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Tied to Him

Page 16

by Tia Siren

  “Okay. I’ll pop the cork on this beauty then,” I said as I grabbed the corkscrew and started twisting.

  Elizabeth came out from the galley, her long blond hair wrapped in a bun and held in place by two strategically placed chopsticks. She had just worn her skimpy red bikini and topped it with one of my shirts, which I could now see had become covered in one or two ever growing fat stains.

  “A meal fit for any captain!” Elizabeth said as she carried the plates and placed them on the table.

  “Ah, a veritable feast if I ever saw one,” I said as I looked at the dish she had so carefully presented in front of me.

  “Hang on. I forgot the sides and the condiments,” she said, and she skipped back to the kitchen.

  I watched as my shirt rode up her ass as she skipped. She really did have a wonderful body, one I had every intention of exploring later. Elizabeth came back and placed the side dishes and condiments on the table. Our meal had been completed, and it was time for us to dig in.

  “So, how is it?” she asked as she leaned forward and looked for my reaction.

  I could not use my poker face and not show my reaction. I had learned how to leave that in the office or for the card table. With Lizzy, my face and expressions had become genuine.

  “Ah, this is one tasty burger if I do say so myself,” I replied. Then I proceeded to chomp through the patties, melted mozzarella, and salad.

  “So, it’s okay then?” Lizzy asked.

  “It is. It’s cooked to perfection. You will make someone a good wife one day,” I replied with a smile.

  “Well, I’m just looking for an honest man to make me an honest woman,” she replied with a giggle and a sparkle in her eyes.

  “If I see one, I’ll let you know!” I dipped my fries in the ketchup and mayonnaise mix.

  “So, why did you park the boat here and not next to the shore?” Lizzy asked as she licked ketchup from the side of her mouth.

  “Ah, I thought you would never ask. Well, the island is still without a name, and I need one for the paperwork. So, I thought you could name her,” I said as I shoved another mouthful of burger into me.

  “Really? I can name it?” she replied. “So, any name will do?”

  “Yes, as long as it isn’t stupid and doesn’t have ‘Island’ in the name. That is a bit too cheesy for my liking,” I said.

  I watched Lizzy as she glanced at the island. She was trying to think of a name, and I guessed it would be something that only the two of us would know the meaning of.

  “I know. I have got one. Simitu,” she said with a grin on her face.

  “It sounds cool, but what the fuck does it mean?” I asked.

  “I could be mean and say ‘look it up,’ but I know you are just too impatient,” Lizzy said. “It’s Latin for together at the same time, or as one.”

  “Cool,” I replied.

  “So, Charles, you ready for a swim just like last time?” Lizzy asked as she removed her shirt.

  I looked at her breasts. Her bikini was only big enough to cover her nipples, and the sun had started to color her skin. She had a slight Mediterranean glow about her, and she looked even more stunning than before.

  “I’ll race you to the beach hut. You know how nice it is over there,” Lizzy said, and then she dived from the side of the boat. She went under the surface and then bobbed back up, her long hair now hanging down her back.

  I quickly removed my shirt and dived into the clear water. I came to the surface and swam after Lizzy. I couldn’t let her win, not even at this. We entered the cocktail bar area, and Lizzy turned to me.

  “You remember what you did to me here on the first night?” Lizzy asked.

  “Of course. I remember everything we did,” I said as I waded through the water toward her.

  “Want to do it again?” she asked as she pulled at the clasp of her bikini.

  “I wouldn’t miss if for the world.”

  “You should join in though. The island name means together,” she said as she slipped off her bikini bottoms.

  I slipped out of my shorts and placed them on the bar.

  Lizzy leaned on the bar like the first time we were here and spread her legs. I stood close to her naked body, letting my cock rub against her leg. I caressed her back and kissed her on the neck as I felt her hand grab my cock and slowly start to stroke me.

