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Romance Sex Stories

Page 55

by Carly Smesh

  Shaun sighted on the driver of the lead truck, the range was around sixty yards as he squeezed the trigger. The driver slumped in his seat with the bullet in his head as Shaun heard Dave's rifle crack, and then the sound of the Bren's and MG34's snarl as the men in the road way were knocked down like nine pins.

  It was all over in less than four minutes, bodies were strewn all along the road. The men of the village moved amongst them finishing off any that remained alive.

  Later in the village bar, with Alexis and Spiro in attendance, Shaun had a council of war.

  "We have one possibility, in two days they will start to ask questions in Tyropolis. We will need to move fast now if we are to maintain the surprise element."

  Alexis spoke up, "We can take the two commandeered trucks and attack the two fishing villages tonight with ten men in each truck. If we get there by two or three in the morning the pigs will still be asleep."

  "Wont they have guards on duty?" Dave asked.

  Spiro shook his head, "Not now, they think we are too scared of them. That changes tonight," he said grimly.

  The two villages stood up. "Thank you Major, for all your help, but the men of Tyros will complete this," Alexis said.

  "Do you mind if we go along, just to keep an eye on things?" Shaun asked.

  "Of course not, we would welcome any suggestions you have to make," Spiro replied.


  The trucks stopped on the outskirts of the village. The men climbed silently down from it, Alexis and Spiro moved quietly into it leaving them behind.

  An hour passed before they reappeared with five other men. They gathered around Alexis as he spoke to them. "There are no guards, they are all sleeping. Johannes will guide us to their headquarters. We must be silent and use knives."

  The men smiled with a wolfish grin on their faces. Alexis turned to Shaun, "You may want to stay with the trucks, we won't be long." They moved off silently with Andrias alongside Alexis.

  Thirty minutes later Andrias appeared, his face was white. "There all dead, they cut their throats whilst they slept," he said quietly. When Alexis arrived back, he had a further eighteen men with him, all armed with German weapons. They started to climb onto the trucks. Shaun spoke to him, "We need to get back to Scalos to find out if the alarm has been sounded in Tyropolis."

  Alexis nodded, "There is a small, German, scout-car outside their barracks, take that. We are going on to the other fishing village to take care of it."

  Shaun glanced at his watch, it was a little after two, "After we have found out if everything is quite, we will drive to Tyropolis and meet you outside the town."

  Alexis smiled, "Don't be too long, Major, tonight we finish this thing."

  He waved to Andrias, whom was sat alongside Alexis in the truck as it pulled away.

  Dave arrived with the German scout car and they all piled in as it set off back to Scalos.

  "We need to find out what's happening in Tyropolis?" Shaun murmured, "They could be walking into a full scale battle."

  "Skip, their blood is up. They've had to put up with a lot from those thugs over the years. Now it's payback time," Dave replied.

  Even at the reckless speed that Dave drove, it still took over thirty minutes to get back to the village.

  When they drew up by the radio room. Shaun and Dave dashed inside, waking up Hans and Gustav. He quickly gave them instructions regarding Tyropolis, then watched as they connected on the radio.

  He saw Hans' face turn pale as he spoke to his opposite number in the town. He signed off and turned to Dave, speaking rapidly.

  Dave in turn informed Shaun, "The Jerry's know they are coming, they heard the gun fire from the fishing village. They are preparing for them."

  Shaun's heart sank, but he pulled himself together and issued instructions for Dave to pass on to Hans. Then watched as Hans spoke to the radio operator in Tyropolis.

  Dave interoperated for him, "He's going to shut down and he and the other one are going to hide until it is all over."

  Shaun nodded, "Well that should prevent any news leaving the island. Now we need to get back to the town."

  They rushed outside climbing into the scout car.


  They saw the reddish glow in the sky when still a few miles from the town, then as they drew closer they heard the sound of gunfire.

  Dave drew up on the edge of the town square, bodies were strewn all over it, Islanders bodies. They climbed out carrying their weapons and cautiously made their way into the square using the buildings on the side for cover.

