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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “And, I’d like to know when we can have sex again,” Playboy pipes up as the doctor and I both look at him.

  My face is turning several shades of red; I can feel it. Doctor Sanchez has a look on her face as if she would expect nothing less from the man sitting next to me. I guess she’s used to the way the men in the club talk and worry about having sex because every single one of the ol’ ladies from Phantom Bastards and the Wild Kings come to Doctor Sanchez. She has two different offices now because of the clubs.

  “Playboy, as long as Sam is feeling okay and there’s no bleeding, you can have sex. No rough, monkey sex, though,” she says with a straight face.

  “Got it,” he tells her with a smile on his face. “I’ll leave the rough, monkey sex for when we’re havin’ our next kid.”

  I groan low at the thought of having sex with him to get pregnant once again after the twins are born. He’ll see exactly how much it takes to push a kid out of a body when I go into labor. Maybe then he’ll rethink his decision to have more kids. Or maybe he won’t. Who knows when it comes to Playboy?

  “Okay, I’m going to keep you on light duty for now. I don’t want to take any chances and have you start bleeding again. You can have sex as long as you’re not in pain and are comfortable. My suggestion is to play with different positions that keeps you both off your stomach. Now, let’s get the ultrasound tech in here so we can get a visual of the babies,” she says before opening the door of the exam room we’re in. “You can go to the store if it’s a quick trip. No browsing through the aisles or taking your time.”

  I pull my shirt up over my stomach and lower my pants a little bit. Playboy is looking at me as if I’ve lost my damn mind. If I weren’t nervous about what we’d see today, I’d be laughing my ass off right now.

  “The fuck you doin’?” he asks.

  “They need to get to my stomach in order to see the babies. So, I’m lifting my shirt up and lowering my pants a little bit so they can see the babies no matter what position they’re in,” I answer him.

  There’s another knock on the door and Doctor Sanchez comes back in the room with another woman pushing the ultrasound machine in front of her. Looks like time is here and we get to see and hear our babies.

  I get comfortable on the table as Playboy scoots even closer to me. The technician drops some gel on my stomach and I flinch as the coldness hits me. Playboy looks at her with anger in his eyes.

  “It’s okay, Playboy. It’s always a little cold,” I tell him, grabbing his hand and holding it with mine.

  Once the wand is placed on my stomach, we hear the whooshing of the babies' heartbeats filling the room. Playboy looks up at me with awe and shock on his face as tears fill his eyes.

  “Heartbeats sound good,” the technician says, clicking a few buttons on the keyboard of the machine.

  I nod my head as I keep my eyes on Playboy since this is all new for him and I want to look at his expressions while he witnesses our babies first-hand. I’m sure he mirrored my expressions when I experienced this all while I was pregnant with Caleb. He looks at me and leans down to place a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. The doctor and technician disappear from the room as I relish the way his lips feel against my own and the way the sensations flowing through me at the simple contact.

  “Alright, Mom and Dad, let’s take a look,” the technician says.

  Playboy pulls his lips from mine as we turn our attention to the screen in front of us. He stands up so he can get a closer look at the monitor. Never once does he let go of my hand. It takes seconds before the screen is filled with the images of our children safely nestled in my belly.

  “Everything looks good,” the tech says. “Do you want to know what you’re having?”

  “I was already told, but I’d like to be sure,” I answer.

  The tech and Doctor Sanchez laugh as she moves the wand around on my stomach.

  “Baby A is a boy,” she tells us, moving the wand around to get a look at the second baby. “Baby B is also a boy.”

  Nodding my head, I turn my eyes to Playboy. He’s got his attention firmly on the screen as he watches are sons turn and move in my stomach. The look on his face shows me he can’t believe what he’s witnessing at this moment; a moment just for us.

  “Thank you, baby,” he suddenly tells me.

  “For what?” I ask him, taking my attention off his face to look directly in his eyes.

  “For givin’ me the gift you’re givin’ me. Two sons are bein’ added to the family and I can’t wait to see them and hold them,” he answers.

