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Tied to Him

Page 133

by Tia Siren

  Jeez, that sounded like something out of a romance novel, not out of my life. I had to tell him that I’d changed my mind. I had to tell him that it was just a misunderstanding. I had to…

  Then I felt the heat between my legs. I was sitting cross-legged on my bed and wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a T-shirt, my usual sleeping attire.

  I set the laptop on the bed and used a finger to pull aside the crotch of the boxers. My pussy was dripping with hot juices. I could smell myself, which just made the juices flow more.

  Oh my god, just the thought of having sex with Professor Hollander was making my pussy flow like a river from a hot spring.

  I leaned back and lifted my ass off the bed to push the boxers down my legs. I lay back on the pillow and spread my legs. I dipped my fingers into my pussy to get them wet, and then I rubbed them slowly over my clit and around my pussy lips.

  My nipples grew hard beneath the T-shirt. I tugged it over my head and threw it aside. As my right hand massaged my pussy and my thumb teased my clit, my left hand cupped my breast. I tweaked my nipple between my fingers, pinching it so hard that it made me moan.

  I closed my eyes as I pushed two fingers into my pussy. The air rushed from my lungs and across my dry lips. I squeezed my breast as the fingers slid in and out of my pussy hole.

  My breathing came in short bursts. Each time my fingers slid inside me up to the knuckle, the air would rush out, and then as my fingers withdrew, the air rushed in.

  I was close to coming. I pulled my fingers out of my pussy and used the juice to lubricate my nipple. My fingers went around the nipple until it grew as hard as a pencil eraser. I squeezed the nipple between my thumb and forefinger as my other hand went back to work on my pussy.

  I dipped my fingers into my soaked pussy again and then stiffened one finger and pressed it to my clit. I started rolling the finger from side to side across my clit until my entire pussy started to vibrate.

  I was coming. I closed my eyes and pictured Chase Hollander on top of me, driving his stiff cock in and out like a jackhammer.

  I lifted my ass off the bed and clenched every muscle of my body as I came against my hand. The hot juices squirted from within me, covering my hand and most of the bed sheet with my juice.

  I collapsed and rubbed both my breasts as I tried to catch my breath. My pussy longed for more. It longed for the touch and tongue and cock of a real man.

  I lay there for a moment and then forced myself off the bed and into the bathroom for a douche and a shower.

  My pussy had to be perfect for the man who would very soon pop my cherry and hopefully give me an A for effort.


  I literally stared at the screen with my mouth hanging open.

  I read the words again.

  Are you really a virgin?

  Yes, I’m a virgin. Is that something you can help me with?

  Yes. Would you like to come over now?

  Text me your address. I’ll be there within the hour.

  Holy shit.

  I reached for the pack of cigarettes on the desk, but my hand froze before reaching the pack. My brain finally decided to get involved in the conversation. As it always did, my brain decided to fuck with me a little.

  Audrey Ross said yes, I am a virgin, you old pervert. Thanks for asking. Is that something you can help me with?


  I’m on my way to your house right now so you can pop the shit out of my cherry. Get the old dick oiled up, my son, because you don’t want to disappoint. God forbid your limp dick becomes further fodder for the kids on FaceSpace.

  Did I really have a hot twenty-two-year-old virgin on her way to my house so I could take her virginity?

  Unless I was still drunk and hallucinating things, apparently that was the case.

  I forgot all about the cigarettes.

  I realized the awful stench that had been assaulting my nostrils was coming from me.

  I slammed the laptop shut and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

  * * *

  I closed my eyes and let the hot shower jets beat against my neck. If life was not playing another of its cruel jokes on me, I was less than an hour away from fucking a beautiful girl half my age. I shut off the water and dried myself off with the cleanest dirty towel I could find. The bathroom, like the rest of the house, was filthy. I didn’t have time to pick up or do any cleaning before Audrey arrived. Hopefully she would judge me on my ability to make her come and not my housekeeping skills.

  I stood in front of the mirror and wiped off the steam with the back of my hand. I leaned in to take a good, long hard look at myself. I used to be a good-looking man, a real hottie, or at least that was what Emily had said when we first met in college twenty-years ago.

  I’d played rugby in school, so I’d had a good amount of muscle packed onto my six-foot frame. She had said I looked like a surfer dude with my shaggy blond hair and my mom’s blue eyes.

  Emily had said she could see forever in my eyes. Forever only lasted about ten years before I finally drove her away.

  I leaned into the mirror and stared into the same eyes that Emily once found so appealing. It had been two years since she’d looked into these eyes. I doubted she could see forever in them anymore.

  Shit, I couldn’t even see tomorrow in these eyes.

  My eyes were bloodshot, like dull blue marbles in a milky pool with little red lines webbing from the edges like lightning bolts. I picked up the bottle of Visine I kept on the sink and filled both eyes until tears ran down my cheeks.

  I turned on the hot water and lathered up my face for a shave. I stared at myself in the mirror again. I wasn’t bad looking for my age, I supposed. I had little laugh lines around my eyes, though I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually laughed.

