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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 8

by Woods, Michelle

  “So you’re married Slim to then?” She asked her then became even more confused when Lisa said with horror.

  “Lord no. That’s not for me. My momma was married to a man who beat her for twenty years. Thank god my Grams took me in when I was two otherwise it would have been me too.” Lisa made a sour face and Aunt Mae interrupted.

  “You’re confusing the girl, Lisa. What she meant to say was that a lot of the women who are considered or are actually married by the Red Devil MC wear a property patch on them like Lisa’s wearing. Show her.” She said motioning to Lisa who moaned at having to move, and rolled a bit so she could see the back of the leather vest she was wearing. On the back it said Property of Red Devils M.C. and beneath that was a patch with Slim on it. “That’s ummm…so you’re not really married?”

  Lisa chuckled as she lay back on the bed again. “Ha, don’t let my old man hear you saying that. He’ll freak on ya. He’s been trying to get me to marry him for real ever since Dog and Terry married by Preach. He says now that I’m knocked up we need to be married.”

  “Well honey it’s already happened you’ve been together for six years. You’re not you mother.” Aunt Mae looked sad as she watched Lisa. “He makes you glow child. He’s always made you glow.”

  Molly tried to get up so she could go to the bathroom she really had to go. She found that even sliding a few inches made her tired she exclaimed with frustration. “Why am I so damned weak?” Then realizing she’d cussed out loud she turned read, but it didn’t even seem to faze the two women. “Well dang Molls,” Lisa said looking at her in shock. “You almost died yesterday, ya know. It’s only because of what happened to Katie, Sal’s daughter, a few years ago that allowed Doc to even have that drug on hand which was damned lucky.” She pushed up on her elbows looking sad to Molly.

  “What happened to Katie?” She asked curious.

  “Well she was about what sixteen, Aunt Mae?”

  “No, she was seventeen, and that boy was barely twenty.” Mae replied also looking sad. Maybe she didn’t want to know this story. They didn’t seem too happy telling it, but Lisa was already continuing. “Anyway they were out at Devil’s ridge near the falls. They were skinny dippin’ in the river, and they were messing about pushing each other under only he wasn’t ready at one point, and he swallowed a bunch of water. He didn’t really realize he’d drunk so much of it I guess. They were laying on the bank when he realized what was happening to him. Katie managed to get him into the back of her truck. She flew hell bent for leather to get him to Doc’s. Damn, that girl can drive. She got him to Doc’s in under ten minutes. And Devils Ridge is twenty two minutes at seventy five miles an hour according to Trick.” At this Aunt Mae chuckled with merriment losing the haunted look she and Lisa had both worn while telling this story.

  “Course she can, I taught her myself.” She exclaimed and Lisa’s tinkling laugh rang out again relieving some of the sadness that seemed to have filled the room.

  “And who better than a former Indy driver.”

  “Indy driver, like those crazy vids they have of old races in the city?” Molly wasn’t sure that was what they meant surely this woman wasn’t one of those crazy people who’d driven those tiny cars. They vids had shown wrecks were people had died in fiery those crashes.

  “Yes, like those crazy vids. The world would be a hell of a lot more fun if we still had them races too.” Lisa chuckled at Aunt Mae’s pronouncement before saying. “Anyway, before we went to crazy town with psycho granny over there,” She pointed at Aunt Mae who huffed in distaste. “When Katie got him to Doc, even though it was soon enough to treat the poison, Doc didn’t have the medication for him. Water poison is so rare these days now that most people are aware of it. So with Katie hysterically begging him to save him, and Doc not having a way to help the boy died. Katie still hasn’t forgiven herself and she’s twenty now, it’s really kinda sad. But Bone makes sure we’re never without that medicine now. It expires so they replace the drug every two years. Which is lucky since this was the first time since then that we’ve had a case of water poison.”

