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Tied to Him

Page 134

by Tia Siren

  Then she took my cock into her hand, and I knew at that moment that she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  She wanted me to be the one to take her virginity.

  It was fate that had brought us together, not some chance encounter that stemmed from a silly website post.

  This was meant to be.

  Don’t ask me how I knew. I just did.

  There was primal connection that had drawn us together: a connection so strong that it drew me to her like a magnet.

  I had to have her. There was no stopping now. We both knew it. The moment our eyes locked, we both knew there was no turning back.

  I wanted to taste her lips, her flesh, her cunt.

  I wanted my cock in her mouth, her hands, her pussy, her ass.

  I wanted to engulf her in my arms and never let her go.

  * * *

  Without touching her with my hands, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. She opened her hot mouth to me and let my tongue come inside. She responded with a moan as her tongue swirled around mine. She tilted her head to the side so I could kiss her fully on the mouth. Our lips pressed together and our tongues dueled as our bodies started to catch fire.

  She tugged my T-shirt over my head and tossed it aside. She put her thumbs into the waistband of the sweat pants and pushed them down my legs. My cock sprang free.

  She paused long enough to let me pull her T-shirt over her head, and then both her hands went back to my cock. She wrapped her fingers around my cock and started tugging it into her, her hand sliding up and down the veiny shaft, the tip leaving a little trail of moisture across her stomach. She gently cupped my balls in her left hand while stroking the full length of my ten-inch shaft with her right.

  My lips went to her neck as my hands found her tits. Her tits were small, but her nipples were long and thick, like the tip of my little finger. I massaged her breasts and rolled her nipples between my fingers. She moaned into my ear as I squeezed her nipples hard.

  I was panting now, like a bear awoken from a long slumber. She stroked my cock and rubbed the round head on her belly until I thought I might come in her hand.

  “Slowly,” I whispered. She looked at me and smiled.

  “Teach me,” she said. She pressed her thumb to the underside of my cock and massaged the hot juices into the sensitive spot where the shaft met the head. She might have been a virgin, but she knew very well the effect she was having on me.

  I scooped her up and she bit my ear lobe as I carried her to the bedroom. I’d had the foresight to change the sheets and pillowcases before she’d arrived. The old ones smelled like a wino’s ass. I mean, I imagined they did. I’d never really smelled a wino’s ass. I’d stuffed the old bedding in the trash. No amount of laundering could help save it now.

  I set Audrey on the foot of the bed and pushed her shoulders back. She lay down with her pussy at the edge of the bed. I kneeled between her legs and started massaging her pussy lightly with my fingers. The moment my fingers touched her clit, her body tensed and she lifted her ass off the bed. Hot juice squirted out of her cunt like a firehose, covering my chest and stomach and dripping down onto my cock.

  A virgin and a squirter.

  Perhaps the gods didn’t hate me after all.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, peering down at me with a worried look on her face. “I…I mean…I have no idea why that just happened.”

  “I do,” said with a smile. I rested my palms on her short pubes and took her clit between my thumbs. I gently worked my thumbs up and down the length of her clit hood. Audrey’s eyes went soft and she let her head fall back.

  I lowered my lips to her clit and teased it with little kisses. Audrey moaned my name. “Chase…” I paused for a moment. No one had moaned my name since Emily had left…

  “Are you okay?”

  I looked up to see Audrey looking at me with a concerned look on her pretty face.

  “Yes. Why?”

  She smiled. “Well, you stopped.”

  I smiled back at her. “I’m sorry,” I said, my thumbs moving again. I nodded at her. “Put your hands on your tits. Now massage your tits and squeeze your nipples. That’s right. Keep doing that.”

  “Yes, Professor…”

  I let my thumbs slide down so they could hold open Audrey’s pussy lips as my fingers took over massaging her clit. I leaned down and began licking her pussy hole. It was hot and wet and tangy on my tongue. I licked her from her asshole to the top of her clit and back again. I sucked in her juices as my tongue continued to swirl, filling my mouth with her tangy sauce.

