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Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Page 15

by Woods, Michelle

  Chapter 22

  Bone exited the building to find Molly leaning against the wall with Tank standing next to her. Striding to her she met him halfway his arms sliding around her holding her tightly. He heard Tank say that the rest of the club was here and he was going to help with clean up. He just nodded as he held Molly’s trembling from. “I’m sorry you had to see that baby.” He said as he rubbed her back.

  “See what Lucca?” Molly asked a little confused. She hadn’t seen him kill Rash even though she knew he’d done it. It bothered her that he’d been the one to kill him, but she could understand how he felt. If it had been Lucca who’d been hurt by someone she would have wanted to kill that person.

  Maybe that made her a bad person, but she wasn’t really into what other people thought anymore. She’d changed since she’d been outside the wall. She understood that sometimes things didn’t happen the way you expected, and you had to learn to roll with the punches or you weren’t going to make it in this harder world outside the wall. There was a code and if you violated that code you were taking your life into you r own hands.

  She realized that trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations while living inside the wall had cost her the little bit of happiness she could have had when she’d lived there. She wasn’t going to allow that to be her life anymore. She was stronger out here. She’d found a family that loved her, and she’d found a man willing to kill or die for her. How could she be willing to give less than that back to him?

  “Those men we had to kill baby. I never wanted you to see something like that.” Bone watched her face as she leaned back to look at him with a tender smile.

  “You mean the men who planned to gang rape me latter tonight? Those men?” she asked as Bone’s eyes clouded with rage.

  “Yep, those are the men. Fuck…damn sorry baby.” He grunted pulling her closer.

  “Bone, I don’t really care that they’re dead.” She said and she meant it. They were going to rape her and possibly kill her so she felt no remorse at their deaths. “Rash’s death bothers me a bit, but I get it. He betrayed the club.”

  “You think I killed him because he betrayed the club?” He looked at her with disbelief. “I killed that asshole for one fu..damned reason he arranged to have you taken from me.” He practically yelled as he leaned forward and kissed her with every ounce of passion he was able to muster. His tongue stroking hers with deep long thrusts that she returned with her own strokes until he pulled away looking down at her gently. His hand caressed her sore cheek lightly. “We need to get you home so you can see Doc about that cheek.”

  “Lucca, its fine. I just need some ice.” Molly pressed the other side of her face into his chest with a sigh.

  “I still want him to look at it.” Bone said sternly watching as she looked up at him shaking her head in exasperation.

  “I love you, Lucca” She said shaking her head. She wanted him to know. Even if he didn’t love her back. She knew he cared or what happened to her wouldn’t have fazed him. Tonight knowing she might not ever see him again it had hurt knowing that he didn’t know how she felt about him. It had made her realize she didn’t want to die without letting him know that she loved him.

  He looked at her for a long moment then he kissed her again his arms clenching around her as he demanded. “Say that again.”

  “I love you.” She whispered then laughed when he lifted her off the ground and spun her around in joyful excitement with a whoop of pleasure. Then he let her slid down his body his hardness pressing into her stomach as he leaned forward intending to kiss her again when the heard Dog.

  “Umm…sorry to interrupt, but Tank told me that I should see if you wanted me to take Molly home?” Dog looked sheepish as he grinned a bit at the two of them. “He says there are a few things that need your input.” Dog met Bone’s eyes with a look that told him he needed to stay. Pissed that he couldn’t just take Molly home to love her he glared at Dog who held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, don’t kill the messenger.”

  “Damn, I guess you’d better go with Dog, sweetheart.” Bone gave her one last kiss and whispered a promise that he’d be home soon into her ear as he kissed it.

  As Molly waited in one of Doc’s exam room’s an hour later, she sat in a chair that Dog had carried her to despite her protests that she didn’t need a doctor. Dog had immediately left to go wake Doc up, and now she was waiting for him and Doc to come back. Molly looked at the door when it opened. Dog entered followed by a man that must be Doc. The man looked to be in his forties with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that smiled when he looked at her, He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that covered his lean corded body like a second skin. He smiled as he walked towards her.