  “You had a hand in making this happen,” I tell him with a slight laugh.

  “But you could’ve gone a different route with this and the way I was actin’,” he tells me. “You’re stronger than you know. So much stronger.”

  “I love you, Playboy. There was no way I’d deprive you of this. Of growing our family,” I tell him honestly. “We just need to work on some things to make it even better and ensure we last.”

  He nods his head as the tech hands us photos of our children. Playboy takes them and places them in the pocket of his cut. He grabs my hand and uses the towel I’m handed to wipe the excess gel off my stomach. Once that’s done, he tosses the towel in the bin for it and leads me from the room so I can make my next appointment.

  “Let’s go get our son,” he says once I’m done and we’re heading from the office.

  Playboy helps me in the car once again and we pull from the parking lot of the doctor’s office. He points the car in the direction of the clubhouse and I watch the scenery pass by. We’re holding hands and they’re resting on his thigh as he drives carefully back.

  I zone out, thinking of the babies as he drives. By the time we’re at the clubhouse, I have no clue where the time went because I was in my own head.

  “You ready to face the ol’ ladies?” he asks me.

  “I guess so,” I answer nervously, not knowing what to expect from them when we walk in Slim and Shy’s home.

  Playboy leads me inside and I see Shy holding Rayven, who’s gotten so much bigger in the little time I’ve been gone. Kim, Gwen, and Jennifer are here too. When Playboy clears his throat, the women look up and in our direction. They all have shocked looks on their faces and stare at my burgeoning stomach.

  “Holy shit!” Kim says. “This is why you left.”

  It’s a statement and not a question, so I don’t say a word to her in response.

  “Are you okay?” Gwen asks me.

  “I’m okay. I just have to take it easy; light duty for me only right now. I’m sorry I didn’t tell any of you sooner. I just wanted Playboy to be the first to know and that couldn’t happen when I found out,” I tell them, letting the truth of my words shine from my eyes.

  “We get it. I know I’d have done the same thing as you if it had been me,” Shy tells me. “But you’re back now and not going anywhere again. We’ll all help you guys out whenever Playboy has to be gone.”

  “Thank you. For everything,” I tell her, looking at them all in turn. “Where’s Caleb?”

  “He’s with his Papi at the clubhouse,” Shy answers. “Playboy, take her home and I’ll bring him over in a little bit. Get some rest while you can. And I’m making dinner tonight.

  “Got it,” Playboy says.

  We leave her house and Playboy puts me back in the car to head to our home. Once inside, he leads me to the couch and we spend the next while watching movies on TV while I doze on and off. It’s the perfect day and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend our time together.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  AFTER SEEING OUR sons at Sam’s appointment two days ago, I’ve been in awe of what she’s been going through. Yeah, I’ve seen the ol’ ladies of our club and the Wild Kings go through pregnancies, but I never paid much attention to them. It’s different when it’s the woman who owns your heart though, and when it’s your children growing inside her.

  So, I called m
y sister yesterday and Tank and Maddie will be here today. I didn’t tell Sam because I know she’ll fret and worry about every little detail if she knows they’re coming here. I know how she is and worrying is the last thing she needs to do right now because she’ll start bleeding again and have to go back on bed rest.

  Sam is already going crazy being on light duty. She wants to be able to clean the house and cook meals, help the ol’ ladies out at the clubhouse, and find a job. Or start going to school again. Right now, she can’t hardly do any of it. The most she does is start the washer and switch the clothes over to the dryer. I won’t let her carry the laundry baskets or anything else.

  We’ve fought more than I ever wanted to because I’m being an ‘overbearing asshole’ according to her. I’m just being cautious and making sure nothing happens to her or our sons. While she understands where I’m coming from, she doesn’t like how I go about it. I’ve had more silent treatments in the last two days than my entire life. I’ll live with it if Sam is okay.

