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My Destiny

Page 15

by J. L. Perry

  I put my arms around Logan’s neck and said, “I hope your uncle’s okay.”

  He sighed. “Me, too.”

  “I really think he’s a nice man. I can see why you like him so much.”

  He kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, “I like you very much, Miss Ryan.”

  “I like you very much, too, Mr Cavanagh,” I replied, bumping my shoulder against his. I wanted to kiss him so much, but I knew it was totally inappropriate. We were sitting only a few metres away from a bunch of eight-year-old girls.

  I whispered in his ear, “I can’t wait to get you home tonight so I can fuck your brains out.” He started to choke on his beer, and I had to pat him on the back.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” he whispered, “Let’s go right now. After that little comment, I don’t think I will be able to last the rest of the afternoon.” I put my head down because I was suddenly embarrassed. I had never spoken like that before and, honestly, I don’t know what came over me. Logan seemed to bring out the best and worst of me.

  He pulled me in closer to him, and I could feel his erection pressing into the side on my leg.

  I kissed his cheek and whispered, “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he said, looking me in the eye. “That is the fucking hottest thing I have ever heard. Especially coming from your sweet mouth.” Then he chuckled and shook his head. “You are the only person I know who could say something so sexy and blush at the same time. You are so adorable!”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist, and brushed my lips with a soft kiss. “Please don’t ever hold back your feelings from me. I love the way you say exactly what you are thinking. I love everything about you, Brooke,” he said as he gave me another sweet kiss on the lips.

  He sighed. “I know you are probably not ready to hear this, Brooke, but I am completely and utterly head-over-heels in love with you.” I laid my head down on his shoulder and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. My heart was doing cartwheels. I knew that I felt the same way, but wasn’t sure was I ready to say it yet. Even though we had only been together for a short time, my feelings for him were so strong. The love I felt far surpassed any feelings I once had for Jake.


  I couldn’t believe I just said that to her, and at my niece’s eighth birthday party! Not a very romantic place to tell someone for the first time that you love them. It was definitely not the place I had envisioned telling her, but I wanted her to know, especially after what she said to me. She had no idea how sexy those words were, coming out of her beautiful mouth. More so because of how sweet and innocent she was.

  I didn’t expect her to tell me that she loved me, too, but I hoped she would say it to me one day. I thought she felt the same way about me, but I wasn’t sure. The fact that she didn’t run from me when I said it was enough for now.

  Brooke’s comment had turned me on so much that I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it through the rest of the afternoon. I just wanted to take her upstairs to one of the spare rooms and have my way with her.

  My sister called out that lunch was ready so we got up and made our way back over to the table. I had to walk with Brooke in front of me because I still had a hard on. I needed to think of something quick because I didn’t want to freak out the kids. Okay, my aunt…yep, that did the trick. An image of that nasty bitch was enough to kill anyone’s erection.

  After lunch, we did the whole birthday cake and opening presents thing. Thank god this day was nearly over because I couldn’t wait to take my girl home. It couldn’t come quick enough, if you asked me.

  My niece loved her iPad. Apparently, she had been pestering my sister for months to buy her one. I downloaded a bunch of games on it for her and charged it up before Brooke wrapped it. That way, she could play it straight away. My sister said she had to wait for all her friends to leave before she could play it, though. Lara crossed her arms and gave her a pout, which was cute. It made me smile.

  I finally got to have one of Brooke’s cupcakes. They were delicious. The best cupcakes I’d ever eaten. I asked my sister if she could pack a few back into the containers we’d brought because I wanted to take some home with me.

  I asked Michelle why dad hadn’t come, and she said he had the “man flu”, then rolled her eyes. I laughed at her, but couldn’t help but think she was having a dig at the whole male race.

  “You know, Logan, I really like Brooke. I can tell how happy she makes you.”

  “I’m in love with her, Michelle.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she hugged me. “I am so happy for you, Logan,” she said.

  We said our goodbyes to everyone, and my mother hugged Brooke tight. “I hope to see you again, Brooke. You are welcome here anytime.”

  Michelle asked Brooke if she could get her phone number from me so she could take her to lunch one day, and Brooke said she would like that.

  My uncle came down from one of the rooms upstairs, and he looked a lot better. I gave him a hug and asked him to take care of himself. When I pulled back to look at him, I could see sadness in his eyes, and that worried me. His eyes were also red, like he had been crying. I hoped my aunt wasn’t giving him too much grief. Fuck, I hated that bitch. I made a mental note to call him tomorrow.

  He made his way over to Brooke. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Brooke,” he said with a genuine smile. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t well enough to stay at the party.” I was surprised when he put his arms around her and hugged her tight. I think Brooke was surprised, too.

  Before we left, Brooke asked Michelle if she could use the bathroom. My sister led her to the one downstairs. I hoped she wasn’t going to take too long because I just needed to get her alone.

  Once she was finished, we made our way to the limo. As soon as Chris closed the door behind us, I pulled Brooke onto my lap.

