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His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2)

Page 25

by Thia Finn

  “Sure, I can do that.” She shut the door behind her. When she walked through the lobby, she passed Krissy’s desk. She wished there was a way to avoid walking out this way, but it was the only way that led out to the parking lot without having to walk around the entire block.

  “Hey, Peri, did you get all of your problems worked out?” Krissy’s voice was friendly for a change.

  “Yes, I did. Thanks for asking.” Not wanting to hold a conversation with her, Peri kept walking.

  “Do you think you could stop long enough to talk to me then?” Krissy stood up behind her desk.

  “Uh, sure.” Peri turned around and stared at Krissy from head to toe, still amazed at how small Krissy was this far along. “You’re looking really good, Krissy.” What pregnant woman didn’t want to hear that compliment?

  “Thanks, you look great, too. Do you think you can come to dinner with Ryan this week so the three of us can talk about arrangements for the time they are going on tour?”

  “Uh, sure, if you want me to, I can.”

  “I really would like you to. I know I’ve been a real bitch. And you have every reason to hate me, but now that we are both pregnant and going to be abandoned for the next several months while our babies’ daddy is off entertaining the masses, I thought maybe we could try being civil to each other.”

  Peri was shocked. She didn’t know how to respond to Krissy’s extended olive branch but realized their unusual predicament would be better off without having to wrestle with the beast of animosity every time they needed to deal with something. They were all going to be in this together for the long haul after all.

  “We were friends once, Peri. I’m sure if we both put our differences aside for the babies’ sakes; we could be friends again. I mean, after all, I’m sure they are going to be seeing a lot of each other over the years with them being so close in age, and who knows, they could even be good friends.”

  Peri still hadn’t responded. She couldn’t believe what she heard out of Krissy’s mouth. For one, she didn’t know if she could trust what Krissy was offering. Was this another ploy to get Ryan back or was she genuine in her request?

  Not wanting to stand in the way of progress with Krissy, Peri replied, “Yes, you’re probably right. I mean, who knows what’s going to happen after the babies are born.”

  Krissy seemed a little thrown off by Peri’s comment, like she wanted to ask questions but thought better of it.

  Peri held in her apprehensions about the shift in Krissy’s approach and hoped for the best.

  “Okay, Peri, I’ll see you on Wednesday then.” She smiled at her, and Peri returned it with reservation.

  This sudden about-face couldn’t be simply because of a common bond of impending motherhood, and the half-sibling link their babies would share, could it? Surely, Krissy wouldn’t come to her senses so abruptly and give up her conniving ways simply of out of sympathy for my predicament? If Peri had learned anything in recent months, it was to be cautious of what Krissy said and did, and now was no exception.

  The band members stepped out of the limo offering the fans a sensational sight. So many gorgeous men at one time climbed from the sleek, black stretch limo, eliciting screams from the fangirls and shouts from the photographers trying to get the musicians to turn their direction so they could capture newsworthy shots of the rock star entourage. Gunner and Carter stepped out first in designer tuxedos that were custom-fitted to their muscular bodies. They knew what would get the ladies’ attention, and they worked it to the Nth degree, drawing cries for attention for pictures and autographs, marriage proposals, and more lewd propositions all in a heated frenzy.

  Krissy stepped out next, followed by Ryan and then Peri. To keep peace in the family, they decided he would escort them woman into the building. Neither woman chose clothing that accentuated their growing bellies, so no questions came from the crowd. Chandler and KeeMac were the last to emerge from the limo and everyone screamed his name. He took the time to wave to fans and then wrapped Chandler into his side and kissed her soundly for all to see, causing the fans to scream even more. He knew how to work a crowd.

  The night went off exactly as planned. Peri did a wonderful job of listening to their ideas for the party and tried to incorporate everything they wanted. Assured Distraction played several songs from the new album, and the audience loved the new music. Of course, with several of the songs already playing as top ten or number one hits, the music was well-recognized as soon as the songs began.

  Krissy stood by Peri while the band was finishing up on the last song. “I love the new songs on this CD.”