  The large hotel at the head of the square was were the German fire was coming from. On the second floor two MG34 were keeping the islanders from moving forward.

  They were clustered in the buildings to each side of it, firing when opportunity allowed, but as Shaun knew, the MP40 was useless at this range. Every now and then a German would hurl a potato masher grenade at one of the building hiding the islanders. Screams would ring out from them as the grenades exploded.

  "Dave, John, see if you can knock out the machine guns with your rifles." He watched as they prepared to fire.

  They fired, and the machine guns fell silent, but only for a moment and then they resumed firing.

  "I think most of them must be on the second floor, Skip." Dave said as they fired again. Once more the machine guns fell silent. Before beginning again after a few moments.

  "We need to coordinate an attack on the door when you knock off the gunners," Shaun said.

  As Dave and John changed their positions, the machine gunners had realising where the deadly fire was coming from.

  Shaun sprinted forward to a house containing some of the Islanders. Andrias was with them.

  He quickly outlined the plan of attack to Andrias. When the guns fell silent, the men must charge the door and gain entrance. He warned them that they would have only seconds in which to do this.

  Andrias nodded, then shouted across the square to the men hiding there in Greek.

  Shaun looked back toward were Dave and John were concealed. "Dave now!" he shouted above the sound of guns.

  He heard the distinctive crack of the 303's above the racket. "Go Andrias, go!" he yelled.

  Men on both sides of the square erupted from their hiding places, heading for the doors of the hotel. Some fell as they rushed forward, but the men hit the doors as one body and they flew open. Gunfire erupted inside and Shaun heard the sounds of screaming and groans emanating from inside.

  After about ten minutes, an ominous silence descended throughout the building. Shaun rose and started to walk towards it.

  He had only taken a few steps when he heard Dave scream, "Skip, look out!" He looked upwards seeing a German stick grenade spinning towards him. He instinctively dived for cover, but the grenade exploded in the air. He felt the shrapnel hitting his body, and in a detached way, time seemed to slow down for him. Then he could heard screaming and realised it was himself doing it. Then the pain hit him, and he sank into oblivion.

  Chapter 36

  The mists slowly rolled back, and he gasped as the pain lanced through him. He tried to focus his eyes, his mouth seemed full of ashes. He stared up at a figure with a naval shirt on as the figure bent over him. The face smiled and lifted his head to drink from a glass, the water seemed the best drink he had ever had. He saw the lips moving and slowly the words registered with him. He was on a submarine heading for Alexandria. He tried to speak but his lips seemed fused together, and then another bout of pain hit him and he gratefully sank back into the black abyss.

  When the mists cleared again he found a man bending over him in a white smock, a stethoscope hung from his neck. He slowly became aware of his surroundings, he was in a room, and stands were alongside of his bed holding bottles.

  The man must have seen his eyes open. "Major Ramage, it's good to see you have joined us. My name is Commander Stiles, I'm head of surgery here at the hospital. You've given us quite a few worries over the last week or
so. Now don't try to talk, you need rest to build up your strength. Later someone will be here to answer all your questions."

  Shaun drifted back to sleep again.

  Over the next few days he gradually grew stronger in that he remained awake a little longer each time. He was still having severe bouts of pain and found breathing difficult, but Commander Stiles seemed happy with his progress. He had not seen anyone from Patrol Z and had found out that no one was as yet allowed to visit him.

  Then one morning Commodore Silverman appeared in his room.

  "Hello Shaun, I won't ask you how you feel, bloody uncomfortable I should imagine," he said with a grin. "You got yourself pretty banged up by all accounts, according to Commander Stiles anyway."

  Shaun smiled and whispered, "Yes Sir."

  Silverman carried on, "You're going to be in here for a while longer, there's still some shrapnel they have to dig out of you. They have had to wait until you were stronger before going under the knife again. But the Commander assures me that in two or three weeks they will be able to let you go."

  Shaun's face fell at this news. "What has happened on Scarlos?" he asked.

