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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  “Uncle Playboy!” Brax yells out as he hugs my legs.

  “Boys, how are you doin’” I ask the triplets. “Been a long time since I’ve seen you. You’re gettin’ big and strong, just like your dad.”

  They all smile at me and I rumple their hair. Before I can ask about the food, I see the ol’ ladies making their way through the back door of the clubhouse. While they’re all coming out, I excuse myself from the boys and head into my room. I have Sam’s rag in there and I want to give it to her while we’re all here as a family. We can’t do the gender reveal until later on tonight and this will hopefully excite her.

  When I’m back outside, I place the box on the ground behind the chair Sam’s sitting in. Caleb is waiting for me to walk through the food line with him. I pile my plate, a plate for Sam, and help Caleb put food on his plate. He wants to eat with my nephews and niece since they’re sitting with us; it’s not a big deal. Maddie has been glued to Sam’s side since we got here and it excites me to know my sister likes my woman so much.

  After the plates are filled, I walk back over to where Sam, Maddie, Tank, and the kids are sitting. I hand off her plate to her filled with chicken, salt potatoes, pasta salad, a biscuit, and corn on the cob. Pulling a water from my back pocket, I hand it over to her as well. I remain standing and nibble on my food as I wait for the remaining members and ol’ ladies to make their way through the food line.

  I’m nervous as hell and I can’t remember the last time I was nervous about anything. Part of me worries Sam is going to turn me down about being my ol’ lady in front of the club. While I have to do this in front of the club, there’s no guarantee of what she’s gonna say. Sam is hormonal because of the pregnancy and part of her still thinks I’m with her because of our boys. It’s not the case at all and I’m hoping by claiming her she’ll realize I’m serious about her.

  Once Boy Scout, the last person is walking away from the tables under the canopy, I whistle. Loud. Everyone stops and looks at me while I step behind the chair Sam’s sitting. She’s got her head at an angle and is looking at me. There’s questions staring at me from her eyes and they’re about to be answered.

  “As some of you know, I’ve been stayin’ with Sam for a while now. What only a few of you know is that before I went to jail, I was plannin’ on askin’ her to be my ol’ lady. There’s no better time than with you all here today and my sister and Tank joinin’ us,” I say, opening the lid of the box. “Sam, I love you more than I could ever put into words. Will you be my ol’ lady?”

  Sam has tears in her eyes as she pulls the leather rag from the box. On the back is our club colors with ‘Property of’ above the colors and ‘Playboy’ underneath them. My girl leans forward as she tries to slide the rag on her shoulders.

  “I’ll help you, baby,” I tell her.

  As I slide the rag on her, everyone erupts into whistles and catcalls. She’s got a smile from ear-to-ear on her face as she looks up at me with love shining from her eyes.

  “I love you, Playboy,” she says, pulling me down to kiss her.

  “I love you too,” I answer as I break the chaste kiss.

  The ol’ ladies come over to congratulate her as Sam eats her food. She’s starving and no one is going to keep her from her food. I sit down next to her as everyone files away and we eat the rest of our meal in relative silence. Well, without everyone being up in our faces. The kids are talking a mile a minute and we’re laughing at them as they try to outdo one another with their stories. Unfortunately, the stories from my nephews are more than likely true.

  When I see Sam put her plate down on her lap, I know she’s done eating for now. It will be a different story in a little bit, though because I plan on giving her a workout now. I can’t wait until we get home. Especially when I have a perfectly good room in the clubhouse we can use.

  “Come with me, baby?” I ask her, holding out my hand to help her up.

  “Where are we going?” she questions.

  “Inside for a little bit. Caleb’s okay out here with the kids and my sister. No one here will let him get into trouble or hurt,” I tell her.

  Sam nods her head and accepts my help up from the chair. I lead her inside and take her up to my room. Once we’re inside, I shut the door and make sure it’s locked. I step up behind her, wrap my arms around her and place a kiss on the side of her neck. Sam relaxes back into me as I run my hands up from her rounded stomach to the amazing tits she has.

