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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 9

by Woods, Michelle

  “What did you do Bone?” He demanded as Bone walked up the stairs.

  “It was a misunderstanding Slim.”

  “She was fucking crying, Bone. Lisa’s gonna be pissed.” Slim was leaning back against the house beside the door.

  “I know,” he said in frustration he hadn’t realized that dinner was serious. He’d thought she was still pissed that they were fighting over the mechanic thing. He was pissed at himself too. But she was a woman. How was he supposed to know that she didn’t know how to cook. “She’s just a little hurt at something I said not realizing it would upset her. Now go get her so I can talk to her or I’m going in there Slim.”

  “You think to tell me what to do in my own home Bone. You may be the Prez. But the minute she entered that door she became my problem not yours.” Slim pushed off the wall getting right in Bone’s face.

  “Look I don’t wanna fight you I just want Molly. When I get her then we’ll leave.”


  “The fuck you say.” Bone grabbed Slim by the throat slamming him into the wall. Slim sucker punched him, and when Bone let go of his throat he clocked him hard in the jaw. And then two of them were trading blows and rolling around on the porch.

  Molly stood with Lisa watching the men beat on each other from the living room window. “We have to stop them Lisa before they kill each other.” She was shocked by the violence going on a few feet away. Lisa didn’t seem fazed.

  “Nah… they’ll stop eventually, but don’t worry if they don’t I’ll call Tank. But they haven’t taken out any weapons so it’s not serious.”

  Lisa sat back on the couch with a little sigh. Molly couldn’t believe that they were beating each other half to death on her front porch and she didn’t seem to care. “Now why didn’t you tell me or Aunt Mae or hell even Brandy that you didn’t know how to cook? We could have shown you a few things.” Lisa queried.

  “I didn’t think it would be that hard. I mean chicken didn’t look hard to cook and the fruit was easy to cut up.” Molly was still distracted by the thuds and grunts from the porch, and looked to see Slim land a hard right hook knocking Bone back into the wall which seemed to wind him. He stood panting for several minutes holding his jaw while Slim stood back watching him.

  “Good I think they might have worn themselves out finally.” Lisa said watching Molly as she stared out the window with longing at Bone. She’d been crying when she’d entered and Lisa had thought at first that he’d hurt her, but Bone had embarrassed her more than truly hurt her. Molly wanted to repay him for helping her so bad that she’d tried to do something that he told her he wanted. Really he just wanted it so he could stuff her into the house mouse box, instead of what he knew she was to him even though he was denying it to himself. “We are going to teach you how to cook, Molls. You need to make him pay for hurting your feelings so he doesn’t try it again. So you should go to Titus with me for a few days. I have to go get some stuff for the stall at the market. Slim’s not going he has to be here to help with the shop. Trick’s shop is short a few mechanics with Vivi and Tick in Tidwell and Clove laid up.” Lisa was looking at Molly to gage her reaction to being separated from Bone. Smiling when she looked devastated before nodded looking at her and then asked. “Can I talk to him before we leave?” She asked quietly. Lisa laughed she was pretty sure that no one would be able to stop Bone from seeing Molly. Hell he’d just beat the hell out of her old man for even suggesting it. “Of course darling why don’t we go out there and tell them our plan.” Lisa said rising from the couch.

  Bone was leaning against the house panting in pain. Slim had landed a hard one to his jaw that fucking hurt like hell. His lip was bleeding and his eye felt like it was starting to swell. “I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings Slim.” Slim leaned back against the railing on the porch his eye blackened and his nose was bleeding. His knuckles were scraped.

  “Yeah I figured that what the hell happened anyway?” Slim asked with confusion she seemed fine when Lisa came by earlier today to show her the cabin.

  “She was here earlier today?”

  “Yeah, Lisa brought her.”

  “Huh, I wondered how she knew where to run to. She burnt dinner.” Bone leaned his head back against the wall. “I thought she was mad. I didn’t know it was something she didn’t realize she’d done.” He sighed, remembering her eyes filled with tears just before she ran out of the room.

