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The Dom Protects His Puma [Unchained Love 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  Unchained Love 2

  The Dom Protects His Puma

  Omar Brown, a Dom and a panther, knows Ramona Davis, a puma, is his. But she refuses to accept him unless he includes Javier Miller as well. Omar is worried sick about the danger from the rogue panthers, and Javier is only a human, so he finally agrees to them being a ménage, but just for sex.

  Against a background of self-defense from the rogue panther attacks, and Omar becoming the pack Alpha because Sam seems unable to focus on anything except protecting his pure-blood panther daughter Leticia, Omar introduces Ramona to BDSM, the lifestyle Javier also follows, and which they all find fulfilling.

  Omar wants Ramona as his and his alone, preferably wearing his collar. Javier wants Ramona and is prepared to share her with Omar, as long as he gets her, too. Ramona wants them both, and her job at the movie studio. And the rogue panthers want pure-blood cat shifters—like Ramona, for instance.

  Genre: BDSM, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-shifters

  Length: 38,045 words


  Unchained Love 2

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-106-0

  First E-book Publication: February 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Unchained Love 2


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  The bell sounded sweet and charming, like something from an old village church. But the sound ripped through Omar’s mind like fingernails on a chalkboard, only much worse.

  Ramona. Oh gods, Ramona. The rogue panthers had come for the woman he loved. The woman who refused to mate with him because she wouldn’t listen to reason and common sense. He jumped to his feet and raced out of the barn, where he’d been playing cards with some of the other male panthers, across the courtyard, and into the main building of Carnal Connections. He was first, but the other men were right behind him.

  Where is she? I must find her! She’s mine, goddammit, mine!

  Omar’s feet were pounding up the staircase while his brain was still trying to work out where to search for her first. The problem was she was so very friendly she could be visiting with almost anyone at all in the community. Omar rounded the bend in the staircase and decided to keep going up to check her room first, only to be almost shoved off the stairs by several human men running down them. “Go to the gate!” yelled one as he pushed past.

  But Omar couldn’t. Ramona was his top priority. Only Ramona. Other people could fight off the attackers. He had to protect Ramona. He flung the door to Ramona’s room open. The room was empty. Why wasn’t she hiding in here? He crouched to look under the bed, pulled the closet door open, but it was plain to see there was no one here. He managed to knock on the room next door before wrenching that door open. But Leticia was gone, too.

  Finally, Omar stopped and took a breath. Of course. Leticia’s father would have taken them both down to safety, along with the other unmarried women. He should have thought of that first. He’d wasted valuable time!

  Omar headed down the staircase, leaping three and four steps in every bound, this time all the way to the basement, the dungeon where the community played their BDSM scenes. Knowing many people might be inside, he opened the door a bit more carefully, but the huge room was empty. What the fuck? Where is she? Where’s Ramona? He needed to protect her. Gods, surely she hadn’t been captured already! No, she couldn’t have been, he’d come the moment the bell rang. Yeah, but what if the alarm was rung only after they were missing? You were playing cards, not guarding your woman as you should’ve been, his conscience sneered at him.

  I want to mate with her. I’ve asked her over and over, but she won’t agree. All I want is to keep her safe.

  Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go cry a river. You’ve lost her for good now, sneered the other half of his mind.

  No! She’s mine! the Dom part of his mind insisted.

  So where could she be?

  Reluctantly, his brain told him what his heart refused to believe. She’d be out where the trouble was. In the midst of the action. Doing her part to fight off the attackers.

  No! They’ll take her! The rogue panthers want full-blood cat-shifters, and there are so few women around. And only one Ramona. One Ramona, and she’s mine!

  Omar exploded out of the dungeon, up the stairs, and into the parking lot. He’d never run so fast in his life, and he had to fight to stop himself shifting into his panther form. As a panther he was a better fighter, but he needed to be human to hold Ramona in his arms, against his heart, pressed hard to his body, where she belonged. Where he could protect her. And he’d never let her go ever again, no matter what
she said.

  In a distant corner of his brain Omar thought it seemed awfully light out there for nighttime, but he was running so fast, his heart so full of fear for his woman, that his brain wasn’t functioning at peak performance. When he reached the main driveway he saw all the enormous lights that illuminated the front of the building and the main entry to the community, making everything as bright as if it were the middle of a summer’s day, not the night.

