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Tied to Him

Page 15

by Tia Siren

  “So, Scott, what do you want to know?” I asked as I leaned on the end of the table.

  “How the fuck did you know? I mean, we could secure the government contract!” Scott asked.

  “I told you there was an oversight, and that was from one of my staff members who is no longer with me. You have a clause in your pension contract. You can use the fund for bidding options on government contracts as long as it’s paid back with interest. And it does have to be paid back, sooner rather than later. This not only secures the company, but it also gives long-term benefits to the employees,” I said.

  “You smart motherfucker,” Scott said.

  “It’s not me. It was my personal admin who spotted it, and it was Jay who pieced it all together,” I said. “There is one stipulation, though, with this inflated offer.”

  “Charles, Charles, Charles, there is always something at the end of the deal when you are involved,” he said with a grin. “Come on, what is it?”

  “I want you to remain in control of your company. Not anyone from here, just you. Nobody knows trains better than you,” I said as I held out my hand. “Do we have a deal?”

  “Well, Charles, that is a good end to a meeting if I ever saw one, and looking at the time, it’s a good end to a good day. We have a deal,” Scott said.

  If I had not had a boner from thinking about Elizabeth, I would have gotten one from the result of this meeting. Instead of an estimated one hundred and twenty million profit from breaking up the company, we stood to make six hundred and forty million over two years. I had forgotten to mention to Scott that once we secured the pension, we could earn another thirty million in interest over the next three years.

  I looked at my watch. Not bad; it was 5:58 p.m. and nearly time to put my plan into motion. I just had to let my boner go down first. I let everyone leave and watched through the window as the staff started to go home. My boner had subsided enough, so it was safe for me to get to my office and grab my things.

  I slowly walked toward my office and saw a shadow through the frosted glass. Who would be in there at this time of the day? I had already seen Lyndsay and Jonathan leave for the day. I walked to the door and placed my hand on the door handle. I quietly turned it and opened the door.

  This was all I needed, some stupid hiccup that would stop me from going to fetch Elizabeth. Maybe it was Kent, who had a grudge and had come back. Shit and fuck. If he had been drinking, he could be dangerous.

  I slowly opened the door and saw the shadow on the floor was coming from by the window. If the person was facing away, they would not see me. I poked my head through the door. I fell into the office and stood there, amazed.

  “Elizabeth. I-I was just going…”

  “I’m also happy to see you, Charles,” she replied with a smile.

  I looked at her as she stood there in a raincoat, and I had a dumb moment and thought it must be raining. I quickly regained my composure once I realized it was Elizabeth and not her crazy alcoholic dad.

  “So, I take it I didn’t offend you too much last night when I said you had run out of strikes?” I asked. “Sorry about that by the way.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve been calling you a perverted motherfucker all since Sunday,” she replied as she tugged at the belt on the raincoat.

  “So, you just don’t give up, do you?” I asked.

  “Not a chance in hell as long as it’s worth it.” She slowly opened her raincoat.

  “So, you like to be my whore and play my wicked games?” I said as I stepped toward her with my devilish grin.

  “I do indeed. I want to be your whore and so much more,” she said as she opened her raincoat and revealed her naked body.

  I rushed forward and took her in my arms. I pulled her hard into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. We hugged and kissed, and our inner urges rose to the surface. I sensed that Elizabeth was hungry for me like I was hungry for her.

  Fuck, yes!

  Chapter 21


  We had kissed for what seemed like an eternity, and I was hungry for Elizabeth more than ever before. I told her to fasten her coat and explained I that I had actually been coming for her and had planned to spank her ass while she gave me a great blowjob. She laughed as she fastened the belt on the raincoat, and we quickly left the office.

  The limousine was parked out front, and we climbed into the rear seat. I pushed the button to raise the colored window between the driver and us and told him to take us home the long way. The car slowly pulled away from the sidewalk, and we relaxed in the comfort of the black leather that wrapped around us.

  “Can the driver hear us?” Elizabeth asked.

  “He can’t hear or see us. We are totally shut off from him and the outside world,” I said.

