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His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2)

Page 26

by Thia Finn

  She dropped her head back and let a moan slip from her throat when she did it. “Now what, Ryan? What do you want me to do next?”

  “Can you get the tips to your mouth now that they have grown so much? I would love to see you lick those sweet nipples.”

  Peri cupped her breasts from below and pulled them up stretching her tongue until she could lick her nipples and move the rings around. “Stop, Peri, please. I’m going to blow in my pants if you keep that up.”

  “Then take your pants off, Ryan. Wouldn’t want you to make a mess of your favorite leathers.” He followed her directions and slid his pants and boxer briefs down his legs and sat back on the small couch in the room. Propping one leg on the couch, he kept one on the floor. “Show me, Ryan. I want to see you stroke yourself.”

  He smiled at how she asked to see his engorged cock that ached with the need to be inside her. “How’s that, Babe?”

  “Oh, wow, Ryan. I wish you here, so I could take you in my mouth.” Her lips coated in the red lipstick he loved made him ready to bust a nut, but when she brought the phone up close to her mouth and formed an O-shape as if she was about to swallow him up, he let out a long, low growl.

  “Damn, Peri, that’s fucking hot.” He wrapped his big hand around himself under the head and squeezed hard enough to keep from coming.

  “What now, Ryan?”

  “Pull those pretty little panties of yours off and go slow, I want to watch you push them down your beautiful body and off your little feet.” She did as he asked. “Now, prop those feet up on each side of your hips so I can see all of you perfectly.” She did as he asked, causing him to suck in a loud breath and let out a loud moan to follow it when he saw her spread out for him.

  She turned the screen so he could catch all of her movements. When he had her pull back her lips so he could see her swollen clit, he wanted to lick the screen.

  “Lay back, Babe. I know you’re not comfortable but hold the phone so I can see what you’re doing.” She turned around and propped the phone on the pillow so he could watch her. “Now touch yourself so I can see how you like it.”

  Peri followed through with the touching until she had three fingers inside herself and was on the verge of the pleasure she was chasing. Ryan growled at her, “Do it, babe. Let yourself go. Think of me touching you when you come because I can’t hold off any longer.”

  Their exquisite release of pleasure was loud and hard; he got so caught up in the intensity of his orgasm he failed to control where it was going and sent a gush of his seed over his phone screen. Eventually, he was able to talk again and wiped the screen off. “Damn, Babe, that was the best thing I’ve done since we’ve left Austin. Why did we wait so long to have some hot phone sex?”

  She was breathing hard still but smiled at his comment. “I’m not sure that was a good position for my big belly.”

  “Babe, I would give anything if I was there to rub that precious skin with my baby growing inside. It’s the most beautiful part of you right now. Don’t get me wrong, your wet pussy is gorgeous but our baby growing in there is the best thing I’ve seen in my entire life. It makes me so proud to know you are protecting out little one with your body.”

  “I love you, Ryan.” Peri said, and she rubbed her hands protectively across her protruding belly.

  “I love you, too, Peri, and I love our baby growing inside you. Don’t ever think that’s not beautiful. I can’t tell you enough how much love I feel for you and how much I miss you night and day. Sometimes, I wake up at night and reach over feeling for you and find a wall instead. It tears me up to not be able to hold you when I sleep.”

  “Now that makes me miss you even more. I love you. Goodnight, Ryan.”

  “Goodnight, Sunshine. I love you.”

  She hung up in a hurry before she cried into the phone. She didn’t want him to feel even worse about being out on tour without her.

  He ended the call, and walked over to the sink to clean off the screen, laughing to himself about their conversation and how things had happened, and thought to himself about how perfect she was for him in every way.

  The nights passed slowly for Peri and Krissy. Peri had begun to worry about Krissy’s small size. She failed to gain any weight and Peri was concerned something was wrong. They used different doctors and Krissy always went alone to her appointments, so Peri never learned too many facts, other than the little Krissy shared.