  A low groan escapes her as I rub circles around her nipples through the thin fabric of her dress and bra. I can’t wait. I need her now.

  I slide the rag off her shoulders and fold it before carefully place it on the dresser to my left. Next, I remove my cut and place it on top of her rag. Turning her around, I kneel down and begin to slide the dress up her body. My hands skim her legs as I raise them higher and higher on her body.

  When my hand reaches the junction between her thighs, I rub a finger under her soaked panties before continuing up her body. The second her stomach is uncovered, I place a kiss on her and don’t linger there. I want her naked and under me right now, not minutes from now.

  Finally, her dress if completely off her body and I step back to look at her body only covered by the bra and panties she’s wearing. Before I can ask her to take them off, she reaches around her back and undoes the clasp on the bra and lets it slide from her shoulders until it falls to the floor. My jaw drops open as I stare at her bared tits.

  “Don’t,” I growl out when she goes to push her panties down.

  Sam immediately stops and I take a step forward until her body is up against mine. I raise my hands just enough to pull the shirt from my body so I can feel her skin against mine. My movements halt when Sam gasps in shock.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” I ask her.

  “When did you do this?” she asks, looking at the spot over my heart.

  Looking down, I see the tattoo I got her for her when I was out on a run.

  “I got it just before I found you in Torrino,” I tell her. “You don’t like it?”

  “I love it,” she tells me as a lone tear slips down her cheek.

  Sam reaches up on her tiptoes and presses her stomach against me. She pulls my head down and places a kiss against my lips. For a second, she just lingers there. Knowing she won’t deepen the kiss, I lick across her full, bottom lip and she doesn’t hesitate to open her mouth to me. As I kiss her, her hands reach between us and I hear her undoing my belt so she can unbutton and zip my pants. As soon as she’s done, she reaches her hand inside and wraps it around my hard cock.

  “On the bed, baby,” I tell her, knowing this will be over with too soon if I don’t get her ready for me first.

  She walks over to the bed and I watch as she climbs up and lays directly in the middle of the mattress. Sam looks just like a goddess lying in the center of my bed with her hair surrounding her head. I take a minute just to take her in. The way her body has changed with the pregnancy, the golden hue of her flawless skin, and emotions flooding her eyes.

  Before joining her on the bed, I kick off my boots and let my jeans fall to the floor. I kick them off and pull my socks off before walking to the bed. Climbing on the bed, I don’t slide in next to Sam, I go between her legs. She opens them up to accommodate my body as I lower my head to slide my tongue between her slick folds.

  I lick from her opening to her clit several times and feel her body tremble under me. Sam reaches down and slides her fingers into my hair. This tells me she’s already close and I know what I have to do. I suck her clit into my mouth and flick my tongue over it while pushing a finger inside her pussy.

  “Yes!” she moans out. “Don’t stop. Please!”

  I have no intention of stopping anything I’m doing. My only goal is to get her to fall apart under me and I won’t stop until she’s completely sated.

  Sliding my finger in and out of her body, I add another finger as I suck harder on her clit before gently biting down. That’
s all Sam needs to fly over the edge and her release rush over her.

  “Griffin!” she screams out as her body clamps down on my fingers and I lap up her release.

  I slowly slide my fingers in and out of her as I bring her back down. When she’s lying spent in the bed, I slowly climb up her body and rub my cock through her folds, getting it wet with her juices. I kiss her lips as I slide in. I continually slide in and out of her body until I’m fully seated in her. I don’t want to hurt her or anything as I wait a minute for her to adjust to my size.

  “Move, please, Griffin,” she pleads with me. “I’m fine, I promise.”

  I listen to her and begin to slide out of her body. She feels so good, I know I’m not going to last long. I truly don’t care as long as she’s taken care of. I’ll never leave her unsatisfied and I’ll always make sure she gets hers before I even think about letting go.