  “I’m coming again,” she sighed.

  I pulled my mouth from her cunt and quickly replaced it with two fingers. As I rolled her clit with one hand, I drove my fingers deep into her pussy until she cried out, and then I slid the fingers out and back in again.

  She lifted her ass off the bed as my fingers rammed in and out of her. She squirted again, thick tangy juice that covered my hand and arm and the foot of the bed. When she stopped squirting, I pressed my mouth to her cunt and sucked in every drop I could take.

  “Oh god.” Audrey sighed, squeezing her tits. “That was… amazing…”

  She looked down at me and grinned.

  My face and chest and arm were covered in her juices.

  She didn’t seem to care.

  She held out her arms and wiggled her fingers at me.

  “My turn,” she said, reaching for my cock as I got to my feet. “Teach me how to suck your cock.”


  I’d had no idea that I was a squirter. Heck, I hadn’t even known what a squirter was. I still wasn’t sure I did. All I knew was that when Chase touched my clit and rammed his fingers into my pussy, I came in a tidal wave that covered him and the foot of the bed in hot, sticky juice.

  He didn’t seem to mind. In fact, it seemed to turn him on even more. Now it was my turn.

  I moved to sit on the foot of the bed and Chase stood in front of me with his hands gently stroking my hair. His long cock jutted from his brown pubes and hovered an inch from my lips.

  I cupped his balls with one hand and held his cock steady in the other. I’d never sucked a cock before, but I had done plenty of research.

  Who knew there was so much free porn online these days.

  For a little virgin girl like me, it was great to watch and learn from the pros.

  “You don’t need me to teach you how to do that,” Chase said as I took the head of his cock into my mouth and swirled it around my lips. He ran his fingers through my hair and watched with dreamy eyes as I licked the underside of his cock head. His cock was thick and hard in my hand. The head was round and purple. The juice dripping from the tip tasted like warm salt water.

  I opened my mouth and leaned in to take the head and an inch of his shaft into my mouth. Chase closed his eyes and moaned. I slathered his cock with my tongue and then took in another inch. And then another. When I felt the tip of his cock reach the back of my throat, I gagged a little and pulled my lips back.

  My hands went around his waist. I took his ass cheeks in my hands and dug in my fingers as I began bobbing my mouth back and forth on his cock. One of my little fingers pressed between his ass cheeks and found his anus. I slid the tip of my finger in until I felt him jump a little. I glanced up at him with his cock in my mouth and smiled.

  I took Chase out of my mouth and started pumping his cock with my hand. The head was purple and glistening, as if it were a balloon about to burst.

  “Fuck me now, Chase,” I said. “Put your cock inside me and pop my cherry now!”

  * * *

  “Lay back and spread your legs,” Chase said. I lay back with my ass still at the edge of the bed. My knees were up and bent and my heels were resting on the bed next to my ass. It was a little like being in the stirrups at my gyno’s office.

  Chase rubbed his fingers around my pussy to make sure I was wet enough. No problem there. I was like freakin’ Niagara Falls.
Or the Hot Springs. Whatever. Chase covered his hand with my juices and then rubbed the juice around his cock.

  “Try to relax,” he said, and he braced his palms on the bed beside me. The muscles across his chest and shoulders rippled as he lowered his cock to my pussy, almost like he was doing a pushup. He lowered himself until the head of his cock was at my pussy hole. I spread my legs wide and tried to calm my breathing.

  I’d done my research. I’d talked to Rachel, the authority. She’d said it would hurt like a motherfucker for a minute, and then I’d forget all about the pain because the pleasure would take over. Then I’d want to do it all the time, just like she did.

  “Are you sure about this?” Chase asked, pausing before pushing his cock into me.

  I swallowed hard and said, “Yes. Just be gentle.” Jesus, how many girls had said that over the years? Just be gentle while you’re driving your cock through the little membrane that’s kept me pure all these years. The feeling of his cock pressed against my pussy overrode any fear that I might have had. I couldn’t imagine turning back now. No fucking way. I closed my eyes and put my hands on his arms.