  “Yeah, they did a great job with the music. Ryan said they wrote most of it while on tour with Frission, so Chandler can be proud of it, too.” Peri’s smile was wide as she watched the band and it was easy to see she was happy.

  “I’ve given a lot of thought to some ideas about what we can do while they’re gone, Peri. I’m glad we’ll have a chance to talk on Wednesday before they leave.”

  “That’s good, Krissy. I want it to be productive since a lot of decisions need to make.” The two smiled at each other and Peri was beginning to think maybe they could make something work.

  Champagne flowed the whole night, and the moms-to-be drank sparkling white grape juice and water in flutes. The whole band laughed, danced, and enjoyed the party as they should have without problems or arguments. Even Cash came and sat with the band which evened out the seating until Carter snagged a beautiful redhead from the crowd and from that moment on, she was sitting in his lap. Gunner, on the other hand, ditched the band early claiming he met someone earlier and was leaving to meet up with them.

  “Wow, I wonder why Gunner didn’t bring the girl to this party to enjoy the festivities,” KeeMac said to the group in general.

  “No way, not with this bunch of dickheads to harass her, or them,” Carter added. “Who knows, there’s probably more than one, knowing the direction his tastes have been running these days. If he’s lucky, maybe they’re twins.” Carter’s remarks got laughs out of the entire group.

  “How can some dumb shit drummer manage to pull in so many hot women at the same time? KeeMac wondered aloud.

  “Is this the beginning of a dumb drummer joke, because I haven’t heard it if it is?” Carter asked. They all razzed Gunner so much with them and anything else they could think to throw his way that he barely even reacted to them anymore. He’d heard so many in his life; he’d secretly hoped the old jibes would die away, but it never seemed to stop the band from telling them.

  By the time the party was over, Peri was exhausted. They all climbed back into separate vehicles and headed home. Most everyone was intoxicated, which was what Peri expected, so she hired separate cars to take them all home safely. Krissy rode home with them, and Ryan saw her to the door.

  “Thank you, Ryan,” Krissy said. “I know you weren’t excited about including me on your date for the night.”

  He leaned into the door jamb and smiled since standing straight was a bit of a challenge. “It’s alright, Krissy. I’m glad we are learning to get along. I want you to be happy, and maybe one day, you’ll find the guy that does that for you.” He kissed her on the cheek and made his way slowly back to their ride after she shut the door to her apartment.

  Hayden was already home from his gig and surprised her when she found him slouched on the couch in the dim living room. “Was that awkward for you, Krissy?”

  She could tell he had been drinking from his slurred speech, spotting a six-pack on the coffee table. “No, actually, it was a nice evening being around old friends and not being treated like an outcast.”

  “That’s good,” he laid his head on the back of the couch.

  “How was your show tonight?” she asked stepping out of her heels that were killing her.

  “Good. They want me back, but we’ll be on tour by the time they have another open Saturday.” His head lolled forward, and he reached for another beer.

ayden, don’t you think you’ve had enough? You can’t even hold your head up.” She laughed when he slid over sideways.

  “I don’t know yet. Can I still feel my hands?” His used his left hand to grab the right one. “Yeah, it’s still attached.” He started laughing at his antics, obviously finding himself quite hilarious in his inebriated state.

  Krissy rolled her eyes. “Come on, big boy. Let’s get you in your bed.”

  “But I don’t want to go to bed yet. I want to hear about your fancy date.”

  “Maybe tomorrow when you can remember it.” She helped him to his feet and steered him into his room where he did a face plant into the bed. She shifted him into position so she could take off his boots and rolled him fully into the bed. “You’re still such a kid, Hayden.”

  “No, I’m a man, Krissy.” She laughed out loud at his vehemence that was followed almost instantly by soft snoring.

  When Wednesday night rolled around, they all gathered for dinner at Krissy and Hayden’s apartment. The guys decided to grill steaks since the fall weather was finally cooling Austin down some. Peri and Krissy sat out on the little patio and visited while the guys pretended to be master chefs. Eating outside made it a more relaxed atmosphere for what they all were worried was going to be a difficult discussion. Hayden offered to do the dishes while they talked.