  “So, we are like two peas in a pod!” she said as she laughed.

  “We are two of something; that’s for sure. I’m so happy you turned up. I have not been able to forget you,” I said as I turned toward Elizabeth.

  “Same here. I have been in a world of my own since I came back,” she said. She slipped her hand onto my leg. “So, what were you saying about a blowjob earlier?”

  I laughed. “I see you can’t wait. Here I am, willing to talk, and you want to dive in headfirst.”

  “There is plenty of time to talk later,” she said as she tugged at my belt.

  Elizabeth loosened my belt and pulled down my zipper, and I lifted my ass from the seat as she slid my pants down to my ankles. She loosened the belt of the raincoat and slipped it from her shoulders. Elizabeth knelt on the seat, her naked body just inches from mine. I could smell the aroma of her sexuality as she placed her hand on my thighs. My cock started to twitch as she ran her nails back and forth, stroking and caressing my inner thigh.

  “Ah, phew. I forgot how nice your touch was,” I said as my body shuddered.

  “And that is just the start,” she replied as she lowered her head and licked my thigh.

  Elizabeth’s long hair fell over my cock and sent tiny tingles running through my body. My cock slowly started to become erect as she softly caressed my balls. I ran my hands over Elizabeth's naked back and felt her ass. I dug in my fingernails and felt her body push toward me.

  Elizabeth took hold of my cock and slowly started to stroke. I had become fully erect, and the head of my cock had become sensitive as it throbbed. I could feel the sensual touch of her tongue as it danced over the head of my cock. I gripped her soft, nubile ass tightly as she slowly wrapped her plump lips around the tip of my shaft.

  “Holy shit. You are…you are…oh, fuck,” I mumbled as Elizabeth slid the tip of her tongue against the slit at the end of my cock.

  My body ached for her touch. She was being extra sensual and loving with her mouth. I raised my hand and playfully slapped her soft ass.

  “Oh, you still want to be in control, hmm?” she asked as she looked into my eyes.

  “I think I have lost all my control when it comes to you,” I replied in truth.

  Elizabeth flicked the end of my cock with her finger. Then she slowly wrapped her lips under the head and slide her mouth down the full length of my shaft. The heat of her mouth encased my cock as she sucked and held her head with my cock touching the inner part of her throat. She sucked harder and raised her head. Her hand wrapped around my shaft as she started to stroke my cock, her lips placed just under the head as she sucked it and teased it with her tongue. I raised my hand and slapped her ass. Her body twitch. She sucked harder and started to stroke faster. I slapped again as her hand moved quicker and quicker.

  “Suck it, baby. Suck it hard,” I murmured as I slapped her ass again.

  My cock ached and throbbed. I had missed her soft touch and touching her body. I grabbed a handful of her hair and raised and lowered her head. Elizabeth tightened the grip of her mouth as she continued to stroke my cock harder and faster. I grabbed and slapped her ass as her head bobbed up and down in my lap. I was on the verge of coming, yet this was c
oming from affection rather than being in control of the situation. My body twitched, and the lower parts of my body tense. I was nearly at the point of finishing.

  “Come for me, lover,” Elizabeth said as she thrust her hand up and down. Her head danced up and down my cock as my balls contracted.

  The warmth inside me began to flow as the cum left my cock and filled her inviting mouth. Elizabeth swallowed my seed and gripped my cock tightly as she milked me of every last drop. I rested my head on the seat and closed my eyes, I had been totally satisfied, and I felt all the pressure that I had been feeling slowly vanish from my soul. I felt like I had been reborn and could see things more clearly now.

  Elizabeth raised her body and lay close to my chest. Looking deeply into my eyes, she said, “Come on, Charles, take me home.” She smiled and gave me a cheeky wink.

  The car arrived home, and we entered my apartment. This was the first time a woman had actually been inside. I felt the cold, clinical feel of the place begin to evaporate. The apartment embraced Elizabeth’s presence and warmed to her being there.

  “You hungry?” I asked as I poured us a drink.