  Several people were standing on the roof of a truck, filming. He recognized Nicholas and Curtis, the movie people Ramona and her friend Gaynor worked with. What the fuck? Omar skidded to a stop, looking everywhere for Ramona, but he was so confused he wondered if he’d been transferred into a different dimension or something. Omar shook his head hard, blinked his eyes, and stared at the crowd. On the road outside the main gates of Carnal Connections were several groups of people. Some of them were the people from the basketball match where the rogue panther group had first tried to capture Ramona. He noticed one man with long dirty-blond hair holding a very large knife against the leg of his jeans. Okay, so it was the rogue panthers, and they were planning to attack.

  Omar moved through the crowd of people from Carnal Connections. They were wary but didn’t seem worried or upset. Suddenly, he saw Ramona’s long black ponytail. Omar used his bulk to push past people until he was behind her, then he grabbed her around the waist and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. A boot slammed into his shin, making him wince. Ramona twisted in his arms and her knee got him right in the balls. All the breath left his lungs and he wanted to scream like a girl with the sudden pain. “Ramona?” he gasped.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Omar? I had no idea who’d just grabbed me. Get your hands off me, right now.”

  Obediently, he let go. What he really wanted to do was massage his aching balls, but he managed to stand up straight and say, “Ramona, thank the gods you’re not hurt. I was so worried about you.”

  “Whatever for? I’m fine, Omar. I’ve told you a million times I can look after myself.” She stared at his nuts as if she could see the bruises forming there right through his jeans.

  “I love you. I was worried about you.” He forced his arms to stay by his sides when all he wanted to do was hold her. Or his balls. Or maybe both Ramona and his balls.

  “Sshhh,” said the woman standing beside Ramona.

  He had to think for a minute before he remembered her name. Lucy, one of the human members of the BDSM group. Next to her were Carey and Jubilee. They were humans, too, and part of the community here at Carnal Connections. But he still didn’t understand what was going on. The lights and camera indicated they were filming a scene for a movie. But the rogue panthers were definitely here. Surely they hadn’t been hired to be the bad guys in a movie? Was this whole thing a fake? Was it just a movie scene? Had there never been any danger at all?

  No, of course there’d been danger. That stupid wolf, Tor, had gotten himself knifed at the basketball game, and Ramona had been abducted there. So—

  Once again Omar shook his head, but it didn’t clear his thoughts or stop his balls from aching. The blood was flowing to his cock and balls, and the pain was nasty. If Ramona had pulled that nifty trick on anyone except himself, he’d have been so proud of her. Then he smiled. Gods, she was wonderful. Strong, and beautiful, and brave. Maybe he’d better buy one of those things baseball players wore to protect their family jewels if she was going to stay in her current mood, though.

  At that moment, Larry, the business manager of the Carnal Connections community, made his way through the crowd and stood in front of everyone, facing the road and the rogue panthers. “Good evening. Why are you here? This is private property, you know. I believe you’ve been told that before.”

  The man with the blond hair stepped forward from the rogue panther group. Omar wondered where he’d hidden the knife. In the back of his jeans perhaps? “You’re sheltering a group of shape-shifters. We could bring the authorities here. I reckon the scientific community would like to get their hands on some of them. We could give them a wolf and a panther to experiment on. I reckon the authorities might be interested in some of the kinky sexual stuff you do here, too. Likely want to check some of your women over, make sure they aren’t victims of domestic violence. Or you could just hand us over two unmated, pure-blood, female cat-shifters. A puma and a panther would be good. Either that or a couple of cougars. We don’t mind as long as they’re full-blood female shifters. Then we’ll go away and you have our word we won’t say anything to anyone about what goes on here.”

  “You have a ‘pot calling the kettle black’ problem right there. Some of your people are panther-shifters, too, and some of your people were involved in a stabbing at a basketball match. I’m positive the authorities would be just as interested in checking out your group as in worrying about ours. I believe that’s what we call checkmate. I think it’s time for you to leave. Not just leave our property but leave the neighborhood as well,” said Larry.

