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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 13

by Woods, Michelle

  “Nothing.” He said flatly as he cranked the bike letting go of the brake as he roared out of the parking lot. Feeling the wind moving through her hair Molly let it go and just held Bone enjoying the invigorating ride.

  Thirty minutes later, they pulled up to a heavily wooded area, where they turned off the road into a small cordoned off parking area. Bone parked putting the stand down getting off the bike helping Molly off then reaching back into the box behind her seat removing a blanket and a basket.

  “Came prepared, did you?” Molly questioned watching him turn with the blanket over his shoulder and holding the basket.

  “It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I wasn’t prepared, woman!” He took her hand and began leading her down a path nearby with a hand carved sign that said Devil’s Falls. He stopped beside it laying a red cloth on the sign walking past it still holding her hand.

  “Umm…why did you do that?” She asked with confusion as she followed him up the path hearing the soft sound of rushing water.

  “So no one comes up here while were naked baby.” His matter of fact tone made her blush. “We don’t want anyone coming up here with us now do we?”


  A few minutes later they came out in a small clearing with a huge breathtaking waterfall that flowed down a shear drop off falling into a small pool that flowed out and down another drop off. “Wow, it’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, this is how the town got its name. They call it Devils Falls because it almost washes away the town when the storms are bad. It’s also why we have a camp built on Devils ledge about a mile away from here.”

  “Really I thought that was because of the Red Devils not actual falls. How long ago did it flood the town?” She questioned.

  “About ten years ago, when that big storm that went on for about three days went through was the last time. Most of the time the falls are drained off into the lower lands filling that big aquifer that makes water for the city in the wall.”

  “Huh, I never knew about that when I lived in the city.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it’s not something most people wonder about its just there. Now let’s eat so I can make love to you.” Spreading the blanket out for them to sit on he let her hold his shoulder as he sat down on the blanket. Then he took out fresh fruit, three sandwiches, and some of the apple pie Lisa had shown her how to make the other day setting them all out on the blanket with relish proud of his impromptu picnic.

  Then he pulled Molly into his lap facing away from him. He fed her bites of fruit between the bite she took of her sandwich, and he ate his while alternating running his other hand through her hair and feeding her. She felt so relaxed here with him leaned into him after she’d finish eating. He was running his hands over her stomach and up to her breasts beneath her tank having already finish both of his own sandwiches. He cupped it his mouth moving to her shoulder with a possessive caress his teeth grazing her neck gently.

  She moaned her head falling back to his shoulder. She crawled back, and turned sitting again with her legs wrapped around his waist, his legs beneath her. He took her shirt and bra off, groaning at the sight of her breast then leaning forward to devour them. His mouth roughly covering each one with a masculine grunt of approval his tongue circling her areola. Twisting it with his tongue, causing her to cry out. Her hands buried in his hair she grabbed his cut pulling it off of him laying it gently on the blanket beside them. Her hands now able to caress his bare skin with abandon. She ran her hands over his back moaning as he switched to her other nipple giving it the same treatment.

  Molly pressed herself down onto Bone’s hardened member wanting it filling her with a need that shocked her. She was becoming a wanton little hussy always needy and hot every time she thought about this man and his pleasure giving member. Hell, just thinking about him at all made her body go soft and wet in seconds. As he pulled back urging her to move back a bit from him so he could unzip her pants and she felt two of his fingers sliding into her wet sheath hard and quick.

  “Fu-…Damn baby your so wet.” He groaned with need sliding his fingers in and out of her quickly in a hard rhythm that had her moaning with pleasure as she gripped his shoulders. “That’s it baby come for me. Wet my fingers with you sweet juices.” She was so close as he fingered her, his thumb sliding over her clit she burst into her first orgasm with a whimper.

  He pulled his fingers out of her slick heat, then began tugging on her shorts to get them off grunting, and unzipping his own pants to free his dick, as she sat up enough for her hands to remove her shorts. When she’d slipped them off she saw him watching her with a dark gleam in his eyes.

