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Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege

Page 4

by Ricardo Nazaire

  “It should not take me spelling this out for you, but now is not the time to be playing hero!”

  “Who said anything about playing? This is the same thing that happened at my Academy, so I know what I’m up against here!”

  “Which is exactly why you two need to get the hell out of here! Listen to me, you’re not using your head. Rushing over there is the last thing you should be doing. Going there isn’t going to undo what they did, Keenth!”

  “But it will stop them from doing this again. Look. I may not have much to bring to the table, but there are other people on this bridge. Innocent people who are going through what I barely came out of. The fact that I’m here has to be for a reason and I’ve gotta do whatever I can right now to. I just can’t look the other way, Ben.”

  Benjamin nods before laying out the plan. Realizing the importance of reaching the sage, he advises Cory to accompany Keenth to continue onward, while Benjamin draws the attention of the attackers towards himself.

  “Hey, I know we’re all clear that if things get out of hand, Cory and I are here to help the others on the bridge too,” Keenth said before moving forward. “But what happens if the two of us aren’t enough?”

  “Then they go through me,” Benjamin exclaims as he rushes directly towards danger. Discarding his cloak, his right arm is shrouded in mighty powerful flames which he unleashes as a massive Efir-based flamethrower in an amazing display.

  Benjamin watches intently as several figures emerge through the flames. One by one, each opponent appeared, at least fifteen by his count.

  Whether it was their tattered military fatigues or the emotionless expressions on their battle-worn masks, the only feeling coursing throughout Benjamin’s body was despair.

  Even though he is a seasoned warrior in his own right, it was as if this was the first time that he was up against the embodiment of death itself.

  Not to let himself become intimidated, Benjamin questions his opponents’ intentions as a means to buy the others time to escape the area.

  “Don’t take it the wrong way, but you all seem a bit too old to be playing dress up. That and it wouldn’t hurt if you guys considered wearing name tags or something. After all, I like to know the names of those I beat beyond recognition.”

  “No need for formalities, Benjamin Palorro, Son of Maroso,” a figure draped in chainmail responds. “While your power is formidable when compared to the rest in this region, I’m afraid you’ll find that our methods are able to deal with you.”

  “Oh, is that a fact? Well, thanks for clearing my suspicions of you not being from around here. It is one thing for me not to recognize you, but that’s not enough. Were you the ones behind the attack on the Training Academy?” “Among others, yes. Strange. ..I did not take you for the sentimental type, Mr. Palorro. I assumed you would be supportive of any action, no matter the means, that would lead towards the demise of the LanTech Empire. After all, they were the same group that cast a shadow over Hasania. It all but left the legacy of—”

  “Yup, just another nobody.”

  “I beg your pardon, young warrior?”

  “Nothing. It’s just that if you won’t bother telling me who you are, then I’m going to treat you like the nameless trash that you are,” Benjamin responds, while walking towards the hooded figure.

  And don’t think I’ll give you the satisfaction of striking a nerve: I could care less about your problems with LanTech or your reasoning behind your actions. And while it’s true my people were known for protecting Hasania, you’ll find I am not nearly as forgiving!”

  With the hooded figure in an unassuming stance, Benjamin saw an opportunity to attack his opponent. Placing his right arm forward, Benjamin unleashed a blazing attack that was just short of reaching his target.

  Confused by this, he soon realizes that a loyal subordinate jumped in harm’s way to prevent Benjamin from emerging victorious.

  “You seem surprised. There are ideals in this world that are bigger than you could ever hope to comprehend. Actions that have been a very long time in the making,” the figure explains.

  “You are among those who are fortunate enough to see the world as we know it come to an end. This is the Age of the Metallic Siege. You asked for my name, yes? You may refer to me as Varun, the Prophet–the prophet of your demise.”

  Before Benjamin could react, the scorched mercenary leaped from the ground and began strangling him. Trying to pull the death grip from his neck was to no avail, so Benjamin released a fireball at close range. To his shock, his adversary was completely unfazed.

