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Finding My Pack

Page 24

by Lane Whitt

  "Hey there Kitten." I hug his shoulders telling him goodnight. "You better get to bed now, I'll see you bright and early for our yoga session before breakfast." He says, stressing the 'G' in yoga.

  "I can't wait to try yoba." I call back at him from in front of Logan's door. He laughs, shaking his head.

  I crawl in next to Logan, laying my head on his chest. "Your lips are nice and swollen, I take it goodnight's went well?" He chuckles. I giggle too.

  "Are you going to kiss me too Logan?" He smirks and proceeds to tangle his tongue with mine until my stupid, interfering body makes me yawn. Logan pulls me into him once more, and before I realize it, I'm asleep.

  Chapter 23


  I watch from the window in the game room as Reed and Kitten bend this way and that. I find it highly amusing to watch Reed struggle to keep his dick in check. Our little Kitten is one flexible girl. That will come in handy when I step up my personal relations with her. Damn, now it's me who has to readjust himself.

  We all know that Reed confessed his love to Kitten and as far as I know, she hasn't shown any acknowledgment of it. He came to me this morning before he woke Kitten, concerned that he had pushed too far, too fast with his profession. I assured him that she heard him and when she's ready, she'll say it back. Kitten doesn't seem to lie about anything. Little slips about how certain things in her past affect her now, but those are meaningless lies. I know she won't be pressured into doing anything before she's ready. She's a good girl.

  I couldn't help the need to set eyes on her after Jace left my office thirty minutes ago. I pinch the bridge of my nose recalling our conversation. After seeing his reactions last night, before and after dinner, I asked him to see me first thing.

  "I know last night was hard on you Jace, and I hope this whole thing has taught you a good lesson." I had said sternly.

  "Trust me, it has." He replied. I have to admit, in all of my years with the Duke's son, I've never seen him so worried or stressed. "I should have never said what I said to her. I should have waited to see how everything would play out with her before I did anything. I'm sorry, you know I am Remington."

  "I'm aware of that. I believe Miss Kitten is aware of it also. I believe she has also forgiven you to a certain extent, but you need to earn back her trust. She hands out forgiveness like tissues at a funeral, but trust is something very hard for her. Now is not the time to take a step a back Mr. Rotherstone." I raise an eyebrow at him, forcing my point.

  "I'm not taking a step back, I've been occupied." He says, using his gift for Kitten as an excuse.

  "I see how you are with her. I understand that your pride has taken a hit and I understand if worry about rejection..."

  "I'm not worried about her rejecting me." He cuts me off. I narrow my eyes at him, he knows I hate that. "It's just that...what Reed had said stuck with me. I'm not sure I'm good enough for her. Not after what I did. Not after I hurt her. Not after she told us about her life and I saw just inherently 'good' she is." He runs a hand through his hair. Something I've never seen him do before. The stress really IS getting to him.

  "Did you miss out on her reply to that statement, Mr. Rotherstone? She said she, herself, gets to make that decision, not us. I think if you put yourself in her path, she will welcome you."

  He nods his head. "You're probably right Remington, I'll try harder. I truly am busy with her gift though. I want it to be just perfect for her. I have to get this right. I NEED to get this right." He blows out a breath.

  "How is that all coming along anyhow." I ask.

  "Another week should do it, I think. I keep asking the guys about her and the things she likes..."

  I cut him off, getting him back for doing it to me earlier. "You should use your time speaking to her directly Jace. Stop backing off. Backing away from her is creating more distance between not only the two of you, but your brothers as well. If you want to know her, ask her, talk to her."

  "Yes, Sir." He replies, and for once I don't think he means it mockingly.

  "I can give you a week to finish your surprise, but no longer. The rest of your brothers have things they want to do as well, but I've held them off, giving you time to do what you need to do. We'd never leave you behind Jace, you're family. But the rest of us still have to prove ourselves to her as well, we're ready to move forward and you need to move with us. She's with us right now but we need to make her want to be here forever." It's true, the men have been to my office more than ever lately. They're getting impatient.

