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Page 18

by Lynn LaFleur

  Her beauty captivated him.

  Admiring a lovely woman was normal for a red-blooded man. Yet there was something else about Twyla, something that called to a deeper part of him. He hadn’t felt such an instant attraction to a woman in… He couldn’t remember how long it had been. Or if he’d ever experienced it as strongly as now.

  They’d finished dinner and shared a decadent chocolate dessert. They’d drunk an excellent bottle of wine. He had no reason to drag out their time together any longer, except for the fact that he didn’t want the evening to end.

  “Would you like coffee?” he asked. “I’d better have some before I head back to Seattle.”

  “Coffee sounds good.” She touched his hand, drawing circles on the back with one fingertip. “Why don’t we have it in my room?”

  His cock quickly grew longer and thicker at the sexy tone of her voice and the fire in her eyes. She hadn’t given him any indication that she wanted to be with him. He’d assumed it was too soon for her and he’d be driving back to Seattle, alone. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded.

  “What’s your room number?”


  “I’ll take care of the check and meet you there.”


  He stood when she did. Once by his chair, she lifted her lips and kissed him softly.

  “I’ll be waiting,” she whispered.

  Chapter Five

  Somewhere between the restaurant and her room, Twyla lost her newfound confidence. She wanted Daniel. She had no doubt about that. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest, her breathing came deep and uneven. She cradled her breasts and felt the hard nipples in the middle of her palms. Moisture leaked from her pussy and dampened her thong. She had all the signs of a very aroused woman.

  Yet that little niggling voice in the back of her head whispered that she hadn’t been with any man other than her ex-husband. She’d known how to turn on Scott. She wasn’t sure about Daniel.

  She didn’t know what she should do first. Turning down the bed seemed too pushy. Maybe she should change into her new nightgown. No, that didn’t seem right either.

  This is pathetic. I’m thirty-four years old and have no idea how to seduce a man.

  A married woman didn’t have to seduce. Scott had understood her moods, her desires. He’d stayed away from her during her horrible bouts of PMS. He’d brought her soup when she was sick. He gave her long, deep kisses to arouse her before lovemaking, and cuddled with her afterward. All those years of marriage had meant he’d known her almost as well as she’d known herself.

  Enough. That part of my life is over. It’s time to concentrate on a new man.

  Coffee! She’d invited Daniel to her room for coffee. It would help if she ordered it.

  She’d hung up the phone after placing the order when she heard a gentle knock on the door. Nerves danced in her stomach again. She pressed her hand against it for a moment to try to settle it, then walked to the door.

  Daniel stood on the other side, his jacket over his arm. He smiled. “Hello again.”

  “Hello.” She opened the door wider and stepped aside to allow him to enter. “Come in.”

  She leaned against the door while he glanced around the room. “Nice.” His gaze landed on the bed and stayed there for several seconds before he looked back into her eyes. “Very nice.”

  Twyla pushed away from the door and reached for his jacket. “I’ll hang this up for you.”

  He released the jacket before she had a good grip on it and she dropped it. A small bag fell out of the pocket. Twyla knelt and reached for it at the same time as Daniel. The bag upended, spilling a box of condoms on the floor.

  Twyla gulped. Seeing the box of condoms, knowing she and Daniel could be making love soon, sent a shiver of apprehension mixed with desire through her body. She clutched his jacket to her breasts, unsure what to do next.

  “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen, Twyla,” Daniel said, his voice soothing and gentle. He picked up the box and slipped it into his pants pocket. “You invited me here for coffee. I bought the condoms in case things go beyond that. But if coffee is all we share tonight, that’s fine.”

  She held his gaze as they both stood. “You wouldn’t be angry with me?”

  “Only a jerk would be angry with a woman if she didn’t want to have sex with him.”

  “I’ve dated some of those jerks.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll bet you have.” He ran his hands over her shoulders, down her arms and took his jacket from her. “Did you order the coffee?”