  “You weren’t wearing any panties you wicked minx.” He urged her closer and his mouth covered hers as he moved her back into his lap facing him with her legs on either side of his. “Put it in baby. I need you.” He demanded pulling her down slipping into her with a loud moan as she slid her wetness down his thick shaft. She rose quickly, his hands on her hips helping her to ride him in a fast rhythm that had them both near orgasm in seconds. She groaned coming apart a second time while moaning his name hearing him roar hers as he followed her over the edge into completion.

  Twenty minutes later she was lying in his lap with her head resting on his thigh as his hands alternated running through her hair and playing gently with her nipples. “Lucca,” Molly said looking up at him.

  “Yeah?” He questioned with a gentle pluck at her right nipple.

  “Have you and the club always been a family?” She looked up meeting his eyes as he gazed down at her.

  “Yeah, the Devils have always been my family. Dad was born into the club, but my momma was from Tidwell. They were happy for the most part till about two years after I was born when dad started hanging out at the club house more often.” Molly heard what he wasn’t willing to say that his father started messing around on his mother then. She saw the sadness that entered his eyes and reached up to caress his cheek trying to remove that look from his face.

  “It must be nice having a family.” Molly sighed wistfully as she let her hand fall when he frowned down at her.

  “You have a family Molly.” Bone said, gazing down at her.

  “Not like yours. They weren’t like the Devils are accepting you faults and all. They wanted me to be perfect.”

  “I meant we are your family Molly. And anyone who didn’t accept you as you are was an idiot. You’re prefect.” Bone said while his hands slid through her hair and he watched her, his face solemn.

  “Lucca.” She couldn’t stop herself from leaning up to kiss him as he leaned forward to allow her to take his lips with hers. Their tongues mingled for a few lazy seconds before she lay back in his lap. After a while of listening to the sounds of crashing water and birds calling out to each other she looked up at him again.

  “My family, my real family they didn’t even try to help me when I was thrust outside the city. My mother and I had never had a close relationship, but I never expected her to betray me by refusing to help me when I needed her.” Molly paused, her eyes filling with tears that caused Bone to look down at her with a scowl. “Carl told me that my mother could have given credits for me to take with me, but she refused.”

  “Molly, I’m sorry she hurt you, but I can’t be sorry about what happened to you. I would never have met you if you’d stayed behind that wall.” Bone was running his hands through her hair his hand gently tugged to get her attention when it wandered over to the waterfall. “Who’s Carl?” He questioned in a deceptively quite voice that almost made her laugh.

  “Humm….who?” She asked pretending to not know what he was talking about his eyes narrowed and she could see little pinches in the corners of his mouth that told her he was clenching his teeth.

  “Stop being deliberately vague and tell me Molly!” His voice quietly demanding as he said it.

  “Oh…that Carl.” She said again pretending to forget that he wanted to know who he was she gazed at the water fall unable to
prevent a slight smile.

  “Molly.” He growled causing her to laugh.

  “Relax he’s like a second father to me.” She sobered remembering her own father had disowned her tears again threatening.

  “Why did that make you sad baby?” Bone asked watching her closely.

  “Before my mother left me in that cell to face my sentence she told me that my father disowned me.” Tears filled her eyes. She clenched them trying to stop them from falling she’d shed enough tears for them.

  “Oh baby, what they did doesn’t matter anymore. You’re ours now. You know we’ll always be here to care for you.” Bone pulled her up giving her another soft deep kiss before settling her on his lap again.

  “I know.” Molly whispered. She did know that the club would be there for her even if she and Lucca didn’t work out she was family now, claimed by the club, and they always took care of family.

  They sat that way, with Molly resting on his lap her eyes closed, him running his hands over her hair with the slight breeze cooling there skin, and the sound of the waterfall. Then when she was almost asleep she heard him say softly. “I want you to know that you’re not just a woman I enjoy screwing. You’re more baby.”

