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Finding My Pack

Page 7

by Lane Whitt

  "My bedroom's across the hall from Reed's when you're finished. I'll do your hair for you. Just dry it." Logan states, more than asks.

  I don't bother responding. Something tells me he'd brush and blow dry my hair in my sleep if I said no. Not that I want to, I love it when he messes with my hair. I quickly shower and wrap a towel around myself. Stepping out, I look around for the clothes I had on, but they're gone. There's a knock on the door so I open it.

  "That was quick, I thought I'd have time to leave some clean clothes before you got out." Reed says, looking down as he speaks. He holds the clothes out and I take them from him, my fingers brushing against his. His skin feels hot.

  "Thanks Reed, that was so nice of you." I lean my head out further from the doorway to kiss his cheek but he turns his head at the last moment, my lips fall on his. I jerk my head back and cover my mouth with my hands.

  "Oh my God, I'm so sorry Reed. I didn't... I mean... I was going to..." Reed pulls my hand away from my mouth. He puts his index finger over my lips to stop my babbling. His pretty hazel eyes look into my pale green ones as he rubs his finger slowly back and forth over my lips. His eyes flick down to watch his movements. He removes his hand and leans in, kissing me back softly. I stand there, stunned.

  He tucks my hair behind my ear before leaning into me, his breath fanning my neck. "Good night Kitten." He says softly, walking to his room.

  I finally manage to move my legs and shut the door. My body feels like it's been drugged. What the hell was that! Does this mean that Reed likes me? Did he kiss me because he thought that's what I wanted? Did I want him to kiss me? I have no idea but...I liked it. Oh my God! My first kiss! Does a pity kiss count though?

  My tired brain doesn't want to process this right now so I get dressed in a pair of yellow sweats and another white, long sleeved t-shirt. Someone forgot underwear but beggars can't be choosers and the pants have a tie in the front.

  I take one last look at myself in the mirror and shrug. On the counter is a tube of toothpaste. I grab it, thinking I'll use my finger until I can get a toothbrush. I see a bright blue one in a holder. Hmmm... I pick it up and run my finger over the bristles. I decide to use it. I'm sure it's Logan's, maybe he won't mind.

  When I'm done brushing, I head to Logan's room. Reed has shut the door to his cloud room, Logan's is open. I kind of expected his room to be loud and crazy, instead, it's done in black and tan. The only blue thing in the room is the bedspread. And the pants on a boy standing outside of his closet not wearing a shirt. I can't make my eyes leave his bare chest. All that smooth skin! My eyes are drawn lower as he walks toward me. I watch the muscles in his stomach flexing and rippling with each step he makes. I feel an odd pull low in my tummy.

  I finally look away when I feel pain in my hands. I'm clenching them so tightly my nails are digging into my skin. I have no idea how long he's been standing in front of me now, no longer moving, but I can't look at him. My face is on fire and I know he sees it. I shift from one foot to the other and feel a strange, yet pleasurable, tingle on my chest. I look down and can see my nipples poking through my shirt. Oh no, Logan can probably see that too. I want to crawl into a hole and die.

  A finger comes up under my chin, forcing my eyes to meet his pools of blue. Logan's face is serious, intense. He uses his finger to tug my bottom lip from my teeth. We stare at each other for seconds or hours, I can't tell. My brain shuts down and my mouth takes over.

  "I used your toothbrush!" I practically yell at him. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that. Reed kissed me and I couldn't think, but actually that was after I kissed him. On accident. I think. I also used Tristan's razor when I showered in there the other day. I didn't know I was going to end up staying here and now I feel bad about it. And I feel bad about using your toothbrush too I...I just…I have no idea why I did that! Then I stare at you like. Like you..." I can't breathe! I'm getting hysterical and I'm not even sure why.

  Logan looks a mixture of amused, angry, shocked, and confused all at once. It's an interesting look on him. He finally bursts out laughing and my hands fly to my face to hide the embarrassing tears that choose this moment to fall. He pulls me into a hug. Wrapping his arms around me and rocking us side to side while petting my hair.