  Twyla nodded. “It’ll be here soon.”

  “Then why don’t we sit down and enjoy the fire while we wait?”

  His easy manner and understanding helped Twyla to relax. He wanted her. She had no doubt of that. Her confidence returned, stronger than when she’d invited Daniel to join her in the bar.

  She waited until he hung up his jacket, then led the way to the small couch in front of the fireplace. Slipping off her shoes, she sat with her legs curled on the seat, her bent arm resting on the back of the couch. Daniel laid his hand on top of hers. His thumb slowly brushed back and forth across her skin.

  “You’re a toucher,” she said with a smile.

  “Guilty. Does it bother you?”

  “No. I like it. Touching is nice.”

  “How do you feel about kissing?”

  “Kissing is even nicer.”

  Daniel leaned closer and covered her mouth with his. Soft lips, carrying a hint of the wine she’d drunk with dinner. His head spun…not from the wine, but from the taste of Twyla.

  He kept the kiss light, gentle, not wanting to rush Twyla until she was ready to go further. Her fingertips brushed his cheek. Daniel touched the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue. She parted them ever so slightly, giving him a more generous taste of her. Still he kept the kiss gentle, even though everything inside him screamed to take her.

  A hard knock on the door followed by a muffled “room service” announced the arrival of their coffee. Daniel reluctantly ended their kiss. Twyla’s lids slowly opened. Her blue eyes reflected the firelight, clearly showing her desire. He wanted to draw her back into his arms, kiss her with all the passion that he longed to show her.

  “I’d better get the door,” she whispered.

  He nodded since he wasn’t sure if his voice would work right now. All the blood in his head had drained down to his cock. He couldn’t even think, much less speak.

  Daniel tugged on the crotch of his pants, trying to get his shaft into a more comfortable position, while Twyla let the waiter into the room. He set the tray holding the coffee service on the table by the window. With a nod to Daniel, the waiter accepted the tip Twyla handed him and left the room.

  “How do you take your coffee?” she asked, her back to him.

  He didn’t give a damn about any coffee. He only wanted her back in his arms.


  She set down the pot before pouring any of the hot liquid and faced Daniel.

  “I don’t care about the coffee.”

  “Neither do I.”

  He held up one hand to her. “Come here.”

  She walked to the couch and took his hand. With a gentle tug, he pulled her down to his lap and kissed her the way he’d longed to since the moment he saw her.

  The soft moan from her throat wrapped around his cock, making it as hard as it had been before the waiter interrupted them. He tightened his arms around her and deepened the kiss. She parted her lips and touched his tongue with hers. Daniel nipped her lower lip, drew it between his teeth, licked the gentle bite to soothe it. Twyla responded by snuggling closer to him.

  He groaned when he felt those full breasts pressed to his chest. It would be easy to lose control if he didn’t slow things down.

  Daniel ended the kiss. He rested his forehead against Twyla’s and fought to breathe. The quick puffs of air from her mouth proved she was as affected as he by th
eir kisses.

  “Wow,” he breathed. “You’re one hell of a kisser.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing about you. Why did you stop?”

  He lifted his head so he could look into her incredible blue eyes. “Because I was three seconds away from tearing off your dress.”

  “Considering this is my favorite dress, I’d rather you didn’t tear it. However…” A siren’s smile touched her lips. She released the top button of his shirt. “There’s another way to take off my dress.”

  Daniel swallowed. “Twyla, I…” He looked at her hand when she released the second button.

  “You what?”

  He forgot what he was going to say when she loosened the third button. Gazing into his eyes, she slid her hand inside his open shirt and caressed his chest. “Mmm, nice body. You must work out.”

  The feel of her palm on his skin sent his blood pressure skyrocketing. Cradling her nape in one hand, he pulled her closer and kissed her again. He darted his tongue into her mouth, savored the answering touch of her tongue against his. She released the rest of his buttons while they kissed and tugged his shirt from his pants. Spreading it wide, she continued to touch his chest and stomach.

