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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 3

by Woods, Michelle

  Tank stopped laughing sitting up to glare at Tiny.

  “Stop running your flaps, and go get washed up for the wedding. You all need to be here in forty minutes. I want you fresh as new flowers.” Aunt Mea called from the kitchen causing all four men to look sheepish. None of them had realized that she was even in the clubhouse. Shit, Dog better hope Tracy wasn’t in there with her or Dogs balls really would be in Tracy’s pocket.

  “Shit” said Tank standing up quickly. Aunt Mae had practically raised him after his mother had died when he was ten. He practically ran to do her bidding. Followed by the laughter of the rest of them he jerked out the door with an obscene gesture over his shoulder. The rest of them left the club for their respective cabins, while Dog went back upstairs to one of the bedrooms in the clubhouse to get ready. He’d stayed there last night so he wouldn’t see his bride before the wedding.

  Twenty minutes later, Bone stood before the slightly fogged mirror in his bathroom combing his hair with a bit of gel to keep it neat. He’d pulled on a pair of black slacks, a white dress shirt and his colors. He set the comb down, and tugged at the collar which chafed him. He hated wearing this shit. It always made him feel like he was caged or hemmed in. Only for one of his brothers would he wear this stupid crap, he thought with disdain, hell at least it wasn’t a suit.

  Dog was wearing one of those today with his colors of course. His old lady had asked him to wear it. Dog wouldn’t deny her anything, that woman made him too happy. Yes, Tracy did have his balls in a jar somewhere, but Dog didn’t give a fuck. It was a beautiful thing when a man gave his old lady the respect she deserved. So yeah, he would wear a dress shirt and respect his brother’s choice to marry his old lady. That didn’t mean that they wouldn’t give Dog shit about his balls though, he snorted at the thought.

  Smiling slyly at his appearance he had to admit he looked damned good. He ran his hand down his clean shaven jaw checking for missed spots finding none he left the bathroom. Time to get this shit on the road, he thought, as he headed to the clubhouse. He arrived at the same time Trick did. They walked up the porch steps stopping near the door waiting on the woman coming up the steps behind them.

  “Heard about the putz. Surprised he isn’t dead.” Trick laughed as he held the door for Brandy, Sticks old lady. Bone noticed how weary Brandy looked. About to ask what was wrong he noticed Stick talking to a sweetbutt near the corral where the cows were munching grass. Damn that was a disaster waiting to happen, he observed, as he watched Brandy walked into the clubhouse with a small pained smile, while pointedly ignoring the scene nearby. Those two were hopeless, like his momma and dad had been he thought with contempt. “Yeah, it was hard to let him keep breathing. If he’d walked to the bike I was gonna take his head off with the twenty.” Bone looked further down the walkway and saw Stacy, Lisa, and Reina coming from the row of cabins that most of the club members lived in. They waited, holding the door for the ladies entering after them while they chatted about the run.

  The club was filled with people who were standing around chatting or drinking beers while waiting for the wedding to start. A couple of the prospects were hanging around near the door talking. Bone nodded to them before he headed upstairs to find Dog and Tank. Along the way he nodded or spoke to brothers, old ladies, and some of the kids ran around laughing while Aunt Mea and Katie chased them. They would be herded away after the wedding for their own party. The bon fire party was only for club members, Prospects, some of the old ladies who would go with their old men, and the sweet butt’s who keep the men entertained.

  He finally made it to the stairs, taking them two at a time, and entered the game room where Dog was lounging on a couch smoking a cigar. Tank stood near a large pool table laughing while he and Dog smoked. “That’s true we all hate these damned monkey suits. Shit, if you’d get you balls outta that jar she’s got them in we’d all be better off.” Tank wore a getup similar to Bone’s only the button up shirt he wore had rolled up sleeves that showed of Tanks ink. The man loved to show his ink off every chance he got. On each of his upper arms were one of his two brothers, who had died last year, they were riding on their bikes out of what looked like the flames of hell. Both men had been killed in a bombing the Jackal’s had put into a bar the club ran over in Dixie.

