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Fractured Hope (Undone Series Book 4)

Page 13

by Kristy Love

  I’d gone from annoyed at her very existence to wanting to be more involved in her life. If that wasn’t an evolution of a relationship, I wasn’t sure what was. I wished I could erase her past. If I knew where her ex-husband was, I’d probably be in jail. When she told me that he had abused her, it took everything in me not to demand to know where he was so I could kick his ass. He’d had it all. I had no doubt that Mia had been a loving and amazing wife and, knowing Mia, Gia was probably the sweetest and smartest little girl. My heart ached for both of them and it pounded in rage toward her loser ex. He was the lowest scum of the earth.

  He’d better pray he never came across me.

  A few minutes later, we pulled into a small diner. Roxie, David, and I ordered meals while Mia ordered a root beer. She’d hardly eaten any of the food I brought to the hospital earlier, but I could tell Gia’s condition weighed on her. I squeezed her knee under the table, earning me a small smile from her.

  “Do they have plans for Gia?” David asked as soon as the waitress picked up our menus and walked away.

  “They are running more tests tomorrow. They didn’t find signs of infection.”

  “I find that hard to believe,” Roxie chimed in. “Her rasping got worse the longer we were there.”

  David nodded. “Could they be hiding something from you?”

  Mia scoffed. “Why? There’s no reason for them to tell me she’s fine when she’s not.”

  “Because they’re assholes,” Roxie said. “Maybe they don’t want to worry you?”

  “I think they can’t find anything right now and they’re trying to rule out everything before saying anything.”

  David nodded, rubbing his chin in thought. “It’s scary how quickly her condition can change.”

  “It’s reality, though. She can go from fine to having a life-threatening infection in a matter of hours.” Mia shrugged. The waitress came over and placed our drinks on the table. Mia unwrapped her straw and took a long drink of root beer.

  “Change of subject,” Roxie said. “How’s the sex?” Mia choked on her drink and spit it across the table, spraying it all over David’s face. David’s hands flew up to cover himself, but was too late. Roxie burst out laughing, David wiped his face off with a napkin while he scowled at Roxie, and I patted Mia’s back as she continued to cough.

  “Could we please not discuss my sister’s sex life?” David practically growled at Roxie.

  “Some of us are interested,” Roxie said, her eyes sliding over my body.

  “I’m not discussing that with you,” Mia said once she caught her breath and wiped her eyes. “It’s none of your business.”

  Roxie visibly deflated. “That means there hasn’t been any sex.”

  “Oh, my God!” David exclaimed.

  Roxie shrugged. “I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”

  “With sex?” David asked.

  “Everything is better with sex.” Roxie smirked at David.

  “You’re unbelievable.” David shook his head.

  “But you love me.” Roxie leaned in close, pressing a kiss to David’s lips.

  “Don’t mind them,” Mia whispered. “They’re always like this. Fighting. Making up. Making out.” Her eyes met mine and tension descended around us. The sounds of Roxie and David kissing across the table faded away. It was only Mia and me.

  “It must be really hard to be around.”

  Mia nodded. “Sometimes I end up leaving and they don’t even notice. They’re too wrapped up in each other.”

  I hummed a noncommittal response as my eyes dropped to Mia’s lips, wishing I could taste her again. I didn’t think she’d want to give Roxie any reason to return to her line of questioning. Mia’s breathing became more rapid. “I’d never want to be around them then.”

  “That’s another reason I haven’t been seeing them as much.” Her tongue slid across her bottom lip before she tucked it inside her mouth. It took all my self-control not to pull her close and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. “Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to want to be with someone that much, to desire someone that much.”

  “You’ve never experienced that?”

  Mia slid a little closer to me, leaning into me with her shoulder. Her eyes were full of desire and I wondered if she could ever feel desire like that for me. “No, I don’t think so.”

  “It’s not something you’d have to think about. You’d just feel it.”

  “Have you?”

  “I’m beginning to.” I leaned a little closer, our lips separated by a breath.

