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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 46

by BWWM Club

  “Hey,” she said. “I’m going to grab something to eat. Want to come with me?”

  Finn didn’t smile back. Courtney reached for him.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked concern in her voice.

  “Yeah. I’m cool, just had a long day.”

  “You want me to bring food back?”

  “No. I’m not hungry. I’m just going to head to bed.”

  “I could bring Italian, join you in bed,” Court said seductively.

  “I’m tired. Another time,” he said walking into the building, leaving Courtney dumbfounded for the second time today. Her appetite gone, she decided to just head home.

  The next morning, she was woken up extra early by Prada who swatted her with her paw until she opened her eyes. She couldn’t go back to sleep and realized she was starving so she put on coffee and toasted some bagels. Courtney chewed slowly, thinking about the conversation she had with Finn yesterday. Was everything okay with them? He seemed so cold towards her. She barely tasted the food, she had lost her appetite again.

  As she got ready for work her mind analyzed every second of their conversation. “No I’m being silly,” she thought. He probably just had a long day. She would see him after work and everything would be fine. She would call him and invite him to have dinner with her.

  That evening Court came home and plopped on her couch in despair. She had tried calling and texting Finn but he didn’t respond to either. She had apparently misjudged her connection with him. She didn’t realize he could be so indifferent.

  The next two days passed by and still no word from Finn. She wanted to know what the hell was going on. Everything was perfect. They had celebrated their anniversary, but since then he was, different. Could he really be that upset with her for what she said about leaving her phone or did he mean it when he said she had ruined their night? At first she was concerned, but now she was angry. So on Thursday around eight, when Finn had texted to say he would be over in a few minutes to talk, Courtney was over it. By this time, Courtney was hurt, confused and angry, a bad combination. So when she saw him pull up on his bike she waited to hear him on the stairs and flung open her door.

  “Hi,” she said with a scowl and her arms crossed.

  “Hi,” he responded rubbing the stubble on his chin.

  “I left you several messages,” she said trying to hold her anger in.

  “I know. I’ve been busy,” he said looking her straight in the eye.

  “I see,” she said.

  “Courtney. I don’t think this is working for me anymore,” Finn said not quite meeting her eyes.

  “Just like that huh?”

  Finn took a deep breath.

  “What, Courtney?” he asked.

  “Hmm. Nothing. Is that all you came over to say? Okay then, well have a nice night,” Courtney said turning to go back in her apartment.

  “Court,” Finn called after her. “Look we had fun. You and I would never work. It’s amazing that it lasted as long as it did. Two different worlds. I…”

  But Courtney cut him off.

  “Look Finn. You’re absolutely right. We don’t need to do this. What’s the point of listing the reasons? We had fun while it lasted. We both knew it had to end sometime. Nothing serious right? Back to the real world. We’re good. I’m good,” she said shutting the door.

  Finn’s shoulders sagged. This wasn’t how he thought things would go. He made his way slowly down the stairs. What did he expect? Courtney was no nonsense and it was apparent she had moved on. What did he think, that there would be a tearful goodbye? Pleas to forgive her and work things out. He was right. Courtney and he were too different. He knew he just wasn’t enough for her. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He glanced up at Court’s window but of course she wasn’t watching him leave.

  Courtney leaned against the door, sinking to the floor. The tears she had been holding back finally spilling over. She wrapped her arms around herself. She felt hollow, broken. That if she let go, she would fall apart. How could she be stupid? He got what he wanted. A hot fling and after that he didn’t want her anymore. Her heart was broken. She had fallen in love with Finn. Had finally decided to answer his questions about where things were going. And this whole time, he was just running game on her. He had gotten bored with her.

  She wiped the hot tears from her cheeks and went to bed. She didn’t know what time she fell asleep but she had cried all night. Her face was puffy and blotchy. Her whole body ached. Court looked at the clock. It was seven. Prada sensing her distress had not woken her up but rather laid on the bed keeping a protective eye over Courtney. Courtney gathered her up in her arms.

  “Come here fur ball,” she said fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

  Courtney decided to call in sick. She couldn’t deal with her emotions about Finn at work. She spent the whole day in bed, her emotions ranging from anger to hurt to acceptance. Where did they go wrong she wondered? Everything seemed so…perfect. How did all that change in a matter of hours? Was it all fake? If so, Finn should give up art and become an actor. She didn’t feel like venturing out the next day so she spent the day in bed again. Her phone went off several times, but knowing that it wasn’t Finn, she didn’t bother checking.

  The next few days went by in a haze. She slept all day Sunday but by Monday she had to put her big girl panties on and go to work. She was determined not to be a wreck. She even took the time to apply eyeliner and lipstick. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. The smile didn’t quite reach her eyes but she looked pretty enough. She was just heading out when her cell phone rang. It was Darren.

  “Hello?” she answered

  “Courtney. Glad I reached you. I was wondering if you could accompany me to a meeting. New client. Jeanie is running late and we need to be there by nine,” he said.

  “Where is it?” she asked.

  “On Lexington,” Darren responded.