  I ran my hand down the front of her chest and over her belly. My fingers finally reached her pussy, her skin soft and velvety to my touch. I slid my fingers between her lips and found her clit. Lizzy sighed in pleasure and tightened her grip on my cock. I had become fully erect as she stroked me harder and faster, our bodies rubbing against each other as we teased and tantalized each other while the waves lapped against us.

  Lizzy released my cock and turned toward me. “Make love to me,” she said.

  I pushed my body against Lizzy’s, and she rested her back against the bar. I grabbed her legs, and she wrapped them around my waist as my cock slid easily into her pussy. The waves pushed harder and harder as our bodies followed the natural rhythm of the sea. My cock entered her pussy, as she tightened her grip on me.

  Lizzy placed her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. I kissed her neck and could taste the saltiness of the ocean on her soft skin. Our bodies became entwined as we made love in the surf—the surf where it all had started. Our bodies finally reached the point of their conclusion as we embraced each other and the heat flowed within each of us.

  We left the cocktail bar and walked to the beach hut. I scrounged around and found some pieces of wood and made a small fire to fend off the colder air that was drawing in. Lizzy had grabbed a couple of blankets, and we lay next to the fire and talked of what was to come of us, what we could see happening in the future.

  “So, Lizzy, where do you see yourself in, say, six months from now?” I asked.

  “Well, I want to finish school. I only have one year left, so I won’t be able to bum around on the beach next summer. I’ll also have to start thinking about what career I want to pursue. Twelve months is not long, so I need to start planning,” she said as she stared out across the ocean as the sun started its slow descent behind the horizon.

  “Any idea what sort of career you would look for?” I asked as I stroked her arm.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe something in public relations or human resources. I had thought of a business psychologist. That could be kind of cool,” she said. “You know, a performance coach, but in a business setting.”

  “Well, big companies just love that sort of person on their books, especially if they are good at their job and can extract the best from their people. Where money is involved, they can turn the meek into financial tigers.”

  “So, Charles, what about your future? Where do you see yourself in, say, six months?” Lizzy asked.

  “Well, for me it’s slightly different. Business wise, there is nowhere left for me to go. I have achieved everything many times over already. I think it’s time for me to work on my personal side. You know, some personal development.”

  “You see, you could be my first client. I could be a business psychologist, and I could help develop you. What better way to get a name for myself in the industry? I can see the headlines now: ‘the woman who saved Charles Dillon from himself,’” Lizzy said as she laughed.

  “So, you think you’re that smart?” I replied as I ran my fingers down her arm.

  “I have my moments, as I’m sure you are aware of by now,” she said, looking into my eyes.

  “How do you see us in six months and beyond, Lizzy? I mean, what do you think the future holds for you and me?” I asked.

  “That could be more difficult. I would wish that we are still together and that we haven’t moved on. I know there is an age difference, yet to me that doesn’t matter. The rest of the world seems to be against us in one way or another,” she said with a sorrowful look in her eyes.

  “Explain. And how do you think we could get over it?”
I asked with a glint in my eye.

  “Well, just as an example, all of your associates would question you. ‘Why do you have a girl half your age as a girlfriend?’ And your peers in the business world would have a field day, same as the press. God, they would lap it up. You would cause such a media frenzy, it would be untrue.”

  “Ah, I see. So you think that they would frown at me for having a girlfriend who is younger than me?” I asked.

  “Yes, exactly. I have seen it before with actors. They have dated younger women, and all of their lives are dug up and turned upside down. It’s not right,” she said. “It’s like the world, and the media, expect more from a couple in that situation.”

  “So, if we had more than just a causal relationship, they may look at us differently?” I asked.

  “In a way. Yet there are still the people who are against it no matter what—my brother for example. I’m sure, no matter what we did, he would not agree. I think he could live with it, as I know he loves me, yet I know he would not be able to accept it fully,” she said. “Same in the business world. You would always have the ones who question the motives behind it. There would be the remarks, ‘She’s just after his money and all that shit.’”

