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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 7

by Woods, Michelle

“She means Pretty Boy and Tanner I left them to keep an eye on Lisa.” Slim explained as he stepped farther into the room.

  “Well that’s good, but why was he after you in the first place Molly?” Contempt filling his voice Bone stared at her waiting for her answer.

  “I don’t know. I think he was just being a jerk. He didn’t like me because I lived in the Slum district. Or maybe it was because I was supposed to be a thief.” Molly shifted nervously, while she clutched the quilt to her chest.

  “Bone, she was promised protection.” Slim grimaced as he said it waiting for Bone’s reaction to that reminder. He turned with a murderous look to him while he clenched and unclenched his fists.

  “Do you have a death wish?” Bone asked his brother with serious intent.

  “No, but my old lady said I’d help her. You know that I can’t not offer to protect her if she asks.” Slim stood straighter near the doorway without flinching away from Bone.

  Molly watched as the two men squared off in the middle of the room. Bone was really pissed, and they looked as if they were going to fight. “Wait just make him not force me into his bed. I can do other stuff. Like wash clothes and housework to pay him back.” She spoke up before they started going at it in the middle of the room. Lisa wouldn’t like her much if she got Slim killed. She was sure that Lisa had not meant for her to use her man’s protection against any on in the club.

  “Fuc- Shit. Molly I wasn’t going to force you into my bed. That wasn’t what I meant.” Bone said turning to her running a hand through his hair in frustration. He had his head turned towards her. He looked at Slim who stood with his mouth hanging open, and his eyes wide in shock. That fucker should know that he wasn’t into forcing women.

  “Slim you know damned well that I would never force a woman.” Slim shook his head and smiled with glee. “No, I’m shocked that you just stopped saying Fuck because she asked you not to.” The asshole said. Shooting him the finger Bone looked at the tiny woman in his massive bed again. “Fine. You can do the housework and cook, but for now rest. Doc said you need three days of bed rest to recover. I’ll bring you some soup in a little while.”

  Molly was relieved that he wouldn’t force her to share his bed, but she had no idea how to cook anything. She bit her lip with distress, but really how hard could it be.

  “Let’s go asshat she said she would stay.” Bone said as he ushered Slim out the door leaving her alone. Molly sighed as she settled back on the bed. It was strange even though she had been afraid of Bone at first when he’d entered she wasn’t now. That thought surprised her greatly; she wasn’t usually a trusting person. Yet after one short conversation she was content to stay with him for now. She lay back in the bed snuggling down in the covers, which smelled of spice and man, deciding to take a nap.

  Chapter 10

  Bone followed Slim down the stairs when they both came to the bottom Slim stood in the brown rustic living room looking at Bone’s with a serious expression.

  “I stopped by Vince’s today on my way up to Titus with Lisa. He gave me some disturbing Intel. Apparently, those asshole’s are getting bold,” Bone didn’t need to ask who Slim was talking about the Jackals had been a torn in his side for months now. They were trying to run drugs through Red Devils territory for the last two years, but in the last six months they seemed to be getting worse. “They set up a Juice factory in Longville.”

  “Fuck, that’s only a half hour from here.” Bone couldn’t believe they would try this with them less than a half hour away it showed a lack of respect on a level that made Bone want to blow them off the planet.

  “Yeah, I have all the information we need to take care of it. Do you want to wait till church or move on it now?” Slim was standing next to the entrance to the kitchen leaning on the wall one boot covered foot propped on the wall. With a sigh Bone moved into the kitchen and pulled some soup out of the freezer for Molly with jerky angry movements. “Do we have solid Intel? We can’t afford another fuck up like Tidwell.”

  “It’s solid.” He put the soup on and turned the burner on. He leaned on the end of the counter looking at Slim who faced him still leaning against the wall.

  “Then get everyone to church in an hour, and call the prospects that are close and can be here in a few hours back to the clubhouse. I want it covered so there isn’t any trouble while we’re handling this shit in Longville.”

