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Romance Sex Stories

Page 54

by Carly Smesh

Shaun nodded, "I want to keep the German radio operators alive if we can?"

  Andrias spoke to Maria again, when he had finished she answered him. He turned again to the others. "She agrees, the operators are not SS, and have been kind to the villagers."

  "Right, we need to get the mayor involved. Can you get him up here Andrias tomorrow?" Shaun asked.

  Andria glanced at his watch, "I'll have to leave now to catch him."

  Shaun nodded, "OK, tell him we need to talk to him at eleven-o'clock, but before you go, let's be clear about this," Shaun said, "what we are proposing is the death of all the SS troops on this island. It's outside the remit of the Geneva Convention. If any of you have a problem with that, speak up now?"

  He looked at the faces around the cave, each one gave a slow nod. Shaun relaxed, "Okay Andrias, away you go."

  Shaun sat still, running different scenarios through his brain, trying to come up with a workable plan of action.

  He waited until Andrias came back before talking to the men.

  "I think it is fair to say that what we have to do is almost impossible. That is to rid this island of the SS troops upon it. Once we start we will have to move swiftly in order to carry out that task. We are going to need help, hopefully that's where the Mayor comes in. Getting rid of the SS here in Scalos won't present too much difficulty. But getting rid of the rest will be problematic. We are going to need help with that. John, what was the last message from headquarters?"

  "Nothing new for us, the Allies have landed in Sicily and are making good progress. Do you think that will be of any help?"

  Shaun paused before replying, "It could be, the allies will use Sicily as a springboard for the invasion of Italy. If that happens, the Germans will need every man they can get for its defence. When they contact us again, ask if they have any intercepts regarding the Aegean area."

  John nodded his acknowledgement.

  Shaun continued, "It may well be that they'll start to reduce their garrisons on the islands to supplement their forces in Italy. But we can't be sure of that, so we will have to plan for the forces we have against us as it stands at the moment."

  The meeting broke up with the arrival of the girls with their food.

  * * *

  The next morning after breakfast, John set up the radio at the entrance to the cave.

  Shaun was studying the village layout plan when he came over to him.

  "Latest reports are that the Allies have nearly taken Sicily, it's only a matter of time. Radio traffic to the Aegean has stepped up from normal German traffic. Command has got its de-coding department working on them."

  Shaun looked up and nodded, "Thanks John, let me know if anything comes of it?"


  When the mayor arrived, with Andrias in attendance, Shaun began to explain to him their mission to rid the island of the SS, but he was going the need help. He would need six men who were willing to fight, but they needed to be able to speak English and take orders. Andrias translated Shaun's request to the Mayor.

  The Mayor replied to Andrias, and after a minute, Andrias turned to Shaun.

  "He says every man in the village would fight the SS if they had weapons. There are a few in the village who speak a little English. He will need to speak to them on their own. He knows you would not wish this to become wide spread knowledge within the village."

  Shaun nodded, "Ask him if he knows the Mayors of the three towns at the eastern end of the Island?"

  Andrias translated, then listened to the Mayor's reply.

  "The two small fishing villages do not have a mayor, but they have a leader of the village council. The Mayor of Tyropolis is weak, he allowed the SS to set up their brothel, and he says he would not trust him. The leaders of the fishing villages are good men and can be trusted."

  Shaun smiled and nodded, "Please thank the Mayor for his information, it is most useful. Ask him to approach the men who would be willing to fight, but only if he is absolutely sure of their loyalty. They will need to come here to the cave, so we can talk to them."

  Andrias translated the request, the Mayor nodded and made his way out of the cave.

  Shaun looked around at the others, "Well we will have to wait and see what shows up."


  Two days later, after a scheduled radio broadcast, John rushed in to speak with Shaun.

  "The German High Command is stripping troops from all of the outlying areas to reinforce the Italian front. There demanding a 50% reduction in all Island garrisons."

