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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 14

by Woods, Michelle

  “How long has she been gone?” Molly asked.

  “Four years. If I didn’t know it’d just piss her off I would have given up and went to join her, but I know that woman would be livid if I show up even a day before I’m meant to.” Molly’s heart ached for her new found uncle. She was glad that he was still here it was nice to know that she had one real family member who would care if something happened to her.

  “Well you’ll see her again one day Duck.” She lay back down sliding back under the car to finish changing the oil. Duck voice cracked a little when he said. “I know. I know.”

  A short while later Molly was working on a bike near the bay were Rash was talking on his phone with someone in a low tone while Duck stood. “I’ll be right back sugar. I gotta take a piss.” She smiled he seemed to use vulgarities to get her to blush, she nodded refusing to allow him to laugh at her, as he’d been all day when she’d turn red at something he said. She had her back to Rash who was still talking on the phone holding a ratchet to remove the cams when it happened. A black hood was thrust over her head and pulled tight, while hard arms wrapped around her waist to jerk her up. She tried to hit whoever held her with the ratchet, but a hand squeezed her arm hard causing her to cry out in pain and drop the ratchet. She kicked out trying to get away from the man who held her, but it was no use. They lifted her and she heard someone saying.

  “Hurry the fuck up before her other guard comes back.” The rough voice that sounded harsh wasn’t one she recognized.

  “Let me go!” Molly screamed still trying to kick the man holding her.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch! Get the fucking door open and let’s get the fuck outta here.” The man who held her shook her so hard her teeth rattled and she felt dizzy.

  “Fuck, don’t hurt her!” She heard Rash yelling and wondered why he wasn’t helping but then heard what sounded like a fist hitting flesh and realized that maybe he couldn’t help her.

  “Duck!” She screamed at the top of her lungs knowing he was her only chance.

  She felt a hard slap across her face that made she head snap back and her cheek felt like it was already swelling from the blow. The man was shoving Molly into a door, she tried to stop him, only to feel another blow to her face. Suddenly, the world went black, fading away with her last thought being that she’s never told Lucca that she loved him.

  Chapter 21

  Bone used his brass knuckles to knock the asshole in the face again. “Tell me who the fuck is giving you information and we’ll stop torturing you.” He waited a few seconds, the man spit blood on the floor his face was a mass of cuts and bruises. Water covered his shirt and pants from the repeated dunking into a tub of water. Bone nodded and Tank began to push his head down into the tub again to hold him under when the man finally broke.

  “Wait…Wait I’ll tell you …please not the water.” Fuck, these assholes were easy to break that water didn’t even have parasites. Of course they hadn’t told the fucker that. He waited for the man to speak, ready to be done with this he had a woman to get back to.

  “It’s Rash.” The man choked out and Bones rage was a red curtain over his eyes. That little fucker was a member not a prospect. He’d been sure it was one of the prospects in the inner circle, but even with the strange behavior of Rash recently hadn’t led him to the conclusion that he was betraying the club. Bone felt his phone vibrate he pulled it out seeing that was Dog’s number.

  “Yeah.” He answered.

  “Bone, they took Molly. Fuck, Duck’s following them. I can’t tell you how they knew when to show up. Fuck!” Dog said as soon as he’d spoke. Suddenly all he could hear was a ringing in his ears as he held his phone in nerveless fingers.

  Tank was asking him what was wrong, but he could barely hear him over the ringing. Tiny took his phone from his hand and he didn’t protest when Slim pushed him over to a wall which he fell back against unable to stand. He heard Tiny yelling. “Fuck, Fuck, How long ago? ...It was Rash! Stupid mother fuckers, been giving them information for weeks.” Tiny paused looking at Bone leaning against the wall. “Bone’s losing it.” Slim starting running his hands through his hair then he rested a hand on Bone’s shoulder.