  “What about your girl?” He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I’ll have Aunt Mae stay with her till I get back. Have Pretty Boy watch the house to be sure. And call the retired members see if any of them can help us out tonight either here or with the cleanup. I’ll call Duck and Tank you text everyone and prepare your old lady.”

  Slim nodded pushing himself off the wall with a parting shot of “Never thought I’d see the day you were playing nursemaid to a woman.”

  “Shut up, Fucker!” He said pushing off the counter with intent to beat Slim for the second time that night. He followed him to the door in the living room.

  “Yeah, yeah you’ll be patching her before the weeks out.”

  “Fuck no, I just wanna fuck her a few times then I’ll find her an old man.” But even as he made the pronouncement he wanted to rip off the faceless man’s dick and beat him with it. Slim was laughing while pulling out his phone as the door slammed behind him. Shit, he was so fucked. Bone went back to the kitchen to make his calls and check the soup.

  After talking to Aunt Mae who said she would be over in about thirty minutes, he had called Duck and Tank letting them know what was happening. Then he put the soup and some juice on a tray and went upstairs to Molly. As he entered the bedroom he almost dropped the tray his eyes taking in her lying on his bed. His cock began to throb painfully, and he stared hard at the woman who was laying on his large king size bed with the covers kicked off she was sprawled one leg bent, which meant her legs were spread wide showing off her panty covered pussy. Her shirt had slid up and rested barely below her breasts. The panties, a periwinkle blue with little bows on the sides, had shifted slightly and showed half of the sweet little honey pot beneath. He wanted to drop the tray, and grab those legs to wrap them around his shoulders as he buried his face between them.

  Instead he set the tray down on the table, while moving to the bed were he reached out intending to pull the sheet back up over her before he was too tempted by her unintentional display when she wiggled her hips a bit. His hand near the covers twisted around her legs landed on her inner thigh. Feeling the smooth skin beneath his hand made him want to come in his pants like a green boy with his first crush. Staring at his hand on her soft thigh like it owned that sweet little body, and he was unable to stop himself from caressing her thigh gently. Running his hand up and then back down the inside of her leg not touching her anywhere else, but feeling more turned on than if he’d been moving inside her, he groaned. The sensation was incredible, he groaned softly, wanting those legs wrapped around his shoulders, or better yet his hips as he pounded her into the bed. Fuck. Her thigh suddenly stiffened, and he looked up her body meeting her eyes. He could see the fear filling them and reluctantly he pulled his hand back while quickly jerking the sheet over her.

  Molly woke up to find Bone caressing her inner thigh. She hadn’t wanted him to stop, but she’d also been fearful of the sensations he was stirring inside her. She wasn’t a virgin, and she’d had sex with a few men including Luzen, the idiot, but only Bone had made her burn by just touching her leg. She had never known a man who turned her on like he did, and feeling his hand almost between her legs had made her want to pull his hand to her clit, and let him do very naughty things to her. She should be ashamed, she barely knew the man, and yet she wanted to allow him to take her anyway he wanted. She needed to discover a way to the blue bandits fast, or she was going to end up in his bed. “Sit up.” He murmured as he moved over to the dresser to pick up a tray which he sat down on her lap as she sat up in the bed. He sat down next to her on the edg
e of the bed, his hand lifting to brush her hair back from her face, making her realize he must have unbraided it earlier when he’d undressed her.

  Bone couldn’t stop himself from touching her again as he watched her pick up the spoon to eat. He brushed her hair away from the side of her face watching her sip some of the soup grinning when she moaned while taking another bite. “This is good” she said looking up at him in surprise.

  “Good. Eat it all, baby,” He sat back against the headboard wishing he could just stay here in his bedroom with her all night instead of leaving to take care of the stupid drug dealers trying to move into Red Devils Turf. Knowing that he couldn’t stay he watched her eat, and enjoyed what little time he could afford to squeeze out of the night to spend with her. It was strange how he was content just looking at her when he’d normally be bored with any other woman, but for some reason she fascinated him. After she had eaten all the soup, with little contented sighs and moans that made him want to push her back on the bed and see if she’d make them while he took her, he lifted the tray and set it on the dresser again, opening a draw, he pulled out his twenty-two laying it, his knife, and his brass knuckles on the top. He left them there turning back to the bed he walked over with the last item he’d pulled from the dresser a spare satellite phone, which he handed it to Molly.