  “I commend you for committing to your beliefs until the end,” Varun proclaimed. “But I’m afraid leaving you alive would, in turn, tarnish our beliefs. We will change the world, child. And that includes finishing what we started at that forsaken Academy.”

  Raising Benjamin up with his right arm, the mercenary summons a blade with his free hand. In the blink of an eye, the mercenary found their vision obscured by Benjamin’s cloak of all things.

  Releasing Benjamin to assess the situation, the foe is immediately ambushed. This strike proved to be powerful enough to be knock back Varun and the other mercenaries. Catching his breath, Benjamin is shocked at who decided to join the fray.


  “The one and only! Did you miss me, handsome?”

  “What are you doing here? The plan was for you to get out of here! Can’t you see this isn’t a game?”

  “Sure, but I don’t remember you getting killed being something we agreed on,” Keenth retorts. “Let’s just say I had a change of heart–we’ll just have to iron out the details some other time.”

  “What makes you think being here will make much of a difference,” Benjamin smirks. “You know that you can’t save the world on your own, right?”

  “Well, it’s a good thing that he’s not alone,” Cory responds.

  Emerging with a handful of warriors, Cory explains that others joined the cause after seeing Benjamin selflessly putting himself in harm’s way. This act of unity proved that Varun was wrong about the people of Hasania.

  “Do you really think a group of low-level rebels will make a difference here?” Varun asks. “I believe I said that you’ll find our methods more than capable of dealing with you. Allow me to erase any doubts from your feeble minds.”

  A hulking mercenary emerged from behind Varun, kicking their fallen comrade with great might towards Keenth and the others. Varun raised his right hand in the air and made it a fist, causing the foe to explode.

  “So that’s how you did it,” Keenth shouts. “That’s how you attacked us at the Academy! It’s time that you pay for that!”

  “Why waste your time mourning for the fallen when you will soon be among them?” Varun responds. “You might not have had the opportunity to catch up with Mr. Palorro, but I made our intentions of finishing what we started very clear.”

  Realizing the meaning of his words, Keenth came to the shocking realization that he was their target all along. Guilt-ridden, Keenth asked Benjamin if this was the reason why he was so adamant in getting Keenth out of the immediate area.

  Without directly responding, Benjamin opted to make things clear with Varun.

  “You’ll find that the warriors that stand here will be enough to handle your worst. The only thing that today will be remembered for is a false prophet and his minions being bested by the proudest that Hasania has to offer,” Benjamin proclaims.

  Benjamin’s words rallied the others to prepare for battle. Immediately, the warriors found themselves swarmed by dozens of more mercenaries. Despite only having about ten warriors among them, they courageously stood ready to defy the odds.

  With his arm still in the air, Varun waved it down, signaling the mercenaries to attack. Noticing this, Benjamin led the allies to do the same. He, Cory, and Keenth charged towards Varun, while striking down any and all opposition on their path.

  This task proved to be more difficult than originally intend
ed once they realized the mercenaries greatly varied in size, scope, and skill. A brute lunged at Keenth, only for his two known allies to defend him, thwarting the attack.

  Through the chaos, Benjamin and Cory were proud at Keenth’s resolve, which, in turn, motivated them to push even harder. Despite all of this, it seemed as though their efforts were not enough against the unrelenting assault.

  Varun causes the fallen mercenaries to explode across the battlefield. What made matters worse is that he could do the same for mercenaries still actively engaged in combat. Enraged, Keenth and Benjamin blitz toward Varun, only for a group of opponents to surround them.

  “Clearly, it was enough to rally the others among you and, for that, you have my respect. With that taken into consideration, it makes it all the clearer to eliminate the most powerful among you here and now.”

  “If that’s how you feel, then just leave Benjamin out of this!”

  “This really isn’t the time or place, Keenth,” Benjamin shouts. “Besides, it’s obvious that he was talking about me!”