  “We’ll get her back, Bone. Duck’s on their tail. We’ll find her.” Suddenly Bone was standing again the ringing was gone, and he looked at his brothers. He knew he must look like a mad man, but he didn’t fucking care. He walked to the man tied in the chair. “Where’d they fucking take her? You’ve got ten seconds to tell me then I put a bullet into your head.” He said his nine millimeter resting on the man’s temple. No one moved to stop him they stood nearby watching grimly.

  “I don’t know. Please, I don’t know!” Bone waited two more seconds.

  “You have two seconds asshole.”

  “They may have taken her to that abandoned train yard about ten miles from here. That’s where we’ve been staying this week.” The man shrieked his voice so shrill he sounded like a woman.

  “Thank you.” Bone said coldly before he pulled the trigger. Turning to his brothers dipping his hand in the water to wash the blood off his hand, he said in a gravelly voice. “We ride. Someone take a cage so we can know if we’re going in the right direction when Duck contacts us.” Then they were moving and those Jackal’s better not have hurt his woman or today was the day he wiped them off this earth.

  Molly slowly became aware that she was in a small room. She looked around thinking of a way out. She’d been kidnapped and with all the trouble the club had been having with the Jackals she was sure that they were the ones who’d taken her. She saw that the room was furnished with only a bed, and some chains on the floor in one corner. She went over to the chains trying to see if there was any way to use them. She still felt slightly dizzy from the blow to her face she wobbled a bit as she knelt beside the chains moving them away from the wall. The chain was pretty useless she discovered, but what she found along the wall beneath them was very useful she saw as she pulled it out holding it up with a smile. A philips head screw driver wasn’t much, but it would at least help her protect herself.

  She moved to the door peeking through the crack in the door she could see about ten men sitting or standing in the room. She could hear a lot of screaming from another room nearby. She watched for a while then went to the walls looking for a way out. She found a vent at the end of the bed half covered by the bed, but she would be able to fit through it. Hearing movement near the door she quickly moved back to the bed lying down and closing her eyes hiding the screw driver inside her coveralls. There was a shuffle at the door and something was shoved into the room.

  “There see you’re bitches still out cold. When she wakes up we’ll all have a turn and you can have whatever’s left,” there was a harsh laugh and more shuffles then the door creaked closed again. “She might still be able to take it.” The wicked sound of the man’s laughter caused a shiver to run down Molly’s spine. She opened her eyes to see Rash in a broken huddle on the floor near the door. Getting up Molly carefully turned him over seeing him blink at her through swollen eyes. His face was a mass of bruises and cuts that were bleeding heavily.

  “I tried to stop it Molly,” He said through cracked and bleeding lips his voice hoarse. “I didn’t know what they were gonna do.” He managed.

  Confused by what he was saying Molly pulled his hair back from his face watching him. Of course he hadn’t known what they were planning how could he? “Shh…” She whispered trying to sooth him. “You couldn’t have known Rash.”

  “Molly, I can’t protect you now. I thought I could, bu..but I can’t.” Rash said trying to convey something to her, but she wasn’t sure why he’d thought he would be able to protect her against twenty or so men. It must be that arrogance that made him think he was teaching her how to fix engines that had made him think that way. She tugged on him. She needed to get him on the bed him lying in a heap on the floor wasn’t going to be good for his wounds.

  “Rash, help me let’s g
et you on the bed.” After much shuffling and two almost face plants for Rash she got him onto the bed. As he looked at her his eyes filled with pain and despair he whispered. “You need to find a way out Molly. Just leave me and go.”

  “Okay, but we’ll be back for you Rash.” She said to soothed him then she crawled to the end of the bed were the vent was. She looked at the screws hoping they weren’t flat, but to her dismay they were. She knew she could work them out, but it was going to take a lot longer than she’d hoped. She got to work hoping no one checked on them in the next hour.

  Bone was crouching in the tree’s waiting. Fucking waiting, while his woman was in that railway depot with those assholes, and she was possibly suffering or scared. He didn’t care, and if the rest of the crew wasn’t here in ten minutes he was going in without them. He turned to Duck meeting his eyes with a cold look of his own. Seeing in Ducks eyes a deadly calm. Duck nodded without a word and checked his clip. Tank was sitting on his other side and he leaned forward looking at him and Duck.