  Daniel slid his free hand up her smooth leg and beneath her dress. He paused at the top of her thigh, then continued to her ass cheek. No panties. God, how sexy was that?

  Continuing his exploration, he found the thin elastic that divided her cheeks. Not bare, but wearing a thong. With one fingertip, he traced the elastic until he reached the beginning of the silky fabric covering her pussy. He pressed ever so lightly on her anus and was rewarded with her moan.

  “I think we’re wearing too many clothes.” He kissed her again, and again. “What do you think?”

  Instead of answering with words, she moved away from him and rose to her feet. Grasping the hem of her dress, she pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor.

  Daniel started at her face and slowly moved his gaze down her body. Tall, voluptuous, creamy skin. Her red bra and thong trimmed with black lace was the sexiest underwear he’d ever seen. Her lush breasts spilled over the top of her bra. Her nipples clearly showed through the red fabric. His mouth watered with the desire to draw them into his mouth, suck them until they were even harder.

  “Your turn,” she said with that siren’s smile.

  He stood and shrugged out of his shirt as he toed off his shoes. When he reached for his belt, Twyla covered his hands with hers.

  “Let me do that.”

  She dropped to her knees before him, giving him an excellent view of her breasts. He ran his fingers over the top of the full mounds while she unbuckled his belt. Her skin was so soft, so smooth. He wanted to start kissing her neck and work his way down her body to her toes.

  Daniel sucked in a sharp breath when Twyla’s hand brushed across his hard flesh. The rasp of his zipper sounded loud in the quiet room. She tugged his pants past his hips. They fell to his feet.

  She sat back on her heels as he stepped out of his pants and removed his socks. He stood before her in nothing but a pair of dark brown briefs.

  “Those too,” she whispered.

  The briefs landed on top of his slacks.

  She inhaled and slowly blew out her breath. “You’re magnificent, Daniel.”

  Keeping in shape had always been important to him. Right now, with Twyla looking at him with such lust in her eyes, he knew all those hours of sweat had been worth it.

  She leaned forward and dragged her tongue up the length of his cock. He could easily stand here and accept the pleasure she offered. Before he concentrated on himself, he wanted to please Twyla. He took her hands and helped her stand. “I want to touch every inch of you.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her on the soft comforter and lay beside her. Their lips met as he slipped one leg between hers.

  Twyla would swear she was melting right into the bed. Daniel made her feel feminine, desired, something she hadn’t felt in so long. He kissed her as if he worshipped her, as if nothing mattered to him except her pleasure.

  He swept his hand down her side, over her hip, her thigh. He made the return journey up her body, pausing to caress her mound through her thong before snaking up her stomach to her breast. Twyla gasped when he plucked her nipple. The sensation shot through her body, directly to her clit.

  “You like that?” he asked against her lips.


  “So do I.” He plucked her nipple again, then rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. “What else do you like?”

  Everything, she wanted to shout. Her body was on fire, desperate for Daniel’s touch, his possession. His caress through her bra sent wave after wave to her clit, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted his mouth on her.

  “Suck my nipples.”

  He rose to his knees between her legs. Twyla swallowed at the sight of his hard cock standing straight up. She reached for it, longing to feel the satiny skin, the bead of moisture at the slit. He took her hand before she could touch him. Holding her wrists, he positioned them next to her head. “Leave your hands there.”

  The trace of dominance in his command sent another zing to her clit. Twyla nodded. Daniel slipped his hands behind her back and unhooked her bra. He tunneled his hands beneath the silk and lace and cradled both breasts.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. “Absolutely beautiful.”

  Twyla closed her eyes to better enjoy the pleasure of his hands. He kneaded her flesh, caressed the tips. Her pussy clenched with each swipe across her sensitive nipples. She shifted on the bed and lifted her hips. She loved his hands on her breasts, but she needed more.