  Silverman smiled again, "The operation was a complete success, Himmler's thugs were completely wiped out. Andrias has stayed behind to organize the islanders. The German radio operators brought back with them their code books and other important documents and have given us quite a bit of information regarding the setup in the Aegean Sea."

  Shaun nodded, he then asked the question that was foremost on his mind, "Sharon, how is she Sir?"

  Silverman chuckled, "You can ask her yourself, she's waiting outside. She's been pestering the Doctors to see you ever since you were brought back. She was nearly put on a charge due to her impatience."

  Silverman picked up his hat, "I'll see you again soon, Shaun, but I'd better let her in here before she breaks down the door."

  It seemed like an age after he had gone before the door opened again and she was there in the doorway. As always, she looked beautiful in her uniform. She stopped, just looking at him for a moment, as her eyes began mist up. Then with a sob she was bending over him, her lips against his as her tears fell onto his cheeks.

  When she lifted her head he gazed at her, there were dark rings around her eyes. "Hi, did you miss me?" he asked softly.

  She smiled through her tears, "No, I was just passing by and thought I'd drop in, you stupid bastard."

  His eyes widened at her remark, "Second Officer Silverman, is that any way to address a superior Officer?"

  "When a superior Officer asks a bloody, stupid question, he deserves a stupid answer." And then she bent and kissed him again.

  They began talking, her father had, had her assigned to the Alexandria office so she could be near him.

  "When they let me loose we'll paint the town red, I think they have one or two good hotels here with swimming pools and a dance floor," he said excitingly. He watched her face as she frowned and went pale. "What's the matter darling?"

  She hesitated before answering, "Haven't they told you yet?"

  "Told me what?" He said grinning.

  Her voice dropped to a whisper, tears rolling down her cheeks, "Shaun, they had to remove your left foot."

  His face betrayed the shock of her reply, "I'm a cripple," he gasped.

  Her voice grew stronger, angrier, "You are not a cripple, and you've only lost a foot for god's sake. Other men have lost their legs or arms or have been blinded. You were lucky, you should've been dead with the injuries you had. They can make you a new foot as good as the old one."

  The anger in her voice calmed him. "So I'm out of the war now?" he murmured.

  She smiled sadly, "Yes darling, you are definitely out of it, but alive."

  They started to make plans, once he had his new foot they would get married. She would resign her commission and they would move to Kenya and the Crater.

  Over the next two weeks he had further surgery to remove the last of the shrapnel. Later he was allowed out in a wheelchair to sit out in the garden.

  He was sitting out there when the Prof and Cookie found him. But now the Prof wore a Second Lieutenant's uniform and Cookie had a Staff Sergeant's Crown over his stripes.

  It seemed that the Prof was assigned to Training Command along with Cookie.

  "It's only map reading and astral navigation, Cookie has more excitement teaching explosives," Prof explained. He produced a haversack handing it to Shaun, inside was a bottle of Dimple Haig and 400 Gold Leaf smokes and his brass Zippo. "Sharon sent them, she's got seven biscuit tins for you from home. She also has your gear and rifle, we gave them to her when we got back."

  Cookie managed to rustle up three glasses and he poured out some scotch. When they had, had a drink, he asked them what had happened on Scarlos.

  Cookie started, "The grenade was thrown by a Jerry we thought was dead. The blast had really busted you up, I don't think any of us expected you to live. But John wouldn't give up and set to work on you. You had lost a lot of blood, but fortunately the Prof here, has the same blood group as you. He managed to patch you up as best he could with what facilities he had on hand. He no doubt saved your life. Dave got in touch with Alex and they sent a sub out to pick us up, everyone except Andrias, he stayed to organize the resistance."

  "So all the SS were killed then?" Shaun asked.

  "Not exactly," Prof replied, "The commanding officer, a Major, and seven others who were still alive surrendered. The islanders tied them up on their beds. Then they released the women who were in the brothel, they gave them knives then closed the door on them."

