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Hitts & Mrs.

Page 21

by Lori Bryant-Woolridge

  “Really?” Melanie asked with a tiny chuckle. She cut her eyes over at Will. He was casually flipping through one of her design magazines, trying hard to appear not to be eavesdropping. “Why don’t you e-mail me and tell me all about it?” she said softly.

  Oh, no, she didn’t just give him that sexy little half laugh of hers. And did she just lower her voice? This isn’t friend talk. This is lover talk. Who is this motherfucker, and what does he want with my woman?

  “I’ll see you soon, then.”

  “Looking forward to it.” Melanie disconnected the call and took a few seconds before turning her attention back to Will. Hearing John’s voice had brought to the surface all the warm feelings that being in Will’s cherished presence had muffled. Her heart love for one man comingled with her soul love for the other, creating a potent emotional cocktail. Mel enjoyed the heady sentimental buzz, joyfully intoxicated by her true feelings for both.

  “That was a friend of mine who is out of town on business. He was calling to check in,” she told him, feeling compelled to explain.

  A friend. I don’t think so. Mel’s casual use of the term, juxtaposed with her earlier body language, disturbed Will, hitting him in the face like a prizefighter’s punch.

  “Mel, remember at Christmas we promised to take things slow, but to be honest and open with each other?”


  “Well, are you sleeping with someone?” Will blurted out the question much more abruptly than he’d intended.

  Melanie debated whether to tell Will about John and vice versa. On one hand, she might feel less deceitful by doing so. On the other hand, why should she feel like she was cheating on both of them when neither was her lover? And how could she explain her relationship with John? Would Will really understand that they were romantic friends—in love but not lovers? Emotionally intimate but physically celibate? What she and John knew, but others could not comprehend, forced their relationship into the very back of their lives’ secret drawer. And now that she was accustomed to her unique role in his life and his in hers, Melanie wanted to keep their relationship in this special place, dwelling somewhere between the shadows and the soul.

  “No, I’m not sleeping with anyone,” she answered honestly.

  Will smiled. He believed her, but he also believed that he’d better hightail it to New York on a permanent basis, and soon, or the next time he asked that question, the reply would be much different.

  In the far-off distance, Melanie heard a buzzing sound. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it read 6:06 P.M., which meant she’d been asleep for approximately an hour and a half. Feeling disoriented, she took a minute to retrace her recent steps. Soon after arriving home from BenAlex, she’d considered sending a Valentine’s Day wish to John, but decided against it, feeling it was best that his wife be the only love on his mind on this special day. She’d tried to call Will to add a personal wish to the card she’d sent, but his answering machine had picked up. He’d wanted to come up and have dinner together, but was unable to get away because of a big meeting the next day. Mel had been disappointed, but relieved as well. She wasn’t sure she could trust herself to contain her physical impulses, and while the flesh was more than willing, the mind was not. So, Valentineless, she’d sat down to meditate, but had obviously dozed off.

  Another buzz from the intercom nudged her into complete coherence. Mel jumped up from the couch to answer the doorman’s call, and was informed that a delivery person was on his way up. Moments later she heard a soft knock and, peering through the peephole, was surprised to find Will Freedman standing at her door, holding several grocery bags and a single red rose between his teeth.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked after flinging open the door. “I thought you had a big meeting in the morning.”

  “I do,” Will replied once Mel removed the flower from his mouth. “But after thinking it over, I decided it was stupid to let a meeting tomorrow keep me from spending time with you tonight.”

  “You came all the way to New York for just a couple of hours?”

  “I think you’re definitely worth it, don’t you? Now step aside, I have very little time to create some major magic here.”

  “Well, then come on in,” Mel said, touched by his thoughtfulness. She followed him into the kitchen but was promptly dismissed. While Will unpacked his groceries, she disappeared into her bedroom to freshen up and make herself more presentable. When she returned, he was waiting with a chilled glass of champagne. Silence descended as he gently secured a brightly colored scarf over her eyes, checking to make sure there was no way she could peek.