  “Holy fuck!” Roxie exclaimed, slapping the table. Mia and I looked at her. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes were wide, almost making her look crazy. “You two,” she pointed at us, “are fucking on fire.”

  I cleared my throat. “Nah. My coworkers would be busting in the door if we were.” I smirked and stretched my arm across the back of the booth behind Mia.

  “You’re a firefighter?” David asked. Roxie’s eyes moved over me as if she were devouring me.

  “I’m a fire medic, so I fight fires and I’m a paramedic.”

  “Oh, that’s sexy.” Roxie leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand. “You caught yourself a fireman, Mia.”

  Mia chuckled. “I haven’t caught anything.”

  “I don’t know about that.” I rested my hand on Mia’s shoulder and squeezed. “I’d say you caught me.”

  “Does that mean I have you now? That you’re mine?” Her words came out flirtatious, but I heard the question in them. She wanted to know if we were really together, or if I’d push her away again.

  “I’m yours.” I smiled. Mia’s lips twitched as she fought her own smile. She looked down at the table, hiding how much my answer pleased her.

  “I approve,” Roxie declared, as though her say was the only one that mattered. “He is so much better than your ex-asshole.”

  Mia’s body sagged against the seat, defeated. After everything she told me earlier about her ex-husband, I didn’t want to be compared to him in any way. “Don’t go there,” I said.

  Roxie raised an eyebrow, studying me. “It seems you have a protector, Mia.” Mia nodded, not looking up from the table.

  Luckily, our food was delivered and conversation dropped off. Mia stirred her root beer with her straw, gazing into the cup as though it would save her. I cut my turkey, bacon, and Swiss sandwich in half and placed it on a napkin. Then I took a handful of my fries and put it there too. I slid my plate over in front of Mia. “You need to eat. Keep your strength up.”

  Mia nodded and gave me a barely there smile. “Thanks.”

  The conversation turned to pleasant topics. We discussed jobs, the weather, and renovations that Roxie was trying to talk David into doing at his place. I kept a close eye on Mia. She seemed so defeated and upset. I wished I could save her from her past and from the heartache she was experiencing right now. Maybe I could help make her current life a little more bearable.



  AFTER DINNER LAST NIGHT, I went back to the hospital. Gia’s breathing had stopped being raspy and she seemed recovered. The doctors and nurses were still keeping a close eye on her, but I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. She wasn’t out of the woods, but she seemed out of the danger zone for the time being. I went home to shower and work for a little while. After work, I went back to the hospital and stayed with Gia. I’d begun reading to her from a princess anthology. We had read some of them before the accident and she’d loved it, so I thought maybe it’d bring her some comfort here in the hospital.

  When I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I went home to get some sleep other than sitting up in a hospital chair. I heated up some leftovers in the microwave and sat on the couch to eat and watch some mind numbingly dumb TV show. A few moments passed as I fought to stay awake when I heard knocking at the front door. Opening the door, I saw Roman.

  “I saw your car pull in and I thought you might need
some sleep, but I didn’t see the light turn off. I figured I’d come over and see if you wanted some company.”

  “Are you creeping on me, Roman?” I asked. The thought warmed me, him checking in on me. I liked that he cared and somehow he knew I wouldn’t want to be alone tonight. I moved back, motioning him in. He slid past me and went into the kitchen, coming back out with a can of Coke, then he sat on the couch.

  “Reality TV?” Roman shook his head in disapproval. “I thought you had better taste than that, Mia.”

  I joined him on the couch and curled into his side, wanting and needing him. He wrapped his arm around me and dropped a kiss to my head. “I was looking for something to take my mind off things.”

  “Did you eat anything?”

  “A little bit. I’m not too hungry right now.”

  He picked up the plate and set it in his lap. He scooped up some mashed potatoes and offered it to me. I took the bite, raising my eyebrow at him, wondering what in the hell he was doing. As soon as the fork left my mouth, he took a bite of the food for himself. And on it went. I got a bite and then he got a bite until the plate was cleared. Then he set it back on the coffee table, picked up the remote, and turned the TV off. “You look exhausted. Let’s get you to bed.” He stood, pulling me after him.

