Book Read Free


Page 15

by Jason Andrews

  “I’ll show you how we’ll fix this up and get you good and ready for your audience, you’ll thank me for it later. You’re about to watch a designer dress that cost more than two-hundred-and-fifty pounds get the Sordida treatment in a few seconds.”

  Taking the scissors, she held them up close to the area where Amercia’s bosom was bursting out of the outfit. Making a considerable snip, she ripped into the material marking two large crosses the flaps unfolded, and her breasts were all but hanging in on a thread. Amercia froze with fear and uncertainty as Tonya gashed into her thigh area and rear end to expose more flesh.

  “Fucking hell,” Amercia gasped, “is that necessary?”

  “Much better, trust me. That is one fine figure you have Amercia, and it’ll tease the guys and girls in here no end. You look a million dollars. I’ll introduce you to the team once I come back from having a quick fag break, you wait there a moment and compose yourself because you’re looking nervous. It’s only natural, but I heard good feedback from when you were here last, find that inner bitch I’ve heard you do so well again.”

  Tonya grabbed her cigarettes and headed out towards a curtain that was concealing a back door. The room was a staff break-out area combined with changing room, make-up area, recreation area with televisions and computers. Amercia cast her eyes over everything taking in the darkness of the room, trying not to focus too hard on shelves filled with bondage gear, lube pumps and clear buckets filled with packs of condoms.

  “Fuck I need a break,” Amercia turned to hear the moans of an escort she hadn’t met before, “oh so you’re the new girl I’ve heard all about, I’m Betty Desire.”

  “Hi Betty,” Amercia replied, hoping Tonya would hurry up from her break to ease the awkwardness from staring at Betty’s naked body, “I’m Amercia, nice to meet you, you look as though you’ve been on a treadmill. Not meaning to be rude.”

  “I feel like I’ve run a marathon, duck. I’ve been on and off so much cock this evening that I know I’ve well and truly earned my money tonight. That red dress looks fucking amazing; I hardly doubt you’ll be wearing it long. Looks great though.”

  “Is your surname called Desire?” Amercia asked, “have you worked here long?”

  “No, duck. Some of us chop and change our names here for privacy reasons. My first name is Betty, but my surname I keep private from the members, you might want to start thinking of an additional name for in here as the outside world is not all that private.”

  “I’ll have a little think later. You didn’t say how long you’ve been working here?”

  “More than I care to admit. New girls should be seen and not heard, take my advice on that one for now. I hope you’re not easily surprised by what you see tonight though; gangbang roulette is quite the challenge and an eyesore for a newbie.”

  “Calm down Betty,” Tonya interrupted, taking a wet wipe to freshen up her vagina, “I don’t want you scaring her off just yet. Gang bang roulette is a tradition here, some of the guys love to see how many men the women can handle all at the same time while having a cheeky gamble on the side. There’s a new round starting at nine-thirty, I’ll walk you around, but I have some clients who are keen to meet you tonight, Tim, has given them great feedback on you. We’re not going to throw you into the deep end.”

  “I can call myself Amercia Divine, certainly has a nice ring to it. Tim told me about the roulette games, and steeple-cock the other night, I’m not easily shocked or offended, I can’t wait to crack on and get involved. I need the money.”

  Tonya and Betty both looked at each other while nodding their head in agreeance at Amercia.

  “That’s a fantastic name, I love it,” Betty said throwing the face cloth into a basket, “I started out here as Betty-Clit-Fingers, but this little rough diamond of a club has grown into a real classy establishment now hasn’t it Tonya.”

  “Sure, it certainly has Bett’s. We have fucking earned our diamond handcuffs with all that money we’ve helped raise him over the years. If my pussy could talk, it would bring down a lot of the rich, famous and downright fucking disgusting in shame if I dared speak to the press. I’ve taken my dripping cunt all over the world, I’ve been places I could write book after book. This job has changed my life, and I respect that. Silence here is golden if you get my drift, Amercia, don’t forget that rule. People here are significant in the outside world; this is their little escape.”

  Amercia sat nervously trying to join in with the conversations around their sexual adventures but felt as though it was out of her depths. How could she compete with such women who are gifted with flights, holidays, expensive designer clothing while she felt that just a pair of designer shoes and a limousine ride from Tim was the highlight of her year to date? The sadness she felt for herself with the pitiful lack of anything decent in her life summed up her reasoning for being in Sordida in the first place. Not one for being overly the centre of attention, when a few of the other women joined Tonya and Betty, she wanted to curl up and die. Never had she felt so liked by a group of people before all different age ranges and races. They seemed to want to know as much about her as possible, but she indeed had led such a dreary existence.

  “I’m trying to remember all of your names now,” Amercia asked, “Tonya, Betty, Donna, Gina, Jan and Trina. Hold on; I’m sure someone’s missing since the last time I came here on the monthly draw day?”

  All the women giggled while they sat around her to make her feel at home, some naked, some dressed in leather gear.

