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Fighter's Fever: The Metallic Siege

Page 5

by Ricardo Nazaire

  At that moment, Cory rescues Beth out of Varun’s reach. Before he could ready an attack on the two, Keenth immediately swings down on the opponent, severing Varun’s arm in the process.

  “That…was for my Academy! As for what you did to Beth and everyone else that you’ve hurt and I’m just getting started.”

  “Ah, I see. So, your plan all along was to disarm me so that I couldn’t utilize my group…Such guerilla tactics...Very impressive,” Varun says as he was unable to rise from the ground. “Despite being inferior to me, the four of you stand triumphant…”

  “Say what you want, but you’re finished. It’s all over,” Keenth states as he readies his stance. Now more than ever, Keenth felt motivated to truly avenge the fallen from the Academy, as well as ensure the efforts of Beth and the others were fully realized.

  “What a shame...Here I thought we were able to comprehend one another,” Varun says as he rises before Keenth. His young opponent attempts to deliver the finishing blow, but Varun sends Keenth flying back several feet, only to be stopped by one of Beth’s frozen formations.

  “While you have earned some of my respect, that does not change the fact your light will be consumed by darkness. As will the rest of Hasania.”

  These were Varun’s final words as he finally collapsed, causing the surrounding area to shake violently.

  Keenth and the others regrouped only to realize that Varun’s defeat had caused the remainder of his mercenaries to begin emitting destructive energy, which would soon explode throughout Prospear Bridge.

  This was their objective all along: To destroy a symbol of hope and unity throughout the region. Keenth drops to his knees when he realizes that Varun might have been right in saying that they could not change fate.

  “Keenth...Keenth! Now’s not the time to give up,” Benjamin shouts as he helps him to his feet. “We didn’t make it this far just to lose now…”

  “He’s right,” Beth supports. “After all, I refuse to believe that this is how our story ends.”

  “What can we do? There’s way too many of them about to go off and there’s not enough time to leave the area,” Keenth says, trying to get himself together.

  “Well, that’s the thing. It’s less of a goal that deals with us and more of one that deals with you,” Cory says approaching Keenth.

  “As despicable as our enemy was, I agree with him when it comes to fate. That said, I feel that it’s part of our fate to get you out of here safely.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? There’s no way we aren’t leaving together! I’ve been down this road before and I refuse to let it ever happen again.”

  “While we appreciate the thought, you have to be realistic. I’m barely able to stand and that’s only thanks to Cory healing what she could with the little strength she has left,” Beth says, shattered pieces of ice covering her wound. “I’m only deadweight at this point. Don’t let me or any of us slow you down…”

  Keenth was speechless, but the expression on his face spoke volumes. Seeing how selfless his allies were in the face of impending doom caused him to feel an abundance of emotions.

  His eyes began to well with tears as his comrades smiled at him in reassurance. Before he could respond, Keenth swiftly fell out of consciousness. Beth and Cory began to speak about this, but Benjamin insisted this was for the best.

  “What are you giving me that look for? I’m pretty sure that the kid was starting to cry and we don’t have a lot of time left,” Benjamin says as he eases Keenth down.

  “Besides, I’m sure he won’t let us down. At least, I hope he won’t.”

  “I would never take you as someone who banked on hope,” Cory teases.

  “Yeah, yeah. More importantly, are you sure that you’re up for this? There’s really no turning back from here.”

  “Thank you, Benjamin, but I’ve already made my decision. Lord Haden entrusted me with protecting Keenth from malicious forces on his journey and I have done my best to fulfill that,” Cory carries on, while holding back tears.

  “I j-just hope that if we don’t make it alive, that at least, he’ll remember me…”

  “Of course, he will. I’m sure of it, Cory. Come on, now’s the time. Take my hand. You oughta join in too, Beth. I could use all the help that I can get.”

  Even though she was initially confused, Beth joined Benjamin and Cory to form a triangle around Keenth.

  Benjamin wasn’t properly trained using teleportation abilities, but he knew enough to attempt to send Keenth out of the area.

  With their eyes closed, they put their remaining efforts in saving the young man.

  “Alright, I need you guys to focus your Auraen to align with mine for this. We only have one shot, but we’re not sending him to Lord Haden. I can only teleport someone to a place that I’ve been to before. But by trying to send him to where I have in mind, I know he will be in good hands soon.”

  “Well, Benjamin, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but it’s now or never,” Beth says, sensing that they only had a few moments left.

  “Call me, Ben. Even though I feel a certain way about how it ended, I wouldn’t have met up with you three otherwise. It’s been real, guys! Alright, here goes nothing!”

  Focusing the last of their power on Keenth, the four are surrounded by a soft white light.

  “Stay alive, Keenth. We won’t be too far behind…And that’s a promise…”

  Aya speeds on her motorcycle, only to be stopped in her tracks at the sight of a bright blue glow engulfing the Prospear Bridge from a distance.

  She slowly removes her helmet to observe this unnatural phenomenon.

  Dropping her phone with Madam Chambers on the line, her inaudible reaction gradually became a piercing scream of sorrow and despair.

  Chapter Five

  “56-0406, Agent Jennifer Connors reporting.”

