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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 24

by BWWM Club

  “What?” Mel turned on him and said. Exhaustion and hunger made her snap.

  Tristan put his hands up as if in surrender. “I was walking you out, Mel.”

  Her name on his lips sounded strange because he continually called her Ms. Fairbanks.

  “Sorry. I’m just exhausted.” Mel’s stomach growled as if it were punctuation at the end of her sentence.

  “And hungry it seems.” Mel nodded.

  “I skipped breakfast.” Not sure why she told him that because it wasn’t any of his business when she ate.

  “Would you like to get lunch with me?” Tristan stopped her outside of the elevators and asked.

  That was a bad idea, but she did make a deal with him. “Uh, sure.”

  “Great. There’s a café down the block with wonderful tomato basil soup.” Tristan hopped into the elevator after her.

  Mel tried to scoot as far away from where he stood as possible, which proved difficult because he was so large and standing in the middle of the elevator.

  “I won’t bite, Mel. Unless you want me too.” His eyes shone with something Mel recognized from the night before as lust, darkening the ice blue to stormy gray.

  Her response died on her lips when Tristan spun around, crashing his mouth into hers and hauling her up against his chest.

  Chapter 4

  Mel could feel his pec muscles through his thin white button up and her tiny lace cami and sheer bra did nothing to hide her taut nipples as they pebbled against his chest. She moaned against his mouth as he nipped and sucked at her lips, pressing his tongue inside to tangle with hers. Mel’s head was swimming with passion unlike any other she had felt before. Tristan was rough, but not hurting her, as he backed her against the elevator wall and hiked her legs up around his waist. He pushed her long skirt up her thighs, slipping his hand under her ass and needing it as he grounded his hard erection against the junction of her thighs. The pressure of his hard cock against her sheer panties felt almost as good as skin on skin and her clit began to throb with pleasure as he bucked his hips forward again and again.

  “Tristan,” Mel breathed, not sure if she was asking him to stop or telling him that she needed more.

  Tristan took it as an invitation and pulled the strap of her camisole and bra down over her shoulder, freeing her small perky breasts from their sheer cage. He dipped his head, taking her taut brown nipple in his mouth and sucking and nipping as he did with her lips. Mel took in a sharp breath and arched her back, pushing her chest out for more. Tristan moved to the other nipple and Mel swore it sent a shot straight to her center. She felt the elevator jerk to a halt and froze. They were stopping on the ground floor and about to give the whole lobby of the building a show.

  “Shit!” She pushed him back and dropped to the floor, her sandals slapping against the bottom of the elevator.

  Mel arranged herself, smoothing her skirt and hair and pulling the straps of her bra and cami back into place. She couldn’t look at Tristan, she was too embarrassed. Mel never lost control like that and it made her feel like a fool for falling for his games again. The doors slid open just as Mel smoothed her clothing and hair one last time. She wasn’t sure if she should get off first or wait for Tristan to go first. Tristan breezed by her a moment later answering her question. He didn’t look back just kept moving towards the door, adjusting his tie as he went. Mel frowned deeply, her first reaction was embarrassment and Tristan’s seemed to be anger. An uncomfortable lump settled in her stomach. His reaction left her a bit unsettled especially considering the deal they had. Sighing at her predicament, Mel stepped from the elevator, hurrying to keep up with Tristan. What had she been thinking?


  Tristan scowled as he heard the clack of Mel’s sandals as she approached him from behind. What was he thinking to start something like that in the elevator? Shaking his head he slowed, figuring he should wait for her since he did ask her to lunch.

  “Hey,” she said behind him, a little out of breath from trying to keep up.

  Mel was tiny, petite, and her short legs must have had to work a lot harder than his did to cover two city blocks in two minutes. He suddenly felt like an ass, which just pissed him off even more.

  “This is the place.” Tristan motioned toward the door with his hand and pulled the door open for her, waving her in ahead of him.