  Molly watched as he took out a gun and a knife from the dresser laying them on top. Even as she watched she wasn’t frighten, which was strange. She knew that had it been any other man taking those things from the drawer she would have been freaking out right about now, but she just watched him waiting to see what he was doing. It was odd that less than a day ago she had been scared to death of him and his crew yet now she just felt oddly safe here. She couldn’t fathom why that was.

  “Baby, I have to go out tonight and I won’t be back till midday tomorrow.” He said surprising her. She wasn’t expecting him to tell her where he was going and for how long. “Okay.” She uttered still watching as he held out a phone. Taking it she saw it was one of the Satellite phones the guards who worked in the Hills had. Huh that explained the cells and why they worked. Five years before the storms they had launched nineteen satellites into space that allowed cell phone to work all over the world without issues. They were made of a combination of almost indestructible metal that lasted about three hundred years according to the test they did in the labs.

  “I want you to call me if anything happens, okay,” He looked at her intently as he handed her the phone laying it in her hand then cupping her cheek. “Anything happens after I leave you call Pretty Boy first and tell him to come here. Then you call me. Got it?”

  “Okay.” She replied again looking up into his eyes with an odd sense of being connected with him in some unknown way. He leaned towards her and suddenly his lips were pressing against hers with a light pressure. Then his as if unable to stop himself he grunted and his tongue licked her lips seeking entry. Unable to stop her desire to touch him even knowing that she shouldn’t allow it she opened her mouth, feeling his tongue stroke against hers, slow and sensual.

  She responded with an involuntary moan as her own tongue met his in a tentative clash. He deepened the kiss as he moved onto the bed his hand still holding her cheek. Her hands move to his shoulders the phone forgotten as it fell to the bed. She clung to him set adrift with sensations of lust bombarding her suddenly. He growled, and began devouring her mouth, eating at her lips, with hungry sounds of demand as his hand moved from her face, and his arms reached around her pulling her into his chest tightly.

  She was overwhelmed with sensation, her heart pounding, as his hand moved to bury in her hair holding her for his invasion. Molly was shocked at her own passion his demanding kiss unleashed. Her tongue mated with his in a sensual dance of give and take, his scent filled her head leaving her dazed and achy her body clenched, as pleasure raced through her veins, her body becoming wet with desire. She was suddenly on fire.

  Bone couldn’t believe how sweet Molly’s mouth tasted. She was moaning and rubbing against him as he pulled her into him. Her little hands were curled in his shoulders clinging while her tight nipples poked his chest hard as pebbles. His hand buried in her hair, while the other caressed her back. He sank into her, his teeth nipping at her lips; wanting to mark her he consumed her with long deep strokes. His slowly kissed his way down her neck leaving little nips and bites as he licked his way down toward her breast. He needed to taste those sweet buds pressing into him with a need so strong it made him dizzy.

  So wrapped up in his need of her he didn’t immediately recognize the dinging sound that seemed to be going off every few minutes a groan of disappointment filled his chest as he realized the dinging was his doorbell. With a curse that he said while nipping a few more times at her neck he pulled away with his achy cock protesting the need to let her go.

  Molly was confused as Bone pulled away his mouth leaving her neck where he’d been kissing and nipping. His eyes met hers filled with desire she heard it then a ding dong. There was someone here, and that disturbing thought was followed by the realization that she had just let a man she had met literally hours ago kiss her senseless. How could she have allowed this to happen? She wasn’t the type to let a man she barely knew have her and yet she’d been willing, even needy, only a few moments ago. She blushed scarlet again and murmured as she watched him stand he began to move away from the bed.

  “That can’t happen again. It was wrong of me to allow it.”

  He turned to her with a hard look. “It will happen again, babe,” His hands reached out as he stopped at the dresser picking up the items he’d removed earlier. He holstered the gun at his back and hooked the knife on his pants. He turned to her again. “Soon.” He finally added.