  Where Peri had Ryan to speak with nightly, Krissy had no one to confide in during her final months. Peri recognized Krissy’s depression and tried to find things for them to do that she thought Krissy would enjoy. They shopped after work and went to dinner several times a week, neither girl wanting to cook after working all day.

  While dining one evening after the guys were away for over a month, Peri mustered the courage to talk to Krissy about the baby’s arrival. “Have you thought about names for the baby yet, Krissy?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been searching online for names. Since I don’t know what I’m having, I have to come up with both. I’ve thought about using some family names and wondered if Ryan would want to have one of his relative’s names given to the baby. When I brought it up, he seemed pissed off that I even asked.” Krissy eyed her and Peri wondered where she was going with this. The two had reconnected in recent weeks and bonded over their pregnancies but apparently Krissy still held some animosity toward her over Ryan’s love.

  “I don’t know if he wants to do that either. We haven’t talked about it.” Peri quickly replied. She knew Ryan would never go for giving Krissy’s baby a family name.

  “I’ve thought of a few already that I like, though. Like I might name it: Lila or Leta, if it’s a girl, and maybe Jarrod, if it’s a boy.”

  “Those are good names. I especially like Leta, it’s different. Are you not giving them middle names, or have you not thought that far yet?” Peri wanted to know Krissy’s choices because she would never want to choose anything similar.

  “Yeah, I like Ryann for a girl. Jarrod was my grandfather’s name, and I loved him so much. I would like to remember him in some way, and I like the way Jarrod Ryan Powell sounds.”

  “It’s cute and works well with Powell. JR would be a cute nickname, too.” The two laughed a little over that idea.

  “We’ll have to wait and see when it gets here.” She absentmindedly rubbed her small soccer ball through her shirt.

  Peri decided this was a good a time as any to ask about her lack of weight gain. “Krissy, has the doctor said anything about your weight gain with the baby? You’re still so small for as far along as you are. I’m worried about you.”

  “The doctor says everything is fine, and it’s all great. I’m going to have another sonogram soon since they’re a little unsure about the due date still.” Krissy smiled. “I’m pretty sure I know when we got pregnant, but the doctor insists on checking me again.”

  This subject wasn’t Peri felt comfortable talking about with her, so she let it drop. “Seems as though I’m tired all of the time. I was hoping now that I’m getting close to the last trimester I would start that whole ‘need to nest’ boost of energy thing.”

  “I know what you mean. I’m going over to the apartment to make sure the baby’s room is ready to go. All of the baby’s shit seems scattered everywhere. I’m hoping Hayden will want to move out when they get back, and then I’ll move into his room, and the baby will have its own room. I doubt he’ll want to live there with a crying baby and all.”

  “I’m sure he’ll want his own place, too, and he should be making decent enough money by then. He’s been working so damn hard for Cash, and surely without paying rent, he’s been saving a lot. The boy surely banked some major funds if he’s smart.” Peri was glad to hear Krissy planned to move back to their apartment. While she was glad to have Krissy living with her for now, she didn’t want her back there when the baby came. The thought of watching Krissy gushing over how much Ryan was going to be so happy once their baby came bother
ed her already. Peri had done her best to stay positive with Krissy, but little things were starting to get to her. She guessed it was a hormonal thing or motherly instincts because normally she would be happy to be around the new baby.

  “I’m counting on it. It’s not my house, and I can’t kick him out or anything. I thought being young and single, he would want a place to himself or maybe with one of the guys. I’m sure after the tour and all the shit they get into on that bus, he’ll find moving back into the apartment with a baby there less than appealing.”

  Peri turned away, not wanting Krissy to know how much her comment bothered her. Ryan was on the bus, too. Based on the prior performances from her first tour, she knew Carter and Gunner got their fill of groupies every chance they could, and KeeMac and Chandler would want their own alone time. Where did that leave Ryan? She felt fat, and tired, and swollen all the time now. Since their night of great phone sex, she’d avoided Skyping or Facetiming with him, using the excuse that Krissy was around. She didn’t want him to see how big she had grown. In her mind, she was going to be huge and ugly by the time he got home, especially after he’d spent the last few months staving off beautiful and willing women swarming around him almost every night.