  “I’ve never eaten dinner blindfolded before,” she said before accepting a sip of champagne.

  “That’s because you’ve never experienced a Will Freedman sweetheart-of-a-meal. We specialize in sensual dining. So sit back, relax, and enjoy. This will be a dinner that you will never forget,” Will said, delivering a quick kiss to her lips before traipsing off to the kitchen.

  Melanie could hear him happily humming along to the sexy Latin tunes of Marc Anthony as he puttered around the kitchen. She smiled as well, a joyful confirmation that she was in the right place, with the right person.

  “First course, coming up,” Will announced as he reentered the room fifteen minutes later carrying a tray of various delicious edibles.

  Will picked up a steamed asparagus, dipped the tip in maple mustard sauce, and brought it slowly near her mouth. Mel’s nose twitched slightly as the sweet syrupy scent mixed with the sharp bite of Dijon wafted up her nostrils. He slowly parted her teeth with the vegetable and Melanie bit down on the tender crisp stem, releasing a spray of juice in her mouth. She chewed slowly, savoring the mélange of tastes.

  The cold metallic taste of a spoon replaced the warmth before the sweet shock of lemon sorbet exploded on her tongue, cleansing the vegetable from her palate and preparing her mouth for the next delectable onslaught.

  Melanie smelled the briny odor of the shellfish as it approached her mouth. Will once again parted her lower lip, this time with a hard cold crustacean. With a little prompting, the raw oyster drenched in a spicy red wine cocktail sauce slid onto her tongue. Mel took several moments to enjoy its silky feel and savory taste as the peppery scent of Tabasco tingled her nose.

  Dinner continued in silence, a healthy sexual tension crowding the necessity for conversation out of the room. Touch, smell, taste, and sounds other than talk were the preferred side dishes served with this sensual main course.

  Will followed the oyster with several tender chunks of lobster dunked in warm drawn butter. Another cleansing dollop of sorbet ensued, but this time he purposely spread the cool frozen treat on Melanie’s lips and watched as she slowly licked them clean.

  “Time for dessert,” he whispered huskily into her ear before disappearing once again into the kitchen.

  Melanie sipped her champagne as she listened to the refrigerator door open and close, utensils clink and fall, followed by the distinctive tone of the microwave being pressed into service.

  “Sweets for my Valentine,” Will announced, reentering the room and leading her from the dining room to the sofa. “I trust that you will allow me to take certain liberties with the silverware.”

  “I won’t tell Miss Manners if you don’t,” Melanie said, laughing over his unnecessary concern.

  “Good,” he said as he dipped into the dish and coated his finger with melted milk chocolate. The scent of the sweet rich confection caused Melanie to part her lips in anticipation. She immediately found pleasure in the guilty taste of warm chocolate. Feeling shameless, Mel gently sucked away the creamy cocoa, secretly enjoying the salty taste of Will’s finger in her mouth and the arousing visions it produced in her head.

  The seductive pull on his index finger made Will squirm in his seat. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. This meal, designed to tempt and tantalize his love, was turning into pure hell. But the torture is worth it, Will remin
ded himself, if it helps to weaken Melanie’s resolve and keep me first and foremost in her mind.

  “Mmmm,” Melanie moaned with both culinary and carnal pleasure. “Delicious.” She sighed deeply and smiled with delight. Without her eyesight, all her other senses teamed together to produce the most erotic, all-encompassing dining experience she’d ever had. Never would she look at food or dinner the same again.

  “Yes, you are,” Will said quietly under his breath. He reached up and untied Mel’s blindfold, before gently touching his mouth to hers. “You had a bit of chocolate on you lip,” he announced slyly after their enticing kiss.

  “I did, did I? I think there’s still a speck left right above my chin.”