  This morning he was amicable with her, figuring he shouldn’t worry so much about feelings; hers or his. After he heard her sing, something deep inside of him, without his consent, reacted to her words. They made him feel things he’d repressed years ago. The hurt of his parent’s abandonment, the pain of growing up without a family or home of his own and other memories that Tristan had pushed down so far he was hoping they never saw the light of day ever again. Mel was different than any woman he had ever met. She was shy and naïve but also strong with a dark past; just as he had. Something about the way she sang, and the words to her songs, made Tristan throw caution to the wind and kiss her in that elevator. It was a stupid move. Anyone could have seen them if she hadn’t had the peace of mind to stop them.

  Once in the café, Tristan led Mel to a table in the back. They sat down, Mel awkwardly folding and unfolding her cloth napkin in her lap. Tristan watched her for a moment as she stared off into space, to the left of where they sat. Her caramel colored skin was shining in the mid day sun that streamed through the window. She looked younger than twenty five and had Tristan not known her true age he would have believed she wasn’t a day over eighteen. Her brown eyes were shining too, almost as if they had tears in them. Tristan grimaced at the feeling of tightness in his chest at the idea of her crying. No guilt, no feelings. Tristan repeated it a few times in his head for effect. The waitress came over just in time before Tristan said something stupid.

  “What can I get the two of you?” She asked, her pen poised over her notepad.

  Tristan ordered for them, two soups, two salads and two teas. The waitress tried to flirt with him but Tristan ignored her, instead waving her away dismissively when he was done ordering. The movement wasn’t lost on Mel and he caught her frowning out of the corner of his eye.

  “I’ve never said I was a nice guy,” Tristan said. He may as well clear the air now about who he was.

  “I’m sorry?” Mel said as if she didn’t hear what he said.

  The look in her eyes let him know that she did. “I’m not a nice guy,” he repeated, emphasizing the word nice.

  “Right.” Mel answered curtly, turning her body slightly away from his to look out the window on the right.

  Tristan followed the line of her neck all the way to where her cream colored, lace topped camisole emphasized the small swell of her breast beneath it. His pants began to tighten as he remembered how she tasted. Tristan didn’t like his emotions, including lust, to get out of control when he was in public. For some reason Mel got to him and he wasn’t sure if he should null their original deal or see how it played out.

  Several minutes later the food came and they ate in relative silence besides a few moments of small talk before the waitress came with the check.

  “It’s on me.” Tristan slapped his card down on top of the check.

  Mel nodded, a strange look on her face. He knew he was arrogant but going from a poor, skinny kid who was abandoned by his parents to become one of the most powerful men in the music industry, Tristan was proud of his wealth and how he made it on his own. Minutes later they were back out on the sidewalk in the warm June sun.

  “I have to work. I’ll see you later.” Mel gave him a backwards wave as she turned and headed in the opposite direction.

  Tristan sighed, he’d have to change his attitude whether he liked it or not.


  The bar was busy that night. Mel had changed out of her long, flowy dress into a pair of tight jean shorts several hours ago. Flowy ‘hippie’ dresses, as Blake called them, didn’t bring in the tips. Apparently booty shorts did. Taking a five minute break from the ba
r’s chaos, Mel looked at her profile in the mirror of the ladies room one last time. She was short, so the wedge sandals she wore were a necessity in making her legs look longer. Besides being on the ‘petite’ side, Mel was happy with her body shape. A round ass and thick thighs were topped off with a tiny waist and small perky breasts. She liked what she saw; unlike Blake, who was a size eight and five inches taller than Mel. Shaking her head at Blake’s body image issues, Mel stepped from the bathroom and into someone’s chest. It was Tristan. Why was it always Tristan?

  “Well, I was looking for you and didn’t think I’d find you in quite this fashion.” Tristan smirked down at her, all arrogance and alpha male.

  Mel frowned at him. “You found me. Now I have to get back to work.” She wasn’t in the mood for him games. Especially not after his whole ‘I’m not a nice guy’ speech.

  “Not so fast, Mel.” Tristan grabbed her bicep and pulled her back, the contact and the way he said her name made her shiver with desire.