  "It's okay Kitten. Shhh. You're okay. I don't care that you used my toothbrush or that you looked at me. Tristan won't care that you used his razor either; he probably put it in there for you. Everything is okay." I sob into his chest. It's been forever since I truly cried and now I can't stop it.

  Logan scoops me up in his arms and carries me to bed. Tucking me in and climbing behind me. It feels soothing to have his strong form wrapped around me. Natural even. My smaller body fits into his perfectly. With one of his legs thrown over mine, his arm wrapped around my waist and his lips pressed to the crown of my head, I have never felt safer. He holds me like this while I cry myself to sleep.


  My eyes fly open, hearing a deep growl. I move to get up but am trapped by an arm around my waist, holding me tightly to a firm body behind me. My heart rate picks up until I remember that it's Logan. We're still in the same position as we fell asleep. I blush furiously and rock back and forth slightly, trying to wake him.

  "Logan...let go." I say in a horse whisper.

  Remy stomps over to Logan's side of the bed and smacks his bare back. He must have been the one making that noise. The arm around me disappears and Logan jumps up, looking mad as all get out. His eyes fall on Remy, standing with his massive arms crossed over his chest. Logan visibly deflates and smirks at him. The bigger man rolls his eyes and turns to me.

  "Time to get up, we leave in a half hour." With that, he walks out of the room, leaving the door open.

  Logan walks out of the closet, fully clothed and carrying a pair of sneakers. "These should do until we get you some of your own. Hurry up so I can do something with all that hair of yours."

  "Can you put it in a ponytail today?" I ask, still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

  He makes a face. "Sure, why?"

  "Because everyone is always tucking my hair behind my ears. I don't think they like it very much." I say, thinking about how much my hair must annoy them.

  Logan laughs so hard he doubles over. "Sure Kitten, I'll pull it back for you, but I don't think they do it because of that." He manages to say after his laughing fit.

  I reluctantly leave the bed and follow Logan to the bathroom after I've tied the shoes on as tight as I could. I feel like a clown in them, like I'm about to trip and fall. Logan brushes my hair quickly and oddly enough he had a hair-tie. After he's finished spraying my hair with something, he walks to the counter, picking up his toothbrush. I look to the floor, remembering my horrible outburst last night. Logan runs it under the water, squeezing out some toothpaste and hands it to me with a huge smile on his face.

  I mumble out a "Thank you." Stepping to the sink and brushing my teeth. He watches me and it's a little uncomfortable. I spit and rinse, cleaning it off when I'm done. Logan then picks it up and repeats the process of readying it. He locks eyes with me as he puts it in his mouth and starts brushing his own teeth. I can see him smiling around the handle like a kid with a secret. I guess he really didn't mind last night then.

  Ten minutes later, Tristan sets an egg and cheese sandwich down in front of me. Remy and Logan are drinking cups of coffee, talking to Tristan as I eat quickly. I overhear Tristan telling Logan to buy me something red. I roll my eyes. I wonder if I did get something red if he would steal it and claim it like Logan said he did with all their stuff. It would be hilarious to see tall, cute as hell, Tristan trying to fit my clothes.

  "Someone's happy this morning. What's the smile about over there?" Tristan asks. I giggle and shake my head at him. No way am I sharing that thought.

  "Someone is also done eating, so let's get a move on." Remy says, dumping his left over coffee in the sink.

  Logan takes my hand in his and the three of us make our way to
the door. The black Escalade is already parked in front of the steps leading to the house. I take a look around, this is the first time I've been outside since I was brought here. The wide expanse of green lawn is well manicured, box bushes trimmed to perfection lining the walk. The circular driveway is tan brick and I can't see where it leads to. There's also a fountain, the center of it is a wolf with its head thrown back in a howl, water shooting in a stream from its mouth. It makes me miss my wolf.

