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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 2

by Woods, Michelle

  “A table for two, please.” Luzen told the woman behind a podium.

  The woman looked Molly up and down with contempt then turned to Luzen and said in a haughty voice. “I’m afraid that we do not serve Slum workers here.”

  Luzen looked puzzled. “Well were else can we eat if not here?” He asked with true bewilderment.

  “That place next door serves them if you want to take her there it’s less…” she paused “upscale.” She finally settled for with a sneer.

  “Ah, very good we shall go there then.” Luzen said, unfazed by the woman’s oblivious snobbery. Molly was infuriated with the injustice of the treatment.

  “Well, my dear, I had hoped to show you my favorite restaurant. But it can’t be helped. We will have a lovely dinner at the small diner next door instead.” He took her arm and guided her out the door.

  They entered the dinner, and sat in a booth near the small counter. A woman in a red apron came over barely glancing at them she demanded.

  “Whatca ya want?” She then seemed to remember something and said “Oh ya, the special is fish soup with crackers.”

  “Well then Molly will be having that, and I’ll have a steak medium with potatoes please.” Luzen replied for her looking at the menu.

  “Drinks?” The woman probed.

  “Ah yes water for the lady and I’ll have a lemonade.”

  “Ten minutes then.” The waitress grunted then turned and walked away.

  A little surprised and frustrated that he hadn’t bothered to ask her what she wanted. Molly plastered on a fake smile, and lectured herself that he was just being polite. He was probably embarrassed about what had happened at Crave a few moments ago. She needed to relax and enjoy having real food at least it wasn’t oatmeal.

  After that the dinner seemed to be flowing smoothly. The conversation streamed naturally and everything seemed to be back on track for him to purpose. The special was actually quite good, and she ate it with gusto while they talked. She laughed at a story he told about a lost part that was found on the roof of a building nearby were a part delivery man had left it on his lunch break.

  Luzen excused himself from the table after they had eaten to use the restroom. A woman dressed in a sleek red dress and heels chatted loudly with her friend at the booth behind theirs as soon as Luzen left the table.

  “Did you see her outfit? So common, if I were her I would be embarrassed. I can’t believe that someone let her in here. How dare they allow them to eat here at a proper establishment. I bet she steals something before she leaves, and it will serve them right.” Molly couldn’t let it go, though she lectured herself that their words couldn’t hurt her. She knew, even as she stood and moved to stand beside their table that she was making a mistake, but she really was tired of the treatment she’d been getting all night from these stuck up people.

  “Excuse me, is there a problem?” Molly asked the women snidely.

  “How dare you talk to me? You are not worth my time. Let’s go, Tara. This is beyond unseemly.” Tara the little brunette wearing three inch heels and a sheath dress in gold, glared at Molly with disdain and stood.

  “Indeed, let’s leave. This place has gotten very Slum like.”

  “That’s funny that was just what I thought when the two of you entered.” Molly smiled sweetly at the brunette.

  “Well! I never. How dar…” Red screeched.

  “Is there a problem here, ladies?” Interrupted a gruff male voice from behind Molly who still stood near the table the two women had vacated. A dark light of glee entered red’s eyes as she moved around Molly and clung to the arm of the man who had spoken.

  “Oh, thank goodness you’re here, sir. This creature has stolen my credits. It was horrible.” Molly had turned to look at the woman so she didn’t see Tara slip a wallet into her pocket. Her mouth hung open at the woman’s bold faced lie.

  “Sir, that’s not true. This woman is making that up. I am not a thief.” Molly cried outraged at their gall. Moving forward a few feet, she looked at the man who was clucking to Red who seemed to be simpering up at him.

  “Well then you won’t mind if he searches you will you?” asked Tara from behind her as she moved to stand by her friend.

  “Fine.” Molly replied holding her arms out, and was grateful that she’d left the illegal manual at work in her locker. The manager extracted himself from Red to check her pockets, and pulled out a red wallet that caused Molly to stare in open mouthed horror. How had that gotten into her pocket? When she her gaze met Red’s she saw the delight on her face, and with a sinking feeling in her stomach she knew they had planted it on her.

  “Really, this looks a little better than you can afford, miss.” The man growled.

  Filled with horror and fear Molly stuttered “I really didn’t take that! She must have slipped it into my pocket. I’m not a thie….”

  “Really, I think that’s enough,” He interrupted turning away. He yelled over to the waitress who’d served her and Luzen yelling. “Rhonda, call the guards.” The man grabbed Molly’s arm in a bruising hold, and began dragging her towards the back were there was a door marked employees only. She fought, pulling against his hold still trying to explain that she had not taken that wallet.

  “Wh-Whats going on here?” Luzen asked having returned from the restroom. Molly almost cried in relief. Luzen would get straightened out he loved her. He would know that she hadn’t stolen anything and fix this.

  “Luzen…” Molly began, but was cut off by the man’s gruff voice.

  “It seems your date has robbed this woman.” The man gestured towards the woman with the red dress who was still pretending to cry on her friends shoulder.

  “I did not! Luzen, you know I would never steal.” Tugging at the painful hold on her arm she desperately tried to escape the man’s grip.