  “At ease, Agent Connors. I am Director Byron Alteme, and I will be overseeing this special hearing that you have requested. Also in attendance are elite Agents, Laurent Masterson and Elise Van, along with members of the Executive Council,” Director Alteme states from his podium.

  “Though this special hearing was made at your request, please note that members of the Executive Council and myself can conclude this hearing at any time. Do you understand, Agent Connors?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Agent Connors replied before she sat. “Respectfully, requesting to provide my opening statement.”

  Taking place just days after the attack on the Prospear Bridge, the atmosphere of the special hearing was tense.

  Several members of the Executive Council speak among themselves before signaling Agent Connors to proceed.

  “Greetings to the Executive Director, my elite Agents, and members of the council. Thank you for granting a special hearing in regards to Agent Keyes’ investigation. As the leading Agent of the investigation, I am respectfully requesting additional manpower and resources in order to conduct this properly.”

  “We granted what you initially requested and you could not accomplish things then. What benefit would come from entertaining your request, Ms. Connors? How would things be any different now?” one of the councilmen asks.

  “Given the recent attacks on the Training Academy and the Prospear Bridge, we have reason to believe that they are connected to the Keyes Investigation. Given the scale of these incidences, this warrants additional support. Support, as you know, that would require to be granted by the Executive Council,” Agent Connors responds.

  “You didn’t answer his question, so allow me to rephrase, Ms. Connors. What makes you think that you are in any position to support this investigation any more than you already have with additional funds?” another councilman bluntly states.

  Knowing that the members of the Executive Council were attempting to unnerve her, Agent Connors was mindful not to let their behavior get the better of her. Instead, she opted to provide projections on where the investigation would go.

  “Let m
e make this as clear as possible, Agent Connors. The handling of the Keyes Investigation has been a failure in the eyes of the Executive Council and, frankly, the world over,” Director Alteme states, while those in attendance collectively agree with murmurs.

  “The stagnant nature of this investigation was in no way beneficial to the already apprehensive perception of the LanTech Empire. So, for you to request this hearing in an attempt to fruitlessly pour even more resources into this is absolutely arrogant on your part.”

  “I’m sorry, but arrogant? Do you consider spearheading an investigation on the murder of a veteran Agent to be arrogant? Maybe reports and statements regarding all of this are not enough to justify your opinion on how crucial this operation is so I will say it like this,” Agent Connors replies, staring directly at Director Alteme.

  “Agent Keyes was just the beginning. If individuals could attack him, knowing the ramifications that would follow, what’s to say that they would not attack the Training Academy as well? Or a goddamn bridge halfway to hell like they did with Prospear? If we don’t get to the root of this, there is no telling how dark things will get.”

  “And would that be such a problem, Agent Connors? Would that be such a hindrance for you and your fellow Agents?” Director Alteme counters. “Perhaps the real root of the issue is that there are those in the world who felt comfortable enough to strike the ‘Invincible Empire’ in the first place.”

  “I’m not sure what you are implying, but I’ll have you know that I have faithfully served as an Agent for years without the need to prove my status by blind force. That was a principle passed on to me by the late Agent Keyes and I’ll be damned if that stops anytime soon.”

  “If principles like those are what he stood by, it is no small wonder that he’s not standing here to speak for himself right now, is it?” Director Alteme replies.

  “Understand this,” Director Alteme continues. “Well before this investigation, the Executive Council has expressed its thoughts on how complacent certain personnel among the LanTech Empire have become over the years. It was only a matter of time before others took the opportunity to turn the tide.”

  “Battles and wars take place in Hasania and the rest of the world, we all know that to be true. LanTech has served as a means of balancing the order. To suggest that we play the roles of judge, jury, and executioner is not balance–it is tyranny,” Agent Connors replies.

  “The fact that we are even entertaining this hearing goes to show how far this movement has fallen, Connors. Do you really think the rest of the world is taking a pause while we have this little gathering? No, this will not do. It will not do at all.”

  “Enough of this! Agent Connors, let it be known that you have officially been relieved as the leading Agent in charge of the Keyes Investigation, effective immediately. From here, you will return to your post under Elite Agent Masterson in terms of generating a dominant presence throughout the northwestern region of Cordela.”

  “Director! What is there to gain from this? We have come too far with this investigation just to let it go to the wayside.”

  “Yes, but the Keyes Investigation isn’t coming to a close,” Director Alteme replies.

  “56-0409, Agent James Fallon reporting.”

  “Wait, Fallon? Fallon?? What the hell is going on here?!” Agent Connors questions as the young man comes forward. “Is this some kind of joke? Explain yourself!”

  “There isn’t anything to explain. At least not to you, Agent Connors. This decision is out of my hands,” Agent Fallon responds.

  “The data that I’ve gathered throughout the investigation was falling on deaf ears. Knowing how important all of this is, I forwarded that information up the chain. From there, the Executive Council made their determination that—”

  “So, you think you can bypass me just to get your point across and there won’t be any consequences? You have a lot of things coming to you!”

  “That’s enough. From all of you,” Agent Masterson says. “It seems as though the council made their decision long before you even requested this hearing, Agent Connors.”