  Tristan squeezes my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts and to the back door of the SUV. He opens it and guides me in, pulling the strap to buckle me in. He climbs in the passenger side, Remy already behind the wheel. As we make out way down the drive, I take in all the trees and open space we pass. Do they know how lucky they are to have all this? They must own a lot of acres of land to have a driveway this long. Geez.

  I remained quiet on the drive to town until we pulled up in front of a small store called Miss Petite's. Logan jumps out as soon as Remy stops the car. He opens my door with a gleeful expression on his face. Bouncing around all crazy like. He takes my hand and drags me through the glass door.

  Logan pushes me into a dressing room immediately. I thought we were going to look at the clothes but he tells me to stay in here and he'll bring me stuff to put on. I wait, looking myself over in the mirror. I don't know what I'm doing here. Letting people I barely know buy me things I haven't earned. I haven't done anything to deserve any of it though.

  The door opens and Logan hangs several items on a hook. "Put the underwear on first, I already took the tags off so you can wear them out of the store. I'm still looking for shoes, you wear what... a size six?"

  I blush thinking about this incredibly attractive man picking out panties and a bra for me. How would he know the right size? I don't say anything though, walking to the hook and running my hand over the delicate black lace of the bra. I've never had something so nice. I usually get my clothes from secondhand stores and I tend to pick out things that I'll think will last longer. Not really paying attention to style, more warmth and practicality.

  "A 5 1/2 actually. I usually have to look in the kid's section." That makes him laugh and he exits the small room, closing the door behind him.

  "Try the blue one on first." He shouts through the door. "Come out here when you have an outfit on, I want to see it."

  I take my borrowed clothes off and put the bra on, it fits perfectly. The panties are made of the same material, they look like really tiny shorts. Once on, the bottom of my cheeks peak out. I tug on them trying to get them to cover everything. It doesn't work.

  "Logan?" I call out.

  "He's looking for shoes. Is there a problem?" I hear Remy's voice in answer.

  "Umm... I think he got the wrong size for me."

  The door opens and Remy stands there, looking me over. I blush and shrink into myself. That gray gaze of his makes me more self-conscious than I have ever felt. He doesn't make a move to leave though. Remy clears his throat.

  "What doesn't fit?" His voice sounds deeper than normal.

  Oh Lord! I shouldn't have said anything. I bite my lip, and then suck it up. He's here now so I should just get it over with. “The panties, they...don't cover everything. They're too short in the back. I turn, showing him what I mean.

  Remy's eyes fall on my behind, the intensity in his gaze feeling like a caress, heating my skin. I shiver. He blinks, as if coming out of a dream and looks back to my face. "That's how they are supposed to fit Kitten." With that he turns and walks out of the room.

  I take a deep breath, getting myself under control. I slip into a white cami top, pulling the soft blue sweater Logan wanted me to wear on. On the hook are a pair of black shorts, a black skirt, and a silky pair of black dress pants. Behind them are several shirts. Dressing up always makes me feel like an impostor but my legs are in no shape to be seen so pants it is.

  There's a tap on the door. "You about ready?" Logan calls.

  I open the door, stepping out. Logan frowns and Remy shakes his head. "Well, blue is not your color sweetie, you look as pale as a ghost. Turn for me," I do. "Those pants look great on you though. Go back in, I have the perfect thing."

  After a few moments Logan brings in a forest green sweater, the same soft one as the blue. I don't wait for him to leave I take the blue one off and slip the green one over my head. Logan fixes my hair, turning me toward the mirror. He stands behind me with his hands on my hips, satisfied smile on his face.

  "Perfect," he whispers in my ear.

  I meet his eyes, beaming a smile at him. I know he's probably more excited at his skills for clothing choices than who's wearing them, but still. Hearing him say I look perfect makes me happy. When we walk out Remy gives me a nod of approval. Logan has me sit on a bench and hands me a pair of dress socks to put on. He kneels in front of me and takes my foot in his hands.