  “My dear, I…” Luzen stared in horror at her before he looked at Red crying in her friend’s arms. Seeming unsure how to respond.

  “I removed the wallet from her myself. She stole it.” The man holding her said. Still slowly tugging her towards that door in the back.

  “Look…I didn’t steal it, Luzen.” Molly cried out in pain when the man jerked hard on her arm dragging her towards that room off to the side of the counter, marked employees only. She saw Luzen’s eyes fall on Red who had turned. His eyes pined to the front of her low cut dress. She wrapped her arms around her waist pushing her breast up almost revealing her nipples. Molly couldn’t believe that the hussy was trying that trick.

  “Molly, I’m so shocked. I can’t believe that you would do such a thing.” He was still staring at the woman in the red dress. Watching her breasts heave with her pretend sobs. She watched him swallow, and she saw him subtlety adjust his member which she could see was hardened. Then he was moving toward the woman as if mesmerize by her large boobs. “My dear don’t cry.”

  Molly couldn’t believe that he was watching that woman with lust in his eyes while she was being dragged away to be locked up. How dare he? How could he say that he loved her and then look at that woman while she was in danger? Then suddenly he was looking back at her.

  “I should have listened to mother about you, Molly. She insisted you Slum workers were no better than the ones who live in that squalor refusing to better themselves. And to think that I was going to ask you to meet my mother to prove that it wasn’t true. I’m disgusted.” Luzen’s scowled at her then took the woman into his arms hugging her. She was sure that Red could feel his hardened member pressing into her as he glued himself to her.

  She was destroyed that he could be pressing against another woman while she was in trouble. Had the last months meant nothing to him? Didn’t he know her better than this? She was supposed to marry him. Wait, had he said meet his mother? She thought with an impotent rage filling her. That’s what this date had been about, not as she had thought a proposal, but meeting his mother. How awful this day had been, and how could this be happening to her. She couldn’t believe t
his. She wasn’t a thief. How could he think that she was that person after ten months spent as her lover?

  “I’m not a thief.” Molly screamed, as the manager thrust her towards the room still holding her arm in a painful grip. The woman who’d been their waitress opened the door to the room and the man was still shoving her towards it. She almost fell from the forceful push he gave her towards the now open door. Desperate she looked at Luzen again sure she’d heard wrong, he couldn’t believe that she was a thief. He was holding the woman in the red dress patting and rubbing her back and she rubbed against him. Molly could hear him murmuring to her.

  “My dear, don’t cry I’m so sorry. This is awful. I should have listened to my mother about her. She acted so sweet. I just don’t understand…” Whatever he finished that with was lost in the shuffle as the man shoved her into what appeared to be a cleaning closet, and she stumbled falling against a shelf. He slammed the door as she made a mad dash towards it. Only to slam against the closed door. Screaming, she pounded on the door.

  “Let me out. I didn’t do it… please, let me out… please.”

  Molly fell to the floor when her voice was hoarse, and her hand stung from beating on the door for so long. Her arm throbbed from where the man had grabbed her. This wasn’t supposed to be happening, she thought, as tears began rolling down her face. She was supposed to be getting out of the Slums by getting married to Luzen not sitting on the floor of a closet crying, while they called the guard to come throw her into prison. Please not this, she thought with tears continuing to poor down her face, she didn’t want to be thrown out of the city. That was how they punished someone for stealing they threw them out of the gates into a world filled with bikers and other lawless people. Murders even.

  “Please.” She sobbed. Leaning against the door her heart filled with a hopeless despair.

  Chapter 3

  Lucca “Bone” Brighton stared at the putz who was telling him there load wasn’t good enough. He looked at Tank to see if this was really happening because he was surely dreaming this. No one told the Red Devils that whatever they brought to the table wasn’t good enough. Certainly not a suited up snob without the since god gave a peanut.

  “Well I can’t authorize a full payment for your inferior goods, you understand.” The little man was saying with a sly smile on his face.

  To be fair at 6’3” a lot of people were little to him, but this guy barely reached his chest. Running a hand through his brown hair with a slight nod to Tiny who was in the bed of the truck. He shook his head at the man.

  “Yep.” He said watching as the man smiled in glee thinking he’d just negotiated a lessor price from the Red Devils. Shit, the little bastard had no idea who he was fucking with right now. Tiny covered the bed, and jumped down signaling Reina who was driving the truck to pack it up. His men started their bikes, and he headed towards his own bike Tank and Tiny walking ahead of him.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Mr. Putz asked.

  “Taking my inferior goods home, wouldn’t want to burden you with them.” Bone said as he continued to walk away.

  “But…but we agreed to a lower price for those goods.” The little man followed him towards his bike. Fuck. The man had a death wish, didn’t he; annoying Bone took life duration to zero quick. “Nope, you said your piece, and now I’m leaving.” He said flatly he was almost to his bike, and if that little fucker was still on his tail when he reached it he might just kill him. Though he would probably regret it afterwards, after all he wasn’t a complete asshole, he just didn’t put up with anyone shit.

  “No wait, I will pay full price. Please wait we can’t have a shortage.” The little man whined.