  “Fuck. That was stupid.” Slim said, chuckling. “Damn, my nose won’t stop bleeding. If I didn’t know better I’d swear you used your brass.”

  Bone looked at him, smugness filling him, at least he’d made Slim pay for not letting him apologize to Molly. The door opened near him, Lisa and Molly stepped out onto the front porch. “Damn, Bone did you have to bust my old man’s nose.” Lisa demanded, walking over to bend down next to Slim. Molly stood watching him with dismay.

  “Come here, baby.” He said wanting her near him so he could tell her he hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings.

  Molly knelt next to him gently taking his face in her soft hands tilting his head to examine the swelling. “Does it hurt?”

  He grunted. “Yeah a bit, but that’s not what I need to say to you. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you couldn’t cook. I’ve never known a woman who couldn’t.” She turned bright red and tried to withdraw her hand from where it cupped his cheek. Bone covered it with his, stopping her.

  “I’m going with Lisa to Titus, so she can teach me.” Molly said in a rush.

  “Can’t she teach you when she gets back and you can stay with me?” He demanded with a growl of displeasure. Molly knew she shouldn’t give in to his demand Lisa said to let him know he can’t walk all over her.

  “No, Bone.” She said. “I’m going to Titus with Lisa. I need to learn how to cook.” He groaned with disappointment.

  “Will you stay at the house tonight?” He asked earnestly, needing her to give him at least that much.

  She nodded, helping him up from the porch. I’m going home to make sure he’s okay tonight come get me in the morning. She told Lisa who nodded and helped Slim into the house. Molly walked with Bone leaning on her heavily. She thought that he might be pretending to be hurt a bit more than he was.

  When they entered the house she took him up the stairs to his bedroom. He took off his boots and his shirt, and then he sat down on the bed, reaching out, and wrapping his arms around her. “Stay please. I won’t try anything. Just let me hold you tonight if you’re going to be gone for three days.” She wasn’t sure she should allow it, but she wanted to stay with him too, so she shook her head. She moved away to remove her shoes and then moved back to him on the bed. He groaned, dragging her onto the bed with him burying his face in her neck. Lying with her spooned against him and his arms tightly wrapped around her, it wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

  Chapter 14

  Waking up with Bone’s arms wrapped around her to the sound of the doorbell Molly looked at her watch which sat on the bedside table, which was finally free of condoms her having stuffed them into the drawer yesterday while cleaning. It was ten in the morning they had overslept. It wasn’t surprising with the night they’d had. Bone groaned and his arms tightened trying to pull her back into the bed.

  “Damn. Why is she laying on the doorbell I have a damned headache.” Bone grumbled. Molly wiggled trying to get him to release her so she could go let Lisa in while she packed and got ready. “Let me up, Bone.” Molly said pulling on his arm.

  “No, I like you were you are babe.” Bone looked at her through a curtain of hair his eyes half closed giving him a sexy half lidded expression that made Molly want to lay back down and beg him to touch her. Knowing she couldn’t do that she smacked his arm with a light tap. “Damn woman no need for violence!” Grumbling with displeasure her allowed her let her go. Molly got up heading towards the door.

  “Molly.” He called before she reached the door, turning she looked at him lying in the bed now sitting up in just the
sheet. She hadn’t realized before, but seeing the pile of clothes beside the bed she knew he must have taken off his pants and shirt before he feel asleep the night before. He looked so good, sitting there with all that naked male glory displayed, only covered with a sheet to his waist. “If that’s not Lisa don’t let them in without letting me know. I’ll come down and let them in.” Nodding she peeled her eyes from his chest and almost ran down the stairs to let Lisa in.

  Throwing open the door without looking she saw Slim and Lisa waiting on the porch. Slim was sitting on a bench that sat right outside the door with Lisa on his lap. They had apparently realized that they weren’t going to get let quickly and decided to wait on the bench. “Morning Molly.” Lisa said cheerily smiling brightly. “You ready?”