  “That’s really sad.” It was also really lucky she would have died if it hadn’t been for that horrible event, Molly thought, but turning red again she realized that she was going to need help getting to the bathroom. Like now. Lisa saw her struggling to the edge of the bed, and stood moving to help her up off the bed. “Bathroom, I’m guessing.” She laughed as she helped Molly walk the few feet

  Ten minutes later Molly was lying back in the bed exhausted. Aunt Mae was tucking the covers around her. “Now sweetheart, you get some rest. We can’t have Bone get back and think that I didn’t take good care of you. Are you hungry?” Molly shook her head. “Bo-Bone feed me soup earlier.”

  “Ah, taught that boy right Marian did.”

  “That was his mother by the way.” Lisa interrupted.

  “Yeah, you rest up and Lisa and I will be downstairs if you need us. Just holler if you need anything we’ll hear. It’s about ten. We’ll sleep in the guest room.” Aunt Mae and Lisa left her alone. As she fell into a deep sleep surrounded by the masculine and cinnamon scent of Bone’s bed, she thought, about how strange it was that she felt more connected here with these people after only a few days than she ever had with her own family.

  Chapter 12

  Bone ran a hand over the back of his neck with a groan. Damn he was tired. Looking around the warehouse he saw the club moving around stacking up the bodies, and clearing out the drugs. It had taken him them ten hours to clear out this damned warehouse with thirty Jackals now lying in the pile of bodies along the wall of the warehouse. Three brothers had been shot, Stoney was the only one who was critical, but they had been lucky with so many Jackals here tonight it could have gone very differently had they not had the element of surprise on their side. They had some major hardware in that back room Tank was gleefully exclaiming over as he took inventory. He almost had an orgasm when he saw the two old school missile launchers, and the laser rifles with the enhanced scopes. Bone chuckled when Tank walked out of the weapon room wearing six guns and carrying two rocket launchers. Dog was walking out behind him a sour expression on his face.

  “Told that damned fool that he can’t carry that shit on his bike. Idiot.” Duck said as he smacked the back of Tanks head. Causing Bone to double over with laughter, Duck was about a foot shorter than Tanks 6’ 5” frame, it was funny as shit when he beat up on Tank.

  “Ow that hurt, damn it. I told you I’d give them to a prospect to take back in a cage, you evil bastard.” Tank was glaring at Duck when Tiny, Dog, and Stick walked up to them.

  “We got the drugs taken care of. The Dixons are coming to get it in about an hour.” Tiny said referring to a patched over club that lived on the coast. He stared at Tank.

  “Compensating?” Dog asked with a grin.

  “No, Fucker. I don’t need to. My dicks like the rest of me more than enough.” Tank glared at Dog while clutching the guns looking ridiculous.

  “Hey Tank I think there’s another launcher over in the corner maybe you need that one too.” Stick said pointing randomly.

  Tank’s face contorted in disappointment as he looked down at his full hands. “I don’t think I could carry it,” then with a sudden idea he looked at Stick. “You could carry it for me.” He said and everyone started laughing at his crazy ass. “What?” Tank asked looking confused.

  “There aren’t any more launchers you dumb shit.” Duck growled hitting him in the head again. Deke, one of the prospects, came up to them.

  “Were almost cleared out. Do you want us to wait till the Dixons get here?” Deke asked looking at Tank with an astonished scrutiny causing them to all laugh again.

  “Shut up, you’re all assholes.” Tank said as he began stomping away with his new toys.

  “Fuckers got not a lick of sense. Why didn’t he just tell a prospect to get that shit for him?” Duck said as they watched him walk out the door presumably looking for
someone to take his toys home.

  “You know Tank, Duck. He doesn’t want anyone playing with his toys.” Dog said still chuckling.

  “Well?” Deke quarried when they all settled back down enough to pay attention to him again.

  “Yeah your group can wait on the Dixons. Tell Rash to take the live ones over to the break house and lock them up. Tell him to set up a guard.” The break house was a prison they kept for men who needed a little extra encouragement to talk till someone could get the information they needed from them. As Deke took off Tiny looked at Bone. “Rockers?” he questioned.