  “What do you mean?” Tonya asked shaking her head, “there are a few girls and guys who aren’t always here at the same time, and others might be upstairs with their clients, but this is tonight’s crew all here babe.”

  “Angie. I’m sure she said her name is Angie or something like that?”

  “There’s never been anyone here by that name. Trust me, we’d know, we’ve been here years.” Said Tonya.

  “But, she said she was new, and I know I met her upstairs in the rooms, the door was open, guys all over her. I know what I saw because she thought I was after her money. She was Angie; I’m even sure Tim knew her?”

  Betty and the others proceeded to leave the room.

  “Got to get myself back into action, If I sit for too long I’ll stick to the seat,” Betty stated, “I’ll see you up there in a bit folks.”

  “Your mind must be playing tricks on you, Amercia. I am telling you, and I mean this, but there has not ever been anyone here called Angie. Your facts are wrong, move on from it now because we’ve got work to do.”

  Amercia kept her mouth shut, trying desperately not to answer her back because it was an incident she clearly remembered, why the need to brush over and disregard Angie was a mystery. Her gut instinct was that something wasn’t quite right, but who was she to argue the toss; maybe she’ll find more out in time.

  “Where is Tim tonight, Tonya? I’ve not seen him around. He sent me a text message earlier to be here on time, but did he need me for anything.”

  “He’s around all of the time, and he can see and hear from the camera’s even when he’s not here in person. This club is probably the safest building in Devon right now with all the technology and high levels of importance we have visited this club. You can feel safe here, but you do need to learn when to speak and when not to speak. You’re very new though; I’ll forgive you.”

  Amercia followed Tonya back out into the bar area which had started to fill up with members since she’d been in the back room changing areas. As she walked past one crowd of to another, it was as though all eyes in the room were on her. Men and women that looked between forty to sixty years of age winked, smiled and nodded at her to assure her they approve of her appearance tonight. Others clapped as Tonya grabbed hold of Amercia’s hand and raised it into the air to showcase her body as it appeared crammed into the red dress cut to shreds. Not only were this crowd looking beautiful in their full suits, designer watches, gleaming wh
ite teeth, faces that barely moved through the surgical work, but she wondered, was anyone here initially from Devon in the first place? Feeling like the prize at an auction, Amercia deemed her best fake smile, grabbed her hands around her breasts and seductively walked into the crowd ready to mingle. Let the evening begin, she thought, and get your wallets prepared because this bitch needs to save for an escape.

  The crowd of sex hungry couples walked towards her, the horde now keen to know more about her began to engage in random conversation. Some of the faces she recognised from last time, but there was a bigger crowd in tonight. Gangbang roulette must pull in the members. What’s your name and where are you located in Plymouth? If she heard that phrase one more time, she could pull her hair out. As she made her way towards the central bar area, she noticed Tim watching her by the entrance doors. He signalled a wave to give a short brief acknowledgement before turning around and walking away. He seemed more distant than she was expecting, not that a run and a hug was on the cards, but she was surprised he didn’t even come over and speak to her on this being her first official day with the club.

  “What drink would you like?” asked a shy looking gentleman at the bar, “would you like to loosen up before the big event tonight?”

  Amercia turned to face another guy who grabbed her attention, he too was an older man in his fifties with balding hair but dressed in tuxedoes.

  “Why don’t you let me get you champagne?” the other guy asked, “let me see if I can put an even bigger smile on that beautiful face?”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll take the champagne,” Amercia said letting the first guy down gently, but thinking on the mindset that the offering of champagne was for a more wealthier treatment, “Sorry, but I do like a decent glass of bubbles.”

  The second guy laughed.

  “I win old guy.” He replied, “maybe you’ll find another classy lady for company tonight.”

  “I’ll withhold Pete’s investment into your new start-up venture if you ever take the piss out of me again Roy,” the first guy mumbled, she could sense his annoyance, “I wouldn’t have had you down as Captain Cock-Blocker.”

  “So, you’re called Roy. Why don’t we go sit down by the small revolving dancefloor and get to know each other a little better.”

  Amercia placed a hand on Roy’s leg to imply more could come from this, it was the experience she assumed he had been wanting. Not withdrawing her hand, she leaned closer towards him, taking in a glimpse of the solid gold jewellery wrapped around his neck and wrists.

  “You’re new here, aren’t you? I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”

  “I’m called Amercia Divine, and I’m local, but I enjoy meeting new people, I’m very sociable, I love good hard, strong looking guys around me.”

  Roy smirked at her before nodding his head.

  “I’ve never seen a girl like you here, not with eyes like those jewels. For a couple of years, I’ve been doing business with some of the guys, and they recommended me into this place. I was kind of nervous at first, but I realised it’s like the outside world doesn’t exist when I’m here. Nice to meet you, darling.”

  She rubbed her hand closer to his crotch, felt the bulge under her palm and caressed it until the firm cock shaped wedge emerged with a vengeance.