  Shaun sat back in his cot digesting this news for a moment. "If they take half of the troops off the island it will make our job so much easier. The question is where they will take them from. Scalos and the fishing villages, or from Tyropolis. Tyropolis has the largest garrison, there must be over two hundred garrisoned there. We need to find out if any are going, and where they are going from?"

  Andrias nodded, "They take the goat's milk and meat into the town and fishing villages every three days. I'll go and see the mayor and ask if he can make some discrete inquiries."

  Shaun continued, "In the meantime, we'll have to assume that we have what's on the Island at the moment to contend with."

  When Andrias returned he had two men with him. He introduced them as Spiro and Alexis, both men were in the mid-thirties. Spiro ran the village post office whilst Alexis was the school master.

  From Andrias he learnt the Mayor was ill and bedbound, but had said that Stefan, who had taken over for him, could be trusted completely. Andrias had passed on the request for information from the two fishing villages and the town to him.

  It seemed that Maria was Alexis's wife and Spiro was married to Anna, whom also was hiding in the caves. Shaun explained to the two men what they intended to do to the SS on the Island. From Alexis, who had the better grasp of English, he learnt that those who spoke a little English within the village would be too old to fight. But there were over thirty men up to the age of forty who would dearly love to opportunity to kill the German SS.

  After a long chat with the two men, it was decided that each would recruit two men that they trusted completely. Later, Dave took them to one side and demonstrated the use of the MP40 and P38 pistols.

  When they left, they said they would return in three days with the men chosen and any news from the other villages, but it would be at night so not to arouse any suspicion from the Germans.

  Andrias smiled after they had gone, "There going to see their wives before returning."

  Chapter 34

  With nothing much to do, the group checked the weapons and equipment. The news from command said the Allies had established a beach head in Italy, but German resistance was strengthening.

  For three days the mountains resounded to the crack of thunder and lightning as a storm lashed the mountain with sheets of heavy rain. The temperature dropped and the men sat shivering in the cave, despite having a roaring fire. Andrias and Dave brought their food from the women's cave rather than risk them due to the rock falls that were frequently falling.

  Shaun sat huddled in his sheepskin RAF flaying jacket, listening to the storm that raged outside the cave. The rest of the men except John, who was fiddling with the radio, were lying in their beds covered with their blankets.

  "It's no good Skip, this storm is stopping any reception," John admitted.

  Shaun nodded, "Okay John, get some rest, I'll make us all a coffee."

  The storm blew out during the night of the third day. Outside the cave the bright sunlight warmed the rocks and ground creating spirals of steam.

  Shaun scanned the area through his binoculars, the path had almost disappeared through landslides and rock falls. He moved to one side as Maria along with around twenty of the other women went passed armed with picks and shovels.

  Andrias had a word with her before she passed. He shrugged his shoulders turning to Shaun. "I asked if she needed our help, she said no, they are used to doing this."

  They moved back into the cav
e, as yet another group of women passed.

  It was almost one in the afternoon when Alexis staggered into the cave, his face was red through exertion and he was sweating profusely. "The Germans are coming up the path, there about two hours behind me," he managed to say before collapsing on to a bed.

  John gave him a drink of water before he continued. "They spotted the women clearing the path, now they're coming to find them."

  "How many are there, Alexis?" Shaun asked.

  "I think about eighteen, it's all the black shirts that were left, twelve were recalled to Tyropolis Just before the storm started," he managed to say.

  "Are the radio operators with them?" Shaun asked. Unable to speak, Alexis just shook his head.

  Shaun thought fast, "Dave, get back to the village and try to take the radio operators prisoner, we need them alive.. But be careful. Cookie and John grab the Bren's, we'll need some grenades. Alexis is there any part of the path which will cause them to bunch up?"

  Alexis nodded, "About half a kilometre back down the trail there is only room for one man at a time to pass."

  The men were gathering up their weapons, Dave had already left. Shaun handed a MP40 and six clips to Alexis, "You will have to guard the women in case they get past us," he said grimly.