  “Tristan, I don’t have time for this. The bar is swamped and there are only two girls behind the bar. I’m sorry, but I have to go.” Mel tried to wrestle her arm away from him but he wasn’t budging, instead his grip tightened. It didn’t hurt but it wasn’t comfortable either.

  “I like this side of Mel Fairbanks; the feisty little bartender.” Tristan laughed, the first genuine laugh Mel ever heard from him and it made her insides melt and the sensitive flesh between her legs throb with want.

  Mel sighed, he clearly wasn’t letting go so she probably should find out what he wanted.

  “What can I help you with, Tristan Powers?” Mel cocked her hip out and propped her hand on it.

  Tristan raised an eyebrow, all traces of humor gone. Instead his eyes turned the same stormy blue that they had before he kissed her the last time. Mel swallowed hard. What was he going to do?


  Mel looked sexy as hell in those short shorts and heels. Tristan’s dick ached under his suit pants, wanting to be free and inside of Mel. He contemplated letting go of her and storming off, but what had that got him the last few days? Blue balls and a migraine.

  Fuck it, he thought, pulling Mel behind him into the alcove of a tiny storage closet.

  Here went nothing. Before he could think of the consequences, Tristan grabbed her around the waist, spinning her to face him. He tipped her chin, dipped his head and captured her mouth with his, pressing at the seam of her lips with his tongue until she acquiesced and opened her mouth for him. He kissed her deeply, the emotions he felt when she sang filling his chest and urging him to take more from her. Mel moaned against his mouth, going limp in his arms and Tristan pulled her up against him hard, pressing his rock hard dick against her belly. Mel gasped at the feel of him, but didn’t pull away. His mouth never left hers as he moved them back against the wall away from the prying eyes of people inside the bar. Again, he hiked her legs up to his waist, pressing her back against the brick for support. Tiny moans escaped Mel as he grinded his hardness into the V of her shorts, wishing he could rip the damn things away from her body to feel all of her. He wanted her and taking her in the back of a crowded bar didn’t seem the least bit crazy while her hands were roaming his back where she pulled his shirt from the back of his pants. He longed to feel more of her nakedness against him. What was she doing to him?


  Mel’s heart was racing as Tristan kissed her deeper, his tongue tangling with hers as he mimicked sex by pushing his hard erection against her crotch. He pulled her cami down again, all the way to her waist this time, unhooking her bra and discarding it somewhere. His mouth found her nipples and began to suck, his teeth pinching ever so slightly and pulling at the end. The feeling was too much for Mel to handle and her back arched as she begged him with her body for more.

  All sanity had left Mel the moment his mouth met hers outside of the bathroom. Only they existed and Mel didn’t want to let him go. Her hands roamed over his muscular back, the muscles bunching and moving as he held her against the wall. She lowered her hand to the front of his pants, taking a moment to cup his girth from the outside. Tristan growled deep in his chest and ground his cock against her hand. Mel grasped the buttons and fumbled to open it with one hand, finally managing to get them undone. Pushing his boxer briefs down, she released him, throbbing and hard in her hand. Tristan growled again, his kisses becoming fiercer as he nipped at her lips and neck. He released his hold on her with one hand, undoing her shorts in seconds and pulling them down as fast as he could. They dangled from one of her feet as he pulled her back up against him; all that separated them was the flimsy scrap of sheer panties. Mel ground her panties clad pussy against his erection again. She shifted, allowing their bodies to align.

  Tristan took that as an invitation, pushing her panties aside and plunging deep inside of her already wet pussy before she could second guess the saneness of what was happening. He filled her, almost too big to fit, stretching her walls as he settled inside. Mel grabbed onto his neck, taking his earlobe in her mouth and sucking. Tristan grunted, pulling back and plunging back into her slick channel. Mel moaned loudly, the feel of his hardness moving in and out of her felt sublime. She gripped his back with her nails as he pulled back and plunged into her again and again.

