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Page 5

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Sure, I do. I have watched you hog my bathroom hundreds of times when I need to get in there. Are you ready?”

  “No, I’m not playing this game. I’m leaving. We will continue this conversation tomorrow night over dinner at my place, unless you already have plans.”

  “I don’t.”

  Gloria stands up from the small square dining room table and sets her napkin over her mostly empty plate. “Good, I’ll see you at my place at six o’clock. Thanks for lunch, baby. Tell Erin I said hello and that I’ll be watching her.”

  “I’m not telling her that.”

  Gloria waves a flippant hand at Ashton, saying, “Fine, I’m sure she already knows,” as she starts strutting away with her bright blue high heels clicking on the hardwood floors and her calves popping with every step.

  “Have a good day. Be careful out there.”

  Gloria looks over her shoulder with a smug grin, and coos, “You too, honey.”

  Chapter Six

  The sound of Ashton’s neighbor playing the piano flows through her open bedroom window and causes her to smile in her sleep. Which, in turn, makes Erin smile, who is sitting up on her elbow watching Ashton sleep. Her fingers are tingling with the need to touch her cheek or comb through her soft gray hair or trace her exposed collarbones. But she resists. She doesn’t want to wake Ashton. They were up late making love several times after a wonderful first date of their renewed relationship. She wishes she could sleep longer, but she’s just too happy.

  They got dressed really nice – Erin in a pretty little black dress, and Ashton in a pair of charcoal gray slacks and a black button-up collar shirt tucked in. They looked gorgeous together, they’re smiles never left their faces, and the conversation and romance were never lacking. Felicity’s is one of the finest restaurants in the area and the gourmet food did not disappoint, nor did the expensive Italian red wine that paired with their meals.

  The plan was to catch a movie afterwards, but they didn’t want to take their eyes off of each other. They didn’t want to stop giving each other one-hundred-percent of their focus. So, Ashton ordered crème brûlée to go and drove them to the highest point in town – a radio tower that overlooks a lake rimmed in lush forests with a sprawling suburbia glowing on one side of the lake. They sat on a blanket on the tailgate of Ashton’s truck sharing the crème brûlée and talking for hours. And, of course, they had one bout of love making before the hard rails in the bed of her truck reminded them that both of them have wonderful mattresses at home that they could be rolling around on instead.

  Erin squeals in surprise as Ashton suddenly grabs her and pulls her over on top of herself. As her naked body lands on Ashton’s, she laughs and bends down to kiss her smiling lips.

  With blushing cheeks, Erin asks, “How long have you been awake?”

  “Only a few seconds. How long have you been staring at me with that beautiful smile?”

  “A while. Last night was a perfect first date.”

  “It was. Can I interest you in some breakfast or some morning sex?”

  Erin grins as she presses her hips down against Ashton’s, grinding their groins together. “Preferably, both. Let’s start with breakfast. I’m famished.”

  “You should be. You were an animal last night.”

  Erin inhales deeply through her nose as she runs her fingers through Ashton’s hair and firmly kisses her lips. “Last night was perfect. Would it just totally set off the Gloria A-bomb if I asked you to blow her off tonight so we can just stay in this perfect bubble all weekend?”

  “That does sound like a nuclear decision, but if that’s what you want,” she rolls Erin over to get on top of her, “then that’s what I’ll do.”

  With a groan of pleasure, Erin kisses Ashton’s lips, then declines. “I think we should wait a little longer before we start turning more tables on her. But thank you for being willing to do it just to please me. That’s progress.”

  “I told you, I’m all in, babe.”

  “That seems to be the case. Now, what are you making me for breakfast?”

  Between light kisses on Erin’s neck, Ashton whispers, “Pancakes, eggs, sausage, fresh fruit, coffee, and a huge helping of my love.” She lifts her head from her neck with a grin, and asks, “Was that corny?”

  Erin laughs as she rubs her hands over Ashton’s back, neck, and up into her hair. “It was, but it was cute. Get up. I’m hungry.”