  "I understand. It'll be done by then, I promise. And thank you for looking out for me Remington."

  "Always." I reply. I'll always look out for my men. That's what I'm here for.

  I'm brought out of my thoughts when I see Miss Kitten stand on her hands and walk on them. I let out a chuckle at her antics. I don't think she realizes that her playfulness is perfect for us bunch of wolves. She had told Reed yesterday that she missed seeing our wolf forms. I couldn't be happier about that. I gave the men the go ahead to change at will. She surprises me at every turn, the little thing. As Reed takes advantage of his time alone with her, I turn and head to the kitchen. Maybe Tristan could use some help with breakfast.



  I was less than happy when Reed came in to wake me this morning. I grumbled at him but he had just laughed and kept tickling my feet until I couldn't help but giggle. When I finally unburied my face from the pillow, I looked up to a sleepy but happy looking Reed. I couldn't possibly stay mad at him when he looked like that. Stupid tummy flutters. Logan had muttered that he left me an outfit out on the chair and told me to wear my hair in a ponytail. He must have really been tired if he was letting me do my own hair. I had kissed his bare shoulder telling him, "Thank you squishy face", before getting up and ready. Taking my clothes to the bathroom to change and do my hair, while Reed waited outside. I was sure to use Logan's toothbrush like he likes me to.

  Reed took my hand and led me out the back door and into the yard. I guess he was already out here because there were rolled out mats and bottles of water already waiting for us. I was a little chilled in my stretchy black pants and bra top thing, but I'm used to the cold, so I didn't let it bother me.

  Reed started us off sitting on the mats, Indian style. He told me to close my eyes and try to forget everything. Or well, he told me to clear my mind. I had closed my eyes but I couldn't help the giggle that slipped out.

  "You do realize that, that is an impossibility for someone like me, right?" I ask.

  Reed rubs his hands together. "I didn't think of that. Just picture a happy, relaxing moment in your mind then, some time you felt safe and comfortable." He says once I close my eyes again.

  I do as he says. Instantly, images of the boys fill my mind. Tristan's eyes, petting Finn's fur coat, Ash's intoxicating smell. It all washes over me, making my lips lift at the corners, peace and tranquility overtaking my body.

  "Remember this feeling Kitten, how you feel right now. Keep it with you as you copy my movements. I'm going to position my body in different poses, try to put your body like I have mine. We'll be performing breathing exercises as we go." Reed says in a peaceful tone. He must have found his happy place too.

  We move slowly, taking breaths at important times, according to Reed. I forget how many positions we've done so far, but my favorite was the downward dog. Mostly because it's fun to say.

  "Okay Kitten, you're shocking the hell out of me here. Let's go back to the 'Locust Scorpion' pose, but after we count to ten I want you to shift straight into the 'Peacock' pose, hold it and then straight to a 'Headstand Scorpion' okay. Ready?"

  I shake my limbs around. Yoba with Reed is proving harder than I thought. I lay flat on my stomach, my head tilted with my chin on the mat. Taking the weight on my arms, I lift my legs and push my torso from the ground, keeping my spine straight as possible as my body turns vertical. I bend my spine backwards, bringing my feet down to my head. My muscles b
urn like crazy, but I manage to hold the pose for ten seconds. Barely. I lift my legs into the air once more, my spine thanking me. Without letting my body fall to the ground again, I push up on my arms, moving my hands around until my fingertips are facing my feet, my elbows forming right angles as I bring my body parallel to the ground. It feels like any minute my wrists are going to snap, but I hold it.

  "Beautiful Kitten, just beautiful. God, you are amazing. Last pose Polly Pretzel, 'Headstand Scorpion." I move into a handstand, straight up and down and take a moment to breath, then bend my legs behind me once more, my head tilting up to touch my feet. My arms shake, but I'm determined to hold it for the full ten. Because Reed wants me to, because he's counting on me to do this. He counts it out for me as I struggle for balance. "...ten."