  “Then it is settled,” Director Alteme, says motioning for the hearing to reach its conclusion. “Be sure to turn over any and all classified materials relating to the Keyes Investigation to Agent Fallon before departing for Cordela, Agent Connors.”

  “Not just yet,” Agent Masterson adds. “While I acknowledge the Executive Council’s decision with changes regarding the Keyes Investigation, I cannot in good faith allow such a junior Agent to single-handedly take the reins.”

  “Then what do you suggest, Masterson?”

  “Bring in Agent Giles as a Senior Advisor to the Keyes Investigation. Given his familiarity with the case and his standing as an Agent, it would be in the best interest of everyone moving forward. Namely, Command Officer Lansient, who suggested Agent Giles in case the changes regarding the investigation were to take place.”

  “So, your Commander anticipated such. Interesting…Very well, we’ll allow it. With that, this hearing has come to a close,” Director Alteme states as the Executive Council looms from a distance.

  Solemnly nodding to Agent Masterson and having given so much towards the investigation, Agent Connors collects herself before acknowledging the changes that were well beyond her control.

  “May your actions reflect the interests of the LanTech Empire going forward. If the recent events have told us anything, it is that your adversaries will not hesitate to destroy you and everything you stand for. Be sure to enforce that same sentiment,” Director Alteme orders.

  “Right...By any means,” Agent Fallon thinks to himself.

  That same morning, Aya arrives at the Tortugan capital at Madam Chambers’ request. Echoing what was said at the special hearing, the people were growing restless of the recent attacks. Change, whether good or bad, was definitely on the horizon.

  “Ma’am, I take it you arranged this meeting so I wouldn’t just barge in unannounced,” Aya drily states. “Did you really think making me take a couple days of leave would be enough for things to cool things over?”

  “Aya, you don’t have nearly even enough days on the books to ever calm yourself down,” Madam Chambers replies. “These last few days were more disturbing for me than anyone else. I just needed some time to gather my thoughts. Though I hate to say it, a few days just weren’t enough, given the circumstances.”

  “I understand, Ma’am. So, what do we do from here,” Aya says as she sits down. “Something, well, anything, is better than just waiting for the next attack to happen.”

  “As you know, I’ve tried to be as transparent as I could as your leader and mentor throughout the years, but I do believe this is the first time I have no clear direction.”

  “When I entered the position as the Tortuga High Council, it was a means to help unify us,” Madam Chambers continues. “While there have been highs and lows along the way, it was always proven time and time again that we were on a positive path. But it seems that all of that changed.”

  “If you’re blaming yourself for some reason, then please stop right there,” Aya replies. “Everything we stand for has been a pillar for Tortuga and beyond. If we start giving up hope when Tortuga needs us, then we’ll only have ourselves to blame, when all is said and done.”

  “Hmm. Who would’ve thought young Ayanna would be the one giving wisdom to an old relic like myself? That’s the spirit, alright. Thank you,” Madam Chambers warmly states. “We’ll get through this. The fire of hope is still smoldering yet.”

  “As long as you at least try to simply call me Aya, then consider me in. We may not have a lot of personnel and resources at the moment, but if my time here has taught me anything, we will definitely make do with what we have.”

  “Absolutely, Aya. Speaking of which, I have some news about Elizabeth.”

  “Really?? What kind of news? How is she doing?”

  “Well. Elizabeth, I’m sorry, Beth is gradually recovering fro
m her injuries. We are definitely grateful, considering many others on the bridge did not make it out alive.”

  “Beth. She would be too stubborn to let a freaking terror attack keep her down,” a relieved Aya responds. “I really can’t say I’m surprised that she’s okay.”

  “If I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you expected me to kick the bucket!”


  “The one and only,” Beth responds from Madam Chambers’ phone. “Since I couldn’t be there in person, I asked if I could be placed on speaker. Had I known you would be blabbing away, then I probably would have—”

  “You idiot,” Aya quietly responds, holding back tears. “You stupid, idiot.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Missed you too, Aya. We can catch up later, but have we heard from our personnel in the area? Are they okay?”

  “Oh! Yes, their airship was able to take off. Word has it that some loud mouth brat and a few others were fending off attackers so that people could escape,” Aya replies. “I thought it was a joke at first, but after hearing that—”

  “They were saved by some idiot with a sword.” Beth quietly laughs to herself. “He has a name...His name is Keenth. A bit rough around the edges, but the kid has heart.”

  “Stop the press: Beth actually made a friend? Despite the circumstances, I am truly speechless at the thought,” Madam Chambers jokingly interjects. “All things considered; it looks like there was some good to come out of this as well.”

  “It was one hell of a ride alright. Something that I won’t forget anytime soon,” Beth replies.

  “There were dozens of those stone-faced attackers. And this guy named Ben with flames. Oh, and Cory! How could I forget Cory? She saved my life! Well, technically, it was a group effort, so it doesn’t really—”

  “It sounds like there’s a lot we’ve got to talk about. Maybe over some drinks once you are back on your feet,” Aya suggests. “You’d be paying, of course. Don’t expect any sympathy from me, young lady.”


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