  “Yeah we’ll vote next church. Pretty Boy too I think.” Both men had been assets to the club since they’d joined two years ago. Tiny nodded as Slim walked up to them he was shaking his head in disbelief. “Did you see Tank? He’s a walking weapons factory. He looked like an idiot.” They all snickered again watching the men packing up anything that was useful to the club. Bone checking the time to see if was eight in the morning he pulled his phone from his back pocket.

  “Be right back need to make a call.” As he walked away he heard Dog say to Slim. “Damn, you right he checked on her before the job was over.”

  “Yep, now give me my hundred credits asshole.” Slim chortled with devilment.

  Fuck, Bone thought but he still dialed the phone he’d given Molly a few hours ago. She answered on the third ring with a faint “Hello.”

  “Hey sweetie, how are you feeling this morning?” Bone asked gripping the phone his dick hard from her raspy voice damn that was sexy. “Bone?” She was waking up her voice was less raspy now. “Yeah just wanted to be sure you were okay.” There was a long pause which was kinda awkward and he was about to just hang up when she spoke.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah baby I’m okay” He was taken aback that she was asking. He heard her give a sigh of relief.

  “Lisa told me you were going to take care of some club business and that sometimes not everyone returns. Lisa was worried about Slim. Everyone else okay?” Bone was really shaken normally no one questioned him.

  “Everyone made it, but a couple needed Doc. Lisa’s still there?” He asked listening to her shift around imagining her lounging back against the headboard in just that thin shirt her little nipples poking against it, and those blue panties was making him ache.

  “Yes, she came up a little while ago to ask if I was hungry. They are down in the kitchen making breakfast.”

  “Good we’re rapping things up here and should be home in a few hours.”


  “See you soon, baby be good.”

  “Umm…sure, bye.” Bone noticed the hesitation in her voice as she hung up it worried him. He was so alarmed by his own behavior. He was obsessed with the tiny slip of a woman who he barely knew anything about and everything he learned fascinated him. He turned to see Slim and Dog watching him.

  “Bone’s so whipped he can’t even make it ten hours without checking in.” Slim remarked to Dog.

  “Yeah, it’s really sad when a man loses his balls.” Tiny grunted coming up behind the two men putting a hand on each of their shoulders. “You two know all about that don’t you?”

  “Asshole.” Slim was knocking his hand off his shoulder even as Dog turned punching Tiny in the gut hard enough that Tiny grunted in pain and doubled over.

  “Damn, Dog that fucking hurt.” He managed to huff out.

  “Good my balls are not in a damned jar. My woman likes them attached.” Dog stormed off. “I need a beer you jerks are pissing me off.”

  “Better pissed off than pissed on.” Tiny called to his retreating form, receiving a bird flung up over Dog’s shoulder. Tiny was still rubbing his stomach when he asked. “What’s his problem?” Slim glared at him shaking his head. Then he followed Dog’s lead punching Tiny in the stomach knocking him flat on his ass before he followed Dog away.

  “What did I do?” Tiny asked as he sat up looking at Bone with a smile that let him know Tiny knew exactly what he’d done. Yep, his family was a bunch of dickheads.

  Chapter 13

  Four days later, Molly was finally feeling better she was almost back to normal. This morning when she’d woken up in Bone’s bed again, she’d come down the stairs to argue with him only to find four men in the kitchen, and none of them Bone. She and Bone had been fighting again over whether or not she would be sleeping in his bed or the guest room the same argument they’d had for the last two days. On the second day, she had woken up with his huge boner poking her, and his mouth covering hers making her realize sleeping in his bed wasn’t going to work if she didn’t want to end up as his lover. If they hadn’t been interrupted again by his cell phone ringing it would have been too late. She had been warned by Brandy who’d come over with Lisa that Bone wasn’t a one woman man, and from the haunted expression in her face when she talked about her old man, Stick, she would know.

  Bone had finally relented last night with a grunt when he realize she was moving to the guest room even if he didn’t want her to. Only when she’d fallen asleep in the recliner last night he’d taken her to his bed again. So she was surprised to be standing in her sleep shirt and a loose pair of boxers she’d stolen from Bone with four strangers.