  “Great.” Bone whistled for them to stop leaving, and then made a motion for them to start unloading this crap so they could get the hell away from this prison. The people who lived behind that wall, were hiding from the world, and thought they were special with only that little bit of life. He didn’t know how they could stand it. He loved being with the club, but sometimes a man just needed to ride. Heck, if it wasn’t for the Red Devils MC, those idiots behind the wall might have to come outside the walls to actually work the land for their food, and that would be tragic. He waited near his bike, and let Tank take care of the money

  “Bone we’re set. Tank got the payday.” Rash called.

  “Let ride.” Bone barked and climbed on his bike roaring out, confident that his brothers would follow. Tank pulled up close not long after, and they roared home. They were all ready to get back to the clubhouse. Church was tomorrow, but tonight was a celebration. Dog had decided to marry his old lady after two years. It wasn’t what Bones would want for himself, but if it made Dog happy he was all for it.

  An old lady and marriage weren’t for him though. Nope, he liked his freedom to bang whoever he liked. And since he’d never understood how a man could break the woman he professed to love, by cheating like his old man had, there’d be no old lady for him. He’d watched his dad do it to his mother, one of the sweetest women he’d ever met, over and over. It had broken her heart a little more every time. He could still remember lying awake at night listening to his mother cry in great wrenching sobs when his father chose to stay at the club rather than come home with them.

  He’d promised himself on one of those nights when he was fifteen that he’d never do that to a woman he cared for, ever. He knew that his farther had loved his momma, but he’d promised over and over that he wouldn’t fuck around again. Then a month or even sometimes days later he’d be back at the club doing it again. So, no old lady for him unless he was willing to give up all other women for her, and that was never happening. Bone sighed as he pulled up in front of the clubhouse. Damn he wished these weren’t the heavy thoughts running through his head today. Both his parents were gone now anyway. Climbing off his bike he looked off in the direction his parents burned down cabin had been before he burned it down one night while he was drunk and pissed off that they were gone. His mother had died from cancer ten years ago. The cancer had been stage four by the time the doctors had found it. She had died before they could get the drugs that would have cured the disease back to her.

  After the disaster some drugs needed to treat illnesses were only available in the city behind the wall. They had stock piles of drugs in that place, with cures for everything from cancer to Ebola, as well as the equipment to make more of each drug. They didn’t share the information or the drugs, and if you couldn’t pay the price then you were expected to just die from whatever disease you had that they could cure in a few doses of the right medication. Which was why they hadn’t made it back to his mother in time to save her? They’d needed more credits.

  His father had never really been the same after his mother had died he’d taken more risks and drank heavily. What had really surprised Bone was the man never touched another woman after his mother died, which hadn’t made a damned bit of sense. He died two years later when the Jackal’s had started the turf war over Juice, a designer drug the Jackals made and sold, they wanted to run it through the Devils territory. Drugs were not something the Devils allowed in their town, yeah they were assholes, but they didn’t run drugs anymore.

  When the world first went to shit, the Red Devils had done whatever was necessary to make sure the club survived, but now that they were settled, they didn’t work the drugs anymore cause it was just bad for business. Some of their affiliated clubs still ran the stuff, but the Devils didn’t want that shit around their families.

  Damn, Bone thought as he ran a hand though his hair trying to wipe these thoughts away, He needed to get laid, that would take his mind off this shit. Walking into the clubhouse with Tank and Tiny he looked around with a smile. The women had transformed the club while they were gone.

  The chairs were in the main room and arranged in rows, with an isle that was covered with pieces of red and black cloth in long stripes sewn together to make a runner down the middle of the isle. An arch that had been made
forty years ago by Duck was up in front of the fireplace. Some of the brothers or prospects must have helped with that chore, that thing weighted at least three hundred pounds no way were the women strong enough to have carries that. There were flowers from Aunt Mae’s garden woven around the arch in reds and whites.

  Damn, their women were amazing; they always took care of their own. He sure hoped they would have a feast ready for the bon fire tonight after the wedding. Tank went to a couch that was pushed against the wall and plopped down with a sigh.

  “Shit, this is pretty. I can feel the estrogen taking up all the air though.” Tank said with a disgusted tone. “Hope Dog can get it up after he spends a few hours in this mess.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Tank. I have no problems with my dick asshole.” Dog said as he came out from the game room above them.

  “Ah…the proud groom. If you can’t get it up tonight and Tracy’s horny I’ll be happy to help ya out.” Tank thundered looking up, waggling his eyebrows at Dog who hung over the railing yelling.

  “Just Fucking try it asswipe. My girl would take your nuts off.” Pride filled Dogs voice as he came down the stairs towards them, stopping beside the couch leaning on the wall with his hands in his front pockets.

  “Well she’s already got yours. What’s she need mine for?” Tank was laughing as he took in the look on Dogs face.

  “Damn it. Take that back.” Dog stood straight, and glared at Tank who was still laughing while almost rolling around on the large couch.

  “Shit if I didn’t know better I’d say Tank has a thing for Dogs balls.” Tiny chimed in from the bar, where he leaned.


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