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Beast: Learning to Breathe Devil’s Blaze Duet

Page 32

by Jordan Marie

“We’ll start with that,” he agrees, “lower yourself down on my cock slowly, Beauty. Take it only until it’s comfortable.”

  I look at him and his eyes are glued to our bodies. He’s watching me slide his cock inside. His face is flushed with hunger, and he’s so beautiful in this moment, I can’t believe I’m the woman he chose. I never want to give this up—to give him up. I want to tell him, but I don’t, I hold back. I’m still not sure what we are—or at least what I am to Michael. I only know one thing. I love him.

  I lower myself, inch by painstakingly-slow inch, onto his cock, taking all of him in—despite his warning. I settle against him for a minute, letting myself adjust. His hand moves up and down my sides, petting me, giving me the time I need.

  “I love the way you feel inside me,” I confess, beginning to rock against him. His hands move from my sides to my ass and he squeezes me, hard. My breath catches at the erotic pull it has on me when he tugs the globes of my ass apart, so his fingers can play.

  A moment later, I feel his thumb push against the tight ring of muscles. My pussy clenches his cock tightly as I increase the speed of my ride. I love it when he plays with my ass. He does it a lot. He seems fascinated with my ass, and I catch him staring at it all the time. There’s times I find reasons to bend over in front of him, because I like to watch the look on his face. He keeps talking about me giving him my ass, but we haven’t gone there. I’ve never done anything like that, but the longer I spend time with Michael, the more he talks about it… the more I want it. I get so lost in my thoughts that I slow the way I’m moving on Michael’s cock. He puts his hands back on my hips and takes over the rhythm. His mouth captures my tit in his mouth—at least all he can fit of it. He slowly lets it go, but not before seizing the nipple between his teeth and biting hard. My body shakes as the pleasure and pain crash together. I feel more of my desire gather on his cock and run freely down his shaft. I’m so close.

  “You’re going to ride my cock until you come all over it,” he says, the words rolling out of him in a way they reverberate on every nerve ending I have.

  “If you insist,” I tell him, trying to smile but gasping instead as, on a downward glide, he rakes his cock against my walls.

  “Then you’re going to suck my cock clean. Aren’t you, Beauty?”

  I lick my lips thinking about it. If Michael is obsessed with my ass, then the same can be said about me and his cock. It’s beautiful, wide and dark in color, veins throbbing along the underside and so long…I asked him how long once and he looked at me as if I was insane. “I’ve never measured. What the fuck does it matter? It’s long enough to get the job done.” I grin as I remember that.

  “I’m going to suck you clean,” I tell him, and get rewarded when he slides his fingers to my clit, giving me that little something extra. “Oh, fuck. Michael, I’m going to come,” I warn him, knowing I won’t be able to hold back at all now.

  “Then do it, Beauty. Take all you want.”

  So I do…



  “Did Victor say what he wanted?” Hayden asks again, for maybe the tenth time.

  “I told you, he didn’t,” I remind her, pulling into the diner’s parking lot.

  “Do you think he’s heard from Blade?” she asks, worriedly, wringing her hands together in her lap.

  I put my hand over hers, to stop before she manages to pull the skin off her hands. “What did I tell you?”

  “Not to worry, you had it all under control,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  I swear the woman gets sassier and sassier as the days go by. What’s amazing is that I like it…I really like it.

  “Have you got everything you need packed?” I ask, trying to channel her mind elsewhere. It’s taken me two weeks to convince her to go to the lake with me for a while. We were packing up and heading out when Victor called. There’s been no word from Blade and it’s frustrating. I’m busy trying to convince Hayden that Blade is probably on a beach somewhere in Mexico, but in my gut, I know he’s not giving up that easily.

  Victor feels much the same way I do. I actually do know what this meeting is about, but I don’t want to worry Hayden, so I’m not telling her. We both feel that as long as Blade knows Victor is here, he’s not going to make a move. It’s time to rattle some cages and bring him out of hiding. Victor will be the one in charge of trapping the dog, my only focus is keeping Hayden safe, and I will do that. Nothing and no one will get the chance to hurt her, ever again.