  She turned around to straddle me, then pushed the button so the divider came up. She was a quick learner, I give her that. She obviously didn’t want Chris to see us. I gently held either side of her face and started to devour her mouth. I’d been waiting all day to do that.

  After a few minutes, she pulled away from my kiss. She got up onto her knees so she could reach for the button of my jeans. I didn’t know what she was up to, but she had a wicked smile on her face. She undid my button and pulled down my zipper. I lifted my hips, and helped her pull my jeans and boxers down so they sat around my knees. Then she lifted up her dress.

  “Where is your underwear?” I asked, surprised.

  “In my bag,” she replied with a sexy smile. “I took them off when I used your sister’s bathroom.”

  She lowered herself back down and guided my erection so it was positioned at her opening. She put her lips back on mine as she slid down onto me. Holy fuck! I held her hips so I could lift her as I pumped into her. We both moved in synchronised rhythm. Fuck, it was heaven being inside her!

  “You are so fucking sexy, baby,” I said as I groaned. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  After a few minutes, she whispered, “I’m ready. Come with me, Logan.” I pulled her lips back to mine. We swallowed each other’s moans as we climaxed together.

  “I love you so fucking much, Brooke,” I said.

  I was surprised when she looked into my eyes and said, “I love you, too, Logan.”

  I pulled her tight against my body and just held her there. I couldn’t believe she just said that! I was the luckiest and, definitely, the happiest man in the world. There was a huge smile on my face all the way home. When I looked out the window, I could see we were nearly back at the penthouse.

  “We are nearly home, baby,” I said, so she climbed off me and pulled her dress down as I pulled up my jeans. When we were both decent again, I pulled her back over to me so I could hold her and I kissed the top of her head.

  “You have made me the happiest man in world,” I said, and when she looked up at me, she was beaming. I loved seeing her smile like that

  “Ditto, Mr. Cavanagh.”

  Once we were back in the penthouse, I let Brooke know I had a few phone calls to make. She told me she was going to go upstairs and take a bath. I pulled her into my arms. “Thank you for coming with me today.”

  She put her arms around my neck. “Thank you for taking me. You have an amazing family, Logan. I am grateful that you shared that with me.”

  I kissed her softly. “I’ll come upstairs when I’m finished.”



  I went into the office and closed the door. This was the first time Brooke had left the penthouse in two days, and I wanted to call Mike to see if there had been any other messages from Jake.

  When Mike answered the phone, he informed me that he was just about to call me. I knew that could only mean one thing…another message had been sent. When he asked me if I was sitting down, I knew it must be bad. I sat down at my desk and asked him to tell me what it said.

  Having fun playing happy family, you fucking WHORE?! I wish I’d snapped your fucking neck that day you left me, you BITCH. I won’t give up until I teach you a lesson. He can’t hide you forever, and when I get my fucking hands on you, I will make you pay. I can guarantee when I finally get hold of you, and believe me when I say I will, you won’t be able to walk away this time, BITCH, because you’ll be FUCKING DEAD!

  I am glad he advised me to take a seat before he read that to me because I could feel my whole body trembling. “We have to find him, Mike,” I pleaded. “I can’t let him get his hands on her.” I was surprised I wasn’t screaming into the phone but, honestly, I think I was in shock. The thought of him hurting her anymore than he already had was fucking with my head. “I don’t care what it takes or what it costs.”

  “We are working on it, Logan. I don’t know what else I can do. He is smart,” he said.

  Now the shock was wearing off and the anger was rising. “We are fucking smarter, do you hear me?!” I screamed as I slammed my hand down on the desk. “Hire every fucking man you can find, and search the fucking streets if you have to!” Then I threw my phone against the wall, smashing it into little pieces.

  I sat at the desk with my head in my hands because I couldn’t get the words “snapped your neck” and “you’ll be fucking dead” out of my head. There was no way I could just sit here while this psychopath was walking the streets, threatening to harm the woman I loved. I finally have her. I can’t lose her now.

  There was only one thing I could do. I unlocked the drawer of my desk and got out the gun. I pulled out some ammunition and loaded it. I made sure the safety was on before putting it in the back of my jeans.

  I made my way upstairs and, before going into the bathroom, I got a hoddie out of my drawer and put it on. Once the gun was covered, I made my way in to tell her I needed to go out for a while. I took a deep breath before I walked in because I needed to calm down a bit. If she noticed that I was upset, she would know that something was going on.


  I was lying in a sea of bubbles in Logan’s giant bathtub. It was massive and more like a small pool than a bathtub. While lying there relaxing, I thought about the day I had with Logan and his family. I enjoyed it and they all made me feel so welcome. He was lucky to be surrounded by such a great family who loved him.

  Then I thought about Logan and how we’d both finally put our hearts on the line. It’s probably unthinkable to some that you could fall in love so quickly, but when you know, you just know. There is not a doubt in my mind that I am madly in love with him.

  My mind drifted off to what we had done in the limo on the way home, and I smiled. I have never done that sort of thing before. Logan brought out a side of me that I had never known existed, and I kind of liked it. He really did rock my world.