  “Baby, we’re gonna have a cookout at the clubhouse today. The ol’ ladies want to celebrate you comin’ home and want to know the sex of the babies. You up for it?” I ask her, walking in our bedroom to see her sitting up in bed with her Kindle in her hands.

  “Yeah. It will be nice to get out of the house for a while,” she tells me, a soft smile on her face.

  “Okay. I’m goin’ to let Dad know we’ll be there and then help you in the shower,” I tell her.

  Sam nods her head at me and goes back to reading her book while I pull my phone from my pocket and head into the hallway. After letting him know we’ll be there in a little while, I head back in the room and help Sam out of bed and to the bathroom.

  Today, I’m going to join her in the shower. Since I saw her in the truck stop and went home with her, I help her in and then sit on the toilet or something out of her way. She’s refused to let me in with her but wants me close by in case something happens. Thankfully, nothing ever has and I’ve just been in the room with her. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her or the babies.

  Once I have helped her undress, I turn on the water and let it get to temperature while she pulls the hair tie from her hair and sets it on the counter by the sink. When she goes to get in the shower, I help her and then quickly strip out of my clothes. I step in behind her, and Sam gasps as I wrap my arms around her body.

  “What are you doing, Playboy?” she asks me.

  “I’m showerin’ with you,” I answer. “Not wastin’ any more time now that we’ve been given the green light by your doctor.”

  She doesn’t say a word as I grab the shampoo and she carefully turns around to get her hair wet. As soon as she’s ready, I wash her hair. Making sure to massage the suds into her scalp. Helping her turn once I’m done, she rinses it while I grab the conditioner. Her hair is still short, so it doesn’t take long to complete the tasks.

  Once her hair is done, I grab her loofah and body wash. It smells of lilacs and I can’t get enough of the scent on her. I make sure the suds from her body wash are enough to wash her body before placing the loofah against the smooth skin of her shoulder. I slide it along her skin and let my fingers graze her skin. It’s not helping the raging hard-on I have right now, but I don’t care. Tonight is when I’ll be with Sam; after I make her my ol’ lady in the eyes of the club.

  I run the loofah over her ample tits, which have only gotten larger since she got pregnant. A shiver runs through her body and I relish the fact I’m doing this to her. I’m the one making her horny and want me; no one else will ever get this response from her. I’ll gut any man who thinks he can touch what’s mine.

  When I get to her rounded belly, I bend down and place a kiss where our sons rest. Once I wash her entire body, I stand back up and let her rinse off. I’m wet enough now I can easily wash my hair while she’s rinsing the suds from her gorgeous body.

  When she’s done, Sam takes a seat on the small bench in the shower and I condition my hair and wash my body. She’s watching every move I make; I can feel her eyes on me. Instead of stroking my hard, aching cock like I want to, I simply wash my body and rinse before getting out of the shower with her.

  I help Sam dry off and grab a towel for myself so I can dry my body before we head into the room to get dressed.

  “What do you want to wear today?” I ask her.

  “One of the dresses you just bought me,” she answers, sitting on the bed.

  I walk in the closet and pull out a long summer dress in a pale purple color. At the same time, I grab my jeans and a tee-shirt before making my way back to the bed where Sam’s waiting for me. She managed to get her underwear on while I was getting our clothes. I look at her wearing a white lace matching bra and panty set. Sam looks beautiful and I want to strip the material from her body and have my way with her.

  Instead, I hold out the dress and drop to the floor as the towel begins to loosen around my waist. Sam puts her feet in the center of the garment and I slowly slide it up her legs. My fingers graze her skin and again, a shiver runs through her entire body. This time I place a kiss on her belly and stand up, pulling her with me so our bodies are flush. Well, as flush as they can be with her belly between us.

  “Tonight, babe, I’m goin’ to have my way with you,” I warn her. “You have until we get home to get right with it.”

  “Nothing to get right with, Playboy. I want you now,” she says, looking me in the eyes.

  “Have to head out. Caleb is waitin’ for us to get to the clubhouse,” I tell her.