  “Yeah, it’s packed, but right now might not be the best of times to go out of town, Michael.”

  “It’s the perfect time,” I argue, and it is—for a lot of reasons unknown to her.

  I go around and help her from the truck, keeping her close to me as we walk into the diner. Victor is standing on the inside looking out the window. His two main henchmen are standing close to the door. Hayden is so tense that I rub her back, hoping to calm her.

  “Hayden. It’s good to see you again. How are you getting along?” Victor asks when he turns around, his weathered face and pale brown eyes almost friendly.

  “I…I’m good. How are you Mr. Torasani?” Hayden answers, shyly. She walks over to shake the man’s hand as he extends it.

  “You seem nervous. There’s no need to be, I assure you.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just…”

  “It’s okay, I understand,” he tells her, not asking her to put her thoughts into words. He has to know how hard it is for her to meet with anyone. “Can we sit? I have a few things to discuss with you and Mr. Jameson.”

  “Is something going on we should worry about?” Hayden asks, and a deep blush blooms on her face, “I mean you know, besides the obvious and well everything…”

  “Not at all my dear. I’m afraid I’ve been delaying my stay in North Carolina for too long. I have a business and other matters to attend back home.”

  “Oh…” Hayden whispers, and I know she’s worried about Blade. She hasn’t said much, but I know that she feels more comfortable with Victor and his men close by.

  It should bother me that she doesn’t think I can handle that asshole on my own, but it doesn’t. Hayden hasn’t had many men in her life that she can have faith in. I understand it. I only hope I don’t end up letting her down like I have other people in my life who depended on me. For a split second, Annabelle’s face flashes through my memories before fading. My hand trembles, the memories of my daughter are getting less and less…clear.

  Hayden reaches over and grabs my hand. I have no idea if she saw it shake and is comforting me, or if it is to comfort her because of her nerves. Either way works, because her touch centers me, focuses me and keeps me from getting lost in the pain.

  “As you know, when Charlotte left me, she wanted to come back here, because it’s where she was born. She wanted me to go with her.” He looks out the window before saying more. “She didn’t understand my business, but now I find myself wishing I had tried things her way then ,” he says quietly, then he seems to mentally shake himself and continue. “Her sister worked at this diner, and Charlotte asked me for one thing and only one thing when she left. She wanted me to purchase the diner so that her sister would have job security. Sometimes, I think that’s the only reason she kept running this place. It didn’t make a lot of money, but she enjoyed it and the people that worked for her, became her family. Charlotte and I never had children. In my line of work, children are a weakness you can’t afford.”

  Hayden’s hand tightens in mine, and I notice she uses her free hand to rub her stomach. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  “It is what it is, my dear. I’m an old man and for the most part, I’ve lived a good life. But, let us get back to the matters at hand. Charlotte left a will and you were named her sole beneficiary.”

  “Beneficiary? Me?”

  “Exactly that. I’m afraid she didn’t have a lot. She wouldn’t take any of my gifts. But the diner and her home are both yours now.”

bsp; “But…Why? What about her sister?”

  “Her sister already has a home, and Charlotte only asked that you make sure her sister always had a job at the diner for as long as she wanted it, or it was in business. Truthfully, I have her sister set up on a trust fund. She doesn’t need the money, but like her sister, she prefers to work instead of doing nothing.”

  I don’t think Hayden is truly listening to Victor at this point she’s holding the manila envelope that Victor handed her and tears are falling down her cheeks. “I can’t believe she did this,” she whispers. “Michael, we have the diner now. I won’t need to worry about finding a job!” she cries the last part out louder, as if it just hit her. I want to yell at her, I told her before she didn’t have anything to worry about. I would be annoyed except she says we have the diner. She’s definitely mine now—she’s claimed me, even if she doesn’t realize it.

  “A job? Doesn’t she realize the size of your holdings?” Victor questions, and I shrug. It doesn’t surprise me that Victor had me investigated. I have my own folder on him.