  She got it when Daniel pushed up her bra and opened his mouth over one stiff peak. Twyla arched her back, trying to push more of her breast into his mouth. He suckled, bit, licked one nipple thoroughly, then switched to the other one. Back and forth, treating each tip to even more attention when he returned to it.

  “I could suck your nipples all night.”

  She didn’t get the chance to respond to his comment before he started suckling again. Heat built inside her body, threatening to consume her. Twyla grabbed handfuls of his hair. He immediately pushed her hands back to the bed and held her wrists in place.

  “Leave them there.”

  “I want to touch you.”



  His lips silenced her protest. He drove his tongue deep, withdrew and tickled the corners of her mouth with the tip. Twyla had never come just from kissing with Scott, but wondered if it was possible. Daniel kissed her over and over, holding her wrists so she couldn’t move. She breathed in the light scent of his aftershave, savored the hint of wine on his breath. She felt surrounded by him, yet wasn’t afraid at all. She knew Daniel would never hurt her.

  He latched onto her nipple again and suckled hard. Everything seemed intensified as her climax drew closer—the warm wetness of his mouth on the hard peak, the silkiness of his hair brushing across her breast, the glide of his skin against hers. She curled her hands into fists to keep from grabbing Daniel. She wanted to touch him so much, it was almost a physical ache deep inside her chest.

  The orgasm happened so quickly, she barely had the chance to gasp before the pleasure flooded her body. She trembled and bucked beneath him. His balls brushed her clit with every arch of her hips, drawing out her climax even longer.

  Tiny aftershocks flowed through her body for several moments. Twyla slowly opened her eyes to see Daniel leaning over her, his breathing fast and ragged.

  “You’re gorgeous when you come.” He kissed her mouth, her throat, her collarbone. “Are you wet for me?”


  “I think I’d better make sure.”

  Twyla lifted her hips when he grasped the elastic of her thong. He tugged the damp piece of lingerie down her legs and tossed it aside. Her bra soon followed. She lay before him, as naked as he.

  She opened her legs wide and watched his eyes flare. First he looked, then he touched. One thumb and forefinger parted the feminine lips. He spread her cream over her smooth labia with his other thumb.

  “Oh yeah. Nice and wet.” He began a slow massage on her clit. “I think you need to come again.”

  More moisture formed at the tip of his rod. Twyla licked her lips, wishing she could lick the head of his cock instead. “What about you?”

  He chuckled. “Trust me. Coming won’t be a problem for me.”

  A single finger slid inside her channel. Another followed. He moved them in and out slowly while he continued the gentle massage on her clit. She groaned when he pressed upward against her G-spot.

  “That’s the way,” he rasped. “Let it happen. Let me feel you come again.”

  With each brush of his fingertips over her G-spot and clit, a burst of sensation passed through her body from head to toes. He obviously knew his way around a woman’s body. Every touch, every kiss, every swipe of his tongue made her want him more.

  She didn’t think another orgasm could happen again so soon, but it did. Biting her lower lip, Twyla arched her back, threw back her head and squeezed her eyes closed. Her head spun, her chest heaved from her heavy breaths. Her pussy started to pulse and milk Daniel’s fingers as the climax rolled through her body.

  Long moments passed while her body relaxed and her breathing slowed. She opened her eyes when Daniel withdrew his fingers from her body. He licked her juices from them.

  “You’re delicious.” He leaned over and kissed her deeply. “And so sexy, you take my breath.”

  He’d given her two incredible orgasms, yet that wasn’t enough. She had to feel his shaft drive inside her. Unable to resist touching him any longer, Twyla wrapped one hand tightly around his cock.

  “Inside me. Now.”

  Chapter Six

  Those soft hands could bring him to a climax in only moments. Daniel gritted his teeth while Twyla caressed his hard flesh. She ran both hands up and down his shaft. Her thumb swirled through the moisture at the slit, spreading it all over the head. She cradled his sac, gently squeezing the tight balls as she continued to caress the crown.


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