  “No, we overslept so I still have to pack.” She watched as they rose to their feet. Slim grinned and whispered something to Lisa, who giggled. Then Slim bent her back over his arm and kissed her passionately. Molly watch with no small amount of envy at the love the pair obviously shared. She wanted that. Living with Bone probably wasn’t the way to find it though as Brandy had warned her Bone was not a one woman man. Slim finally set Lisa away from him slapped her ass with a whoop. And called over his shoulder as he walked away. “Gotta run babe, I’ll tell Rock to be here to leave with you girls in an hour. Don’t leave till he gets here! And call me tonight we’ll have phone sex again.”

  Molly blushed at such a blatant statement. Lisa laughed as she took in Molly’s red cheeks. “Sorry that man is shameless. Now, let’s get you ready to go.” She followed Molly into the living room. As they entered Bone came down wearing just his jeans which caused Molly to stand near the door watching him. Lisa chuckled next to her making her realize she was staring at the man like she’d been in the desert for days without water and he was an oasis. “Hi, Bone.” Lisa managed to get out around her muffled chuckles.

  “Morning Lisa.” Molly shook her head. Then began walking towards the stairs trying not to look at Bone and his beautifully defined golden abs. As she neared him at the bottom of the stairs, her face still slightly red, his arm snaked out grabbing her causing her to fall against him. When she lifted her face to protest his mouth landed on hers with a possessive kiss. Her arms went around his neck of their own accord, and her body softened leaning into him. A moan of pleasure escaped from her as he devoured her mouth with brutal intensity. Then just as suddenly as he’d grabbed her he let her go. “Breakfast, ladies?” He asked with a slick grin.

  “Sure. Come on Doll, Let’s get you ready.” Lisa said with a snicker. Molly put her hand to her lips, but nodded following Lisa up the stairs.

  Forty five minutes later they entered the kitchen again with Molly’s backpack filled with some of the clothes Lisa had brought her on her second day in Devil’s Falls. “Ladies, pancakes are on the stove. I ate while you were getting ready. I’ve got to get up to the clubhouse we have church in an hour.” Molly’s brow furrowed slightly they were having church? She didn’t really see Bone as the religious type. Bone was looking at Lisa. “Slim have someone riding out with you to Titus?” He asked with a questioning look.

  “Yeah, Rock’s coming.”

  Lisa was standing by the stove loading two plates with the flat looking patties they were calling pancakes. She set one down in front of Molly turned back to grab something in a small jar from the counter near the sink then sat down at the counter were Molly had already sat down.

  “Good I’ll send a few prospects over to head out with you too. We need to be careful with the Jackals stirred up over the other night.” Bone said his hands had begun to rub Molly’s shoulders as he spoke to Lisa. He leaned down his lips caressing her neck while his teeth slid up to nip her ear gently. “Eat, babe. And you be a good girl. Stay with Lisa and Rock. Got you’re phone?” He asked between sucks and nipping bites on Molly’s neck.

  “Yes.” Molly almost moaned.

  “Good call me so I know you’re okay. See you in three days.” He gave her neck one last nip then nodding to Lisa before heading up the stairs.

  “Damn girl.” Lisa laughed with glee. “Bet you’re nothing but a puddle after that blatant claiming.” Molly stared after the man wondering what the hell had just happened.

  “Yeah. He goes to church?” Molly questioned suddenly remembering what he’d said a few moments ago, and Molly was even more confused when Lisa almost fell over laughing at her query.

  Bone walked out of the house about twenty minutes later seeing Molly and Lisa still sitting in the bed of Slim’s beat up old truck waiting on Rock and the prospects. Unable to resist getting another kiss from her sweet lips before she left he headed towards the truck were they were sitting.

  He walked up to her moving close nudging her legs apart to stand between them wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her to the edge pressing against her. She melted not bothering to fight his embrace which pleased him immensely. Her arms lifted to his shoulders as he looked up meeting her eyes. “I’ll miss you, babe.” He leaned forward kissing her lips softly. He didn’t want to embarrass her too much so he didn’t deepen the kiss like he wanted.