  They found the choke-point in the path and cautiously went through it. At the other side of it, the pathway widened out. Cookie and John took up positions a hundred yards apart, whilst Shaun, Prof and Andrias hid behind boulders higher up above the choke-point, giving them a perfect field of fire while still able to see their men.

  Shaun could hear the Germans as they came up the pathway, laughing and joking. He prayed Dave had managed to avoid them.

  Suddenly he saw them. They were strung out, most breathing heavily, sweat running down their faces. The leaders stopped when they reached the narrow passage, allowing the rest to catch up with them. They appeared to be in their thirty's, big rough looking brutes, typical of the Waffen-SS.

  They were arguing who would be first through the narrow passage. Shaun pulled out the pin from a grenade and lobbed it into their midst. With the explosion, Cookie and John opened up with the Bren's in a sustained burst of fire. Screams and groans erupted from the Germans as they were cut down. It was all over within twenty seconds, the SS laying in heaps, one or two were still screaming, as Shaun climbed to his feet and down to the path.

  He saw Alexis emerge from narrow passage followed quickly by Maria and six of the other women carrying pickaxes. He reasoned Alexis must have been waiting at the other end to stop any Germans passing him. He heard a scream and spun around to see Maria smashing the pickaxe into the face of one of the moaning Germans, then watched as the women finished off the other wounded.

  Shaun knew from Alexis that Maria's younger sister was confined in the brothel in Tyropolis.

  He called out to the others, "Grab your weapons, we must get to the village." He left Alexis and the women to gather up the German's weapons, as they set off.


  They were all panting as they arrived at the village square. People were milling about trying to understand what was going on. Shaun spotted Spiro pushing through the crowd.

  "Your man has the German radio operators held prisoner, he's holding them in the radio room. Come I will show you."

  Shaun found Dave sat at a table nursing a P38, whilst the two young radio operators looked on worriedly. Dave looked up as he entered the room.

  "The SS?" he asked.

  "All dead," Shaun replied. Dave said something to the operators, and was surprised to see them smile.

  Dave took Shaun to one side. "I've had a chance to talk to them. They are all draftees from the same town near the border with Switzerland. They don't agree with Hitler and hate the SS, they call them pigs. High command as issued a recall of 50% of all troops stationed in the Adriatic islands. 120 have been recalled from Tyros, one of them was recalled but there wasn't enough room in the truck for him. Getting captured is a lucky break for them, they think."

  Shaun nodded, "Tell them if they cooperate with us, we'll send them back to Alexandrea where they will be prisoners of war. They will be well treated there amongst the German Afrika Korps prisoners. If not they will be turned over to the people of Tyros."

  Shaun watched as Dave translated. They in turn spoke rapidly to Dave. He smiled and turned back to Shaun.

  "They just want to be out of this stupid war, they'll do anything you ask, Sir."

  "Find out how well they know the radio operators in the two fishing villages and Tyropolis?"

  Dave spoke to them again, and listened to their reply. "There is only one radio operator in each of the fishing villages, and two at Tyropolis. They know all of them, they went through radio school together. They don't like this war any more than they do, it seems."

  Shaun nodded, "If they get any messages from Tyropolis, tell them to say all the Waffen SS are up in the mountains entertaining the women they have discovered there. Get them to say they think there are forty of them. If they get the opportunity to talk to the radio operators on the quite, ask them to warn these two, if any troops from Tyropolis will be coming to Scalos." He handed them a packet of Gold Leaf cigarettes, watching their smiles of pleasure at this act of friendship. He nodded to the men and went outside, leaving Dave to watch over them.

  John rushed over to him. "Alexis is going to bring the women down. I asked him if he and the ladies could help Andrias, Prof and Cookie bring our stuff down. He didn't think it would be a problem. Also, I've found their armoury," he grinned, I've got Spiro guarding it as we speak."

  "Okay John, good job! Can you see if you can find us all a billet? I'm going to see the Mayor when Andrias comes back."