  I immediately straighten out my back. Keeping vertical. I briefly wonder if I can walk like this and decide to try it. After I take a few 'steps' with my hands, Reed starts laughing and I collapse to the ground on my tummy. Friggin yoba.

  "I can't believe you could do those poses. That's pretty advanced stuff Kitten. Takes some people years to master those poses. Your transitions could use a bit of work, but I'm so completely proud of you right now."

  Reed's awestruck voice would usually melt me but I'm finding it hard to move even the tiniest of muscles right now. "Ugh." Is all I can manage.

  Reed looks contrite as he takes a seat next to me, rubbing my back. "I'm sorry sweetie, I might have pushed you a little too far your first time, but I had to see how far you could go. I'm impressed to say the least. How did you get so flexible?"

  Both of his hands move to my back as he sits on my butt. It feels amazing and I never want him to stop. "I've been skating for years, Reed. It takes balance and muscles and flexibility for that too. I might work some of those poses into my personal routine." I trail off, groaning as his fingers press harder into my shoulders.

  "If you can do all that here, on the ground, you must be poetry in motion on ice." He says, moving his magic fingers lower. I groan again.

  "I've had lots of practice. I used to get paid in skate time remember? You guys could come watch me on Friday, I get the ice to myself then. Now explain to me why you go through this torture on a daily basis."

  He laughs again. "Because I like the challenge of it. Simple as that. I come out here in the mornings, watch the sun rise, and challenge my body to do my mind's bidding. It relieves tension and stress for me. Don't worry if you don't like it, it's not for everyone."

  "It's not that I don't like it. Maybe I just need more practice. I definitely liked spending time with you, doing something you liked." I tell him.

  Reed flips me over, pressing his fingers into my arms, rubbing in circles. I moan loudly. "I like this too." I tell him.

  "Oh, you like this part huh?" He smirks. "I guess you'll have to come back tomorrow so we can do this again." When he's through with my arms he moves to my calves. My tense muscles turn the consistency of pudding in his hands. Oh yes, it was totally worth it.

  When he moves on to my thighs, the tummy flutters return full force. My legs open of their own accord. I tell myself it's so he has more room to work his magic. I know better though, as I'm also silently pleading with him to move his hands higher.

  Reed's eyes move from his hands on my legs up to my bare tummy, traveling slowly up, lingering on my heaving chest and up to meet my stare. His nostrils flare as the green, blue and gold fight for dominance in his entrancing eyes. He moves to lay down next to me, the tips of his fingers dragging lightly to my tummy, circling my belly button.

  "I love you Kitten. I know you want something from me right now. I don't think you know what it is though." His lips move to my neck, his warm breath making me shiver. I nod my head, unsure if he even asked me a question. "I'm going to give you what you need Kitten, not just because I'm a man and I can, but because I love you and because I want to." I nod again.

  He presses his hand flat on my belly, moving his fingertips under the band on my pants. His eyes meet mine again. He's asking permission for something. I'm not sure what, but this is Reed, he won't hurt me, I know. Besides, he said he'll give me what I need, something to make this ache go away I hope. I nod again.

  Reed's lips find my throat as his hand slides down, into my pants, under my panties. I gasp in shock when his long fingers reach my center. He nibbles on my neck, taking turns sucking, licking and biting. I don't know which feels better, that is, until his fingers part my lower lips, sliding back and forth in my wetness down there. One of his fingers probes into my folds. It feels amazing one second, the next I feel an uncomfortable pressure. My hands fly to his wrists, stopping him. He pulls his hand back immediately.

  "It's okay Kitten, you're not ready for that, and I get it. Just let me make you feel good baby." I let go of him, hoping he won't do that again, that hurt. His fingers find a spot above my opening that makes my whole body jerk. Okay, now THAT felt wonderful. He circles that spot with one finger as his teeth clamp down on my earlobe.