  After giving her a kiss on the lips and playfully nibbling her nipple, making Erin release a gasping shriek, Ashton climbs off of the bed to get dressed. As soon as her back is to her, Erin’s eyes go straight to the large discolored pinkish scar on the back of Ashton’s left shoulder – a scar from a four-alarm fire two-years ago that Ashton and five other firefighters almost didn’t make it out of. All of them barely escaped and all of them suffered serious burns.

  She shakes her head to clear the negative thoughts about Ashton’s unpredictable mortality and forces her mind back into the beautiful perfect bubble they’ve been in since Ashton picked her up at her apartment last night. She rolls out of bed and quickly throws on a tee shirt and a pair of sleep shorts to follow Ashton out to the kitchen.

  “After copious amounts of food and sex, what would you like to do today?”

  With a burring moan of contentment, Erin pulls two mugs from the cabinet to make coffee, and coos, “Copious amounts of food and sex – I really like this plan.” She pops a pod into the single-serve coffee maker, then turns to watch Ashton pull ingredients out of cupboards and the fridge. “You have any interest in doing something with me as mundane as looking at indoor plants? Someone or many people have been allowing their dogs to urinate in the potted plants in the waiting room of my clinic.”

  “Again? Didn’t you just replace those a few months ago?”

  “Yes, again. I swear, I’m going to install cameras in the waiting room and put up signs that if they’re caught on camera, they’re going to be billed – just like traffic cameras.”

  “Sounds like a brilliant plan to me. Is that legal?”

  “I have no idea. It should be. There are laws against allowing your animals to defecate in certain locations, so maybe I could get away with it.”

  “How about we buy bases or tables for the plants to get them off of the floor? Then, if someone does allow their animals to urinate, you’ll really know who it was and you won’t have any more plants die in a disgusting way.”

  “That’s a good idea.” She grabs a couple of strawberries from a pint on the counter, and after rinsing them well, she feeds one to Ashton and eats the other. “I still like the idea of putting up cameras and sending my clients bills with actual images of their furry relatives using my waiting area as a toilet. But I guess that would come off as being passive aggressive and some people might find it embarrassing or insulting. That wouldn’t be good for business.” She groans in frustration as she grabs two more strawberries to rinse. “Thanks for letting me vent about something as disgusting as this while you’re fixing breakfast.”

  “We both have seen and heard worse. This is nothing, babe, really. After breakfast and some morning sex in the shower, we’ll go buy what you need and we’ll spruce up your waiting area. I’ll even help you remove the foul plants if you haven’t already done it.”

  “No, I haven’t. That would be great.”

  “You mind hunting down my little furry relative? Normally, she would be bouncing into the kitchen by now or would have leapt out at us on our way to the kitchen.”

  “Sure, here’s your coffee.”

  Erin sets the coffee down next to Ashton and squeezes her ass as she walks by her. She walks out to the living room and laughs. She lays down on the floor next to Ember and strokes her head while Ember stares off with her reflection in the glass door of the entertainment center.

  “Ember is currently fascinated with her reflection!”

  Ashton abandons the task of making breakfast and walks out of the kitchen to see what Erin is talk
ing about. As she comes around the large armchair next to the couch, her heart melts. Ember is crouched down watching herself tilt her head side to side and keeps batting her paws at herself. Erin is laying on the area rug petting Ember and offering her a finger to bat at like little high-fives.

  She lays down next to Erin, and as their eyes meet, both of them feel a flutter in their chests. A rush of heat forces them together and their mouths lock in a fervent kiss as Erin pushes Ashton onto her back and rolls on top of her.

  As Ashton pushes her hands down Erin’s shorts and grips her firm cheeks, Ember meows and starts batting her paws at Ashton’s ear and cheek, making her laugh against Erin’s mouth. They pull apart and Ember clumsily climbs up Ashton’s shoulder and neck to perch between their faces to look down on Ashton.

  “Isn’t she just the most adorable little love-bug? I can’t even be mad at her for getting between us.” Erin rolls to the side and pets Ember and pinches Ashton’s cheek. “I’m in love with this moment. Ash, do you…?” Erin trails off, suddenly looking insecure and scared.