  As the two continued to argue, they slowly realized that Varun raised his fist in the air. Cory called out her allies’ names the explosions go off before they could even react.

  Once the smoke cleared, Cory noticed a large wall of ice protecting Keenth and Benjamin. The source of this came from a young woman standing on one of the nearby arches.

  Though a surprise to most on the bridge, Keenth vaguely recognized the person from a distance. Calling her Susan, his thanks are quickly brushed aside.

  “Feel free to get my name right and show your thanks if we survive this,” Beth replies.

  Chapter Four

  “Ayo, Icebox! As much as I appreciate the hand, don’t even think about stealing my thunder,” Benjamin states.

  “But I thought using fire was your thing,” Keenth retorts.

  “It’s called Efir, you fool! You know what I mean! Besides, I have this under control and the last thing I need is any more chefs in the kitchen.”

  “…Yeah, great. Anyway, my name’s Beth. Beth Masterson, Executive Assistant of the Tortugan High Council. I’m here since I owe you one.”

  Keenth could barely hide his confusion at Beth’s words as she approached them. While he was somewhat familiar with the light blue Tortugan Service Uniform, it was her above average height that especially sparked his interest.

  With her dark-brown hair gracefully flowing in the wind, and—

  “Uh, hello? Why are you staring at my eyes like that? Don’t be a creep.”

  “I’m trying to figure out what color your eyes are, Susan!”

  “Hazel! More importantly call me Susan instead of Beth again and I’ll make an example out of you that you won’t soon forget. Are we good?”

  “We’re good. Shoot, you can even say I see you eye to hazel eye—”

  Cory swatted the back of Keenth’s head before he could embarrass himself any further. After formally introducing herself, Cory asked Beth to elaborate on what she said earlier.

  “Right. A couple of my people were in the area when the attack began. Fortunately, they were able to board a large airship to get away from the chaos. They didn’t get anyone’s names, but they were able to describe two particular standouts leading the way.”

  “Let me guess: A warrior and a mage,” Keenth confidently stated.

  “More like a kid in a wizard's robe and some sword-wielding jackass.”

  “Name-calling is totally uncalled for. And the joke’s on them since Cory doesn’t even use a swo—go on.”

  “Anyway, as I was rushing to the bridge, all I thought to myself was that it should have been me there. I guess what I’m trying to say is that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I don’t know what their reasoning is behind the attack, but allow me to repay my debt to you guys,” Beth assures.

  “Hey, that’s what I like to hear! Welcome to the party,” Benjamin replies. “You couldn’t have come at a better time. Truth be told, the guys fighting alongside us are fatigued, so we can’t keep this up for too much longer.”

  “What do you suggest we do? I pushed myself to get here as soon as possible, but I still have enough in my tank to put these low lives in their place.”

  “Let’s just say that babysitting Keenth has been particularly draining, so I’m not exactly at a hundred percent either. These guys aren’t tough on their own, but fighting them off again and again is definitely taking its toll.”

  “I figured as much. Even when surrounded by pawns, you still have to keep your eye on their king.”

  “Well, that’s a lot easier said than done. Even if we have the perfect opening, his crew keeps that Varun guy untouchable. Just take a look, we haven’t even been able to scratch him.”

  “Maybe I could help with that,” Cory interjects. “It was hard to figure it out earlier, but I think I understand their attack patterns. “I have a solution, though it isn’t exactly a practical one.”

  “We’re all ears, Cory. What’s the plan?”

  “Okay, so up until now, I haven’t had the chance to properly gather Hatre energy. It won’t be much, but I can give you and Keenth the opening needed to keep the focus on guys.”

  “Hmm, I think we can work with that. By now, I’m sure they have a pretty good handle on some of my Efir techniques, so if you see an opening, you strike that bastard down, Keenth!”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice! How about you, Beth? What are you going to do?” a fired-up Keenth asks.