  “Yeah, it’s going to be strange having Ryan come home to this beach ball I’m carrying. Seems like it blossomed as soon as he left.” Peri gazed down at her baby belly. “It was a bump when he left; now it’s become a full grown belly.”

  Krissy gave Peri a knowing look but made no comments to her.

  The next month passed by quickly. The parallel pregnancies meant a lot of common ground to share, so there was always something to share. With Krissy farther along than Peri, she always came home with new information from her doctor visits, things she knew Peri had yet to experience.

  Peri was still concerned that she was getting bigger and bigger, and Krissy seemed never to gain an ounce of weight. She hated to keep bringing it up, but when Krissy came home from her weekly appointments that had started in the last month of her pregnancy, she wanted to ask questions. Peri tried to go with her a few times, but Krissy was adamant about going on her own.

  “I’m fine, Peri. I’ve done all of it alone. Don’t worry about me. You have enough on your plate to worry about with yours.” Krissy had barely gained any more weight but, at least, was now starting to show.

  “We are going to find out what our baby is when Ryan gets home. He wanted me to hold off until he could see it and hear it, too.” Peri was excited to find out about it at her next appointment.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he will.” Krissy gave Peri a strained smile, and Peri wished she hadn’t mentioned it to her. She felt like she was gloating over having Ryan, and running it in Krissy’s face.

  “I’m sorry, Krissy. I didn’t mean it like that.” She hugged Krissy and Krissy hugged her back.

  “I know. It’s alright. I knew before I moved in here this was how it was going to be for my baby and me. I guess I’m used to the idea now. “My back has started hurting every day now,” she stated as she rubbed her low back. “I think I’m gonna lay down.”

  “Are you going to work until you go into labor?”

  “Yes, I need to for the money.”

  “Krissy, Ryan wouldn’t want you to be hurting every day. If you need to take off or if your doctor wants you to, then you should.”

  “What would I do then, Peri? I can’t sit around with nothing to do but worry about the baby. It’s better if I work as long as I can, and the doctor says he doesn’t see any reason I can’t.”

  “Please remember you don’t have to work until the day the baby comes?” Peri would make a point to talk to Ryan about this on their next phone call.

  Over the next four weeks, Krissy went to the doctor, but he explained that she wasn’t showing any signs of being ready. She started to worry when her first due date passed. The doctor scheduled another sonogram on that day and told her the baby wasn’t in position yet, and they had obviously miscalculated the date. The doctor did not seem worried and told her not to worry either.

  The week before AD was due home, Krissy was starting to push the panic button on having the baby. At that week’s visit, the doctor said the baby was now down. He told her any day now; she was more than ready.

  She rushed back to work to tell Peri; she was excited. Walking quickly into her office, she was out of breath. “He says any day now, Peri!”

  “Oh, that’s great, Krissy. I know you’re thrilled.” Peri was happy for her and secretly wished it for herself. She felt like she had been pregnant forever and she had two more months left.

  “I think I might take off on Friday. We need to get the temp we trained in so I can fill her in on the last minute things.”

  “Good idea. I’ll text Cash and let him know your plans. He’s been expecting this for a few weeks now.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it, too. I want a few days to rest before I start having sleepless nights.” Krissy was all glowing and happy. Peri was happy for her, but something didn’t sit right about the whole due date. She hadn’t mentioned it to Krissy or Ryan. When he got home next week and looked at a calendar, he could do the math.