  “Do I, what?”

  “Nothing. We should go make breakfast.”

  “Babe, talk to me. Last night might have been our first date for this go-around, but we’ve been together on and off for three years. You can ask me anything.”

  She grates her teeth in indecision, then with a hard exhale, she asks, “Do you want children? Or one child? I think one is enough. Maybe two.”

  Ashton picks Ember up off of her neck to set her on the carpet behind their heads and rolls over to wrap an arm around Erin. “I told you, I’m all in. I want the full package. If you want a kid or two or three, I’m in.”

  “It’s going to last this time, isn’t it?”

  “I want it to.”

  “Me too.” She caresses Ashton’s cheek and lightly tugs on her ear as she pulls her into a brief kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Let me finish making breakfast for you. I can hear your sexy stomach growling. You can keep playing with Ember if you want.”

  “How about we come keep you company?”

  “Even better.”

  As Erin picks up Ember and sits up, the beauty of her girlfriend holding her kitten tugs at her heart. Ashton places a hand on Erin’s back and guides her to a laying position, making her laugh and smile up at Ashton with so much happiness she might as well have glitter and rainbows shooting out of her eyes. Being careful not to squash Ember between them, Ashton gives Erin a long, slow kiss, putting everything into it to express her love for her and her joy with their renewed devotion to each other.

  After a few minutes, Ashton pulls away to let them catch their breath, leaving Erin swooning and unable to open her eyes for several moments.

  “Damn, Ash. That kiss was… Damn.”

  “Just doing what I can to keep you in your perfect bubble.”

  She hums against Ashton’s chin and lightly bites it before she kisses her lips. “I’m in love with this perfect bubble. It’s like we’re on our honeymoon.” Her lips spread into a wide smile. “Since we already skipped ahead to children… Where would you like to go on our honeymoon?”

  “Someplace with breathtaking views. Is it weird that I actually picture us in a beautiful log cabin in the snowy mountains? I can see us laying like this… well, without clothes… on a bed of blankets in front of a stone fireplace with the snow falling outside. We’d snuggle on the couch drinking hot cocoa when we weren’t making the windows steam up with our very hot love making. We could go for walks in the snow, go skiing, soak in the hot tub, and dine in with fantastic room service or go out to five-star restaurants. Anyway, it’s just an idea.”

  “It’s a wonderful idea – and it sounds like you’ve actually put thought into it. Have you thought about marrying me, Ash?”

  “I have. The last time we were a real couple, I thought about it quite a bit. I mean, how could I not? In two-years we broke up and got back together three times. I figured there was a reason we kept coming back to each other and it wasn’t just because we’re fantastic in bed together. This last year has been like us just proving to ourselves that we’re supposed to be together. We both have gone on terrible date after date and we keep coming back to each other. Erin, I want this to last, so if there is anything I have to change or fix to make that happen, please tell me. Please give me a chance to at least consider your conditions before you break it off again.”

  “God, can this perfect bubble get any better? If I wake up and this was all just a dream, I am going to be so pissed.” Ashton smiles as she bends down to give Erin a brief kiss. “We’re going to make this work, Ash. I want this to work. And I really like the snowy mountain honeymoon idea. I want that.”

  Ashton gives her another kiss, then helps her off of the floor. They walk back to the kitchen, and while Erin holds and plays with Ember, Ashton works on breakfast.

  “Do you have time in your schedule on Wednesday?”

  “Possibly. I can check the schedule when we go to the clinic later. Why?”

  “The department has requested I take lead on a training session for a batch of new probationary firefighters that will be split between each station. We start Wednesday – nine o’clock to noon. I need a group of seasoned firefighters to do the demonstrations before I allow them to try the skills. I like to intimidate the hell out of them with some bad-asses to see what they’re really made of.”

  “New probies – sounds like fun. If I don’t have any surgeries, I can push everything else.”

  “Great. Now, do you want traditional pancakes, or do you want chocolate chips or blueberries in them?”