  “You’re just jealous, Mother fucker!” Dog threw a pillow at Tank who turned serious. It was a rarely occurring event. “Yeah, I am. If I’d met her first in that bar brother, I would have kept her you know. Terry’s one fine woman. I would love to find one like her to patch.”

  “Yeah, I know man. She deserves so much better than an asshole biker like me, but I’m not giving her up for whoever that dick is. She’s MINE! Today she’ll make me the happiest man on this earth. I thought that I’d never marry, but Terry’s family won’t accept my claim on her till we’re married. They aren’t part of our life and don’t understand. They keep telling her about nice young men they want convince her to date. I want them and every other person on the planet to know that woman’s more than taken. She’s OWENED!” He punctate this statement by pounding a fist on the couch arm.

  “Damn man. Owned. Really? Not me I never want to keep them longer than it takes to bang um a few times.” Bone chuckled at his brother’s possessiveness.

  “Bone just you wait. Your days coming. You won’t be able to ignore a woman who means more than your hard dick, and when that day comes I’m gonna laugh my ass off as you spin in circles trying to patch her.”

  “Not gonna happen, brother.” Bone tugged at his collar damned thing was itchy. He checked his watch with a smile. “Show time, ladies.” He said as took Dogs outstretched hand, and jerked his brother to his feet. Dog stubbed out the cigar in a nearby ash tray, and straightened his suit with a dopey smile. He walked to the door. “Fuck, get that dopey look off your face man you’re acting like a chick. Before Bone and I know it you’ll be asking us if we can have a sleep over or braid our damned hair.” Dog just shot him a bird over his shoulder, and walked down the stairs heading to the alter where Preach stood ready to officiate the proceedings.

  Thirty minutes later Bones and Tank stood at the alter with the happy couple watching Dog and Terry with deep smiles on their faces. Terry in a low cut red wedding dress that showed her large cleavage off to perfection, which clung till it got to her hips where it flared out into a bell shaped skirt, with a deep v in the back of the dress covered by Dog’s property patch clearly worn on her back. Dog was kissing her deeply to the catcalls and whistles of the rowdy crowd. Her blond hair was flowing down Dog’s arm where he’d bent her over to lay one on her.

  Then they were all headed out to the bon fire to celebrate the joyful couple who were headed to their own private party. At the door Dog scooped Terry over his shoulder with a gleeful shout, and took off running towards their cabin to the shrieks of his old lady, and the laughter and jeers of their family.

  Bone walked out to the bon fire grabbing a beer and taking a seat on an old bench seat, and sat watching the rowdy crowd. A woman came and sat down beside him. She was blond and her huge tits were falling out of the skin tight lime mini dress she wore. “Bones.” She purred her hand moving to rest on his already hardening cock. “You promised last time that you’d rock my world, but then you had to leave before the party started. I was soo disappointed.” She leaned towards him, and her right nipple peaked out of the tight dress.

  “Hum…. Well we can’t have that can we sweet?” He murmured as his hand pulled her dress down baring her breasts fully. “Nice tits.” He murmured as pulled her onto his lap, and took on of her tight nipples into his mouth sucking it roughly. Making a few adjustments she took his cock out, and he slid a condom into her hand. She quickly sheathed him in the condom then slipped his cock into her warm wet pussy. She was bouncing up and down riding his cock hard, while he sucked her big tits seconds later. This was the life, he thought, as the sweetbutt rode his cock moaning as he grabbed her hips and began thrusting up into her. His crew b
leared music from the big outdoor speakers and began parting around the fire a few feet away.

  Chapter 4

  Molly stared out the window of the tiny cell they had shoved her into ten days ago. She’d thought that life was rough living in the Slums, but this was so much worse she was sitting in a room with no room to move. The stench from her own odor filling the tiny four by four room. They’d fed her actual slop, like they would give an animal. She was allowed one family visit they’d told her as they’d shoved her in here, but in ten days no one had come to see her. She pushed her greasy hair back from her face. She couldn’t cry anymore she’d cried, and screamed herself out in the last ten days waiting for someone to come in and realize that this was all a mistake and let her go home. She’d been told that the last time the guard had come in that in the morning she would be sentenced. Turning to the door expecting the slop to be delivered she was surprised to see a man with a key heading toward her cell.