  “So, Krissy, do you have everything you need when the baby gets here?” Peri asked, hoping to break the ice with something pleasant.

  “Yeah, I think so. I used a list I got online since I have no idea about what babies need.”

  “I many need to borrow that list from you then.” Peri laughed.

  Ryan leaned back in his chair and pulled a long drink from his frosted beer bottle. When he finished, he looked at Krissy. “What do you want to do when the baby comes, Krissy? I know you’ve thought about it.”

  “Since there is no one to call, I decided to call a cab to get me to the hospital.” She didn’t seem angry when she said it, just resigned to the idea.

  “No, that’s not going to happen,” Ryan said. “I’ll have a car on standby to take you.”

  “No, Ryan, that’s ridiculous,” Peri chimed in. “I’ll be here and I can take her.”

  The other two eyed her like she had grown a unicorn horn. “That’s not necessary, Peri.” Krissy was quick to point out. “I can take the car service or cab or whatever.”

  “No, you don’t need to go alone to the hospital. I’ll be here, and I’ll take you and stay with you while you’re having the baby. It’s Ryan’s baby we’re talking about, and I don’t want you to be alone.”

  Before Krissy could think, tears rolled down her cheeks, and she wiped them away. “Damn hormones,” she said. “That’s very generous of you, Peri, but I don’t expect you to do that for me.”

  “I’m not doing it because I should; I’m doing it because you’re my friend, and you’re having Ryan’s baby.” Ryan held Peri’s hand and squeezed it. He couldn’t fathom the degree of kindness Peri was capable of, especially with Krissy and after all the grief she caused them over the past several months.

  “Peri, are you sure about this?” Ryan asked her.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve been thinking about this, too. That’s going to be our baby’s half-brother or sister, and they will spend most of their lives growing up together. Why not start now?”

  Krissy openly cried at Peri’s statement, which in turn caused Peri to erupt with emotion. Hayden picked that time to walk back outside with a beer in hand.

  “Whoa, whoa. Oh God, do I need to leave?”

  The two girls said in unison, “No!” He sat down, half out of fear of his retreat drawing their ire, and viewed Ryan for reassurance, but only received a shrug of his befuddled cousin’s shoulders.

  “Actually,” Peri said. “I’ve been thinking about you leaving, Ryan, and the two of us both being alone. I think Krissy should consider moving into my house while you’re gone. There’s an extra bedroom downstairs, and if she goes into labor, I’ll be right there with her.”

  Krissy turned and stared at Peri. She couldn’t believe what Peri was offering.

  “It will be easier not to have to go over to the apartment to get her, and if something were to go wrong early, she wouldn’t be alone.” Peri reached across the table for Krissy’s hand. “You don’t have to do this alone, Krissy. We can do this together.” Ryan reached for Peri’s other hand and pulled it to his mouth for a kiss, completely lost for something to say to her thoughtfulness toward Krissy.

  All Krissy could do was cry. She had felt alone for so long now that she was overwhelmed at Peri’s kindness and acceptance.

  “It’s going to be great, Krissy. You’ll see.”

  Assured Distraction’s bus pulled out of the studio parking lot on the first leg of their freshman headline tour, and the band was full of excitement to play the first show in Baton Rouge, LA. The venue filled rapidly with college kids from Louisiana State University. The fans loved Hayden’s performance with the band Cash put together to back him. With the new country music having a rock and roll sound to it, Hayden was able to pull off opening for a band like AD. The crossover music he chose fit in perfectly with this audience. He was awestruck by the sheer number of fans in the larger venue after playing only in bars and clubs in the Austin area.

  By the time AD hit the stage, the fans were ready to hear their music, old and new, and the band did not disappoint. Gunner started off the first number tapping out the beat with his sticks high above his head. Both guitars and the bass came in, and finally, Chandler joined on the keyboard. Between the music, the multi-colored spotlights and strobes flashing in every direction, and the cool steam shooting up from the floor around the front of the stage, the atmosphere was primed, and the fans fell under the spell of Assured Distraction for nearly two solid hours of their best live set to-date.