  He walked with me the entire way to my bedroom and it was strange. He’d never been upstairs in my house. I tried to picture my bedroom as I left it this morning after I came home. I hoped I didn’t leave any dirty underwear on the floor. My brain was too tired to recall.

  If dirty underwear scared Roman off, then screw him.

  Once in my bedroom, Roman slid my shirt over my head and unbuttoned my skirt. I directed him to where my pajamas were and he pulled a T-shirt and a pair of flannel pants out. I liked that he didn’t ogle me in my bra and panties; he was all business, taking care of me. I felt safe. I forgot how it felt to have someone look after me, to know when I needed support and to offer it, no strings attached. I slid my bra off as he walked over to me. I saw the war he fought with himself. He wanted to respect me by keeping his eyes focused on mine, but he wanted to drop them to my breasts as well.

  When he stood in front of me, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I grabbed his hands and put them on me, letting him feel my skin. Once he moved his hands, trailing his fingers over my abdomen and up to my breasts, it was my turn. I closed my eyes and drank in the sensation of being touched. He was soft yet purposeful as he felt his way across my body.

  “Are you okay?” he asked when I opened my eyes. I couldn’t find words, so I nodded. Moving closer to him, I leaned up and kissed him. His hands never stopped moving over me as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Time ceased moving as we got lost in each other. Our fingers ticked off the seconds, our lips marked every moment passed, and our hands moved over skin. His shirt and jeans met my clothes on the floor. I backed up, grabbed his hands, and pulled him closer to my bed. I crawled up on it and motioned for him to follow. He covered me with his body as his lips and hands came back to me.

  We stayed like that for a long time. We breathed each other in and overdosed on our skin. The world faded away until it was just me and Roman on this bed.

  “God, I’ve wanted to feel you for so long,” he whispered against my lips as his fingers traced the edge of my panties before sliding inside. I gasped and clung to his shoulders, stretching around his fingers and loving the sensation. Every way he touched me felt as if it was the best thing I’d ever experienced.

  “Roman,” I moaned. He lowered his head, pressing soft, open mouthed kisses along my breasts as he continued moving his fingers in a sensuous rhythm.

  I’d never get enough of him. He made me feel too good, too whole. In his arms I wasn’t Mia, domestic abuse survivor, mother of a comatose daughter, or barren. I was sexy, desired, and cared for. It was as intoxicating as a drug. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted him in my bed, in my heart, and in my body. To stay.

  I reached down and took him in my hand as we panted against each other. Our lips and hands became frantic as we fought to keep the pace that we both needed and wanted. Before long, we both cried out our own release, riding the waves of ecstasy as we clung to each other. Roman dropped his head to my chest, breathing heavily.

  “I didn’t come over here for that,” he said.

  “I’m glad it happened though.”

  He chuckled. “My blue balls are glad it happened, too.” He got up and cleaned himself up, then climbed back into bed beside me.

  “Are your balls going to be normal colored now?” I stood and shrugged into the clothes he pulled out for me.

  He turned on his side, and his eyes drank me in, watching me move around the room. I went into the bathroom to clean up and brush my teeth. “I think the blue is draining from them right now. I can’t be positive, though. If you want to check, I have no objections.”

  I popped my head out of the bathroom, smiling. I loved how young and free he made me feel. God, I loved all the things he made me feel. “I’m sure you wouldn’t.” I finished brushing my teeth and crawled into bed. Roman covered me with blankets, tucking me in without getting up.

  “I should probably head home,” he said, though there was reluctance in his voice.

  I grabbed his arm, not ready for him to leave me yet. “Stay. Please?” He studied my face for a few seconds before crawling under the covers and pulling me back into his chest. I rested my head against him and wound my fingers with his. He reached behind him and turned off the light.

  I fell asleep instantly without racing thoughts or nightmares. I wasn’t chased by the demons of my past or the horrors that awaited me when I awoke. I was wrapped in Roman’s arms and comfort.