  “So little lady, I hear you’ve gotten yourself into trouble again.” He chuckled as he walked over to the counter picking up a blood pressure gauge and a stethoscope. Both were old fashioned. Behind the wall, they could scan you and know what was wrong in seconds it seemed that this technology wasn’t available outside the wall. Doc walked over to her gently tilting her head to look at the bruise that covered her left cheek. “Humm….that one’s a doozy. Any dizziness?”

  “Earlier I when I first woke up I was, but I feel fine now just sore and tired.” Molly said hissing as he gently probed her face with gentle fingers.

  “Nothing seems broken. Watch this light for a second.” Doc shined a light into her eyes and then had her follow it. He then checked her pulse and blood pressure then asked if she was hurt anywhere else. Molly showed him the scrape on her leg. He went to a shelf beside the counter pulling off some alcohol swabs and some ointment to treat the cut. Covering it with a few bandaids after it was cleaned and the ointment was added. Then he looked at her for a long moment before asking quietly.

  “Should I have Dog step out so that I can check any other injuries?”

  She knew he was asking if he needed to check that she wasn’t hurt inside from being raped. She quietly answered him. “No, they didn’t have enough time to hurt me that way.” Molly said blushing a little with the embarrassing question.

  “Ah, well then. I think your fine little lady. Dog, tell Bone to wake her a couple times tonight, and ask the normal questions, name, day of the week, he knows the drill. I don’t think she really has a concussion, but it’s better to be sure.” Doc said to Dog as he turned away going to a cabinet in the corner. He unlocked it with a key then he pulled out a large bottle, which he opened taking some out. He put them into another smaller bottle and hand these to Molly.

  “Take two of those when you get home, little miss. They will help with the swelling. Ice will help too, and stay outta trouble. I’ve already seen you twice not that I mind see such a pretty face mind you, but next time I’d like it to be in more pleasant circumstances. ” Molly blushed again and nodded as Doc turned back to Dog. “She’ll be fine. Now, I’m going back to bed.”

  Molly stood holding the pills watching Doc walk out of the room as she walked toward the exit herself. “See I told you I was fine.” She shook her head at their overprotective behavior. Dog watched her walk to the truck following closely causing her to turn and glare at the man. “ You don’t have to follow me like I’m an invalid. I won’t fall down walking to the truck.”

  “I’m not going to be explaining why you’re more beat up than you already are when Bone gets home tonight. I like my head right where it is.” Dog said matter of factly as he helped her into the cab. With an exasperated sigh she sat back in the seat waiting for him to get in and drive her back to the cabin.

  “You know this is ridiculous right? I’m not fragile.” Molly asked when he got into his side cranking the truck and driving away from Doc’s.

  “Maybe, but I can’t blame him for being a little freaked out Molly. If it was my Terry I would have flipped my shit just as badly as he did.” Dog said pulling up to the cabin. He helped her out of the truck and into the house. Refusing to allow her to head up the stairs to Bone’s and her ro
om if he didn’t carry her, he scooped her up and didn’t put her down till they were near the bed were he set her down.

  “I’ll bring you a glass of water. Are you hungry?” Dog asked as he stood in the doorway.

  “Maybe just a sandwich.” She said realizing that she hadn’t eaten since earlier in the morning before the kidnapping.

  “Okay, be back in a few minutes.” Dog left to head down stairs and she went over to the dresser pulling out on of Bone’s Red Devil t-shirts and some of her sleep shorts. Laughing a little at the realization that she hadn’t worn a single pair of these, normally she slept naked because that’s what Bone preferred. She had a feeling if he came home to find her naked with Dog here she’d be witnessing a murder.

  She was in the bed leaning on the headboard reading a book when Dog entered with a tray about twenty minutes later. He set the tray down, and sat at the foot of the bed watching her eat.