  “You’ve got a visitor, Slumie.” The guard, a fat man with jowls and mean beady eyes who’d been bring her food, shoved the key into the lock opening the cell door. “Shit, you stink.” He motioned for her to walk ahead of him to the door. What did the man expect she hadn’t been allowed to bath in days she thought as she moved ahead of him into the narrow hallway. He took her to a room with only a glass partition with holes in it and a chair on either side. On the other side of the glass partition sat her mother her hair styled neatly and her clothes immaculate. She looked like she was attending a garden party in the hills not her daughter’s prison cell. “You’ve got twenty minutes then its bath time, Slumie.” The guard walked out leaving her facing her mother unsure what to say. Feeling dirty and fearful she waited for her mother to speak.

  Her mother glared at her as she demanded. “Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is for me and your father.” Yes Molly thought with fury. What an inconvenience for her mother her imprisonment must be. It might look bad to her ridiculous friends who were just as obsessed with the Hill district as her mother was. Hell as Molly had been only days ago. Now she just hoped to survive. “I asked you not to go! You went, and then you were stupid enough to try to steal some poor woman’s purse. How did you think that would go Molly?”

  “I didn’t take anything Momma. They planted it in my pocket.” Molly howled tears she had thought dried up filling her eyes, as she sat in a small yellow chair staring at her mother who didn’t seem to care that she was suffering. No, her mother only cared about how she looked in the eyes of the class she wanted so badly to be a part of.

  “Really? If that true it’s what you get for dating that man trying to be better than everyone else. You should have stayed with your kind.” That was rich thought Molly as if her mother wasn’t trying the same thing with her fashion choices and her obscene need to have them like her.

  “Mother don’t you even care that I’m in prison about to be sentenced for a crime I didn’t commit.”

  “Oh don’t be so dramatic. You’ll be out of here once you’re sentenced in the morning. Then you can live outside the wall stop acting like it’s a death sentence.” Her mother gave her a bored look her perfectly groomed nails tapping on the table in front of her.

  “Yes. Yes I will be outside the wall. We all know who’s out there murders, thieves, and bikers.” She shivered with fear none of those people were anyone she wanted to spend time with.

  “Well that’s what going with that boy has cost. I tried to explain the way things worked to you. You didn’t listen so now you’ll have to suffer.” Molly couldn’t believe that her mother could be this level of heartless.

  “Why did father not come to see me today? He would not allow this to happen to me.”

  “Your father was so heartbroken that you would do this that he had disowned you.” Her mother said coldly as she stood. “I think that we’re done here. When you get outside the wall let this be a lesson to you and never try to act better than others when you’re not.” With that parting shot her mother banged on the door behind her, and was let out. Molly sat there until the guard came to get her staring at the door her mother had just exited through. Shocked that her father had disowned her, and her mother had just walked out with a well you deserve to be punished for trying to better your lot in life.

  The guard came back and took her to a room with a shower real soap and a bed. When he left she stood in the shower defeated her tears flowing down her face washed away with the cold water that flowed over her. She knew, even as she washed away the grime that covered her skin, that she may not make it to her twenty third birthday the world outside the wall was lawless. When she finally felt clean again, and her tears had long since stopped she dressed in the clothes, a pair of dreaded grey coveralls, laid out on the bed. She lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling wondering what tomorrow would bring, and even with those heavy thoughts it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.

  The opening of the door woke her. Expecting to see the guard who’d been tending her for the past ten days she was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Carl entering the cell.

  “Ah, kid if only I could save you. I would. You know that. They won’t take my word that you couldn’t have done this. I’m so sorry.” Carl took her into his arms. Molly couldn’t stop the sobs of relief someone believed her. Thank god she did have someone who cared about her. “I’m so, so sorry sweetheart.” He held her while she cried for about three minutes then he pulled away.