  The sounds of their sex filled the back room and Mel knew it was a wonder no one walked by to use the bathroom. Tristan shifted and Mel groaned quietly, the different position causing his dick to find her g spot. Responding to her moans of pleasure, Tristan thrust deeper and harder against the same spot and Mel was seeing stars from the motion. Her whole body felt sensitive and the area between her legs was throbbing with the need to come. The pleasure built and the orgasm hit Mel so hard she had to bite down on her lip to keep from screaming out loud. Tristan set her down, and then leaned close to her ear.

  “I’m not done with you yet. Turn around.” He barked through gritted teeth.

  Mel did as he said, placing her hands on the wall wall and leaning forward over a box of wine bottles in the corner like he instructed. Tristan took her wrists in one of his hands, gripping them against the wall. Then he was plunging back inside of her wetness, the still spasming muscles gripping him and he fit like they were meant for him. Mel moaned again, the roughness of the boxes edge biting into her legs, the pain adding to her pleasure. Tristan’s body pounded against hers and he was so deep inside of her that Mel felt as if they were one.

  This was crazy, having sex in the back of the bar where she worked with a man she barely knew, or even liked, but on some level it didn’t seem crazy at all and Mel felt as if she had been waiting for Tristan her whole miserable life. Tristan began to move faster, Mel’s pussy clenching around him as her orgasm began to rise again.

  “Oh God!” She yelled, unable to keep quiet as the orgasm tore through her, leaving her sagging against the wall.

  Tristan moved faster still, his motions lengthening the effects of her orgasm. He pushed into her firmly two more times, moaning as he came and then leaning over her back. Realizing she was spent, he grabbed Mel around the waist and disengaged them, the feeling making Mel wish they were in a bed so she could keep the contact longer. She found her footing and turned around, straightening her camisole and pulling on her shorts then looking up at him. What had she just done?


  Five minutes later Mel was behind the bar again, after cleaning herself up in the bathroom and having a strange conversation with Tristan.

  “I cannot believe we just did that,” Mel said, a hand over her face feeling embarrassed.

  Tristan stood with her in the same hall he had just had sex with her, adjusting his pants and shirt and finger combing his jet black hair.

  Tristan shrugged at her comment. “Why not?” He smirked at her again, the blue of his eyes appearing to twinkle. Was this the same asshole who taunted her last week in his home?

  “Uh, I guess because anyone could have walked by. That’s why.” Mel managed to calm her he
ating face and smooth her hair back to its original state.

  “Oh, that.” He shrugged again as if this was something that happened every day.

  Concern filled Mel that maybe he was that kind of guy. Maybe he slept around with more than one woman at a time and Mel was just another notch on his bedpost. Anger filled her, not at Tristan but at herself. Why had she let him get to her in this way? And here she thought maybe they had some sort of connection.

  “I have to go back to work.” She squeaked, all of her confidence from moments before waning.

  Tristan looked at her, his expression unreadable as usual. “Ok. I was hoping that after work you would come home with me. That’s what I was going to ask you before…”

  “Right. Sure. I’ll find you when my shift is over in an hour.” Not sure why she agreed to go home with him, Mel turned away from him and walked back towards the bathroom to clean herself up.


  Tristan watched Mel’s shapely ass disappear around the corner towards the restrooms. He lost control and damn did it feel good. Mel had a strange effect on him. He hadn’t allowed himself to lose control like that in years.

  Control was the way Tristan made his world sane, how everything made sense. After his parents left him nothing made sense and he had no control over his life. He’d never forget the way his father looked as he walked away from that group home. He looked relieved. His mother stayed in the car, unable to bear leaving him. But not his old man. He was a cold bastard and likely the reason his parents decided to leave him in that home. Every time he thought about it he wanted to scream. He was only a kid, thirteen years old. The night before his mother explained how they lost all of their money because his dad made ‘too many bad investments’ and that he would have to go away for a little while. But they would be back for him when they had the money. That was a lie and neither he nor the state was able to find the sorry bastards who gave him away.

  Cursing under his breath at the path his mind took, Tristan hurried back out to the bar area to wait for Mel’s shift to be over. He meant what he said to her; he wanted her to come home with him. While he may not be a nice guy, he knew they had a connection and he wanted to explore it further in the bedroom. They had a deal after all.


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