  The door to the bathroom opened and Logan came in. He was so gorgeous and still made my heart flutter every time I looked at him. It really should be illegal to be that good looking. I smiled as he walked towards me. I thought about how lucky I was to be loved by someone like him.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” I said. “Do you want to join me?” He gave one of his heart-stopping smiles, and knelt down on the floor beside the bath.

  He brushed his hand down the side of my face. “I wish I could, but something came up and I need to go out for a few hours,” he said.

  I sat up in the bath, not realising that I had exposed my breasts, and said, “Is everything okay?”

  I noticed him look down to my chest and smile. “If you don’t lie back down and cover your beautiful breasts, I won’t be able to leave this room, even though I have to,” he growled.

  I leaned my face towards his and kissed his lips. “Will you be gone long?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, baby,” he replied as he stroked the side of my face again. “I will try to get back as soon as I can, but if you are tired, don’t wait up for me, okay?”

  “Are you sure everything is alright?”

  “I’ll talk to you when I get back,” he replied. “I really have to go.” He leaned over and gave me the sweetest kiss. “I love you,” he said as he got up and left.

  I lay back down, but I couldn’t relax because I had a feeling there was something he wasn’t telling me. That made me worry.


  I got in the elevator and went straight down to the basement because I wasn’t going to use Chris tonight. If I got lucky and found Jake, I knew I was going to rip his head off, and I didn’t want anyone else to get mixed up in what might happen.

  I got my car keys out of my pocket, got into my black Audi R8 Coupe, and drove out of the private underground car park and into the city streets. I had no idea where to start looking, so I was going to just drive around for a while and see if I could find him.

  I knew my chances were pretty slim, but I needed to try. Sitting around doing nothing was no longer an option for me. Jake’s threats were getting worse, and I felt compelled to protect Brooke. I headed towards her terrace house. That was as good a place as any to start.

  I parked the car on her street and got out. At first, I walked around the area looking for any sign of him before walking up to her house. I searched the front yard, then looked through her windows. When I found nothing, I climbed the fence so I could check the backyard.

  After my search turned up nothing, I walked up every alleyway in the area and looked in every possible spot where someone could hide, but still found nothing.

  Frustrated, I got back into the car and started driving around again. After about three hours, stopping in a number of spots to search, I realised I was looking for a needle in haystack. I decided to head back home and try to think of another plan. There had to be a way to lure him out without putting Brooke in danger.

  It was after midnight by the time I got back to the penthouse. I headed straight for my office so I could lock my gun back in the drawer. Then I headed upstairs. Brooke was sound asleep when I got to the bedroom. Her long hair was fanned out over the pillow, and she looked so beautiful and peaceful—like an angel. I just stood there for a few minutes watching her sleep. I loved her so much.

  I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower, then climbed into bed next to her. I was surprised to find she wasn’t wearing any clothes! I pulled her into my arms and she snuggled into me. I lightly kissed the top of her head as I held her tightly against me.

  I hardly slept that night because I couldn’t stop thinking about that arsehole. We needed to find him fast, but I didn’t know how we were going to do that.

  I woke in the morning to Brooke’s tiny kisses raining all over my chest. Instantly, it brought a smile to my face. I rolled her onto her back and settled on top of her.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I said.

  She smiled up at me. “What time did you get in last night?”

  “Around midnight,” I replied. “You were sound asleep and I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Well, I am awake now,” she said. “So w
hat are you going to do with me?” This woman was insatiable and I loved it. She was so sweet and innocent, but an absolute fucking sex goddess in the bedroom.

  It was Sunday, and I had the whole day to spend with her so I was going to take my time. I needed to taste her again so I started kissing my way down her body. She was so sweet, like nothing I had ever tasted before.

  I settled between her thighs, and licked straight up her centre. She arched her back and moaned when I put my tongue deep inside her. “Oh, Logan,” she said as she grabbed hold of my hair.

  “Do you like that, baby?” I asked.

  “Mmmm,” she replied.

  We spent the next few hours in bed I wanted to imprint every inch of her body into my mind, as we made slow passionate love to each other.

  Afterwards, we were lying in bed in each other’s arms. “Where did you go last night?”

  I didn’t want to lie or keep secrets from her so I told her the truth. “Another message from Jake came in last night. He is following you whenever you leave the house, Brooke,” I replied. “His messages are getting worse and he’s making serious threats towards you. So please don’t ever leave this house without me. The private detective is having trouble tracking him down. Until he is caught, you need to be careful because I don’t want anything happening to you, baby.”

  “So where did you go last night?” she asked again.

  “I went looking for him,” I replied. “Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t know what else to do. I was so angry after I found out about the message and I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing because I couldn’t live with myself if he ever hurt you again. Now that I finally have you, I don’t want to lose you.”

  Brooke lifted her head up off my chest to look at me. “I am not mad at you, but I wish you hadn’t gone off all by yourself. He is crazy, Logan. I couldn’t handle it if you got hurt so, please, don’t do anything like that again. I’ve finally found someone I truly care about, and I don’t want to lose you, either.”


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