  “We need to wait, Bone. There are too many of them in there for the six of us to take.” Slim looked at him from a few feet away, but surprisingly it was Tiny who responded to Tank.

  “If they’re not hear in ten minutes he’s going in no matter what Tank. You know that she’s been here long enough to be awake now. And we both know what they can do to her in less than ten minutes.” Tiny pulled out his own piece checking the clip.

  “Fuck. This is insane. We need to wait.”

  “You go ahead and wait Tank.” Bone said as he began moving after being reminded of what could be happening to his Molly right now he wasn’t waiting any longer those fuckers were dead.

  “Fuck, I’ll cover you assholes!” Tank said resigned. “I wish I’d brought one of those sniper rifles.” Duck stared hard at him a scowl on his face as he watched him.

  “What?” Tank questioned after a moment of this awkward staring.

  “You’re an idiot that’s what.” Duck growled as they began to move towards the train depot.

  “Well it would be easier to cover you assholes if I had that sniper!” Tank hissed after them and Bone saw Duck moving into a position near him shaking his head. Those two were like oil and water he might have laughed at their banter if it wasn’t Molly in that depot needing rescue.

  Molly’s hand slipped again as she turned the screw a bit more. Damn it this sucked she had five of six screws removed, and this one kept slipping and it had been twenty minutes if she could just get this last one off. She worked the screw for a few more moments until it finally came loose and she gave a quite crow of triumph. She pulled the grate away and laid it down next to the bed and climbed into it. She pulled it back into place behind her and began to work her way through the vent trying to be as quite as possible. She had gone about three feet when she heard loud yelling and gunfire. She sped up hoping that they hadn’t just killed Rash when they found her missing. She crawled to the end of the vent and looked out to see if there was anyone around.

  Not seeing anyone she used her legs to kick the vent cover hoping that the screws were rusted enough to allow her to kick it out. She kept kicking it praying that the commotion inside would cover any noise she was making. After about ten kicks it bent out at the top. She kept kicking the other side until it finally busted out of the vent causing her to scrape her leg. She hissed in pain looking at her leg seeing that it was just a small cut with a long scrape. She moved out of the vent headed towards the woods behind the depot when she heard her name yelled out. She turned still moving to look behind her seeing Tank running towards her she stopped.

  She waited a moment then ran towards him still hearing the gun fire and yells from inside which was likely Lucca coming to save her. She smiled if he’d only waited a few more minutes she would have been out of harm’s way, and the rescue would have been unnecessary. Tank jerked her towards the side of the building his big bulk in front of her as they worked their way around the building. The gun fire finally stopped suddenly. As they entered the train depot slowly her following Tank she saw that Lucca was standing in the middle of the room with Rash on his knees in front of him. She saw that Lucca was holding a gun to his head.

  “What are you doing Lucca?” She demanded as she rushed forward a few feet before she was stopped by Tanks restraining arm which wrapped around her waist halting her.

  “Baby,” He said his eyes filled with relief began running up and down her landing on her scrapped leg, and then sliding back to her bruised cheek. “You okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine, but this isn’t Rash’s fault Bone! He tried to stop them he was out numbered.”

  “You’re sure you’re okay baby?” He asked without removing the gun from Rash’s head.

  “Yes Lucca I’m sure I’m okay.” She assured him then she looked at him waiting for him to take the gun from Rash’s head but he only nodded his eyes moving from hers to Tank’s.

  “You don’t understand what he’s done. Go outside with Tank.” Bone said without looking at her.

  “No.” Molly couldn’t believe he wouldn’t listen to her about Rash he was being unreasonable. She pulled against Tanks restraining arm trying to get him to let her go. “Bone what happened to me wasn’t his fault!” She knew she was screaming at him, but she didn’t care.

  His eyes cold as they moved from hers back to Rash the gun never wavering from his head. “Tank, get her the hell outta here while I handle this.”