  “We have to go or they’ll send someone else to get you, but I need you to take this,” he handed her what looked like a map, some credits, and a compass in a see through pouch.

  “You’ll have to hide it until you’re beyond the gate, or the other guards will take it. Listen sweetheart, you know I ride Berta outside the wall. Well I’m friends with some bikers in the north a town called Hampstead. They are always looking for mechanics, and you’re a damned good one. Tell him that Clutch sent you, and that he wanted him to take care of you. You can’t trust any of the other bikers out there, but the Blue Bandits are good men. I’ve ridden with them. So look for the blue devil wearing a bandana around the face. Any colors besides that and you hide or run, okay. The Bandits are safe if you tell them Clutch sent you to talk to the Prez. Repeat it.”

  “Clutch sent me. I need to talk to the Prez.” Molly said fearful of the world beyond the wall, but at least having some credits with a place to go that might be safe she wasn’t filled with as much fear as she had been the night before. “Good girl, Molly. Now hide that so we can take you to this damned pointless sentencing.” Molly shoved the packet that just might save her life into the inside pocket of the coverall. Then she followed Carl to the court room. The sentencing took about five minutes. The two women from the dinner spoke then the manager retold the story. She wasn’t asked to speak, and the judge with a bored expression leaned on his desk. When they were done speaking he just snapped the gravel down with a “sentenced to life outside the wall.”

  That was it. It was all over in a few minutes, and she was to be tossed out. Standing in the mud outside the gate only ten short minutes later without a clue as to how she’d gotten there. Everything had happened so fast. She turned when the guard who’d been watching her for the last ten days pushed her away from the gate they had shoved her out of laughing as she stumbled and almost fell. What a jerk. Looking back at the City that had been her home for twenty two years with dismay she almost began crying again.

  Molly could barely believe that just ten days ago she was a successful lead Slum mechanic with a lover who she had thought loved her. Now she was a criminal standing in the mud with a vague idea that she could find a home outside the wall with a pack of bikers. With a sigh she set out to find something besides these stupid coveralls to wear if she was starting a new life she wasn’t starting it as a dumpy Slum mechanic.

  Chapter 5

  The market near the gate was a place where surrounding cities to sell their goods to the people who lived in safety behind
the wall. They were the cities primary source of fresh foods and clothes. Having never been outside the wall Molly was amazed by the colorful market. She walked down the row of stalls looking at everything trying to absorb it all. There were women wearing men’s clothing, a denim material like her coveralls only theirs where made into a pair of pants. This was slightly shocking to her. In the city no woman would have worn pants unless it was a jumper like her coveralls.

  She found a stall that sold backpacks. She stopped picking up a blue one that had ties on the top to hold a bedroll. The man in the stall showed her the bedrolls and how they attached. She also found a manual propping up one leg of a shelf on top of one of the table that she bought as well as the blue pack and a bedroll. Her next stop found fifteen days’ work of ration cubes, some sun screen, four bottles of water and a compass. As she filled the backpack with her purchases she saw a stall on the row across from her and a few stalls down with clothes and headed for it. Walking closer she noticed the guard from the prison standing a few feet away. She quickly ducked into the clothing stall before he turned afraid he was looking for her.

  She walked down the row of colorful denim pants she looked at them with consideration. She wasn’t from the city behind the wall anymore, should she let go of the things she’d learned were right according to the Hillies or allow it to shape her view of this new world? Still trying to decide she heard a sound behind her, and looked to find a woman appearing to be a few years older than her with blue hair wearing a pair of the denim pants and a bright blue tank top. Scandalized slightly by the tightness of the attire as well as the tattoos that covered her left arm Molly stared. The woman smiled brightly and came towards her. As she got closer Molly saw that the tattoo said Property of Slim in dark black ink. The woman was a little on the heavy side of ideal with generous breast and hips. She wore several jangling bracelets and black boots. Her smile made her seem to glow with an inner happiness that Molly envied.


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