  "Oh my God Reed..." I moan out, this isn't making the ache go away, it's catching it on fire. He uses more pressure and I squirm under him, chasing that magic finger with my hips.

  "That's it baby, it feels good doesn't it?" Reed whisper growls in my ear.

  "Yes." I whisper back. The ache builds, making me feel desperate. I remember this feeling from when I was with Remy, but this feels different. His finger flicks back and forth over my spot, making my thighs shake uncontrollably.

  "Oh yeah, Kitten, cum for me baby, let me see you cum. " He pinches my spot between two of his fingers, with that, and his words, I fall apart at the seams. Lightning shoots through my veins and black surrounds the edges of my vision. As my body calms down, his fingers slide through my wetness as his palm moves in light circles over my spot.

  I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say thank you after that or not, so I say exactly what I feel to be right. "I love you back Reed." I whisper. I heard him when he told me before, I just needed time to process my own feelings for him. I didn't want to say it if I didn't mean it. I never want to do anything to make my sensitive boy sad again.

  Reed's eyes snap to mine, his face stuck in a look of shock. I giggle at the funny look. He pulls his hand free of my pants, gripping my butt in his hand, pulling my body into his. "I thought you'd never say it. I love you Kitten. I love you so much." His lips find mine in a heated kiss, bringing back the tummy flutters. I kiss him back, moving to his neck after a while. I can see the appeal of this. He tastes like Reed and sweat. The mixture is oddly delightful.

  "I see the hottest shit when I'm sent after you sexy girl." I hear Tristan say from somewhere close. Reed turns into a blanket, covering my body with his and growling at Tristan, his eyes shining with possessiveness.

  "It's okay Reed." I pat his arm, breathing is a little hard with all of his weight on me.

  "Yeah, it’s okay man, she still has clothes on anyway. I wasn't even perving this time, I just came to tell you breakfast is ready, Kitten needs to eat before work."

  Reed rolls off me, letting me breath. He takes Tristan's outstretched hand and stands. "Sorry dude, you just caught me off guard. I was a little too lost there." They share a look and goofy smiles.

  "Don't worry about it." Tristan says before turning his focus to me. "You might want to catch a quick shower before eating. The scent of you right now will drive the lot of us mad with lust if you don't." He winks at me.

  I blush, not sure I'll ever get used to them telling me how I smell. "Okay, I'll go take a shower in your room. Can you tell Logan to bring my stuff in there for me?"

  "Sure thing cutie." He kisses my forehead before I jog to the house. I think I'm really going to like this yoba.


  I stood at my bedroom window, watching as my brother thoroughly satisfied the girl that plagues my every thought. My chest tightens with either jealousy or longing, both are new emotions for me, as I'm used to getting my way. I'm still worried how q
uickly my brothers and I have come to be wrapped up in this tiny girl, but I can now see that she's been good for us. We've been drifting through time, not really paying attention to it or taking pleasure in life the way we should as immortals. Then she came along and it's like the earth starting spinning again. Things like chocolate and strawberries hold meaning they never had before.

  I'm not sure why I saw her as such a threat when I met her. I'll regret the way I treated her for the rest of my life, I'm sure. I've watched her with my brothers, bringing them joy and happiness that I've not seen in them. Even Ash walks around with a smile on his face, the intimidating man cannot seem to help himself. He also has a small stuffed wolf that I catch him speaking to on occasion, like it's his own pup. I shake my head at the thought, that girl has turned us all upside down.

  I’ll admit, at first I just wanted her for her beauty and to drive the humans mad with envy at my having her. It seems as though Reed's 'karma' does exist and she's a woman with it out for me. I've watched as her face lights up at the sight of the others, I've witnessed her lips swollen from stolen kisses, and I even overheard her telling Tristan all the things she likes about him. It's killing me that I can't be a part of it.


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