  Tank was still holding her around the waist moving toward the door as she struggled with him trying to get away to stop Bone from killing Rash. It wasn’t Rash’s fault that she’d been kidnapped. She couldn’t let him kill Rash over this. “No, Bone. You can’t kill him. He tried to stop them.” It was useless to try to escape Tank he had a tight grip on her as he dragged her back outside putting her down his back to the door preventing her from going back in.

  “Tank, let me back in there. I have to stop him. It’s not Rash’s fault!” She yelled at him as she beat on his chest trying to get him to move from in front of the door.

  “Molly. Molly, stop.” He said catching her hands to stop her from hitting him again getting right in her face. “You need to let him handle this. Rash is the reason you were here!” He said with her wrists held in his had he waited a beat then let her hand go as she blinked up at him shocked. Tank’s arms folded across his chest as he watched her.

  “Wait. what?” Molly wasn’t sure what to think, but then she remembered Rashes words from earlier I didn’t know what they were gonna do. It finally made sense. He wasn’t saying that he thought he could protect her at the shop. He’d meant that he’d set it up thinking that they would let him keep her like a damned pet. A few moments later, she was leaning on the building beside Tank when she heard the gunshot. She didn’t even flinch, he’d known the rules, you never betray family, and he’d done it anyway.

  Bone stood with a gun to Rash’s head as Tank took Molly outside. Her yells making him wish he didn’t need to handle this before he lost his mind. He might not feel this way if it wasn’t for what Rash had done to Molly. Rash had sealed his fate with that choice. Now there was nothing he could do but kill him for his betrayal. He was glad that Molly was away from this scene of death, bodies littered the floor around the depot and he was about to add another to the pile.

  He wasn’t sure how she’d ended up outside with Tank, but that question would have to wait. He needed to know what else Rash had told the Jackals about the club besides what they already knew. He might have just let the fucker go without killing him if he hadn’t tried to take Molly. There were some lines a man didn’t cross. Rash had chosen to betray the club and that was a killable offence.

  Bone had never taken a man’s life lightly, but this time he didn’t have a choice. Rash had no idea the beast he’d awaken by taking Molly. All Bone could think about was what might have happened to her had they not gotten here in time. There had only been Twenty Jackals here. Thankfully they hadn’t known t
hey would be able to find them so quickly. This night could have ended with his and his brothers deaths instead of him getting Molly back and taking out the trash that had somehow manage to ingratiate himself into his family.

  “Now, show us that you still have some honor left, and tell me what else you told them about club business.” Bone said pushing the gun into Rash’s temple.

  “I only told them about the farms and Tidwell.” Rash whined, looking up at Bone pleadingly. “I swear that’s all I told them.” He moaned watching Bone with pleading eyes not realizing that he didn’t fucking care what he wanted. “I..I just wanted to move up in the club and they promised I’d have a say in there club if I gave them information. That’s how it started. They offered me more and more even promised I could keep Molly if I told them about the Dixon security. I couldn’t help it, I wanted her. She’s so sweet.” Rash began to sob. Then he pissed himself in terror. “Please…I tried to protect her. I didn’t know what they were planning. Please.”

  “You think I fucking care asshole? You think that they betrayed you matters to me at all? You stole my woman. How did you think that was gonna end mother fucker?” Bone asked not really wanting an answer. They man sobbed and begged with Bone. Bone watched the man fall apart with disgust. He pulled the trigger without a single thought to the fifteen years that asshole had spent with the club. As the man’s body fell down with the others at his feet he looked at Duck standing beside him wearing the same grim expression he wore. Duck’s eyes met his, and he nodded. They were done with this disaster, and it was time to take his woman home and hold her.

  He turned to go outside, but Duck’s hand on his arm stopped him. “There’s a water barrel over there you should wash up before you go out to her.” He said as he pointed to a nearby corner. Bone looked at his hands which were red from all the killing, and nodded quickly headed to the barrel. Needing to hold Molly and make sure she was okay.


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