  Opening her eyes met his as he watched her. “Yes Lucca. I know.” She closed her eyes and just before she slipped into sleep her heart warmed as she heard him whisper. “If I could patch a woman it would be you Molly.”

  Chapter 20

  Hours later with the sun setting they roared back into town pulling up to their cabin, Molly was tired despite the nap she’d taken in the clearing beside the waterfall. They had made love again before they had packed up to head home. Molly realized that today had been one of the best days of her life. Bone made her happy and she realized today in that clearing that she was in love with him. He helped her climb off the bike, laughing a little when she stumbled a bit because her legs were a little wobbly.

  “Whoa baby, you’re almost asleep on your feet aren’t you?” He said as he steadied her.

  “Yeah.” She mumbled leaning on him heavily. He leaned down and scooped her into his arms with her held tightly to his chest. “Grab the basket baby.” He said turning towards his hog so she could reach it. Holding it on her stomach she leaned her head on his shoulder as he began walking into the house.

  “Bone.” They heard someone call out as he began to carry her up the porch stairs. He turned seeing Tank coming toward them he stopped near the door setting her on her feet. “Go on up to bed, baby. I’ll be up in a little bit.” Molly kissed him lightly turning to the door with the basket held in her hand.

  “I might be asleep. Goodnight, Tank.” She said over her shoulder as she entered the house.

  “Night, Molly.” Tank said as he came up the stairs onto the porch waiting until Molly headed inside before he spoke. “It’s those damned Jackals again, Bone.” Tank grunted when Molly had shut the door.

  “Fuck, what now?” Bone asked leaning on the rail of the porch waiting for Tank to elaborate.

  “They went after Train and his riders last night. I got the call around three I figured it could wait till you got back. I sent Tiny, Rock, Trick, Slim and a couple of prospects over there to check it out. They called back to say it wasn’t a random hit. They knew too much about the operation we’re running at the Dixon farm. Knew the shift changes even though we keep it random, and they also had the layout. Train kept two guys for questioning. Tiny’s waiting to work them over till we get there.” Tank pulled out a cigarette and lit it up after a few puffs he continued. “We’ve got to get to the bottom of these information leaks. It’s pissing me off, damn assholes.”

  “Shit, give me a bit to call Doc to see if he’ll keep an eye on Molly at the shop tomorrow. We get to the bottom of this before it gets worse.” Bone said standing moving towards the door with an angry stride. “I’ll meet you in about an hour. I need to stop by the armory meet me there.” He said as he entered the house pissed that his lazy day with his Molly couldn’t end with him crawling into bed with her. Stupid fucking Jackals. He went into his study pulling out his nine millimeter. Putting the snub nose he’d taken to the falls back into the gun rack, he headed up stairs. He walked into their room to find Molly asleep on the bed with just her shirt and those sexy black underwear laying on top of the covers.

  Watching her sleep for a few moments his dick beginning to harden at the sight of her sweet ass pointing towards him making him wish he had time to take her from behind before he left. Damn, would he ever see that woman and not want to fuck her silly he wondered with a grin. He sure hoped not Molly was so damned sweet. Sighing he walked to the bed running a hand over her ass gently squeezing it. She startled awake, murmuring. “Too tired wake me later.”

  Chuckling he squeezed a bit harder leaning down to kiss her long and hard pulling back when she was panting and her eyes were open. “Hey, baby,” Bone brushed her hair away from her face. “I have to go out I’m not gonna be back till sometime late tomorrow.”

  “Oh everything okay?” Molly asked knowing he wouldn’t tell her anything specific, but needing to know if she should worry. She sat up on her knees facing him with her arms wrapping around his neck

  “It’s good nothing too bad, baby. Just some business we need to handle.” Bone said his hand cupping her ass. He pulled her closer with a light squeeze and a growl he took her mouth again devouring her lips thrusting his tongue into her mouth roughly causing her to moan and cling to his shoulders her breast pressing against his chest. “Damn, I wish I had time to take you again.” A deep growl rumbling from him, he squeezed her cheeks again making her moan and press herself more firmly against him.