  “You don’t have to watch me eat Dog. I won’t choke.” She rolled her eyes and took another bite of the sandwich, picking up the glass of water, she took a sip of the water to wash it down, a little unnerved by him watching her.

  “Bone isn’t like me or Slim,” He finally said. “He didn’t grow up with a dad who knew what a woman needed to make her happy and it broke something inside him.” He looked at the window for a few minutes before he looked back at Molly.

  “I know that Dog. I also know what happened with his family. Brandy told me.” Molly said quietly before he spoke again. Then waited for him to speak again.

  “He went a little ape shit tonight Molly. If you’d been hurt worse I’m not sure anyone could have stopped him from killing every Jackal he could find. I’m telling you this so you’ll know. So you don’t doubt that he cares deeply for you. He might not ever tell you that, but anyone who saw him tonight could see it. Bone never panics no matter what goes down, but tonight he did. Then he became deadlier than I’ve ever seen him.” Dog watched her intently as he spoke. He ran a hand through his hair ready to say more, but she interrupted him.

  “Dog, I know that Lucca cares for me. I know because I lived in the city were everything you did meant nothing if you didn’t say the right thing or act a certain way. It’s why I was never happy before I ended up here. Not many people wanted to know me. Not like the club does. They weren’t willing to help you if you needed help. I only had two people I would call true friends inside that city. Now I have a family that would die to protect me, and I know the value of that. It’s because of Lucca that I have that family. I know. Dog I won’t give him up. I love him.” Molly smiled slightly when his eyebrows rose at her knowing Bone's real name causing her to almost laugh.

  “I see. I just wanted to be sure you knew. I didn’t want him to lose you because of something he was unable to say.” Dog stood taking the glass of water off the tray sitting it beside the bed on the table then picked up the tray. “Take some of those pills Doc gave you. Bone will be back in a little while. I’ll wait for him outside on the porch with the door open. Call if you need anything. I’ll hear.” He left the room. Molly took two of the pills falling asleep with a slight smile on her face at the thought of Bone coming home. She was sure that he would be randy when he got here

  Bone pulled up to the cabin about two hours after Dog had left with Molly tired and ready to climb into bed and hold Molly. Tank had found Tick beaten half to death in another room in that depot. It explained why he hadn’t reported in for the last two days. They’d also found six women shut into another room two of the women had already been dead and the other four were severely beaten and abused. One of the women was able to tell them that they had been kidnapped from the surrounding area.

  Slim was getting the women to a doctor they knew who worked nearby the depot. He’d help get them home when they were ready. He and Tank had gotten Tick to Doc who’d told them that he’d be okay, but if he’d been in that depot even one more day he’d have been dead. It made him want to revive Rash so he could make him suffer more before he killed him. He crawled off his bike and headed up the walkway seeing Dog sitting on the porch swing smoking a cigar watching him.

  “Tick gonna make it?” Dog questioned as Bone sat down on the porch and leaned back on the rail across from him.

  “Yeah, Doc said he’ll be fine. We settled the women in with Taylor in that small town about a mile from the depot. Fuck, I’m tired. Tank and Duck worked my nerves tonight after you left. I should have made Duck take Molly home.” Bone leaned his head back looking at the star filled sky before he finally rubbed a hand down his face looking back at Dog.

  “Tank and Duck go at it again tonight?” Dog asked with a smile. Damned asshole he knew that those two in the same room didn’t work easy together.

  “Ha, Tank found more toys in that depot. Duck of course called him an idiot again which started them going at it. I swear Duck has never forgiven Tank for pissing on him that one time when he was three. Freda didn’t help by telling that story to anyone who’d listen.” He said with a reluctant chuckle.

  Dog let out a loud laugh. “Shit, I had forgotten about that.” Still smiling he watched as Bone stared into the house looking for Molly.