  I was pale because I never went outside other than to get in and out of my car at work or to go to the Safeway for more booze. A tan would do me good, I thought. Then my brain reminded me that men who didn’t plan on living much longer shouldn’t concern themselves with a tan.

  “Maybe I wanna have a good-looking corpse,” I said to myself as I lifted my neck and dragged the razor over my skin. The razor sounded like sandpaper as it plowed through the whiskers on my face. I managed to shave without slitting my own throat. Any other day that might have been the highlight of my day, but not today.

  No, today I had something to do, a favor for a new friend.

  She needed my help, and say what you would about Chase Hollander, but he never let a friend down.

  Okay, that was complete bullshit.

  Chase Hollander had let everyone down.

  His parents, his employer, his wife, his little daughter…

  They had all suffered because Chase Hollander was around.


  End of story.


  I did not allow myself to think about anything other than showering, putting on a little makeup and perfume, and wearing something easy to get out of to Chase Hollander’s house.

  I didn’t think about the horrible things people were probably still saying about me on FaceSpace.

  I didn’t think about the voice mail Rachel left me in the middle of the night, crying her eyes out and apologizing for Duke being such a fucking moron.

  I didn’t think about the FaceSpace messages I’d exchanged with Chase. Wow, that sounded weird inside my own head. Chase. I assumed I could call him Chase now that I planned on giving my virginity to him.

  I was gonna let him pop my cherry like a bottle rocket on the Fourth of July.

  I was gonna ride his cock like a rocking horse.

  I was gonna sit on his face like a bicycle seat…

  Shit, Audrey, stop thinking. And please stop trying to be funny.

  I didn’t bother with underwear, because I didn’t want to be slowed down. I was on a mission, and the faster the mission started, the less likely it was that I would pull out, no pun intended.

/>   I wiggled into a pair of black yoga pants (Rachel said guys loved yoga pants) without any panties. I looked in the mirror. The yoga pants sucked into my twat, making for an interesting camel toe. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have left the house with my twat so blatantly displayed, but again, I was on a mission.

  I didn’t have much in the way of boobs. My boobs were small, but my nipples were long and thick, like an oversized pencil eraser. Very suckable nips, Audrey, if I do say so myself.

  I pulled on a Trent State T-shirt and slipped on a pair of running shoes. Five minutes later with my courage mustered and car keys in hand, I went out the front door and got into my car without speaking to anyone.

  Several of the girls stared at me as I walked by, no doubt excited to spot an actual virgin in their midst. Fuck, they looked like they had spotted an alien or something.

  Stare all you want bitches. In a few minutes this alien virgin would be just as big a slut as the rest of you.

  * * *

  I pulled up to the address Chase had given me and turned off the car. I sat there for a moment, looking in the rearview mirror and up and down the street. I was just being paranoid. Nobody followed me. Nobody gave a shit what I was doing. This was between me and Chase Hollander, student and teacher. And this time I would earn an A, no matter what it took.

  I remembered the first time I’d seen Chase, standing at the front of the classroom in his wrinkled khaki pants and equally wrinkled polo shirt. He was a hottie regardless of his age. Chase was well-built, with shaggy blond hair and rugged good looks.

  All the girls in the class flirted with him the first week or two before realizing there was no point to it. He seemingly wasn’t interested in young pussy. Heck, Rachel even flashed her bare cooch at him a time or two, but he only responded with a look that made her slap her thighs together.

  Chase Hollander never smiled, never joked around.

  He always smelled of cigarettes and alcohol.

  And he had a sadness in his eyes that seemed to well from deep inside him and pool around his shoulders as if the weight of the world rested there.

  Rachel told me once that his wife left him when they lost a child or something. Something like that could break any man, I thought. It was obviously doing a number on Chase Hollander.

  I looked out the window at the front of his house. It was a little one-bedroom bungalow in the older part of town. The paint was peeling. The windows were dirty. The grass needed cutting. The hedges needed trimming. His car, an old Beamer that had seen better days, was parked crookedly in the driveway.

  I tugged the key out of the ignition and leaned in to quickly check my reflection in the rearview mirror. I stared into my eyes as my brain, my heart, and my pussy had a quick conversation to make sure this was really what I wanted to do.

  After a moment, I felt my nipples getting hard beneath the T-shirt and the crotch of my yoga pants getting warm.

  I took that as a sign from my body to get the hell out of the car and into Chase Hollander’s arms.


  Funny what the thought of potentially deflowering a virgin would do to you. Suddenly, I was worried about how I smelled and how fresh my breath was and how clean my clothes were and what a shit hole my house was.

  I finished shaving and then brushed my teeth three times and rinsed with half a bottle of Listerine. Odd. I could drink straight whiskey and gin without batting an eye, but rising my mouth with Listerine was horrible! No wonder this shit killed germs; it literally drove them from your mouth by its taste.

  I didn’t know what one wore to take a girl’s virginity.

  Was I taking it or was I accepting it?

  I mean, she did offer it to me, did she not?

  Maybe I should have just stayed naked and wrapped a sheet around me like a Roman toga.

  Or used the old Mexican poncho Emily and I had brought back from our trip to Mexico. I could wrap it around my waist like an Aztec.