  “Oh, good morning.” She said looking at the four men with dismay. One of them she realized was the mountain from the diner the other three she didn’t know. She watched them wearily. The man from the diner was eating an apple and leaning on the counter while the other three men either sat or leaned on the wall.

  “Mornin’, Name’s Tank. That’s Trick.” He pointed to a man with short blonde hair that was standing beside the counter. He wasn’t as big as Tank was, but he was probably six feet tall with a slender build. He nodded and smiled.

  “Morning, nice to meet ya.” He said as Tank pointed at the stocky man with black hair and a goatee standing against the wall to his right.

  “That’s Tiny.”

  Molly looked at him watching as he give a small nod. To these large men she guessed he would be Tiny, he was only about five seven or eight. Tank then pointed to the last man sitting at the counter with his elbows resting on it watching her.

  “Dog. And you must be Molly,” The man spoke before Tank could introduce him then looked at Tank and mumbled “She is pretty I can see why he’s all worked up.” Molly realized he was talking about Bone. As if her thoughts of him summoned him, he walked into the room, entering through the back door with his phone in his hand, seeing her he walked towards her.

  “Hey, Baby did you sleep well?” He asked as he placed his hands on her hips causing her to jump a little in surprise. Then he leaned down kissing her deeply much to her surprise. He drew back with a grin.

  “Breakfast is in the oven.” He turned to the men saying with a glare at Tank who’d been checking out her ass. “You all head down I’ll be there in a little bit.”

  Laughing the men all filed out the door after some good natured ribbing about them needing some private time to say goodbye which caused her to blush, and Bone to shoot them a bird. Asking again if she could work as a mechanic instead of his maid, she wasn’t happy when he left telling her with a laugh that he wasn’t going to let her do mechanic work, which was frustrating. And with a short demand for her to have dinner ready when he got home he’d stormed out.

  So, four hours later she was in the kitchen that was shockingly large, and had a refrigerator, which was an amazing piece of equipment. She itched to take it apart to see how the silly thing worked. Finding meat labeled chicken in the freezer she decided to make that for their dinner. It looked easy to cook, and when she placed it on a pan in the oven cooking it till it was black. She just hoped it was done enough. She’d also found some fruits that she’d cut up, and placed it all onto two plates setting them in the oven to keep it warm. Now all she needed was Bone to get home.

  Hearing the door open she smiled sure she’d was well on her way to repaying him for his kindness. He came into the ki
tchen walking to her taking her in his arms as he did every night kissing her gently on the lips.

  “Sit I made your dinner.” He pulled back with a smile sitting down at the counter. She pulled the prepared plate out of the oven and plopped it in front of him with a proud smile.

  “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?” He demanded taking in the fruit and chicken. Her heart began to beat faster what was wrong why was he mad at her? She looked at the plate the fruit looked a little browned from the heat in the oven, but she hadn’t wanted the chicken to get cold. Tears filled her eyes from embarrassment it wasn’t her fault that she didn’t know how to cook. She’d tried to warn him she’d never cooked before and she’d been so happy thinking she’d managed it, but maybe it wasn’t right now that she looked at it.

  Bone was looking at a plate of burnt chicken and fruits that should never be mixed. “Did you do this because you’re still mad at me Molly? Fuck, this shit is disgusting.” Bone said as he picked up a fork and pushed at the chicken poking the fruits she had mixed up on the plate. He looked up seeing her eyes were filled with tears instead of the merriment he’d expected he felt like an ass.

  “Mol-" He began, but she just took off running out the kitchen door towards the living room. “Fuck.” He sat there for a minute deciding that he’d give her a few minutes to calm down then he would go find her.

  Only he heard the front door slam, and he was on his feet running out the door. Where the hell was she going? He thought, following her out the door into the fading light of the sun. He had to stop and turn around at the end of the porch steps to put on his shoes, which allowed her to get a head start. Running up the path of cabins behind her she was almost at Slim and Lisa’s before he realized where she was headed. Fuck. He thought, as she banged on the door and was let in a moment later by Slim who allowed her to pass without a word. He stepped out on the porch to wait for Bone.


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