  “I’m just hungry for you,” she replied in a sexy tone as she slipped off her raincoat.

  I could see that Elizabeth wanted satisfaction, and she would not stop until she got it. I looked at her body as she stood there in the dim light. The shape of her hips was perfect against the shape and size of her breasts. She had everything in equal proportions, and you would not be able to paint a picture more perfect.

  I handed Elizabeth her glass as I loosened my tie; I could already feel myself wanting her again, yet I wanted to feel her, taste her, and watch as her body as it exploded in a million different sensations.

  “So, where is the bedroom, Charles?” she asked as she sipped her drink.

  I pointed upstairs, as I had found myself speechless.

  “Are you coming or what?” Elizabeth said as she seductively lured me up the stairs.

  I watched her ass as she climbed, and I could see the mound of her pussy as she walked and wiggled her hips. My cock throbbed. The pulse of it flowed through me as my shaft rested against my leg.

  We reached the bedroom and entered. The golden glow of the lights cast up against the cool cream walls.

  “It’s not like the island room. It looks halfway normal,” Elizabeth said as she placed her champagne down.

  “Yes. It’s just a room. I had no reason for it to be—well, you know. Nothing like the island,” I said.

  “Come on then, Charles, get it out for me. I want to look,” Elizabeth said as she knelt on the bed.

  I scratched my head, as that comment was just totally out there. “Look at what?” I asked.

  “You know. Don’t be shy. I want to see it,” she said as she smiled. “Your case, Charles. I want to choose some toys.”

  “Ah, I see, naughty girl. I was totally lost,” I replied with a chuckle.

  “Oh, Charles, I thought you were only ever lost when I was not with you,” Elizabeth said with false modesty and a smile.

  I walked into the closet and removed my case from its secret hiding place. I had never let anyone look inside before, and I was unsure what my or Elizabeth’s reaction would be. I returned to the bedroom and placed the case on the bed. I popped open the combination lock and slowly lifted the lid.

  Elizabeth took the toys out one by one. She looked like a kid in a candy store, choosing her goodies for the evening.

  “What are these gloves?” she asked.

  “Ah, small electric shocks from those,” I said.

  “Yup, they will do,” she said as she smiled and looked at me. “And this one.” Elizabeth held up a spreader bar. “Don’t tell me what it is; just use it on me.”

  I watched as she continued to rifle through my toys and took out my slapper, the nipple clamps, and the collar. She finally closed the case and slid it back toward me.

  “Ready when you are,” Elizabeth said as she playfully tapped her pussy and smiled. “Now, strip for me.”

  I slowly removed my tie, twirled it around my fingers, and threw it at her. I wiggled my hips in a manly strip tease as I ripped open my shirt and flung it to the floor. I then unbuckled my belt, placed it on my crotch, and simulated thrusting my hips in a suggestive manner.

  “More, more,” Elizabeth screamed playfully as she bounced on the bed.

  I slowly let my pants fall to the floor and revealed my shorts. I faced away from her and glanced over my shoulder, smiling at her playfulness. She was too beautiful for her own good.

  “Boo. Get them off,” Elizabeth yelled from the bed.

  I slid my shorts to the floor and stood naked in front of her and flexed my muscles in mock Mr. Universe fashion.

  “I want my money back,” Elizabeth said while she laughed.

  I clambered onto the bed, crawled toward Elizabeth, pushed her onto her back. I grabbed the spreader bar and fastened the shackles to her ankles. I softly ran my hands up the insides of her legs and felt her body become receptive to my touch.

  I took a hold of the collar and placed it around her neck. She gasped for breath as I fastened the buckle. I took the nipple clamps and slowly attached them to her nipples. Then I adjusted the chain to the collar. Her breasts were supported by the chain as I shortened the length to the collar.

  “Ah,” Elizabeth said as I tightened the chain and her body twitched from the clamps tugging on her nipples.

  “No sucking or licking. I just want you to fuck me,” Elizabeth said as she shook her ankles against the spreader bar.

