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My Destiny

Page 16

by J. L. Perry

  “I am not going anywhere,” I assured her. “I just want to protect you and keep you safe.” I added as I held her tight.

  We eventually got out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast. I wanted to take her out for the day, but was worried about what would happen if I did. It was hard seeing her cooped up inside all the time because I knew how much she loved the outdoors.

  After breakfast, Brooke told me that she was going to the gym to workout. It had been over a week since I’d worked out so I told her I would come with her. I usually worked out most days, but since she had been living with me, I hadn’t. Spending time with her had been more important to me.

  Once we got down to the gym, Brooke got on the treadmill and ran at a fast pace for over an hour. I was shocked at how fit she was. I just did weights. I liked working out, but wasn’t a big fan of cardio, and running was definitely not my thing.

  When we were done, we went back to the penthouse and showered together. It was a beautiful day outside and I didn’t want her to have to stay in. Sunshine and fresh air was what she needed, and that gave me an idea so I called one of my mates. I wanted to organise something for her where I could get her out of the house and still be safe.

  About ten minutes later, my mate called me back and said that everything was organised, and to be ready to leave in a half-hour. I told Brooke I had a surprise for her, and asked her to go grab her swimming costume and anything else she thought she might need. She gave me a big smile and ran up to the bedroom. While she was upstairs changing, I grabbed what I needed and asked Jill to pack us a picnic.

  We got in the elevator and, instead of going down to the lobby, I took her up to the roof. One of my clients, who had also become a good friend of mine over the years, owned and operated his own aviation school. He had organised for one of his pilots to land a helicopter on the roof of my building. I was going to take her as far away from Sydney as I could for the day.

  I wanted her to be able to walk around, relax, and enjoy herself without having to worry that someone was watching her or that she was in any danger.

  When we stepped out of the elevator, the first thing she noticed was the helicopter. She started to jump up and down and clapped her hands like a little kid. She was so cute. The pilot was waiting for us, and he helped strap us in, then climbed back up. I grabbed hold of her hand and we took off.

  I asked my friend to organise for the pilot to take us somewhere along the coast, somewhere that was private and secluded. He told me he knew the perfect place, and that he had taken his wife there a few years ago when he’d proposed to her. He explained that the beach was totally secluded, and only accessible by air or boat. It sounded perfect.

  When the helicopter landed on the beach, I looked over at Brooke. She was smiling. My friend was right. It was a beautiful spot. The water was crystal clear, and there wasn’t another soul around.

  The pilot said he would pick us up in five hours, and we watched as he took off again. Once we made our way down the beach and found the perfect spot, I put down the stuff I had brought with us and laid out a blanket.

  As we were lying on the blanket, I pulled her into my arms. Brooke told me this was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her.

  “Get used to it,” I said. “I want our life together to be full of things like this.” We just lay there for a while, enjoying the sunshine and each other.

  Brooke suddenly sat up and said she wanted to go and see if the water was warm enough to swim in. She stood up and pulled her dress over her head, revealing a tiny white bikini. I felt my dick twitch immediately as my eyes raked over her.

  I sat up and watched her walk down to the water. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She had the sexiest arse, which swayed as she walked. Brooke put her feet in the water, looking back at me with a smile on her face. Then she did the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  She undid the ties on the side of her bikini bottom, letting it drop onto the sand. Then she undid the back of her bikini top, pulled it over her head, and dropped it down next to her feet.

  I sat there in disbelief, watching her. Next, she took a few steps into the water, then dived under. I quickly got up off the blanket, pulled down my shorts, and ran down to the water. There was no way I was going to let her go skinny-dipping on her own. I dropped my shorts on the sand next to her bikini, and dived under the water to find her. When I did, I grabbed hold of her foot and pulled over to me.

  We both rose to the surface, and she was laughing as I pulled her into my arms. “You are so fucking sexy, babe,” I said. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” She didn’t answer, but wrapped her legs around me and started to kiss me.

  “I wasn’t trying to be sexy,” she eventually said. “I have never skinny-dipped before, and I have always wanted to try it. Since we have the beach to ourselves, I thought why not?” I had never met anyone like her. She was full of surprises, and I loved every one of them.

  From the moment we got into the helicopter back in Sydney, Brooke had a smile on her face. It warmed my heart to see her so happy. I wish I could bottle that smile because I wanted her to smile like that all the time.

  We had the most perfect day. We made love in the ocean twice, and again on the blanket. We also went for a walks along the beach, talked, laughed, and ate. It was nice just enjoying being together without any of the worries that we had left behind.


  I didn’t want this day to ever end. Logan was everything you could want in a man. He was caring, considerate, fun, romantic, and sexy as hell. I was so happy being here with him. He made me feel complete. Being around him was so easy, and I was surprised how comfortable I felt with him. It was like I had known him forever.

  Today was the first time I’d ever been in a helicopter and it was amazing. The view from the air was spectacular. I had only flown once before, and that was on a plane when I’d moved back to Sydney. But, with everything that had happened that day, I didn’t really get to enjoy it.