  Court glanced at her watch.

  “It’s already five past eight. I don’t know if I would make it on time. Even if I could find a cab,” she said wrinkling her nose.

  ‘I love when you scrunch up your nose like that,” Darren said chuckling.

  Courtney instinctively reached up to touch her nose, how did he know? A car pulled up next to her.

  “I was hoping you said yes,” Darren said by way of greeting.

  Courtney smiled and shook her head before getting into the car. She should have known.

  Courtney had an enjoyable morning with Darren, he was more himself when they were alone, she noticed. If she thought about it, he was the type of man she should be dating. Driven and successful. There was only one problem. Her heart belonged to Finn.

  When Darren invited her to lunch she declined. There was one person who would understand. Courtney asked Darren to drop her off at Kim’s building which was not too far from their office. When she knocked on her best friends door Kim squealed.

  “Hi!” she said rushing to embrace Courtney.

  “Can we please do lunch?” Court asked. “I need Kim time.”

  The two friends went to a nearby deli that had quiet booths and the best Reuben sandwiches in the city.

  “So how have you been?” Kim asked.

  Courtney burst into tears. She explained everything to her best friend, Kim let her vent without interrupting. She told her about their anniversary, about her telling Finn that she loved him. She told her about Darren kissing her and how she realized at that moment that Finn was the only one she wanted. She told her about their fight the morning after their perfect night. About Finn showing up to her job and then leaving in a huff. About their final confrontation and subsequent break-up. She talked until her voice was sore. When Courtney finished in a wave of new sobs Kim finally spoke.

  “So he didn’t give you any reason why he wanted out?” she asked.

  “None. Just that we were too different.”

  “And what do you think?” Kim questioned.

  “Well of
course we’re different but I didn’t care about any of that. I did at first but then I couldn’t fight my heart. He makes me happy Kim. Or he did. Now I don’t know what to do,” Courtney said sadly.

  “I’m sorry Courtney,” Kim said hugging Courtney while Court put her head on her friend’s shoulder.

  Kim hated seeing her friend like this. She deserved to be happy. She felt guilty, she had encouraged Courtney to give Finn a chance and now her friend had a broken heart. They walked back to Courtney’s job and Kim embraced her friend, her heart heavy.

  The next two weeks passed in a haze. Courtney found herself crying out of the blue when something reminded her of Finn. Prada seemed depressed too. She stayed in a corner sleeping all day.

  With each passing day, she became more resigned to the fact that things were over between her and Finn. She smiled on the outside, getting back to normal but inside she was still hurting.


  Finn was miserable. He missed Courtney more than anything. It was evident in his art. All the pieces for the exhibit were somehow connected to Courtney. The piece with the gray cat eyes, over a silhouette, Prada and the woman who haunted his dreams. A field of purple flowers and the goddess who lay among them. But most of all, his masterpiece, one he entitled Love. It was a sculpture made of wood and metal of a giant abstract heart, two different elements merging together to become one, with an amethyst crystal center. Wood, harsh and rough around the edges represented Finn. Steel, smooth and strong and beautiful in its simplicity represented Courtney. The different halves meeting in the middle, different but somehow coexisting perfectly. Them. Their love. And he didn’t even fight for it. The most important night of his life and the only person he needed wasn’t going to be there. As he stared at the piece he knew what he had to do.

  “Hello, this is K. Carver,” the voice on the other line said.

  “Kim? This is Finn. I need your help,” Finn said.

  Chapter 8

  Courtney stood at the sink eating cereal and staring off into space. She dreaded Saturdays these days. They reminded her of Finn. Her phone ringing startled her.

  “Hey Courtney. What are you doing today?” Kim asked.

  “I hadn’t made any plans,” Courtney said disappointingly.

  “Well, I have an art show to go to this afternoon. Hawking new clients of course. I want you to come with me,” Kim stated.

  “I really wasn’t in the mood to do anything today,” Courtney said quickly.

  “No way. I am not taking no for an answer. You’ve been moping in that apartment for almost three weeks now. You are coming out with me even if I have to come there, dress you and drag you out kicking and screaming,” Kim insisted.

  “Kim!” Courtney complained. “What would I even wear?” Court asked already headed to her closet. She knew her friend could be persistent.

  “Well, these art shows can be a very classy affair so wear your emerald Zac Posen and your purple stilettos.”

  “Perfect. I swear in another life you were a personal stylist Kim,” Court said laughing.

  “Hey part of my job is to make sure my clients look good. I am a stylist.”

  “That you are.”

  Courtney hung up with Kim after confirming that her friend would pick her up at three. That gave her plenty of time to catch up on some television shows she had recorded on DVR and still have time to shave her legs and straighten her hair.

  She made sure she had her purple clutch and simple gold drop earrings to match. At the last moment, she also pulled out the necklace Finn had given her. It would be a perfect match. Courtney headed to the kitchen to make sure Prada was fed. She set the can down as Prada hissed in annoyance. She spent her morning changing her nail polish while watching one of her favorite shows. Around twelve she took a long shower, washed her hair and shaved her legs. She put on silky lotion and her La Perla underwear from the gala. Courtney straightened her hair and put it up in an elegant twist. She did her makeup and then the panic started settling in. She was going to an art show. That would definitely remind her of Finn. She was so deep in thought that her cellphone ringing startled her. It was Kim letting her know she was downstairs.