  At one point during the set, KeeMac and Ryan were back-to-back, dueling above the audience’s roars and cries for more. Finally, two laughed proving their time on stage was successful and fun, the way concerts were supposed to be.

  Night after night, the band rocked with the fans and loved every minute of it. When the show was over, KeeMac and Chandler found their own quiet space, as usual. Carter and Gunner found beautiful women to invite backstage to entertain them and most nights they dragged Hayden into the fray never turning down anything he offered along the way.

  While Gunner had a good time partying in the lounge after each show, he let the girls leave with Hayden and Carter. Carter noticed this pattern after a few stops and was surprised when he would find Gunner back on the bus alone. He wanted to ask him about it but decided it wasn’t any of his business. He made a mental note to talk about it when it was just the two of them.

  A couple of weeks after being on the road, Ryan cornered Carter. “Why are y’all dragging Hayden into your shit every damn night?”

  “Dude, we are teaching him to be a star! You know he’s headed that way, and Gunner and I want him to know the ropes long before we ship him off on his own. The kid’s taken a liking to the ladies.” Carter was already intoxicated and had beautiful Barbie doll types under each arm.

  “Yeah, someone’s gotta take him under their wing ‘cause you’re already pussy-whipped and know you’re not going to help the kid out.” Gunner snagged an auburn beauty from the front row when she sling-shotted a tiny red thong that landed on his lap behind the drum kit. While he allowed the women to capture his attention, he never left with them or participated past having a few drinks with them surprising the rest of the band.

  “Just make sure he wraps his shit up and doesn’t catch anything from one of those skanks, please. I sure would hate to see him ruined for life.” Ryan laughed but knew he was offering good advice.

  “No way man, we tell the kid all the time, ‘No glove, no love.'” Gunner high-fived Carter.

  “Y’all are sick,” Ryan commented watching them. .

  “Yeah, but we are safe! Ain
’t that right, doll?” Carter kissed the beautiful, fair-skinned woman on the lips. “Later, I’ll see y’all back on the bus in a couple of hours. I think the bed is ours tonight. Right, ladies?” Carter asked, and all he received were smoldering stares from the two that said they were only wanting to put a rock star-notch on their belts by morning.

  Ryan tipped his head at Carter and walked out to the hallway to give Peri a call in relative quiet.

  “Hey Sunshine,” he said as soon as she answered.

  “Hey, yourself. What are you doing right now?”

  “I stepped into the hallway to call you. I miss you, Babe.”

  “I miss you, too. I mean, I really miss you.” She said in a sultry tone. “Are you alone?”

  “Yeah, but I’m in the hall. Why, what did you have in mind?”

  “Can you find a room to yourself?”

  “Sure, hang on. Okay, I’m alone now in a dressing room.” He was already getting hard just thinking about what she might be proposing over the phone. His phone set off a tone for Facetime, and he quickly touched the circle on the screen.

  “Peri, oh my God, babe. You are so beautiful lying in our bed. You know what that does to me seeing you with all your black hair around you on those white satin pillows. Why do you still have clothes on?” He rubbed the outline of his hard cock with the palm of his hand.

  “I was waiting for you to help me undress. Tell me what you want me to do first.”

  The demi bra barely contained her now enlarged breasts, but she knew he loved this bra, so she wore it just for him tonight.

  “Slowly pull the straps to that beauty down your arms until those sweet tits pop out the top for me.” He unbuttoned his leather pants to relieve the discomfort they were causing. She did what he asked, seductively trailing a finger from her mouth down her chest and over the tops of her swollen breasts, setting a sexy teasing pace to entice him even more. When they spilled out of their bindings, Ryan sucked in a breath. “Now take those sweet hoops and tug them a little, just enough to ramp up the feeling, baby. I know how pulling those rings gets your sweet juices flowing.”


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