”

  “I’m going to have to tell them what happened, aren’t I?” She dreaded having to make any report to the authorities. Even if the men had friends helping them out, she wouldn’t, couldn’t tell anyone about her men being dragons. They hadn’t needed to tell her to keep quiet. She could easily imagine what might happen if the world found out that dragons existed. Not only would it jeopardize the lives of the clans but their island would be sought out and run over by curious people as well as scientists.

  “Yeah, you will.” Anthony nuzzled her and nibbled at her earlobe. “And turn over the jewels.”

  “Did your friends know who owns them?”

  “They do. They’re from the private collection of a very wealthy and prominent family in Spain.”

  “At least they’ll get them back. All but one.” She craned her head around. “I hate to say this, but I must’ve lost one. Will they make me pay them back?”

  He chuckled. “No, you won’t. We found a ruby on the beach.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Wait a minute. You guys knew something was up all along, didn’t you? You found that ruby and never said one word.”

  “That’s the size of it, sugar. We were waiting for you to tell us in your own good time.”

  “Until your friends showed up.” Montana turned away from her to gaze at the ship.

  “They’re no friends of mine, but that doesn’t mean I want to see them hurt. Thrown in jail for a really long time, yes, but not hurt.”

  “Don’t worry, babe, we know how to handle them. We’ve had a few scrapes in our lifetime.”

  “How old are you, anyway?” They seemed more mature than their years would indicate.

  Branson put his back to the scene and crossed his arms. “Remember, we’re dragons. Because we are, we’ve lived a long time.”

  “How long?” she asked.

  “I’m nine hundred years old, Anthony’s a little older at nine-fifty, and Montana’s the old man at a thousand years.”

  She’d suspected they were older, but their real age threw her. “You’re kidding? What are you, immortal?”

  “We were.”

  “Were?” Still in Anthony’s arms, she pivoted around, her palms against his chest. “What do you mean you were immortal? Aren’t you still immortal?”

  His quick glance at the other two men wasn’t reassuring. “It’s not your fault.”

  She eased back, not understanding anything except the dread stiffening her neck. “What’s not my fault? Will you just say what you mean?”

  “Dragons are born immortal. We stay immortal until we fall in love with the woman we want as our mate.”

  Had she heard him correctly? If so, she really was the cause of them losing their immortality. She pushed away from him, stalking to the far side of the balcony. “Why didn’t you tell me before now? I never would have stayed.”

  “Which is part of the reason we didn’t tell you.” Montana moved quickly to envelop her in his arms. “We couldn’t tell you who we were in the beginning. By the time you finally confessed you were a jewel thief”—he leaned back at her glare, pretending to be afraid she’d hit him— “we were already in love with you.”

  “You’re crazy. Why would you want to give up an eternity for me?”

  They looked at her as though she’d lost her mind. Branson, usually the funny one, gave her a look of such deep love that it rocked her to her core.

  “Why wouldn’t we?”

  He couldn’t have said anything better.

  “Still, I can’t ask you to give so much up for me.”

  “We already have,” added Anthony. “And we’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

  She gazed into Montana’s eyes. “So I’m your mate? What does that mean, anyway? Lots of baby dragon footsteps running around the house? Or do they leave claw marks?”

  “It means you’re ours and we’re yours. And no one can ever come between us.”

  Branson eased to her right while Anthony enclosed her by coming to her left. “If you want children, you can have them. They can turn out to be fully human, half human and dragon, or dragon all the way. The only bad thing is that we can’t change you into a dragon.”

  “You can’t?” Had he guessed that she’d already thought of that possibility? She could imagine flying over the ocean, her wings extended, smoke trailing out of her mouth.

  “No. Sorry, but dragons are born, not changed.”

  “It’s okay. I guess at least one of us needs to keep their feet on the ground.” She pressed her palm to Branson’s chest. “Unless I’m riding on one of you.”

  “That’s a good way to think of it, bella.”

  “But what about the steam?”

  “What about it, babe?” Montana wiggled his eyebrows. “We’re hot, so we make steam.”

  “Then why isn’t there steam when you’re in your dragon bodies?”

  “It’s simple, sugar. Like Montana said, we’re hot. Meaning us, you and the three of us, not just us as dragons. We make the steam together. Without you, there’d be no heat and no steam. You make us sizzle, sugar.”

  “Really? That’s one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard.”

  “Damn, I hate to say this…” Branson covered her hand.

  She finished the sentence for him. “But you guys need to get going.”

  “We do.” Anthony moved away from her first.

  She felt the loss of them as soon as she could no longer touch them. “Can I see you change? I didn’t get to see Branson change before we went flying.” He’d made the transformation on the other side of the house then landed in the yard to let her climb aboard.

  “It’s called shifting, babe.” Montana headed toward her bedroom. “And sure. Just watch out below.”

  A few minutes later and the men she loved were on the ground below her balcony. She leaned over, excitement welling inside her.

  Their trans
formations didn’t take long. For a moment, she was sure her eyesight was going bad as their bodies shimmered and blurred. The sound of bones cracking cut through her, and knowing it was part of the change didn’t help much, but she wouldn’t interrupt them to ask them if it hurt. Instead, she watched, fascinated, as their bodies grew larger and larger. Wings and tails erupted seemingly out of nowhere. Skin was replaced by scales, two blue-hued dragons and one green. When the shift had ended, they lifted their magnificent heads toward her, their red eyes gleaming.

  “You’re beautiful.” Could they hear her?

  With a roar, Anthony took to the air, stretching his long body, his tail whipping behind him. Branson was quick to follow with Montana trailing behind. She shaded her eyes as she watched them soar straight upward. Suddenly, they disappeared.

  Where are they?

  Then she remembered to look for the shimmers. Once she did, concentrating on the part of the sky where she thought they were, she saw them. If they hadn’t told her, she never would’ve known dragons hid within the shimmering sky.

  Be careful. I want you safely back home with me.

  * * * *

  The three dragons attacked the yacht, diving, striking out with their claws, their massive jaws, and their powerful tails. After their first strike, bludgeoning a hole into the side of the sea craft, they pulled back. The thieves, terrified by the unseen attack, scurried like ants around the yacht, trying to figure out what had struck.

  “How about we give them a little hotfoot?” asked Branson.

  Anthony chuckled, feeling his own urge to throw his flame. “I don’t see why not.”

  He’d taken a quick trip farther out to sea and had seen the other ships headed their way. The Coast Guard, sent by their dragon friends, would arrive in a few minutes. Until then, why not have a little fun?

  “Hot damn.” Montana lowered his head and curled his wings against his body, sending him plummeting toward the yacht. As soon as he was within a few yards, he turned his fire loose, sending out a shooting flame that engulfed the bow. Angry shouts and fear-filled screams broke the air as the crew hurried to put out the fire.

  “One more hit and then we head back home,” ordered Anthony.


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