  “Okay. I’ll put a glove on. You will love this, baby.” I slipped the glove on and connected it to the battery.

  I ran my hand close to Elizabeth’s nipples. Tiny sparks flew from the glove to the metal nipple ring. Her body twitched as the shock flooded her body.

  “Fuck,” she squealed as I flicked the nipple clamps with my bare hand.

  I ran the glove over her pussy. Tiny sparks flooded her pussy with tiny shocks, and she squealed in delight. I took my bare fingers and spread her pussy and electrified her throbbing clit.

  “Holy shit,” she said as her body quivered. “That’s is so fucking good.”

  I rubbed her soft lips and felt that she was already wet. I removed the glove and raised the spreader bar, and her legs spread wide. I could see deep inside her, the sweet channel contracting for me. She needed a big fat cock buried deep inside her.

  I placed the spreader bar over my head and rested it on my shoulders. Elizabeth grabbed my cock and rubbed the head against her throbbing clit. I had missed the feel of her pussy against my cock, and I felt extra hard and horny as she guided my cock into her tight pussy. Elizabeth reached for a pillow and shoved it under her ass, raising her pussy in the air as my cock pushed in deeper. I slowly started to thrust, and I could feel her juices as they started to flow. She was totally wet, her pussy inviting my cock to fill her.

  “Fuck me, Charles. Fuck me harder,” Elizabeth murmured.

  I thrust my hips forward, and she arched her back as my shaft filled her pussy. I reached for the chain and tugged on the collar, and Elizabeth gasped for breath as the collar tightened.

  “That’s it, baby,” Elizabeth yelped.

  She got on all fours, and I slid my cock deep into her pussy. I thrust harder and faster as I pulled on the collar. Elizabeth gasped and winced in pain as the nipple clamps stretched her nipples.

  “You like that, do you, dirty girl?”

  She moaned loudly and bounced against me, her body my perfect playground.

  Our body’s rhythms flowed into one, and our hips clashed against each other as my cock filled her wet pussy. Her body writhed in ecstasy, and I grabbed the paddle and slapped her ass as the heat in her pussy welled up inside her and started to flood her body.

  My body filled with heat, and my balls tensed as they readied to release. I gripped the collar and tugged. Elizabeth gasped, and I slapped her ass with the paddle. Her body fin
ally let go, and she shook and quivered as her orgasm flowed. I watched as she grasped at the bedsheets and bit into the pillow. I thrust my hips and released. My hips convulsed as my cum started to fill Elizabeth’s wet pussy. Then finally, my body slumped in exhaustion.

  I released the shackles and clamps, and Elizabeth lay next to me. She regained her breath and slid her legs to the side of the bed.

  “I better get going,” she said as she started to stand.

  “Stop,” I said as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back onto the bed.

  I pulled Elizabeth closer to me and wrapped my arms tightly around her, our naked bodies entwined as one.

  “Stay with me,” I said as I gazed into her loving eyes. “We can figure all of this out between us.”

  “Okay, sure. I would like that,” Elizabeth said as she rested her head on my chest.

  “Anyway, we have a lot more toys to play with,” I said. “I just love it when you scream.”

  Elizabeth laughed as she cuddled closer to me. “You’re creepy. Very naughty too, but definitely creepy!”

  Chapter 22

  Two months later


  It had been a torrid two months, yet we had managed to get this far, and we showed no signs of slowing down. I had surprised Elizabeth, and we had taken the boat back to the island where it had all begun and had nearly all gone wrong. I was glad I had realized my feelings for Elizabeth and not been a complete dick and fucked everything up altogether.

  We had not moored the boat to the jetty. We dropped anchor off the shore so we could see the whole island in one glance. Elizabeth had set the table. She had become quite a charming hostess, a slave in the kitchen and a perfect whore in the bedroom in every sense.

  The table had a solitary candle placed in the middle next to a fine bottle of red that Elizabeth had chosen from the wine cellar. The flame of the candle danced as if it the breeze were the breath of a snake charmer.

  “Dinner is nearly ready,” Elizabeth shouted from the boat's galley.


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