  I said, “Fuck me, Chase. Fuck me now.”

  Chase pushed enough to get the head of his cock inside my pussy. “You’re so tight,” I heard him say. The pleasure was there, but so was the discomfort. I knew how big Chase’s cock was. It felt more like I was being invaded by a baseball bat. I couldn’t imagine someone like Duke pushing Bruiser inside me. I’d probably just split right open. What a way to go!

  Chase pushed in another inch and I winced at the pain. I dug my fingers into his arms and he stopped.

  “Keep going,” I said. “I’m okay.”

  Chase pushed until he felt the resistance of my hymen. I brought my legs up around him and dug my heels into his ass. I blew out a few quick breaths and, without warning him, pulled him into me with my heels. I gave a little scream as his cock burst through and impaled me.

  “You okay?” he asked. I opened my eyes and was warmed by the look of concern on his face.

  “Yes,” I said, tears of pain and joy blurring my vision. “Now, go slowly until I tell you to go fast.”


  I cringed at the painful look on Audrey’s face as my cock popped her cherry. She had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling. She told me to go slowly until she told me to go fast. My cock and I were both very glad to hear those words.

  With my palms braced on the bed, I started moving my hips back and forth, drawing my cock out of her hot pussy and then sliding it slowly back in. She had her heels digging into my ass. I let her set the pace.

  After a moment of slow and steady progress, she pressed her heels harder into my ass and said, “Now faster. I’m so close to coming…faster…faster…”

  She didn’t have to tell me twice. My cock was about to explode. I quickened the pace and she moaned in perfect rhythm with my thrusts.

  I slid almost completely out of her and then slid back in. I could feel the blood rushing to my cock. My balls tightened. I was coming and so was she.


  I’d had no idea what I’d been missing.

  Okay, that was not entirely true.

  I did have an idea.

  I had just never imagined how utterly AMAZING having a man’s cock inside me would feel.

  As Chase pummeled in and out of me, it was as if every nerve ending in my body rose and fell with each stroke. I tingled all over, even in places I didn’t know would tingle.

  When I felt myself coming for the third time, I felt the muscles in Chase’s arms tighten and I opened my eyes to watch him orgasm. This was my first time making a man come. This was a moment to remember. There was no way I was going to keep my eyes closed for this.

  Every muscle in Chase’s body tensed, from his arms to his shoulders and down his back. Even his ass turned rock hard beneath my heels.

  He clenched his eyes together and opened his mouth as if he were going to roar. As I bucked my pussy to come against him, he drove his cock as far into me as it would go and released a flood of hot creamy cum that I could feel warming me from head to toe, inside out.

  One more good thrust and he was done.

  Thank god, because this former virgin needed a break.

  Chase collapsed beside me on the bed and we turned our heads to look into each other’s eyes.

  With a goofy smile on his face, Chase said, “A plus, Miss Ross. Fucking A plus…”


  Audrey sat naked at the little table in my little kitchen in my little house.

  Jesus, I sounded like freakin’ Dr. Seuss.

  Was this what having sex with a virgin did to a man of my age?

  Made me think silly little thoughts about my silly little life?

  We were both famished after our initial bout of…what was it? Love making? Hot sex? A fuck fest? A virgin sacrifice? All the above?

  The only thing I had to eat in the entire house (that wasn’t spoiled or out of date) was a small container of Egg Beaters and an onion bagel that was as hard as a rock.

  Audrey was a trouper. While I scrambled the eggs, she dampened the bagel with water and tried to get it back to an edible stage in the toaster oven.

  She also found two Keurig cups in a junk drawer and made us each a cup of coffee we had to drink black because I had no cream or sugar.

  I set the plate of faux eggs between us and handed her a fork. I had to scrub the crap off a plate and two forks and two cups. I typically used a shot glass for all my meals.