  His face grim, Prof's voice dropped to a low whisper, "I think I shall remember those screams for the rest of my life. The men inside didn't die easy. They opened the doors after it had all gone quite. Everyone inside was dead, the women had cut their own throats after dealing with the men, but when they examined them they found all the women had smiles on their faces. I was told by Andrias that the men had been castrated. Their penises had been stuffed into their mouths, amongst other things they did to them. Andrias said he threw up at the scene inside the room."

  Shaun nodded, his face paled at the news. "What happened to Dave and John?"

  "Dave was promoted to Staff Sargent like me," Cookie replied, "and has been transferred back to England. John was offered a Commission in the Medical Corps, which he accepted. He too has returned to England. We are all going to get gongs, according to the Commodore at some time."

  They chattered for a further hour promising to call back to see him later.


  Over the next few months, Shaun was transferred to Cairo to have a prosthetic foot fitted. The doctor in charge of the unit told him of the changes taking place almost daily in the design of prosthetic limbs.

  "The war has pushed the development at a faster rate owing to the many casualties needing them. I have no doubts that your new foot will change in its construction over the interim period until it seems like your old foot." He had promised.

  At first Shaun had found it awkward to walk on, and had refused point blank to use sticks. Each day he practiced until he would fall exhausted onto his bed, the stump of his leg rubbed raw. But slowly he began to adjust his walking to take in the short fall of the foot.

  Commodore Silverman came to see him and discuss his future. "Shaun the army can still use you, despite the foot. I can find a place for you in my department coordinating projects."

  Shaun looked at him, then slowly shook his head, "Thank you for the kind offer, Sir, but I'm a field Officer, I'd go crazy sitting in a room behind a desk, whilst others were out there fighting. If I can't fight, then I may as well go home."

  Silverman smiled sadly, "It's what I expected you to say. Sharon has already said, if you resigned your commission, then she would resign hers too. So I expect you will be wanting to get married now, once they release you that is."

  Shaun smiled, "With your permission, Sir?"

  The Co
mmodore chuckled, "You have it my boy, although Sharon would have married you even had I said no. She's a strong-willed woman that one, I hope you realise that."

  Shaun merely smiled in acknowledgement.

  Chapter 37

  The wedding took place a month later, held in the register office in Cairo. Commodore Silverman and his wife Doctor Helen Silverman, Cookie, and Prof with Barbara sporting an engagement ring. Ted Frazer, now a Lieutenant Colonel and Bobby sporting a cast on his arm, finding out later he was on sick leave due to run in with a German patrol.

  At the reception in the gardens of the Nile Palace, he thanked everyone for attending amid ribald remarks from Bobby and Cookie.

  At five, the Commodore and Doctor Silverman ran the newlyweds in his Humber Staff car to the airport. Sharon's father had pulled strings to get them on a plane. Their luggage was already in the DC3's hold. Shaun shook hands with the Commodore, and thanked Doctor Silverman who kissed him on his cheek, whispering in his ear, "Take care of her, Son."

  They relaxed in the uncomfortable canvas bucket seats as the aircraft lifted off on the first leg of their journey.

  He glanced at Sharon sitting next to him, she had worn the white summer dress to the wedding, now she had a cardigan over her shoulders to offset the cold of the aircraft at this height.

  "Happy darling?" he asked. She turned and looked at him with those dark, beautiful eyes.

  Taking his hand in hers she kissed it. "Ecstatic," she replied, squeezing his hand. They refuelled at Juba in South Sudan before continuing on to Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia. There, they stayed overnight in a hotel before catching the De Havilland Rapid to Nairobi, early the next morning.

  Aunt Vicky and Tamba were waiting to greet them. Shaun and Tamba loaded the big, American, Shooting Brake with the luggage, whilst Sharon and Aunt Vicky hugged each other.

  Shaun sat in the front with Tamba as he took the wheel of the powerful V8. Tamba had taken over the duties of running the house after his Grandfather's old batman, Hanga had died. Now almost fifty he drove carefully as they negotiated through the traffic leading out of Nairobi.


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