  * * *

  I rolled over when the sun hit my eyes. I was enveloped in warmth and I was slightly overheating. A thigh was draped over my legs and an arm wrapped tightly around my torso. I was crushed into Roman’s chest and I didn’t want to move. I moved a leg out from under the covers, reaching for some cool air to relieve some of the heat trapped against my body. I maneuvered some more until both of my legs were free of blankets. I relaxed and a lazy smile covered my face.

  It seemed Roman hadn’t strayed from my side all night. I felt protected and cared for. From the beginning, I felt safe around him. Even when he was grumpy and fixing up my house without saying more than two words. He’d intrigued me at the very least. In a lot of ways, he still did. I knew basics about him, but not much about his past. He very carefully sidestepped any conversation that could lead to his past relationships. I didn’t care much if he had slept with all of Virginia or if he had one serious relationship in the past. Who he slept with or dated didn’t mean anything other than helping to shape him into who he was now. That was the Roman I was interested in. I wanted to know what happened to shape him into the man he was today.

  I moved to uncover more of my leg and Roman’s arm tightened around me, pressing me even closer into his chest. He made a strangled sound in his sleep and said something under his breath that I couldn’t make out. I stilled, hoping he’d calm. Instead, he flipped onto his back and took me with him.

  “Laura,” he muttered under his breath.

  That one name was a slap in the face and a bucket of ice water all at once. He’d never given me any indication there was anyone else, but that he’d just said another woman’s name while in my bed . . . it hurt. A lot. I didn’t want to fall for someone who would mistreat me again. I’d been so sure that Roman wasn’t that guy. Was I wrong? I’d been terribly wrong before. Maybe I was just awful at picking men.

  I shuffled away from him, trying to deal with the amount of hurt pumping through my veins. I didn’t want to cry. I was so fucking sick of crying. I was sick of being weak and needy.

  I was sick of letting my guard down.

  “Mia?” he grumbled as he leaned up on his elbow. I was out of his arms, close to the edge of the bed.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said, trying
my damnedest to keep any hurt out of my voice. I didn’t want to overreact if it was nothing. Maybe Laura was his sister or a childhood friend.

  He groaned and rolled on his back, scrubbing his hands over his face. “I think I could sleep next to you forever.” He looked over at me, a big grin on his face. “That was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.” He looked so carefree, so . . . young. The careful, guarded way he carried himself had faded away and was replaced by a lazy smile. His eyes were bright as he put a hand behind his head and faced me. There was something so endearing about his openness. I didn’t want something he mumbled in his sleep to ruin everything.

  Plus, hadn’t he said my name as soon as he awoke?

  “It was a pretty good sleep.” I lay back down, turning on my side to face him. I tucked my hands under my cheek.

  “Do you have plans for today?” he asked.

  “Hmm, I have to go into work at some point, I guess.”

  “It must be hard to be related to the boss.”

  I shrugged. “It has its benefits, sure. He’s been more lenient with me since the accident, especially with what’s been going on with Gia lately. But there’s also a downside. David feels he can be involved in my personal life. Overly involved.”

  “He seemed pretty decent the other night.”

  I chuckled. Yeah, he seemed decent and cool with everything. Except he didn’t fool me for a second. The moment Roman screwed up, I’d have to keep David from attempting to beat his ass. And honestly, David didn’t stand a chance. I had a feeling Roman could handle himself and didn’t have an issue fighting dirty if it came to that. There was no doubt in my mind that Roman had come up against some pretty aggressive and belligerent people on the job. In fact, some of his stories had confirmed that theory. All of them ended with the person doing what Roman wanted them to do. David didn’t stand a chance. “Don’t let his nice guy façade fool you. I’m sure he was sizing you up.”

  “He sized me up for a few minutes, but then he let it go.” He reached over and ran his fingers down my face as though he’d gone too long without touching me. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. “Give the man some credit. He cares a lot about you. So does Roxie.”


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