  The helicopter arrived later that day to take us back to Sydney. I didn’t want to leave! We packed up our things and reluctantly headed towards the helicopter. Logan linked his fingers with mine as we walked. I looked up at him. “Thank you for today. I will never forget it.” I had to put my head down because I could feel the tears filling my eyes.

  Logan stopped and put his finger under my chin, lifting my head. When he noticed my tears, he put the basket down on the sand and pulled me to him. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “Talk to me, Brooke,” he said. “If you are fine, why are your beautiful brown eyes full of tears? I hate seeing you like this.”

  “Well, my right eye is filled with happy tears because today was the best day of my life, and my left eye is filled with sad tears because I don’t want today to end.” He threw his head back and burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. I did, too. It really was a stupid thing to say but, honestly, that is how I felt. It was a mixture of happy and sad tears.

  “You are so fucking adorable,” he said as he brushed his lips against mine. “I will bring you back here every weekend if you like. Our life will be full of things like this, Brooke, so get used to it.” He wiped my tears away before kissing both my eyes. “I love you,” he whispered, “with all my heart.”

  When we got back to penthouse, we both showered, while Jill made us a lovely dinner. After we ate, we went into the lounge and I sat down beside him, snuggling close. We had planned on watching a movie, but ended up just talking and laughing instead. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

  The next morning, I woke when Logan’s alarm went off. I wished he didn’t have to go to work because it had been nice spending the weekend with him. He rolled over and kissed me. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning. I am coming downstairs to have breakfast with you,” I replied.

  “I would like that. I wish I didn’t have to leave you today.”

; “I wish you didn’t have to go, either,” I replied. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for kiss. We ended up making love again, and didn’t get out of bed for another hour.

  After breakfast, Logan went upstairs to shower and dress for work. I stayed in the kitchen, talking to Jill.

  Twenty minutes later, he came back downstairs and was wearing an expensive tailored dark grey suit. He had a light grey shirt underneath, and a green patterned tie that highlighted his beautiful green eyes. God, he was so gorgeous! He looked like he belonged on a cover of a magazine.

  I put my elbow on the breakfast bar and rested my head in my hands as I watched him walk towards me. I could just stare at him all day. I sighed softly.

  He smiled as he walked towards me. “I am just admiring the view,” I said with a smile. I stood up and he pulled me into his arms for a kiss. I loved the smell of his aftershave. It was expensive and very him.

  “You smell delicious,” I said. “Good enough to eat, actually.” I raised one of my eyebrows at him.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” he groaned. “Don’t talk to me like that, or I will never be able to leave.”

  The things I said to him sometimes shocked me and made me wonder if, deep down, I was a hussy. I had never said those sorts of things to Jake, but they just seemed to fall out of my mouth with Logan. Since being with him, I have found myself doing and saying things I never thought I would.

  I kissed him softly and straightened his tie. “Have a great day,” I said. “I will miss you.”

  “I will miss you, too, more than you will ever know,” he replied and kissed me one more time. He picked up his briefcase and walked over to the elevator. I just stood there, shamelessly checking him out. The view from the back was almost as good as the one from the front. As he stepped into the elevator, he said he would call me later. I just smiled.

  After he left, I went upstairs to get changed into my workout gear and headed to the gym.



  It was so hard leaving her this morning. I usually looked forward to going into the office Monday mornings, but that had all changed since Brooke had come into my life.

  Even though my father forced me into becoming a lawyer, I had grown to love it. With the help of my aunt and uncle, my father had built the Sydney practice from the ground up. He had made Cavanagh and Associates very successful.

  Most of our clients were either rich, famous, or both, and we also had a lot of corporate companies on the books. When I had taken over the company ten years ago, I expanded the business and we were now even more successful.

  All the way to the office, I thought about Brooke. I hoped I could concentrate at work today. We had a huge multimillion dollar court case starting tomorrow, and my focus needed to be on that. Claire and I had to collaborate all the evidence and witness statements. I also had to prepare my opening and closing statements.

  Claire was waiting in my office for me when I arrived, and had already started going over everything. It was imperative that everything was in order.

  The preparations had taken up most of the day, and it was after 2:00 p.m. before we were finished. Claire had just left to go and get us some lunch, and I decided to call Brooke. This had been my first chance to really think about her all day, and I was looking forward to going home to see her.

  I dialled her number and she answered after a few rings. It was so good to hear her voice, and we talked for about ten minutes. She told me that Ellen had called her earlier, and she needed to go into the studio tomorrow morning to teach a few classes. She also added that they had another run-through on Saturday morning to further prepare for the concert.

  I wasn’t comfortable with her leaving the house, but I knew how much this meant to her. I told her I would organise some extra security for her. I wished I could go with her, but I explained that I had a huge court case. I did tell her that I would be able to go with her on Saturday, though.

  “Logan, is extra security really necessary?”

  “It’s non-negotiable, Brooke.” Even though I couldn’t see her through the phone, I knew she was rolling her eyes.