  “Harder,” she says, urging me on as she wraps one slim leg around my hip subtly changing the angle a little bit.

  There’s no way I’m going to deny her what she wants, so I slide in and out of her faster and harder. I bend my head down and take a taut nipple into my mouth, gently biting down on it. Licking it, I take the sting out of it and I’m rewarded with a moan from Sam as she throws her head back and slightly arches her back.

  I sit up my haunches and never once lose my rhythm of sliding in and out of her. My only reason is I don’t want to put any pressure on her stomach and have something happen. So, I slowly pull out of her and shift her to her side. Once she’s in the position I want her in, I climb behind her and slide back inside her warm, wet pussy. I feel like I’m in heaven and coming home all at the same time. It’s a feeling I never want to lose.

  “You feel so good,” I tell her, kissing her on her neck.

  “Playboy, please. I’m so close,” she grinds out.

  “I got you, baby,” I tell her.

  Reaching around her body, I find her clit as I begin to thrust a little harder and faster in her. Her body begins to tighten up and I know she’s ready to explode. I stretch up and bite down on the skin between her neck and shoulder. Sam explodes.

  “Griffin!” she yells out.

  As her body tightens around me, I feel the telltale tingling in my spine and know I’m not going to last much longer. I thrust a few more times into her and still once I’m completely in her.

  “Sam!” I yell out as I fill her with my cum.

  For a few minutes, we lay still with my cock softening still in her. I rub my hand over her stomach as we try to catch our breath and we lay in complete silence. The only sound filling the room is our labored breathing.

  “I love you, Playboy,” she suddenly says, her voice groggy.

  “I love you too,” I respond.

  Before I can pull from her, Sam is already asleep. I make my way to the bathroom and clean up before wetting a washcloth with warm water. After cleaning her up, I place a kiss on her forehead, pull the blankets up over her and make my way out of the room, locking the door behind me so no one can sneak in on her.

  Sam slept for about two hours while I was out with everyone at the cookout. I want to keep an eye on Caleb, so no one else is watching over him. Not that anyone out here would mind one damn bit. We’re a family and he’s been spending all his time with the triplets, so it’s been easy to keep track of him.

  Just as it’s getting dark out, I take out the case Tank brought me and walk over to Sam, who’s back in her lounge chair. She’s talking and laughing with Maddie, Shy, Gwen, Kim, and Jennifer. They’re having a good time and I don’t want to interrupt, but I know she’s going to want to go home soon. It’s time to do the gender reveal.

  As I crouch down next to her, I open the box and inside are two sparklers. Grabbing a lighter from Stryker, I hand one to Sam and light hers just before lighting mine. Everyone is gathered around us as blue flames begin to fill the air while we wave the sparklers around.

  The men and women of our family begin to cheer and applaud. I’m handed a shot and a beer as Sam accepts the bottled water being held out to her by Valor. My dad, Shy, Maddie, and Tank are surrounding us and hugging the hell out of us.

  “I getting brothers?” Caleb asks, running up to us.

  “Yes, you are,” I answer him as he wraps around my legs.

  “Yes! Girls are gross,” he yells out before letting go and running off toward Brax, Chance, and Shawn.

  We all burst out laughing at him and his antics. Maddie and Sam talk about planning out the nursery. I don’t care what she wants done to it, I’ll make sure Sam gets everything she wants for it. From the color of the walls to the carpeting on the floor, she can redo the entire room.

  Within an hour, Sam is yawning and ready to head home for the night. Tank and helps me wrangle up the kids since they’re staying at our house until they head home. the women are still sitting in the same spot when I go to help Sam out of the chair and get her in the car.

  Once we’re home, the boys all head to Caleb’s room. They take turns in the bathroom and get dressed in their pajamas so they can get to bed. I grab the movie they want to watch and put it on the TV while the other adults kiss them goodnight. Next, we get Zoey situated in one of the other rooms close to Maddie and Tank. She’s easy to get into bed. Now, Sam and I can get to bed.