  As I watched her eat the eggs (are they eggs, really?), which she doused with salt and pepper in a vain attempt to make them taste better, I realized that I was in a fantastic fucking mood for the first time in I didn’t know when. And it was all her fault.

  I wouldn’t venture so far as to say that I was happy with my life now, but at that moment, staring into those eyes, I was as happy as someone like me could get.

  “Your eggs okay?” I asked as I took a sip of the coffee. It was bitter as hell and thick as ink, probably because the Keurig cups were left over from Emily’s time, but it would do in a pinch.

  “The eggs are…interesting,” she said with a smile. She propped her chin on the hand holding her fork as she chewed and let her eyes go around the kitchen.

  It was a tiny space, made even smaller by the stacks of dirty dishes and empty beer and whiskey bottles on the counters. There was an overflowing ashtray on the table she’d moved with a look of disgust on her face.

  Audrey didn’t know me well enough to understand that the kitchen was a fair representation of my life over the last two years: a small, dark, dirty space that smelled like cigarettes and booze that nobody ever visited. And if they did, they rarely came back a second time.

  “So, Professor Hollander,” she said, giving me a mock frown. “Why did you give me an F on the midterm?”

  “I gave everyone an F,” I said with a sigh. “If it’s any consolation, I at least felt a little bad when I gave you an F. Fuck the rest of them, but I know how hard you work, how serious you take your grades. I’m really sorry.”

  I tried to smile, but the adrenaline from our fuck fest (I’m calling it a fuck fest for now; that may change later) was wearing off.

  My body was starting to crave nicotine and alcohol. I took another sip of the rank coffee, hoping the caffeine might quell the wolves at my door. It didn’t.

  My eyes scanned the table for cigarettes.

  I looked toward the fridge and licked my lips. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost noon on a Saturday. I should be on my way to get shit-faced drunk by now.

  “You seem tense,” Audrey said, narrowing her eyes at me. “I didn’t mean to upset you talking about the grades.”

  I shook it off. “I’m good. Really. I just wanted a cigarette.”

  “You know those things will kill you,” she said, shoving the last bite of egg into her mouth and wagging the f
ork at me. “You really need to quit. And you need to clean your house. It smells like an ashtray.”

  “Is that how it works?” I asked without smiling. “We have sex one time and now you’re going to tell me my house stinks?”

  She smiled at me. “How many times do we have to have sex before I can complain about the smell?”

  A smile crossed my lips as my defenses settled down. “You want to have more sex with me?”

  “That is a definite possibility,” she said, licking her lips. “But before we do, I think we should get to know each other a little better.”

  Shit. There it was. The nail in the coffin of our brief affair. Once she got to know me better, she wouldn’t want anything to do with me. Emily hadn’t, but I couldn’t blame her. Hell, I could barely stand my own company.


  “I can’t have a serious conversation with you sitting there naked,” Chase said. He was looking at my tits and smiling, but I could tell the smile was forced by the look in his eyes.

  It was as if the prospect of getting to know me better was scaring the hell out of him.

  Or was it the prospect of me getting to know him that frightened him so?

  “Fine. Hang on,” I said, pushing up from the table. I trotted into the bedroom to get my T-shirt and his sweat pants. I pulled the T-shirt over my head and tossed the sweats at him.

  “Put those on,” I said, giving him a seductive look. “If I can’t sit here naked, then neither can you.”

  Chase continued to smile as he tugged the sweats up his legs and over his cock. The smile seemed to be stuck to his face like a mask. He picked up the breakfast dishes and set them atop the heap of dirty dishes already in the sink.

  He leaned back against the sink and crossed his arms over his hairy chest. “So, how does this work?” he asked. “This whole getting to know each other better thing.”

  I wasn’t sure myself. This was new ground for me to plow as well. So, I went back to the topic that brought us together in the first place.

  I said, “Tell me why you gave everyone in the class an F.”

  He wrinkled his nose at me. “Haven’t we been through that already?”


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