  Omar watched as the rogue panthers’ leader swung his gaze across the crowd facing him. Then he looked back at Larry, said, “We’ll be back. You’d better believe that,” and turned to get in the nearest truck. The rest of the panthers followed him into their vehicles, and they drove off.

  The crowd began to disperse, so Omar gently touched Ramona’s arm, not wanting his aching nuts to be bashed again. “Ramona, listen to me please.”

  She turned. Gods, she was so beautiful. All flashing black eyes, thick black hair, and a lush body he longed to possess. She didn’t speak, just raised one curved black eyebrow in query at him.

  “Ramona, you know I love you. I’ve told you over and over I love you, want you, can’t live without you.”

  She nodded, but her face was impassive. She wasn’t going to give away her thoughts. She had to know how dangerous it was for her to be unmarried. The rogue panthers wouldn’t take her once she mated. Only unmated females were of interest to them. Panthers—and pumas like Ramona—mated for life.

  “They’ll be back, Ramona. Even if that man hadn’t just said so, the truth is they will be. You won’t be safe until you marry me. Please, I’m begging you, mate with me, Ramona. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.” Omar dropped to one knee and almost wished they were human and in a straight lifestyle so he could give her a ring right now. An emerald maybe, or a ruby that would flash fire to match her personality.

  “We’ve had this conversation before. Several times, in fact. My answer hasn’t changed. If you want me, you have to accept Javier as well, as an equal partner. I won’t marry just you, Omar. I need Javier as well.”

  “But he’s human. And male.”

  “I’m a puma. Puma women often form unconventional bonds. I want you, but I want him, too. It’s an all-or-nothing deal, Omar. Go away and don’t mention this to me again until you’re ready to accept my wishes.”

  “But they’ll keep coming after you until you’re mated.”

  “No. Only until I’m not a virgin anymore, and that’s easy enough to fix. They’ll be able to smell the man on my skin and won’t want me.”

  “You’d fuck JB?” Omar couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Instead of marrying him, she’d have an affair with that—that—human!

  “I love him, too, Omar. I fell in love with him the moment we met when Autumn and I came here for that BDSM party four months ago. Furthermore, he loves me and is prepared to share me with you or another man of my choice. You won’t share, so that’s the end of our relationship.”

  “What if—what if—” Omar struggled to believe he was going to say this, but he couldn’t risk losing her entirely. “What if we just fuck, not mate. You, and me, and that—human. Just sex. For now. To keep you safe.” I’ll fuck her brains out and she won’t want that weak little runt of a human anymore. She’ll turn to me and mate with me. I’ll keep her in my bed and give her so many orgasms she’ll agree to anything I say.

She stared deep into his eyes. “You would agree to share me fully with Javier? This would be just sex, no commitment.”

  His panther genes were screaming at him to take her and run away with her, far from all this trouble, just him and her forever. But he knew that she wouldn’t be happy like that, and he wanted her to be happy. It nearly killed him to agree, but he promised himself it would only be for a very short time, just until he could convince her to mate with him. Only him. “Yes.”

  “All right. Let’s go tell Javier then. We’ll need to move into his house.”

  “Why move into his house? My apartment—”

  “No. We’re staying here, at Carnal Connections. I have to be here to support Leticia and the other young women. JB has a house of his own. He’s a builder, remember. There’ll be room for all of us there. I’ve been in his house. It’s nice.”

  “It makes sense to remain here, I suppose. Wait. You’ve been in his house? Has he touched you? I’ll—”

  Ramona turned to him, her eyes blazing. “You’ll agree to share me or this whole deal is off. Understand?”

  Gods she was beautiful when she was angry. He loved her so much. But this was going to be excruciatingly hard. To let another man touch her was going to kill him.

  “All right. I love you, Ramona, truly I do.”

  “Then see that you share.”

  “I’ll share.” Even if it killed him. Or maybe he could kill the human and solve the problem that way. Now that sounded like a much better plan!

  * * * *

  David was furious. Every time he planned to get a woman to solve all his problems something went wrong. He’d thought and thought and gone through every possible step strategically to ensure nothing went wrong this time. And yet it had all blown up in his face.


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