  I walk her in our room and help her change into a large tee-shirt before I strip down to nothing. Walking into the closet, I grab a pair of pajama pants and a pair of shorts for Sam. I would normally sleep naked, but not with my sister, Tank, and the extra kids in the house. You never know who’s going to come bursting in a room.

  Laying down next to Sam, I pull her into my arms and let her rest her head on my chest as I wrap an arm around her. Her eyes are already closing and I know it’s not going to be long before sleep claims her. So, I tip her face up and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

  “I love you,” she murmurs, already falling asleep.

  “I love you, too,” I tell her, placing one more kiss on the top of her head.

  With all the activities of the day, sleep doesn’t take long to claim me either. I dream of Sam having our sons and finally being able to hold them. Because we’re both asleep, we miss the kids kicking in Sam’s stomach for the first time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  YESTERDAY WAS ONE of the best days of my life. Playboy claimed me in the eyes of the club and I could see the love he feels for me as he gazed down at me. This isn’t about the babies I carry or any other reason but love. There was no way I could turn him down because I know the guys don’t usually ask their woman to be their ol’ lady; it’s more of a demand. Something they all do when they want something.

  Then, Playboy gave me what I’ve been wanting since seeing him in the truck stop in Torrino; him. I know he was holding back and I hate it for him. Part of me wants to tell him to find someone he can do what he truly wants to while the other part of me knows I’ll never be able to stay with him if he were with someone else. This is just temporary and he won’t have to hold back forever. Not that he complained a single bit about holding back.

  After I took a small nap, we did the gender reveal, which was greeted by cheers, applause, congratulations, and the men drinking to help Playboy celebrate bringing two new sons into the family and club. It was a good day, but a tiring one. I’m still worn out today and want to spend the entire day in bed. Not that I will because I can’t do that.

  Maddie and Tank are staying with us because the boys all want to spend time together so I need to get up to head to the store for a few more things while they’re here. We have more than enough food, but the kids want a picnic and then they want to roast marshmallows later on tonight. I’ve called the other ol’ ladies and no one has anything for that.

  Playboy wanted to send a Prospect to the store, but I want to get out of the house. I need to get out of the house. I’m going stir crazy here. Sitting around isn’t something I’m used to doing. I usually am up and abo
ut doing whatever needs to be done or helping the ol’ ladies. Now, I can’t do any of that because I’m stuck on light duty. While I understand it, I’m just not used to it.

  After getting ready for the day, Playboy leads me out to my car and I get in.

  “Be careful. If you need anythin’, call me. I’ll have my phone on me,” he tells me, leaning down to give me a kiss.

  “I will. I’ll be back before you know it,” I assure him.

  Turning on the car, I take a minute to connect my phone to the radio and put on Pass Slowly by Seether. I turn up the volume and leave the driveway to our home so I can leave the compound. Once I’m outside the gate, I put the window down, so dirt doesn’t get into the car, causing me to choke.

  I don’t pay attention to my surroundings as I make my way through town and to the small grocery store in Benton Falls. We always go to this store instead of the big box store on the outskirts of town. Even knowing I should always pay attention in case someone is following me or something else like that. Today, I’m just happy to be out of the house and away from the clubhouse.

  When I get to the store, I park as close as I can, which is easy because the parking lot is virtually empty at this time of day. Getting out of the car, I waddle into the store and grab a cart on my way in. Women nod at me until they notice I’m wearing a rag proclaiming me the ‘Property’ of Playboy. The few men in the store don’t come anywhere near me because they don’t want to get on the wrong side of anyone in the club.

  I walk in search of the items I need and don’t linger in the store as per the doctor’s orders. Once I have them all, I head to the checkout line. I’ve got a sudden feeling as if I’m being watched and it’s not in a good way. There have been times the Prospects have followed us when we’ve left the compound. I feel safe and protected when they’re following us. This time, I feel as if I’m in danger. But I don’t want to call Playboy or anyone else if it’s all in my imagination.


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