  "Sure thing Boss."

  Chapter 35

  Over the next three days, the village settled down to a new routine. With Alexis and Spiro's help, twenty able men of the village were instructed in the use of the captured weapons by John and the Prof.

  Andrias and Cookie scouted the road into the village for ambush sites. Dave and Shaun stayed near the radio room with the German operators.

  From them they learned that only twenty men guarded each of the fishing villages, whilst eighty were stationed at Tyropolis. The expected transit from Tyropolis came on the evening of the third day.

  Hans, one of the radio men, explained about the lack of any officers to take the call, due to all the men being with the women they had discovered. There followed a long discussion, with Dave smiling broadly in the back ground.

  After Hans signed off, Dave explained to Shaun. "It seems the Major is not pleased. The discovery of the women should have been reported to him immediately. When Hans told him all the men were on the mountain with the women, he nearly had a seizure."

  An hour later, Hans contacted the Tyropolis radio operator again. After he signed off, Dave told Shaun it seemed there were only nine girls left in the brothel and four of those were pregnant. The Major is rounding up some men and trucks to bring the women back to the town. The radio man will inform Hans of when they leave.

  Alexis and Spiro came to see Shaun that evening. "Major, when they come from Tyropolis to remove the women, you will attack them, yes!?"

  Shaun nodded, wondering where this was going.

  Alexis continued, "After we have killed them all, we will gather up their weapons and distribute them amongst the men of the fishing villages, then we will kill them all. With their weapons and the ones we have taken from the pigs up the mountain, we will attack the ones in Tyropolis and kill them all too. We do not wish for you and your men to be involved with these attacks." There was a fierce rage burning in his eyes, as he said, "We, the men of Tyros will kill the rest of the scum ourselves. We have had to silently suffer the indignity as they brutalized our women, because we could not fight back. Now we can. We do not wish for your help in this matter, it is something we have to do to prove that we are still men."

  Shaun listened with growing admir
ation to what Alexis said. "I understand your need to be involved in this matter, and if you do not need our help, then so be it. All I ask is that you listen to any advice, I or my men may offer you."

  Alexis and Spiro nodded, and then left.

  "Wow, I'd hate to be the SS when they do get them." Dave said.

  The others nodded in agreement.

  Andrias stood up, "I will be with them. It is expected of me, they know I was born here."

  Shaun smiled, "I understand, Andrias, and at least there will be one professional amongst them."

  Dave delivered the message early next morning. "Their coming with five trucks, so Hans says. The Major has been scouring the town to gather the trucks. Hans reports that there are thirty to forty of them coming."

  Shaun wasted no time in organizing the twenty men that Dave and John had been training in the use of the MP40's

  Cookie and the Prof took a Bren each, whilst Andrias and John each had an MG34. They set up positions where the road narrowed to cross the bridge. The machine guns were spaced along the killing ground ten feet above the road. Ten of the villages, armed with MP40's, were detailed to hide below the embankment on the far side of the road. They were told not to lift their heads above it or they would be hit in the crossfire. He warned them that some of the SS would try to take shelter down there, then they could kill them. He and Dave would take out the drivers with their rifles. All had been warned not to damage the trucks too much, they would be needed later.

  A mule cart was turned over, effectively blocking the bridge. The men took up their positions and settled down to wait.

  They heard the trucks before they saw them, groaning as they climbed the steep roadway up to the bridge.

  They came into view, the first three truck were German Army, but the two behind were commandeered trucks from the town.

  Shaun had taken up a position near the bridge, whilst Dave was fifty yards further along. He would take out the driver of the last truck while Shaun took care of the driver of the first truck. Their shots would be the signal to open fire to the rest of the men.

  The convoy ground to a halt by the upturned cart blocking the bridge. A burly NCO climbed down from the lead truck and bawled out orders to the men on the back of it. About twenty men jumped down and approached the cart. Further along the line of trucks other men jumped down to stretch their legs.


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