  “So, at the end of the day, you are saying we shouldn’t be boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked.

  “That is the logical solution, as I know it would solve a lot of problems,” she said.

  “So, what if we went straight past boyfriend and girlfriend and proceeded to the next level?” I asked. I grabbed my shorts and put my hand in my pocket.

  “Charles, I don’t know what you mean. I’m not sure what you are trying to say,” Lizzy said as she looked at me with genuine eyes.

  “I’m just trying to say, what do you think of us in the future?” I asked as I removed my hand from my pocket.

  “I just think…you know. It’s just, what do you think about your future and the world?” Lizzy asked.

  I sat up on the sand and faced Lizzy. “I don’t care what happens in my future, just as long as you are in it,” I said, and I handed her the small box.

  “What’s this? Oh god, is this what I think it is?” she asked.

  Lizzy opened the box and looked inside. “What are these? Earrings?” she asked.

  “No. They are diamond nipple rings. I had them specially made for you,” I said with a grin on my face.

  “Charles, they are beautiful, but the box has a… There is something missing,” she said with a worried look on her face.

  “Missing? What could be missing? Let me look,” I said, and I glanced in the box. “Ah, yes. That space is for this.” I pulled the ring from my pocket.

  “A ring? Is that a ring?” Lizzy asked with a grin on her face as tears filled her pretty eyes. “What does this mean, Charles?”

  “It means that I want us to be together. Let’s make it legitimate. Let us become one,” I said.

  “Yes! I want that so bad,” Lizzy said.

  I slid the ring onto her finger. “Well, you have to consider, I’m not getting any younger, and it’s time for me to settle down, and you’ll never find anyone else. I won’t allow you to!” I added as I leaned toward Lizzy.

  I kissed and embraced Lizzy in the sand. As we gazed into each other’s eyes, we made vows that we would remain together no matter what shit the world threw at us. We could conquer anything when were together.

  “Well, you did choose wisely with the name of the island. Simitu means together as one from this point forward,” I said as I smiled.

  Lizzy stood and spread her arms out wide. “Hell yes! Simitu. Together as one, always!”


  Six months later


  We left the hotel and walked down the cobbled streets until we reached Café Artois. We took a table outside even though it was the middle of winter. I looked at the river and saw the final traces of steam as it rose from the water. The church bells rang, and the streets filled with the smells of fresh bread and freshly grounded coffee.

  “Bonjour, madam,” the waitress said. “May I take your order?”

  “Bonjour. Two coffees and croissants,” I said. “Merci beaucoup.”

  “So, what do you think of France?” Charles asked as he tugged on the collar of his jacket.

  “France is awesome, but it’s so damned cold.”

  “You need warming up,” Charles said with a chuckle.

  “I do. I need something strong and hot inside me,” I said with a laugh.

  “Here you go, your coffee and your croissants,” the waitress said.

  “Thank you,” Charles said.

  “I suppose the coffee will have to do for now,” I said to Charles as I giggled. “Did you enjoy the wedding?” I sipped my coffee.

  “Of course. I’m the happiest man on the planet. What could have been better?”

  “I know it was small and not one I had envisaged. I had always thought of carriages and horses and all that bullshit. That was until you appeared, and then I realized I had no real interest in materialistic things,” I said.

  “Same here. It may not have been me, yet I’m sure everyone around me would have expected a much bigger event. I certainly could have afforded it. But why would I want a thousand people to attend when they are not close to either you or me?” Charles said.

  “Yep. I’ve been to weddings like that, and no one really appreciates the day. They just see it as a free bar and dinner.”

  “Well, we just have the future in front of us now, and we have each other,” Charles said as he raised his cup. “Salut.”

  “Salut, and here’s to us,” I replied as we touched cups and drank.