  “She’s asleep. Doc gave her some pills to help the swelling. They put her out like a light.” Dog took a drag on the cigar puffing out a few circles of smoke watching him.

  “He say that she’s okay?” He asked his heart squeezing and his gut clenching as he asked the question that had been rattling around in his brain for two hours.

  “Yeah, just needs rest. He said to check her for a concussion with the usual questions, but she’s fine.” Dog watched him as he.

  He sighed in relief that Molly was okay. He couldn’t stand the thought that she wasn’t. “Damn, that woman ties me in knots.”

  “You should patch her, Bone.” He said watching for his reaction with a serious expression. Dog leaned forward slightly the cigar in his hand waiting for him to speak.

  “I know,” Bone laid his head back against the rail banging his head a bit before he spoke again. “But I can’t stand the thought that I may do to her what my father did to my mother. He broke her Dog and he didn’t even know he did it. He couldn’t see it.”

  “You’re not you’re father Bone.” Dog said earnestly.

  “I know that too, Dog.” Bone said with his head tilted back resting on the railing. Knowing that he needed Molly didn’t make him a different man. He was just as flawed as his father when it came to women. He’d been letting his dick lead him around for more years than he could count how could he be sure he would change for good. Hell, his father had been faithful for years before he started stepping out on his mother.

  “He did know, Bone. That’s why he never touched another woman after she died. He found her journal and he realized what he’d done. You won’t be the man he was Bone.” Dog said firmly.

  “You can’t know that for sure Dog.” He said watching as he snubbed the cigar on the arm of the swing flicking it off the rail. “You’ll be picking that up as you leave.” He said glaring at Dog with an angry scowl. Damned smokers were nasty throwing their butts down wherever they pleased.

  “Alright man chill!” Dog said with a raised hand “I can know that Bone. It broke your mother and you know what that looks like. I know you see it when you look at Brandy, we all do.”

  “Dog I need you to promise me that if I ever betray her like my old man did my mother that you’ll take her from me. I can promise I won’t give her up easy,” His eyes lite with a cold anger at even the thought of not having Molly in his life. “I will likely try to kill you, but she needs to be safe and happy.” Bone ran a hand through his hair pulling his knees up to rest his arms on them.

  “I promise,” Dog stood walking over to him laying a hand on his shoulder squeezing it firmly. “You won’t though. You’re not that man if you were we never would have had this conversation. Now, go hold your woman and be happy she’s safe. See you at church tomorrow.” He released Bone and walked
down the path towards his and Terry’s cabin.

  “Dog.” He turned looking back at Bone’s call. “Thank you.” He said meeting Dogs eye with a grateful look.

  “Anytime.” He said and walked off leaving Bone to head upstairs to his woman.

  Chapter 23

  Lisa held the mascara wand to Molly’s eye applying it with vigor. It had been three days since the Jackal’s had kidnapped her. Bone had barely allowed her to be alone for more than a few minutes since that night. It was honestly becoming annoying that all manner of people showed up at the house to just say hello. Sure they were. At first she had just been a little amused, but after three days it was a little suffocating.

  Right now she Lisa, Terry, Brandy, and a colorful woman named Vivi were here helping her get ready for her first club bonfire. Vivi had shown up with her old man this morning for the party, and Lisa had dragged her along to help Molly get ready. Terry and Brandy had shown up a few minutes ago and now they were picking out the perfect outfit for her to wear tonight. It was going to make her crazy with everyone hovering around her all the time. She was going to talk to Bone tonight about having them back off before she strangled one of them. She was not fragile.

  Ever since Bone had woke her that first night with kisses making slow passionate love to her before asking how she’d been outside with Tank. She had explained about the vent, which caused him to laugh. Realizing that if he had just waited a short amount of time she would have come right to them where they’d crouched to case the depot. He’d been unbearably over protective. Even knowing that she had in effect rescued herself, he and everyone in the club were constantly buzzing around her as if she were unable to care for herself. It was foolish and was making her batty.


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