  “Umm…hurry and take care of it and come back so you can.” She said rubbing her hardened nipples against his chest.

  “Fuc…sorry. Hell with incentive like that who could refuse.” Bone said as he kissed her one last time before urging her back onto the bed were her ran his hand over her sweet little nipples giving each one a tender suck before pulling the covers up and kissing her forehead. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Be safe, Bone.” She said as she snuggled in the bed making him jealous of the damn bed. He headed downstairs to call Duck to ask him to pick Molly up and watch her at the shop tomorrow he didn’t trust Rash. Today wasn’t the first time the asshole had tried to cop a feel on Molly. Trick had talked to him about it a few days ago making him aware of the problem. Today he’d had words with the man and he really hoped that asshole listened because he would kill him for messing with Molly. After Duck had agreed he headed out to meet Tank, the quicker they left the faster he could get back to Molly.

  Standing beside a car she was doing a tune up on she picked up the pan she needed in order to let the oil out listening to Duck. He’d shown up at the house this morning when it was almost time for her to head out with his cage. He said he’d give her a ride. She suspected when she climb into the cab of the large blue truck that Bone had asked him to keep an eye on her. That suspicion had been confirmed when he stayed at the shop with his feet propped up on a tool chest while he leaned back in a desk chair he’d pushed out of the office. Molly didn’t mind Duck was entertaining.

  “Molly my girl, you remind me of my older sister you favor her quite a bit.” Duck said as he sat up a bit in the chair as she slid the pan under the truck sitting down on the sliding dolly that she used to move under the vehicles.

  “Huh, you know the first time I saw you I thought you looked a lot like my father.” She used the dolly to move under the car not seeing the way Duck looked thoughtful for a moment.

  “My sister lived behind the wall. What’s you’re surname kid?” Duck questioned as she pushed the pan under the oil pan to catch the flow as she let out the oil. Sliding back out sitting up and leaning back on the car while the oil drained she looked at Duck in surprise could he be her great uncle? “It’s Daniels.” She said seeing Duck grin from ear to ear.

  “Damn that boys in trouble now,” He chuckled conf
using Molly for a moment before he continued. “You are my sister’s granddaughter.” He chuckled as he watched Rash move over closer to them calling out. “Everything okay over here, Molly?” He questioned looking at Duck with apprehension.

  “Yep, you showed me last week how to tune the cars remember.” Molly said having realized weeks ago giving him credit got rid of him faster. When she looked back at Duck she saw his raised brows as Rash moved away heading to the bay closer to the back room. “It makes him leave me alone.” She said shrugging her shoulders and Duck chuckled.

  “Huh, smart girl. Now have I told you about my Terri yet?” He questioned as he lowered his bushy white brows. He’d been talking to her about the prestorm days, he’d already told her about television, and how people would near about sell their souls to get on it when he was young. It seemed odd to her to put so much significance on being seen by millions of people. It was pointless. She’d also been amazed when Duck had explained the internet now that seem amazing. She couldn’t imagine being able to access the amount of information he had talked about with just a few clicks.

  Molly laughed as he told her how when he was twenty, four years after the world had imploded after the storms had torn through, and he’d walked into a deserted shopping mall with six other club members to look for food only to be shot at by Terri.

  “That woman was a deadly good shot too, but at the time I just thought this crazy woman was shooting at me. My Terri was a hell of a woman. She was mean enough to take on anyone. She even held off seven men in our house picking them off by the time I got there to rescue her she killed them all, but two who were pinned down in the kitchen.” Duck chuckled “I still remember her asking what the hell took so long when I walked in the door like a madman thinking she’d be dead before I could get to her.” Smiling a sad, but joyful smile he sighed. “Damn, I miss that woman.”


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