  “That’s a difficult decision.” Erin briefly bites her bottom lip, then answers, “Chocolate chips – definitely chocolate chips.”

  “I was hoping you would say that. Do you want whipped cream on top too?”

  Erin releases a groaning laugh of pleasure and dramatically leans into Ashton and nibbles her neck and earlobe. “You have whipped cream and you didn’t think to get that out last night?”

  “So, you’re saying I should save the whipped cream for our after-breakfast love making? I really love the way you think.”

  Chapter Seven

  With a dramatic switch in her hips and her high heels clicking on the shiny marble tile floors, Gloria walks through the firehouse like she owns the place. Heads turn, male and female alike, as they lustfully scan her beautiful face and curvy figure in her cherry-red skirt suit. The grin curling her plump red painted lips is the only evidence that she is well aware of the looks and that she is very pleased with the attention.

  She drums a few knuckles on the open door of Ashton’s office, and without waiting for an invitation, she walks in, not caring that Ashton is discussing the plan for the first day of training tomorrow for the new probationary firefighters with six of her best firefighters.

  “Lieutenant, do we know how many will be coming to our station after they graduate?”


  Ashton faulters in confusion as Gloria steps between everyone to stand next to her, as if she’s Ashton’s first lady or something. Ashton raises her eyebrows at her in a questioning way before looking back at her crew. She locks eyes with Erin for a moment, both of them trying to figure out what the other is thinking.

  “No, I don’t know how many, if any will be assigned to our station. However, you’re going to act like every single one of them will be assigned to our station and that they hold your lives in their hands. Every one of you started out as a novice – as a probie. I want you to show them what a real firefighter looks like – you’re not just bad-asses – you’re a family. Everything we do requires trust. You can’t teach them trust if you’re hazing them. When I say I want you to intimidate them, I want you to show them the skill, the courage, the respect, and the trust that all of you have for each other. All of those things are intimidating as hell to someone who doesn’t have them in their own lives. Those are the reasons why people look up to a
nd respect firefighters so much – you share a level of respect and trust that most people don’t have in their own lives, not even with their significant other. Understood?”

  Each of them firmly and clearly answers, “Yes, Lieutenant.”

  “Any other questions?”

  All of them look between each other, then look at Ashton shaking their heads. “Alright, I’ll have breakfast here for all of you at 7:30am. If you can’t make it for breakfast, be here by eight so we can prep. Alright, get out of here. Have a good day.”

  Each of them shakes Ashton’s hand or tips their head towards her, then leaves the office, leaving Ashton alone with Erin and Gloria.

  Ashton turns to face Gloria with her hands on her hips, and firmly asks, “What do you think you’re doing walking into my office like that when I’m in the middle of a meeting?”

  “Did I interrupt? No, I patiently stood here and waited for you to finish. Stop getting fussy. I have an open house in Glenn Villa, which happens to be behind the firehouse, so I thought I would stop in and say hello. Is that really so terrible of me?”

  Ashton exhales hard as she drops her hands from her hips and relaxes her shoulders. She gives Gloria a hug and shakes her head, saying, “No, it wasn’t terrible of you. But next time, please wait in the hall if I have people in my office.”

  “Aye, aye Lieutenant.” She looks over at Erin with a forced smile. “Hello, Erin. No dogs and cats to clip or vaccinate today?” Ashton smacks her arm with the back of her hand, making Gloria roll her eyes. “Sorry, that was rude of me. A jackass cut me off on the way here, then Ash had to act like a caveman. Anyway, do you have off today?”

  “No, I have to get back soon. I’d like to say goodbye to Ash in private. Mind giving us a few minutes?”

  “I guess I can spare a few minutes.”

  Gloria struts out of the office to stand just outside of the door and Erin walks around Ashton’s desk to fall into her open arms. Ashton squeezes her tightly and kisses the top of her head. While holding her lips against her wavy dirty blonde hair, she inhales deeply through her nose, inhaling her almond and coconut shampoo. As Erin lifts her head, their mouths meet in a slow, warm kiss.


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