  “Ah, yes,” Will murmured before his tongue gently parted her lips and began caressing the warm chocolate inside of her mouth. Both could feel the heat rising between them as they leaned deep into the couch. Will ran his hands over Melanie’s back, arms, and breasts and she could feel Will’s hardness press against her. Their kisses became more and more ardent and as their desire grew, Will silently cursed his bad luck. He was sure that after all these months of yearning, tonight he would finally touch the soul of the woman he so desperately adored. But the love he wanted to show Melanie would take time—something he didn’t have. According to the clock on the mantel, he would have to leave in twenty minutes if he was going to catch the last flight back to Washington. And as much as he wanted to stay the night, his breakfast meeting tomorrow was too important to miss. If all went as planned, he may well be joining Melanie in New York on a full-time basis.

  “As much as I hate to break this up, baby, I have to go. The last shuttle leaves at nine-thirty.”

  “I never knew you to be so cruel, Mr. Freedman. You come up here and seduce me with a romantic, sexy dinner, kiss me until my toes curl, and then you just up and leave. Can’t you stay longer? Please?” she asked, biting her bottom lip in a sexy, impossible-to-deny manner. This evening had succeeded in pulling down Melanie’s defenses; she wanted and needed to answer her body’s demands for loving sex.

  “Baby, you know how much I’d like to stay, but I can’t. I’m sorry. I have to get back.”

  “So, that’s it?” she whined with playful indignation.

  “Not exactly,” Will said, reaching under the sofa and handing her the gift he’d hidden away earlier in the evening. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  “How sweet,” she said, accepting a package that smelled suspiciously like chocolate.

  “Open it,” Will prompted.

  Melanie unwrapped the gift to reveal a small box of Godiva chocolates. She lifted the lid and found not only four pieces of gourmet candy but also her returned engagement ring. Mel paused as a whirlwind of emotion blew through her.

  “Melanie Hitts, will you do me the honor of being my very special friend?” he asked, slipping the diamond onto her right hand. “When I first gave this to you, it was to honor our love. Now I want to honor our friendship. I love you and that won’t change, even if this ring never moves back onto the other hand.”

  Melanie smiled up at Will, totally engulfed in emotion. She’d known he was special the first time they met, but ever since New Year’s Eve she’d felt touched by his unique brand of sensitive and potent love in a way she’d not experienced while they were engaged. It suddenly dawned on Melanie that Will wasn’t any different, she was. He was still the same tender, romantic man he’d always been. It was she who had changed. Suddenly love didn’t seem so suffocating or threatening.

  “Yes, I accept your proposal of friendship and I certainly offer you the same with the intention of more to come. Will, tonight was very special. And I’ll never forget it,” she told him, wanting more than ever to take him to bed.

  “Good. Then my work is done here. Well, almost. The rest will have to wait until another time, but I promise, you won’t forget that either.” He laughed, witnessing the lusty desire in her eyes. “Now come walk me to the door before I decide to stay and throw away my professional future.” Despite the throbs of protests emanating from his pants, Will forced himself up and off the couch. He pulled Mel up into a hug, lifting her off her feet. “Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you too,” Melanie said, feeling sincere adoration for this thoughtful man.

  They shared a passionate farewell kiss, promising to talk the next day. Melanie closed the door behind him and stood in the entry basking in the aftermath of his thoughtful surprise and the lovely residual feelings he’d left with her.

  Will chuckled with satisfaction as he walked down the hall toward the elevator. Thank goodness she’d accepted the ring. It was a huge step in his final push to win Mel back. Hopefully, she’d soon move the diamond back to her wedding finger, where it rightfully belonged. Until then it would certainly put any “friend” on notice that Big Willie was back and in a big, big way.

  Chapter 20

  John smiled as he raised his arm to admire this unexpected gift. His smiled turned into a chuckle as he thought of the personal secret attached to her present. Melanie had given him sterling silver cuff links, shaped like jacks, as a thank-you for helping her to secure the apartment in Tribeca. And while he appreciated her thoughtfulness, in fact his help had been very limited. True, his phone call to Stan had helped open the door, but it was Melanie’s foresight and gutsiness that put the key in her hand. Mel had adeptly bartered a winning arrangement in which she would decorate Stan’s model apartments around the city for a greatly reduced monthly rent. John found her deal-making to be nothing less than brilliant. Not only could she now afford to live in this trendy upscale neighborhood, but her work would be showcased throughout Manhattan—a lucrative calling card for future business.