  Before she got a chance to argue with me about it, I said, “Listen, baby, I need to go. Claire just got back with my lunch.”

  “Okay. I love you.” My heart skipped a beat. I would never get tired of hearing her say that.

  “I love you, too, baby,” I said with a smile. “I will see you tonight.”

  When I hung up, Claire was staring at me. “So it’s really that serious, huh?” she asked, smiling.

  Claire had been working as my personal assistant for as long as I could remember, and we had become good friends over the years.

  “Brooke is the love of my life. I am going to marry her one day,” I beamed. “She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  Claire gave me a warm smile. “Brooke is a lucky girl. You guys are perfect for each other.” I smiled but knew that I was the lucky one. Claire laid out the food on the desk, and we sat down to eat lunch.

  The day was finally over and I asked Chris to stop off at the florist on the way home. I had planned on getting her red roses again, but when I noticed the white ones, I thought of that sexy little white bikini she wore yesterday so I decided to buy them instead. This time, I got the florist to arrange them in a tall white vase.

  When I got home, I found Brooke and Jill talking in the kitchen. I noticed how close they had become and it made me happy. Jill was a lovely lady, and it was nice that Brooke had someone else to talk to besides me. Yes, Brooke was part of my family now. I liked that thought.

  I handed her the flowers when I got into the kitchen, and she smiled at me. “They are beautiful,” she said. “Thank you.”

  “They aren’t as beautiful as you,” I said as I pulled her into my arms and brushed my lips against hers. “I missed you today,” I whispered in her ear.

  I looked over at Jill who was looking at us with a big smile on her face. “Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes, Mr. Cavanagh,” she said before turning back to the stove.

  Brooke followed me into my office as I went to put my briefcase away. I turned around and sat on the edge of my desk, gently pulling her over to me, resting her between my legs. The effect she had on me was still surprising because I already felt my erection pushing up against her stomach.

  Brooke put her arms around my neck and brushed her lips softly against mine. “I have been dying to kiss you all day.”

  “I’ve been dying to kiss you all day, too,” I replied as I pulled her tighter against me.


  The flowers Logan bought me were beautiful. That was the second time I had gotten flowers from him. He gave me two dozen long-stemmed white roses in a beautiful white vase. In the six years Jake and I had been together, he never once bought me flowers.

  After dinner, we sat out on the balcony and drank a bottle of wine. It was a lovely night. The stars were out and the view of the city was spectacular.

  I felt so relaxed and at peace. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the wine or because I was lying in Logan’s arms. We decided to take a bath before going to bed. Logan was so loving and attentive towards me, and I was so lucky to have him.

  We made love in the bath, and again when we got into bed. I never had so much sex in my life, but he was like a drug. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  We always slept with our arms and legs wrapped around each other. Whenever we were together, it was like we needed to be as close as possible. The love I felt for this man was so deep that it scared me. I wasn’t sure how I would survive if it ended.


  Before Logan left for work in the morning, he asked me to be careful when I left to go to the studio. He said he wanted me to keep an eye out and let the security team do their job. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him because I thought this whole security thing was a bit silly. Logan was obviously worried for me, though, so I didn’t argue. I just
promised him that I would be a good girl.

  “That’s my girl,” he said as he kissed me softly.

  I walked with him to the elevator and watched as he got inside. “Good luck on your court case today.”

  He winked at me. “See you tonight, baby,” he said with a sexy smile as the doors were closing. Damn, he’s hot! He melts my heart.

  When it was time to leave for the studio, Chris came up to get me. As we stepped off the elevator and into the lobby, I was surprised to see a team of six security guards waiting. They were all dressed in black commando-type uniforms, guns in their holsters. I wanted to laugh. This was fucking ridiculous.

  I wanted to call Logan and tell him that this was way over the top, but I promised him I would be a good girl so I decided to just go along with it. However, when he got home tonight, I was going to tell him to tone it down a bit.

  As we made our way out to the limo, two of the security team went out to scan the area, and the other four surrounded me. I felt like an idiot. Chris opened the back door and one of the security guards got in first. I could feel my blood pressure starting to rise. I got in next, the other security guard getting in beside me. I looked at Chris in the mirror. “Chris, is all of this really necessary?”

  He gave me a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, Brooke. I’m just following Mr. Cavanagh’s orders.”

  Now I was pissed!

  I sat in the back of the limo with my arms crossed like a spoiled little brat. I noticed Chris looking at me in the rear view mirror. He knew I wasn’t happy about this. He gave me a small smile. “He just loves you, Brooke, and he is trying to protect you.” It made me feel bad for the way I was behaving, but this really was over the top.

  We pulled up at the studio and I leaned over the front seat. “Chris, these guys are not coming inside with me,” I whispered.

  “I know, Brooke,” he said. “Logan has instructed two guards to stand at the front entrance, and the other two will stand at the rear. The rest will just keep watch from outside.” I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. I hadn’t told Ellen what was going on, and I was worried what she might think.


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