  We had just had a small wedding with around twenty guests. Many had been close associates of Charles. On my side, I had not invited any family except Chip and only a couple of friends from college. It had been a glorious day, and I had worn an ivory dress by Vera Wang. It was a limited edition with lace and short sleeves. It was very thoughtfully detailed and yet not over the top and brash. It also had corded lace and fine, delicate organza flowers as part of the detailing. Although it had a small trail, it fit me like a glove and showed off my curves. Damn, I’d looked hot.

  Charles had worn an elegant navy checked suit from the United Kingdom that had been made by a well-known designer. It was a simple yet elegant suit, and it showed how rugged and manly he was. Yet I knew he was a beast underneath it all.

  Charles had decided that the best location was on the island, as everything had started there for two occasions, first our relationship that could have so easily finished at that point and then our engagement. We made it three out of three and held the wedding there. It had been a glorious event, and the house and guest houses had been crammed with staff, guests, flowers, and a few gifts. We could have had a much bigger event, but we wanted to keep it under wraps to avoid too much attention. Enough of that would come later.

  I remembered how we had looked at each other as we’d made our vows. Then the both of us had glanced at the cocktail bar in the ocean where we had our first encounter. We had kissed under the sunset, and we had, at that moment, become one.

  “What are you thinking?” Charles asked as he broke off a piece of his croissant.

  “Ah, nothing. I was just thinking back to the wedding,” I said.

  “You have a lifetime to relive that, you know. No need to waste your honeymoon on it,” he said with a laugh.

  I scrunched my face up at him. “It’s a woman’s prerogative. I can think about it if I like!”

  “Well, you ready for a brisk walk around town?” He pulled out some bills, left them on the table, and stood, pulling his jacket tighter around him.

  “Oui, monsieur,” I said with a giggle.

  “Ah, parlez-vous francais?” Charles asked.

  “Fuck no. I’ve just seen it movies,” I replied, laughing. “My mind is like a sponge when it comes to useless information.”

  “Same here. That is as much as I kn
ow. I have been to France a few times on business but have never had the inclination to learn French. Maybe I’ve been ignorant, expecting everyone in the business world to speak English.”

  We left the café, and I linked my arm through Charles’s and pulled him closer to me. The sun had risen, yet we could still see the icy chill on our breath as we strolled around the streets of Paris. We strolled down the river Seine and visited Notre Dame Cathedral. It was truly elegant but very cold with all that stone.

  Then we ventured up the Eiffel Tower and looked out over the skyline of Paris, the city of lovers—and that was how I felt. We looked like any other couple on the outside, yet, underneath, we were two different beasts altogether.

  The wind had blown a gale, and the sky was white with what could later be snow, or at best another frosty night.

  “Shit, it’s cold up here. Is there nowhere warmer? God, my nipples are rock hard,” I said to Charles as he laughed.

  He glanced at the tourist guide, who had the perfect place for us to get some warmth back into our bodies. We quickly traveled to the Louvre Art Museum, and it was indeed enough to free our bodies from the icy chill. We strolled around and looked at some of the classic paintings that you usually just heard about on TV. In real life, they did look magnificent.

  As we strolled around looking at all the paintings from the past and the present, by famous people and future big names, my mind wandered. I had thoughts of where our relationship had come from and where it was now. I thought of Chip, my beloved brother, who did accept my relationship with Charles.

  It was true, we had some dark sides in our relationship, yet these little fantasies allowed us to be honest and truthful with each other and with ourselves. We found ourselves being fully open with each other as we explored our own fantasies and the fantasies of each other.

  I stood and looked at paintings of the most recent artists who had grabbed the art world by storm, and I thought about my future. I had just one year left in school, and after speaking to Charles about being a business psychologist, he said he would help me achieve that. I had already structured my classes to follow this direction, and Charles had said I could have a position at his company, as it was about time some of his financial workers had a kick up the ass. They had problems, and as Charles had pointed out, my dad had been one of them.


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