  Quickly John mined his memory for the content of her accompanying note, which was now tucked safely away with the rest of her letters and e-mails in an old briefcase stowed in the back of his closet in Connecticut. Even though Melanie had suggested destroying all correspondence between them, her words were a guilty pleasure he could not seem to give up.

  Dearest John,

  This is just a small token to say thank you for helping me find an apartment, but mostly for allowing me the joy and privilege of basking in the warmth of your sunshine.

  Love Always,


  As usual her words warmed him and left John feeling awash in emotion. For a moment, he allowed himself to wonder with whom Melanie might be spending this lover’s holiday. He tried not to concern himself with such thoughts, knowing that possessiveness in this matter was not only unfair but futile. Despite their feelings for each other, the fact was that he had a life that did not include her, and she was entitled and expected to pursue the same. Still, the thought of Melanie crossing the same romantic boundaries that he voluntarily avoided fueled his jealousy.

  “Here you are,” Sharon said as she entered the room. Her voice quickly caused John to put all musings of Melanie in the back of his mind. Tonight he vowed to concentrate solely on Sharon and their anniversary celebration.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her, smiling in admiration.

  “You look pretty dapper yourself,” she said, reaching up to straighten his tie. “Dapper but tired. Are you okay?”

  “Just a little headache.”

  “Again? Your head’s been hurting for the past few days.”

  “Nothing to worry about. I took a couple of aspirin. I’ll be fine.”

  “You’re really pushing yourself, John. Are you sure you have to return immediately to Belize?”

  “Afraid so. Hopefully things there should be ironed out soon. But let’s not talk about work or some nuisance of a headache. Tonight I simply want to concentrate on us,” John told her, affectionately pushing a stray hair behind her ear.

  “Are those new?” Sharon asked, admiring his cuff links. “Jacks? Don’t tell me you’re reverting back to grade school in your old age,” she teased.

  “I’m just trying to ke
ep up with my young wife,” John said as a slight twinge of discomfort pulled at his smile.

  “Just don’t let me find you in the bedroom shooting marbles,” she said, laughing.

  “What a beautiful sound. I always want to hear you laugh. It means you’re happy.”

  The doorbell rang, interrupting their playful talk, and soon the cheerful cries of an unyielding rush of partygoers rang out. “I love you,” he whispered in Sharon’s ear as they walked out into their newly renovated living room to join their guests. Sharon squeezed his hand before leaving his side to relieve the rented butler and welcome their guests. John stood back, taking a moment to watch and marvel at his mate. She did look lovely in her red St. John knit dinner suit and understated jewelry. But appearances aside, he was struck by the fact that although Sharon absolutely abhorred such large gatherings, not an inkling of those feelings could be found in the friendliness of her demeanor, the graciousness of her smile, or the genuineness of her hospitality.

  It didn’t take long for the room to fill up, and enveloped within the welcoming décor of their new home, the jazzy piano music fought for airspace with the lively chatter of people enjoying themselves. The hours passed quickly, another telling sign of a successful party.

  “Great party, John,” Austin Riley remarked. “And by the way, we secured that parcel you wanted.”

  “How much?”

  “Sixty-eight thousand, less than you’d budgeted.”

  “Great job, Austin. Gale has the blueprints. I want to get moving on this pronto. You’re in charge until I get this Vogue mess straightened out. Keep me posted. Now find your girlfriend and enjoy the party.” Austin’s news excited him. In fact this entire idea of starting a new subsidiary company specializing in small boutique hotels had lit a blaze under him that was burning like a Texas bonfire. If things kept proceeding on pace, he could soon approach Melanie about coming on board to run the design department.


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