  AD had a great three month run with sold-out venues on almost every stop, and Hayden was becoming a big part of their line-up, especially on the nights he sat in with AD. It boosted his iTunes sales on the singles he’d released before hitting the road. Cash was pleased with the way the fans received him. The girls loved him if the size of the crowd that showed up for Hayden’s opening set each night was any indication. Venues didn’t usually fill-up until right before the headline act took the stage, but as word got out about Hayden’s music not only did he gain airplay, his fans showed up for his set. Hayden was a mature eighteen-year-old, and a young version of the guys from AD in his smoldering hot sex appeal, something the female fans quickly noticed.

  By the last tour stop before heading home to Austin, the band was thrilled to be playing their last show. There was talk of a European tour, but they would get at least three months off before then. Ryan was glad because the baby would be born before they left and then Peri and the baby would be able to come, too. He didn’t want to continue resorting to phone sex with his girl, even though he thought those were the best nights of the tour. Just a look and the sexy things she would say would set him on edge, and he loved it. She grew more hesitant to show her beautiful body with the impending birth even though he tried always to assure her she was gorgeous than ever before. Video chatting would never compare to having her beside him, under him, and around his dick every day and night. He simply wanted her with him. He knew it was going to be next to impossible not to touch her for six weeks after the baby was born but that was okay because at least they would be together.

  What he also wanted was this mess with Krissy over with. She had become a lot less demanding lately, but he still didn’t trust her. She had pulled too many stunts before he left for him to believe she had suddenly turned trustworthy and sweet. He couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling in his gut that the other shoe was yet to drop where she was concerned. He did what Peri asked of him and called her once a week to check on her. He had even scheduled the car service to be on-call for her 24/7 if she needed it. Peri had told him any day now, but nothing had happened so far. Would it be like this with Peri, too?

  Chandler’s dad, Ryder, showed up for the last show in Steel’s private jet and brought the band and Hayden back home. In his mind, the band had earned it, and he wanted to see their last show. Ryder tracked AD’s progress during the tour and knew their success would continue to grow. Since Steel was on a break, he had time to come to a few shows during the tour. He loved seeing Chandler play music, swelling with pride at each performance.

  When the plane landed at Austin-Bergstrom International, the band had been celebrating the arrival in style. They were all close to intoxicated, compliments of Ryder’s top shelf liquor. The wheels touched down to the band yelling raunchy comments abou
t being home.

  Peri and Cash came to see them land, and somehow fans learned of their arrival. Paparazzi, signs, and fan girls screamed their names while the band made their way to the waiting SUVs and left the airport in a rush.

  Ryan opened the back door and climbed in to find Peri waiting with open arms. He practically mauled her he was so happy. He kissed her long and hard and then kissed her baby belly.

  “God, Peri, I’ve missed so much, but with the baby, damn Sunshine I’ve missed you even more.” He couldn’t keep his hands off the soft roundness of her abdomen and kept talking to it on the way to their house.

  “Is Krissy going to be there when we get home?” He prayed she wasn’t, but he couldn’t kick her out like that.

  “No, she went home to the apartment this week. She wanted to have some time there to rest and finish getting things ready. She’s waited so long it seems like.”

  “Thank God. I plan to make love to you on every flat surface we find. I’ve been praying those pregnancy hormones of yours kept you horny for me like you were before I left.” When Cash and Hayden turned to them, Peri glowed a luminous shade of red and Ryan burst out laughing. “Get over it, fuckers! I’ve missed the shit out of my girl, and I’m going to make it up to her.”

  Peri couldn’t say a word without making it worse, so she kept her mouth shut, waiting for the fiery blush to fade from her cheeks. Ryan was having none of it. He’d take her in the back seat if they didn’t have company and it was safe for her.

  The vehicle stopped in their driveway, and Hayden spoke up. “I’ll put her bags in the doorway and lock it. Y’all go on upstairs or where ever you’re, uh....” Ryan started laughing out loud.

  “Thanks, Hayden. See y’all later… like days-fucking-later. Unless someone’s on fire or dead, don’t call either damn one of us. And Cash, Peri is officially on baby leave. ” He scooped her up and almost ran up the stairs to their bedroom.


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