  I had no clean underwear to put on, but I found a fresh pair of sweat pants and an old T-shirt in the dryer. I pulled them on and looked at myself in the mirror.

  All I saw looking back at me was me.

  I was clean, with fresh breath, but it was still me.

  So much for trying to impress.

  I heard a car pull up out front. I went to the living room and peeked out the window. There was a beat-up Honda sitting at the curb. There was a girl inside. Audrey Ross. Holy shit, she had actually come to have sex with me. Shit…I hoped I didn’t disappoint.

  As if to respond to my self-doubt, my cock twitched a little inside the sweat pants. I honestly jumped a little when I felt it move. At first I thought there was a bug in my pants. I pulled open the waistband of the sweats, and sure enough, my long-dormant cock was plumping up. Not fully erect, mind you, but plump, just from looking at the girl sitting in the car outside.

  I shoved my hand in my pants and wrapped my fingers around my cock as I watched her checking herself in the car mirror. My cock went from plump to semi-erect. I tugged on it for a minute as I watched her through the slit in the curtain. My cock stiffened a little more. When she opened the door and got out of the car, my cock sprang to life, undoubtedly because my eyes saw the tight yoga pants she was wearing.

  What a sight I must have been: a forty-three-year-old man with no life and a drinking problem, stroking his cock while he watched a twenty-two-year-old virgin walk up the driveway.

  How fucking pathetic was that.

  When the doorbell rang, my cock immediately went flaccid. Thank god. This scenario was already too unbelievable. God only knows what she would have done if I’d opened the door with a full boner in my hand.

  I took a few deep breaths, tried to remember how to smile, and opened the door.


  I caught him watching me through the curtain as I walked up the driveway toward the front door. I stepped onto the small front porch and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

  My finger rested on the doorbell for a moment.

  Press it, Audrey, my brain said. Or was it my pussy talking now? They sounded so much alike at the moment.

  I pressed the doorbell and took a step back. The door opened a second later and there stood Chase Hollander in a pair of gray sweatpants with a tiny wet spot on the crotch and a Metallica T-shirt that was probably older than me. It had been black at one time. It had faded considerably with age.

  “Uh, Miss Ross,” he said with a forced smile on his face. He stepped aside and held out his hand. “Please, won’t you come in.”

  “Thank you, Professor Hollander,” I said formally, taking a deep breath and ordering my feet to move. I stepped inside and waited for him to close the door.

  Looking around the tiny room, which was a mess, by the way, my nerves started kicking in. My chest tightened and refused to let my lungs fully inflate with air. I tried to swallow, but my throat was as dry as a bone. I crossed my arms over my chest and stuck my fingers in my armpits so he wouldn’t see my hands shaking. Shit, was I really about to do this? Was I really about to lose my virginity to a college professor who had the look and personality of a shock victim?

  “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked. “I know it’s early, but…”

  “No. I’m fine, thanks,” I said. I tried to smile again.

  Chase was doing his best to be cool, but I could see that he was just as nervous as I was. The corners of his mouth twitched as he forced his lips to smile. He was blinking a lot, like a slot machine. He had his arms crossed over his chest with his fingers under his pits, just like I did.

  We looked at each other for a moment, and then he smiled. A real smile. A smile that made me realize how handsome he was.

  “So you’ve come to get your A,” he said

  “Well, an A in sex.”

  “You’re really a virgin?”

  I nodded slowly.

  “Do you want to be a virgin?”

  I slowly shook my head.

  “Do you want me to take your virginity?”

  I nodded.

  “Do you want me to teach you other things?”

  “Yes,” I said, my voice just a whisper. I could feel the hot juices flowing from my pussy in response to his words. My nipples hardened and pushed against the thin T-shirt.

  “You want me to fuck you?” he asked, taking a step closer.

  “Yes,” I said, glancing down at the bulge in his pants that was growing into an erection before my eyes. Now I understood the little wet spot on the front of his sweats. His cock was already salivating for me.

  Chase took another step closer, but he didn’t touch me.

  Our bodies were just inches apart now.

  He licked his lips and stared into my eyes.

  I felt his cock push into my belly button. It caused the breath to catch in my throat.

  My pussy felt like it was on fire.

  Just the touch of the tip of his cock against my body seemed to ignite a spark inside me. It felt like hot lava drenching the crotch of my yoga pants.

  “Last chance to leave,” he said, moving closer still.

  His cock was hard and stiff.

  I couldn’t resist reaching out to cup it in my hand through the sweat pants.

  “I’m not leaving,” I said, brushing my lips to his. My fingers tightened around his cock.

  “Then I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to make you come. And I’m going to make your pussy shudder from orgasm after orgasm and you’re still going to beg me for more.”


  I didn’t know what came over me, but I was certainly glad it did. The moment I gazed deeply into Audrey’s eyes, I knew I had to have her.

  I could feel the blood racing through my body to my cock.

  I felt my cock getting hard, so hard it ached.

  When the tip of my cock touched her, it was like sticking my finger in a light socket. Electricity sparked from her body to my cock, shooting through my body with such intensity that it made my knees shake.


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