  “I guess not. Apparently, those things don’t matter to some women.”

  “That’s a gift, don’t waste it,” he says, and I think he gets lost in his memories of Charlie again. I could almost feel sorry for him.

  Once all the conversation is done and Victor makes arrangements for Hayden to talk with his attorney, I walk her outside to the truck, and help her in.

  “I can’t believe that just happened. Just when I think life can’t get any better it does,” she says, as I click her seatbelt into place. I kiss her lips gently and way too briefly, resting my forehead against hers, taking in her scent, and enjoying it for a moment.

  “I told you, Beauty. From here on out, you get nothing but good. So much good that there’s no room for the bad.”

  Her hand comes up and she lets her fingers brush against the side of my jaw where the scars are more evident. The sense of touch there isn’t as strong as it once was. There’s a deadness now, but I can feel her touch still—soft, whispery, gentle and…loving. “You and Maggie are the best of everything, Michael. You’re all the good I will ever need,” she whispers.

  I close my eyes and drink in her words, then I kiss her again. I lose myself in her taste and in the surety that even though she deserves better, I’m never letting her go.



  “Do we really have to go back tomorrow?” I sigh. We’re lying on the dock out from our rental, letting the sun heat the chill off our bodies, after swimming. We’ve been here four days, and it’s four days that have been the closest to Heaven that I’ve ever experienced.

  Michael captures my hand in his, giving it a squeeze. As is my habit, I find myself tracing the scar on his hand and enjoying the fact that I can touch him. Michael doesn’t talk about his past, but I instinctively know that he doesn’t let people close to him. The fact that he lets me this close means something—means everything.

  “You’re the one who says we have to go back. I say we move here. Live off the land, become hermits,” Michael says.

  I move so I can lean over his body and look down at him. “Live off the land? Michael, I am not eating Bambi,” I warn him, doing my best to keep my voice and face serious.

  “Okay. You can eat Thumper instead,” he says, and I see a ghost of smile appear, though he keeps his eyes closed.

  “No. Just no. Absolutely not.” I shove at him, playfully.

  “You’ll get awful tired of fish. You’ll give in. Besides, rabbit tastes just like chicken,” he jokes.

  “I’ll believe you when I see a chain of Kentucky Fried Rabbit popping up everywhere. I do like fish though. The fish you fixed tonight smelled good,” I tell him, still slightly pouting.

  “I fixed you a hamburger,” he defends, opening his beautiful eyes to look at me. A woman could get lost in those eyes.

  “I wanted fish.”

  “You’re pregnant,” he says, shaking his head, mostly because he knows I’m only yanking his chain.

  “It was mean to eat it in front of me though, Michael,” I whine.

  “You didn’t deserve to eat it anyways,” he says, and this time, he is full-on smiling.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Oh Michael. I can’t do that to the poor worm. Oh my God! It’s wiggling!” he says making his voice ridiculously high, or at least as high as he can get it with his injuries. He doesn’t talk about it—at all, but I know it limits his voice range and use.

  “Well, it was! You’re the man. It was your job to bait the hook.” I laugh. “My job was to catch the biggest fish, which I might remind you, I did.”

  Michael surprises me by wrapping his hand in my hair and pulling my face closer to his. “You’re one hell of a woman, Hayden Graham,” he whispers, giving my lips a light kiss.

  I want to stay like this. I never want this moment to end, but for whatever reason, I sense that Michael needs more laughter. It’s my job to give it to him. Michael is as damaged as I am. Maybe more. He’s only spoken about Annabelle once, but it was clear he loved her. The pain he must be carrying around inside…I couldn’t imagine. Since we’ve been here at the lake he’s laughed freely; he’s laughed often. I want more of that. Plus…well…I’m just curious.

  “Hold that thought,” I tell him, and I rise slowly to my feet, wrapping one arm protectively over my stomach as I do. I’m wearing a black, one-piece swimsuit. It’s a bigger size than I normally wear, and you can definitely see the baby-bump. I was self-conscious at first, but Michael soon showed me that he thought I was beautiful.