  Molly was overwhelmed with the heat that filled her body at that bold pronouncement. “No, I don’t think so.” She replied just as boldly.

  “We’ll have this conversation when I get back. Call me if you need me and remember something happens you call Pretty Boy then me. Got it.” He paused in the doorway watching the sexy minks lying in his bed. He wanted to walk back over there and finish what they had started a few minutes ago. His dick jerked in agreement. Damn, she was sexy when she got all bossy.

  “Got it.” She parroted back at him in the same demanding tone he’d used.

  “Good, Aunt Mae’s here and gonna stay with you till I get back tomorrow. Behave while I’m gone.” He walked out the door heading down the stairs to open the door for Aunt Mae. When he opened the door he was surprised to find not only Aunt Mae but also Lisa standing in his doorway.

  “What are you doing here?” He demanded of Lisa.

  “Staying here to make sure really okay staying here with you Bone.” Lisa said with a fierce light in her eyes. Not having time to mince words he flatly laid it out for her. “Look she stays. You don’t want me to kill your old man to keep her, and I will.” He watched her eyes widen slightly. Then she nodded without further comment and he knew she’d leave it alone. “I’ll be back in the morning. Thanks for taking care of her. Call me if anything goes wrong. And Lisa thanks she need a friend just don’t take it too far.” He was out the door heading to the church before either woman could reply.

  Chapter 11

  Behave he’d said to her as if she was an errant child in need of discipline. How dare he! Molly sat there unable to find the strength to get up. She needed to leave for sure now, what had happened a few minutes ago should never have happened. Touching her lips, they stung a bit from his rough treatment of them, with disbelief at herself. She had never allowed a man to be so forward with her person, and yet she’d allowed Bone to kiss and caress her and if he hadn’t stopped she wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t have let him push her back in that big bed and take her. Bone, what a ridiculous name, thought she would stay her and cater to his pleasure like a damned pet. She was no one’s pet, she thought fiercely. She could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and wondered who Aunt Mae was? She didn’t n
eed a babysitter of course she couldn’t get up from the bed.

  She was surprised when the woman who came into the room wasn’t a stranger. Lisa, from the market, walked into the room with a smile. A few moments later an older woman about sixty years old followed her into the room and Molly knew this must be Aunt Mae. She wore a pair of leather pants, and a black red devils t-shirt with shoulder length gun metal grey hair. She had wide hips and wore high heeled shoes that looked dangerous. Molly couldn’t help but stare at the woman.

  “Hey sugar, how ya feeling?” Lisa asked as she got to the bed. Before Molly could answer her Aunt Mae spoke to her.

  “You didn’t tell me she was such a beauty.” Her smile filled with an odd mixture of glee and what looked like motherly pride. That didn’t make any sense, she thought, a little confused as to why the woman would feel motherly towards her. “No wonder our Bone’s all worked up.” She said with a chuckle.

  “Yep, bet she’ll be patched by next month.” Lisa said laughing as the older woman moved to sit in the large blue armchair beside the dresser.

  “Umm… what’s that mean patched?” Molly questioned as she struggled to sit up on the bed finally managing with a heavy sigh. Lisa looked at her and laughed her tinkling laugh again. “Oh honey, I forgot you don’t have any clue about an MC,” She tapped gently on Molly’s legs to move. Molly bent them beneath the covers and Lisa sat down on the end of the bed then fell back across it with a groan.

  “Damn Bone has a comfy bed.” She breathed in contented pleasure.

  “You’re acting like such a rude girl.” Aunt Mae clucked at Lisa with a smile, and Lisa shocked Molly by flipping the older woman the bird from where she lay on the bed. Mae just chuckled. After another long sigh she continued “Patched means you’re a man’s old lady, which is like marriage. See I’m Slim’s old lady.” Smiling widely, with pleasure, she lay back on the bed looking up at Molly. She wondered with envy if that huge grin made her face hurt. She was still confused as to why being ‘patched’ meant married


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