  "So tiny," He mutters. He opens a box next to me, taking out a velvet-like ankle boot with at least a three inch heel. He puts it on me and zips the side. He does that for the other one too, pulling me up to stand when he's done. I wobble a little, never having worn anything but sneakers. I walk around, holding onto his arm until I feel steady enough to walk on my own. Remy gathers the clothes and shoes I took off and tucks them under his arm.

  As we approach the counter I notice a small pile of clothes already sitting there. Logan pulls the tags off the pants and shirts I'm wearing, handing them to the lady that works here. Remy takes out his wallet, handing Logan a handful of money. Remy then takes my arm, leading me back to the car while Logan pays. I look up at Remy, wondering why we aren't waiting for Logan. He ignores my look as he leads me to his side of the SUV, opening the door and buckling me in like before. Logan comes out, putting the bag of clothes in next to me and jumps in the front.

  "I can't wait to take you shopping for real Kitten." Logan says looking back at me. I don't know what to say to that so I just look out the window.

  "Now, let's get you hired Miss Kitten." Remy says as we drive off.


  As we walk into the ice rink I spot Miss Annie, the owner, behind the skate rental counter. She smiles and waves, I wave back. She hands a pair of skates over to a customer and walks around to greet me.

  "Look what the cat done dragged in." She says while giving me a soft hug. She says the same thing each time I see her. With her Texas drawl it never fails to make me smile. I've always liked Miss Annie. She's a bigger woman, but it just makes for better hugs, as she would say. I've always wished she was my grandmother. She's short like me so...there's a slight resemblance in that way. She'd do anything for anybody. Even give a homeless girl with no address or phone, an illegal under-the-table job.

  She looks at the two imposing men who have moved to stand behind me. "And who do we have here?" Miss Annie asks, wrapping a hand around my wrist and tugging to move me behind her.

  Remy lifts an eyebrow at her move but puts on a smile. "I'm Remington Greyson, this here is Logan Miller. I'm Kitten's new guardian. Pleasure to meet you ma'am." He holds out a hand and Miss Annie shakes it. She looks back at me for confirmation and I nod my head slightly.

  "Well, that's just great. About time someone looked after my precious girl. What can I do for ya gentlemen?"

  Remy leans forward and pulls me back toward him, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "Kitten here has told us many great things about your establishment and the time she's spent here. We thought we'd take a look around, and I'd like to speak with you about giving her a paying part-time job."

  Miss Annie's face falls a little at this and I know why. She can't afford to pay me anymore than she already does. The rink makes good money but there's a lot of upkeep and there are repairs that need to be made to the ageing building.

  Remy must see this because he says, "Logan, why don't you have Kitten show you around while I talk to..." Oh! I forgot to introduce her.

  "Miss Annie" I say, cursing my bad manners.

  "Yes, Miss Annie." R
emy finishes.

  Logan shrugs and holds his hand to the side, "Lead the way".

  I take his hand and pull him to walk beside me. I point out the snack and rental counters. We walk by the lockers and I show him the one with my name on it. Miss Annie gave me a pair of the rental skates to call my own and lets me keep a locker here. I'm proud of it, none of the other employees have one, and usually they are for customers only.

  I lead him through the swinging doors to the heart of the building, where the stands and the ice itself are located. We take a seat on the first row of the stands and watch the few people out on the ice.

  "Have you ever been?" I ask Logan.

  He chuckles. "Actually, no. I haven't."

  I bounce a little in my seat. "Would you let me teach you?" I ask excitedly. It would be a great way to pay him and the others back for all they've done for me. Funny to think that I may have a skill that they don't.

  He barks out a laugh. "Maybe, we'll see." I pout, doing my best impression of puppy eyes at him. He just laughs harder and pokes me in the cheek. We sit together for a while, just watching. There are two little girls out on the ice that I taught to skate. I smile as I think about how far they have come. Their mother is a sweet woman who paid attention and learned to skate too so she could keep up with her kids. Not all of the parents do that.


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