  “Whoa,” Kim called from the front seat of the car. “You look amazing.”

  Courtney did a twirl to the amusement of the sedan’s driver. Kim got out and hugged her friend.

  “You should talk. You look stunning,” she said kissing Kim on the cheek.

  Her friend did truly look regal. She had her hair in a neat up do with a jeweled headband with blue and yellow gemstones. She wore a butter yellow satin gown that hugged her curves perfectly while still remaining classy.

  “Courtney this is Michael,” Kim said indicating the handsome man driving.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you,” Courtney said.

  “Please call me Mike,” he said.

  Courtney looked Michael over. Although he wore, which was clearly an expensive designer suit, he also had tattoos on his neck, piercings and gauges in his ear. Suddenly it hit her. Michael wasn’t Kim’s driver he was her date! This was the mystery man Kim had been gushing about the past few months. Kim saw the moment understanding dawned in Courtney’s eyes and cringed. Courtney looked at her friend with narrowed eyes and a look that Kim clearly recognized. The ‘you owe me one’ look. Kim hadn’t told Court because she knew she would have never agreed to be a third wheel but she needed her to go to the exhibit.

  Her annoyance gone, Courtney looked at her friend as they drove to the gallery. She looked happy. She could see it in the way she looked at Mike and the way he looked at her. She got a lump in her throat thinking about Finn. She decided she would stay for a little while and then take a taxi back home.

  It was quite the affair when they arrived. The party was for a renowned photographer that had been featured in magazines ranging from Vogue to National Geographic. The exhibit was for his latest collection. A series of black and white shots of some of the most beautiful models on the planet.

  As Kim made the rounds mingling, Court stayed behind admiring his work. One picture in particular caught her eye. It was a candid of a rising Hollywood starlet. As beautiful as she was that was not what caught Courtney’s attention. It was the sadness in her eyes and her expression when she thought no one was looking. Her vulnerability made her all the more beautiful.

  “Gorgeous,” a voice from behind her said.

  “Yes, she is very beautiful,” Courtney replied without turning.

  “I wasn’t talking about her. I was talking about you.”

  This time Courtney did turn and was once again struck dumbfounded.

  Finn stood before her holding two champagne flutes. He looked amazing in his suit. His normally unruly hair was slicked back in an elegant knot, she had never noticed how strong his jaw was, even under the stubble, or how his eyes sparkled mischievously. Courtney suddenly felt very hot.

  Finn handed her the champagne flute.

  “What are you doing here?” she finally spit out.

  “I was invited. James the photographer is a friend of mine,” he said indicating the photographer whose event she was crashing.

  “It’s an amazing coincidence, this was where I wanted to take you. When I asked you to come with me somewhere.”

  Courtney didn’t know what to say, she was trying her hardest not to let her emotions get the best of her.

  “His work is incredible,” she said lamely.

  “I’ll introduce you if you want,” he said.

  Before Courtney could protest, Finn placed his hand on the small of her back, leading her through the crowd. His touch sent electricity through her body. She had missed his touch more than she realized.

  “James,” Finn said walking up to one of the guests. “This is Courtney, the one I was telling you about.”

  James took Courtney's hands in his own, he seemed genuinely happy to meet her.

  “You are right,” he said. “She is simply stunning.”

  Courtney bl

  “Your work is amazing,” she gushed. “Especially the candid shots. Those are my favorite.”

  “Thank you,” James said. “Finally, someone who gets me. I find people at their most beautiful when they are not putting on a show for the camera. Unfortunately, magazines don’t pay as much for those.”

  Courtney liked James immediately. For one thing, he was not pretentious. While everyone else around him wore stuffy suits and elegant dresses, the guest of honor had opted for a sports jacket button down and worn jeans. He wore boots that were scuffed, apparently his favorite pair. He was also extremely funny and entertaining, if not a little eccentric. Although she was hyper aware of Finn next to her, she focused on James so that she could keep her emotions in check. James gave Court a unique experience. He asked her to accompany him on a tour of the exhibit. Walking the gallery with Finn and James she ended up with the champagne glasses refilled as if by magic, until she was fearful to sip so the fairy waitresses wouldn’t come refill them again. She did partake in the mini spring rolls, cocktail shrimp and stuffed mushrooms however. Courtney enjoyed James’s tales and adventures as he showed her his photographs. He had an interesting story about each one of the various subjects. Courtney found herself saddened that they were nearing the end of the white curtained exhibit.

  “I’m not the only talented one here,” he said suddenly addressing the small group that had been following them. As they move further back in the gallery the exhibit suddenly split. Where there white curtains were now suddenly a different exhibit, this time with silver and lavender screens separating the paintings. There was already a large crowd convening around the center of this side of the exhibit.


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