  “Where are you going?” Michael growls.

  “I’ll be right back! Don’t move!” I order him.

  “You get that cute ass back here, or I’ll paddle it,” he grumbles, and I smile.

  My man does have a fascination with my ass. He’s getting more and more vocal about all the things he wants to do to it, and I’m starting to wonder if I’m brave enough to let him try. Michael would never hurt me on purpose, but I can’t imagine having his dick back…there. It would have to hurt…I mean Michael is so big. I make it to the boat we took out earlier, and reach down along the side of my seat. I hid something there earlier. My fingers reach it, and I quickly wrap it in my hand, then head towards Michael.

  “Back!” I announce unnecessarily.

  “What’s that look on your face for, Hayden?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve got something up your sleeve,” he answers, appraising me.

  “Michael, you’re being silly. I don’t even have sleeves,” I tell him, and like I hoped he laughs—loudly.

  “You are always surprising me,” he says, and there’s an emotion on his face I can’t read, but I like it. I like it a lot.

  “That’s good, right?” I ponder aloud.

  “Yeah, Beauty. That’s real, good.”

  “Then you probably owe me.”

  “Owe you?” he asks, and I’m pretty sure I see a guarded expression on his face. I want it gone, so I push forward—quickly.

  “Strip, Michael.”


  “Yep. Those trunks, lose ‘em.”

  “Didn’t I wear you out enough, earlier?”

  “Are you going to whine? Or show me some flesh?”

  “Are you going to return the favor?”

  “Eventually,” I tell him with a smile, relieved when he’s back to laughing Michael. Happy Michael. I can’t help but watch as he slides the trunks from his body. His body is tan, completely. No tan lines for Michael. He reminds me of chiseled stone, all perfection like a sculpture in a museum. “You’re hard,” I whisper, and I’m not embarrassed at all to admit I’m licking my lips.

  “I seem to stay that way around you.”

  “Thank you?” I question, not knowing what else to say. That earns me another laugh. I drop to my knees in front of him, sliding my surprise under my leg. I reach out and use my thumb to stroke across the wetnes
s on the broad, dark, head of his cock. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “You talking to me or my dick?” he asks, and I gaze up at him and he’s got this half-smile on his face. He’s relaxed and he almost looks happy.

  “Well both, but I will admit right now your dick is what is holding my attention.”

  “Since you’re holding my dick and looking like you want to swallow him whole, I’m okay with that,” he says softly—smile still in place. “Take your clothes off, Beauty,” he commands, his voice dropping down to that husky timbre that always makes every feminine part inside of me clench with need.

  “Umm…it’s daylight,” I tell him, without needing to. I mean the sun is shining down on us. He knows it’s daylight. I stroke his cock once, holding it firmly in my hand. I tell myself I’m only doing it because I want him as hard and as excited as he can get, but truthfully, I can’t not touch it.

  “Does it look like that bothers me?” he asks me, incredulously.

  “Well no, but we’ve already determined that you’re beautiful. Me? I’ve never been that, and it just makes me uncomfortable for you to see me…for you to see my body in broad daylight. You know?”

  “Hayden, you’re the first woman I’ve let look at me in over six years,” he responds. His answer is stated matter-of-factly. It’s as if he is discussing the weather and not rocking my entire world.

  “Michael,” I start, but then I stop. I have no idea how to respond to that.

  “You’ve seen my scars. Hell, you didn’t stop nagging until you trimmed my hair and beard, just so you could see more of them. You know how horrible they look.”

  “But they don’t. Michael, you must know you’re beautiful. The scars are bad, but they don’t detract from the way you look.”

  “There was a girl once. She was young, too young for me really, but she was sweet and up until the explosion, she…I could tell she wanted me,” he says. He’s not looking at me now. He’s looking up at the sky. His admission sets off a funny feeling inside of me and if I had to name it, I’d have to say it is jealousy.


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