  “Wow, that sweet butt’s hot. When you’re done Bone I’d like a go with her.” Bone gently let Molly go turning around a rage unlike anything he’d ever felt filled him. No one was touching his Molly. He felt her stiffen slightly and was even more pissed that she wasn’t relaxed and soft like she had been a moment ago.

  That mother fucker had better shut the fuck up quick. He turned to see one of his least favorite brothers standing a few feet away. With the red haze filling his eyes he walked toward the man with a purposeful stride ready to rip the fucker apart. “Bone no please don’t get into another fight.” He heard Molly plead, but he was almost to the idiot who thought he had the right to suggest that he might be allowed to touch Molly. Only a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, and he turned intending to knock that fucker out too until he saw it was Duck. Shit, Duck would wipe the floor with him. That man was deadly.

  “Rash, this is a misunderstanding. You need to get to the shop got bikes to fix.” Duck stared at the thin man with, oily brown hair, and grease smeared over his cheek and hands.

  “A misunderstanding? Bone don’t play with the good one’s Duck.” He chuckled with ingratiating crudeness. Bone’s hands clenched into fists, he growled with anger ready to beat the little fucker again, but was held back by Duck’s restraining hand.

  “It’s different now. Molly’s not a sweet butt. Don’t make this mistake again Rash. Got me?” Bone watched the man watching Duck for a moment before he nodded.

  “Yeah, I got it. I’ll head to the shop. See you.” He took off jogging in the general direction of Trick’s shop. Bones hands unclenched slowly as he watched him running down the path.

  “That one’s going to be a problem. I can’t put my finger on what bother me about him. He’s been leaving the shop at odd times. Trick just told me today that he’s been seen leaving or not been there when they needed him for a few weeks now.” Duck said in a low voice to be sure no one heard him.

  “Well he better stay away from Molly. I’ll kill him if he fucks with her. We’ll have someone follow him call Tick ask him to take care of it.” Bone growled quietly to Duck.

  “She’s not patched, Bone. You can’t kill him for messing with her without one.” Duck said meeting his eyes with disapproval which surprised Bone Duck usually didn’t care about much, but as he met the man’s eyes he realized that Duck really didn’t like Molly living with him without a patch.

  Bone knew that he wasn’t the type to patch woman he was too much like his father. One woman might be enough for a while, but eventually he’d stray. So he didn’t say anything. He shook Duck’s hand off walking back to Molly who wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her again lightly before pulling back. “See you, babe.” He turned walking back to where Duck stood and they headed to church together.

  Chapter 15

  Taking a bite of the apple she�
�d just bought Molly watched as Lisa flitted from one isle to another inside the huge department store. Molly hadn’t realized that department stores even existed anymore until Lisa had dragged her here today. Apparently someone in Titus had revived this place and the clothing factory down the road about twenty years ago. Turning Lisa called out.

  “Molls, what do you think of this one?” She was holding a Red and black slinky dress with thin straps and a flared skirt.

  “It’s okay. Looks like the other six only a different color” She munched another bite of the apple. In the last week she had eaten better than she ever had behind the wall. She was bored. Lisa insisted they look at everything. They’d been here for hours, even when she was a young girl when her mother tried to teach her about Hillie fashions she’d been bored by it. Give her an engine to fix over a fancy wardrobe any day. Not that she didn’t like to dress nice, she did. It was that she just wasn’t into spending hours on it.

  Lisa came over with a huff. “How can you say that?” She demanded.

  “Umm…it looks the same.”

  “No, Molly this one has thin straps that cross in the back. The last one had thin straps that tied around the neck leaving the back exposed.” She stared at Molly as if she was trying to figure her out.

  “Sorry not really into clothing much, Lisa.”

  “Ugg…your no fun to shop with.” Lisa looked around searching for Rock and the two prospects that had been their shadows since yesterday. At first, Molly had been a little freaked about it, but now that she realized they were just there to keep them safe she wasn’t upset about it anymore.

  “I wanna head home. I’ve gotten enough stuff to sell at the stall.” She made a motion with her hand at Rock who was leaning against the wall with the two prospects sitting nearby. He nodded and they came over.


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