  “It’ll take a bit to get ready, but I think the best technique to use is one I like to call Gelida. One touch from me, and he’ll be frozen in an instant,” Beth reveals.

  “The only catch is preparing this leaves me open for attack. So, if there’s anything I ask, it’s that you boys don’t let me down.”

  “Fair enough! You can count on us! After all, difficult takes a day, impossible takes—”

  Keenth is interrupted by Cory’s Hatre-Crown ability that caused stone spikes to violently rise throughout the area.

  Realizing the stones were forming in sporadic bursts, Benjamin knew that this was their opportunity to catch their opponents by surprise. Keenth, on the other hand, would hopefully come to the same conclusion as well.

  “Come on, Cory! A little heads up would be nice! I can barely dodge these—Gah!”

  While Keenth was adjusting, Benjamin rejoined the fray, equipped with two silver chakrams hidden in his sash.

  Looking to conserve his energy and mix things up with his opponents, he engulfed these weapons with Efir flames to enhance his strikes.

  “And here I figured the least a Sage Apprentice attack would be is something worth mentioning,” Varun taunts. “I pray you insects would muster a final resistance worth remembering.”

  “That’s the plan. Hope you like the view!”

  Confused by Cory’s words, Varun finds himself rising on a platform created by her Hatre. Stone spears were created to separate him from the rest of the foes. Despite this, Varun only saw this as delaying the inevitable.

  “Surely, you didn’t think this would be enough to slow me down, child. I commend your efforts, but I assure you that you all are fated to receive an agonizing execution by my hand.”

  “Well, if that’s what you have in mind, then consider this your guillotine!”

  Before Varun could react to the voice from above him, Benjamin combined his weapons to release a monstrous flame shaped as an angled blade.

  This attack was powerful enough to not only destroy Cory’s solid stone pillar, but incapacitate the surrounding enemies as well.

  Having exhausted his remaining energy, Benjamin fell from the sky and was completely worn out. Despite a direct hit from such a devastating move, Varun emerged from the flames, albeit critically harmed.

  Looking to destroy Benjamin with a critical blow, Varun was astonished to find himself unable to move.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s the end of the line, you monster. D
efeat at the hands of those you’ve underestimated,” Beth says while firmly gripping her opponent’s shoulder. “May your corpse shatter with everything you stand for!”

  “Damn you!”

  Beth releases a massive discharge that encased the entire surrounding area in ice. Benjamin realizes that his flames diminish as a frozen haze hauntingly encompassed them.

  Following a brief moment of silence, he gave his newfound ally her due praise.

  “You did it. You really did it. So much for needing us to buy you time, Icebox.”

  “I lied, well, sort of. To use Gelida at its full potential, I need a decent amount of prep time. But if you factor in the water below us and that he was intent on killing you…Well, I think you can figure out the rest,” Beth replies as she catches her breath.

  “It looks to me like you pushed yourself to make up for lost time…It really says a lot about you,” Benjamin replies. “Thank you for making that risk for me, for us. I’m just about spent myself, so I know where you are coming from.”

  “Sure thing, don’t mention it. I have allies that should be here shortly to—”

  Beth was unable to finish speaking due to being impaled through the stomach by a broken spear. Falling to the ground, she turned around to see Varun gazing down on her.

  Questioning how he could possibly survive her attack, Varun rebuked the notion of being measured by mere human standards.

  “Let it be known that compassion for the fool over there is what led to your death, woman. Had you properly executed your strategy, your efforts might have proven slightly more successful,” Varun announces as he raised his spear over Beth’s head.

  Grabbing Varun’s wrist, Beth immobilizes her opponent when his guard was down. Despite finding that he truly could not move, he mused at the fact that Beth and the others still continued to exhaust their efforts in vain.

  “It will only be a moment before I free myself yet again. It is obvious that you are all out of options. Do you really think this will change your fates?”

  “Y-you must have missed the part when I said you underestimate us…NOW!”


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