  Caleb went with my dad earlier to the clubhouse. They were going to play on the playground that was added to the backyard when kids started being born into the club. Now, Caleb is enjoying it with my dad chasing after him. I’m sure there’s a Prospect or two helping him because I’m sure Caleb isn’t the only kid out there already.

  I help Sam downstairs once her hair is brushed and put up in a ponytail. Half of her hair is already escaping the hair tie and I know she’ll be putting it up a million more times before the end of the day. I love it when she gets frustrated with her hair. Her nose scrunches up and her lips thin instead of being full and kissable. Then, she pulls the hair tie from her hair and flings it letting it hang all around her face.

  We stop in the kitchen so she can grab the salad she directed me to make. I followed all of her instructions, but I still don’t know if it’s going to be the same as she usually makes. For now, I don’t give a shit about the salad. I just want to get her to the clubhouse and sitting down in the shade with a cold drink in her hand.

  As we step out of the front door, I can already hear the music blaring from the clubhouse. The cookout is already in full swing and we’re probably going to be the last ones there. I don’t even care about that, though. I’m surprised my phone isn’t blowing up with Maddie calling and messaging me about where we are.

  “You ready for this?” I ask Sam as I point the car toward the clubhouse.

  “Yeah. Today is going to be a good day,” she answers, smiling at me.

  Her smile is radiant and lights up her entire face. It’s one of the things I used to picture while I was in jail. And honestly, it kept me going when I didn’t think I was going to make it through the day without getting in a fight or killing some dumb fuck who wanted to press their luck with me.

  I pull up behind the clubhouse and close to the chairs, so Sam doesn’t have to walk far before sitting down. Yes, I’m being the overbearing asshole once again, but I don’t give a flying fuck about it. Sam is not going to get too tired and not enjoy the day while we’re here. I have too much planned for her. I’ll just move the timing of things up. Maybe once everyone is sitting down to eat.

  When I park the car, I race around the front to help Sam out as I see Maddie and Tank talking with my dad. Chance, Shawn, and Brax are playing with Caleb while Zoey is pushing Rayven in the baby swing. Other kids are playing in various parts of the playground while their parents stand close
by to keep an eye on them. Soon, I’ll be over there watching our sons play and run around, causing trouble because I have no doubt our sons will always be right in the thick of things just as I was.

  “Playboy! Sam!” Maddie calls out when she finally spots us.

  Sam looks up at me and I know if Maddie weren’t making her way over to us, she’d be giving me an earful for not letting her know sooner about their arrival. I smile down at her glare and place a kiss against her cheek.

  “I love you,” I tell her, moving out of the way so my sister can look at her.

  “I love you too,” she says grudgingly.

  Yeah, she’s mad at me. But she’ll get over it.

  “Oh, my God! Is this why you called and wanted Tank and I to come visit?” Maddie asks, hugging me in greeting.

  “It is. I didn’t want you to hear it from anyone other than me,” I answer her.

  “Congratulations!” she says, carefully pulling Sam into a hug as well. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Well, so you know, we’re havin’ twins,” I tell her as she turns her shocked gaze toward me.

  “Holy shit! I don’t believe it,” she says, covering her mouth as Tank approaches us.

  “Playboy, it’s good to see you,” he says as we greet in a man hug. “Sam, well, it’s good to see you too. Why don’t you sit down before you fall down?”

  I look at her and I know it’s time for her to sit. She’s been on her feet too long and I don’t want her to overdo things before I have the chance to present her rag to her. Tank and I help her sit in a lounge chair before he hands me over a case holding something special for today. We’re going to reveal the genders today and I have something special planned. Even though Tank brought it for me, he doesn’t even know what we’re having.

  Once Sam is situated and Maddie is keeping her company, I make my way over to my dad for a drink and to find out how long it will be before the food is ready.

  “How’s she doin’?” my dad asks when I get over to him.

  “She’s okay. Gettin’ restless because she wants to be able to do things and not be restin’ so much,” I answer as Caleb and my nephews run over to me.


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