  It’s going to be a long fucking night, she thought to herself, this better be fucking worth it.



  im Helman watched Amercia from the corner of his eye as she latched onto two guys ready and willing for her attention. He smirked before raising a hand to wave at her, then turned his back to head up to the business suite where his confined office sits above the next floor. You’re going to create one hell of a buzz, Amercia, he thought to himself, as he casually walked up the staircase with an eye for a money-making opportunity, I’m going to make a lot of money from you tonight you little minx. What a perfect catch.

  “Vincit qui se vincit,” Tim muttered under his breath numerous times, “Vincit qui se vincit. Vincit qui se vincit. Vincit qui se vincit. Keep grounded, keep it calm. I can do this, I know I can pull it off.”

  There was something sexual about Latin phrases he admired; the way words rolled off the tongue in a sensual way that most people didn’t understand aroused him at times, but his favourite term to control his urges for self-gratification now etched in his mind. Tim, born into a wealthy family that started with a farming heritage combined holiday park background, and now a hotelier was a born leader, a man who craved the crown and glory in a secret society he had built entirely from nothing. Sordida was his social network in a time when his everyday life was difficult. Through marital issues, children who he never saw much of, a handful of past mistakes felt corrected by the income stream of the artisan of sex he created from the back of his family’s hotel chain. The club was a whole new culture he generated among the United Kingdom’s most wealthy, yet potentially volatile society who needed to assemble to divulge in group pleasures was his deed. Sordida’s membership was growing month after month through word of mouth alone now; their current residence might need to expand.

  Now capable of hosting wild sex parties, fanciful fetishes with no expense spared in a place where no one would ever judge, it was soon becoming an independent association well respected in the millionaire’s underground world. Over the years he had grown a trusted friendship with judges, law enforcement, council leaders, major business chain executives, charity workers, rock stars and self-made millionaires. Regardless of the differences in personal backgrounds, he naturally attracted a great friendship with influential leaders. Sordida was a brokerage for the kinky minded individual with money to burn.

  Every member of Sordida paid a substantial sum financially for the use of the club in its private setting on the outskirts of Plymouth. This included the benefits of the Helman House Hotel, it’s exclusive Spa, and golf course, a specially adapted Room 232 for use by members whilst on a short stay at the hotel, and many business owners had use of Sordida’s business suite to finalise deals, trading and planning meetings between members with financial interests in each other’s businesses. The future for Sordida was providing a niche business trading model including fetishism opportunities in its secret network of rooms.

  Tim Helman’s market for future business prospects has the support from his board of advisors, each of whom is present at Sordida tonight. His vision for success came after the realisation of the sham of his current marriage, although he had never divorced, his wife continually controlled his assets within the family hotel chain. Seemingly unaware of anything about Sordida, he was able to branch off without her constant interfering secretly. He now despised her, Patricia Helman was a force of nature, a woman who controlled her day by monitoring financial markets for investment banking, setting the impossible standards within the hotels and treating everyone around her as a hindrance to her desire to be on the planet as a race of her own. Sex with Patricia was stagnant, yet rarely given, but mostly she used her pussy as a reward and recognition tool for his behaviours if he managed to achieve her happiness in a given project. Life together was purely hotel focussed now and centred around the family financial management to support the children’s education fund. Her lavish designer lifestyle, the holiday homes abroad, constant travel to Milan, New York, and London fashion shows, but while she was busy focussing on the showman side of their dying relationship, he was left alone to grow Sordida in his inimitable way.

  Tim’s idealisation for the long term was slowly starting to take shape. Eventually, he could branch away from the family hotel business by selling off his shares and start his chain of luxury swinging venues for the elite up and down the country. Due to his contacts in the councils, obtaining all necessary licenses would never prove difficult, complimented by the millionaire members investing in local businesses with each area would sustain a feasible business plan. This dream was going to be a planned reality once his children were self-sufficient a
dults and he could escape the clutches of his controlling wife.

  Tim held the phone to his ear; the whole business suite floor was empty. His office slightly chilly, nobody was around.

  “Tonya, come up to my office will you when you get this message, we need to discuss the new girl tonight, have you prepped her before she meets her client?”

  He hung up the phone; it rang automatically.

  “Tonya, that was quick, I have only just left you a message.”

  “It’s Matt,” the voice replied, “you changed my bar shift at the hotel, you wanted me to call you back.”

  “Oh, sorry Matt, you called as soon as I left a message for Tonya, are you still on for tonight, we don’t need you at the hotel bar? You know Sordida has plans for you this evening, it’s our big event night. The bar is calling you here has Tonya been in touch?”

  “Yeah, Tim, it’s all happening tonight then; I’m a bit nervous, but I will not let you down. Last time the members ripped all my clothes and practically molested me. What the actual fuck are you putting in their drinks?”

  Tim ended the conversation promptly as Tonya knocked on his office door, he could see her standing outside waiting to come in. He watched her just for a minute as she was fidgeting impatiently to give the impression he was in no rush.

  “Come in,” he shouted, “I’m free. It’s just me, myself and I in here.”

  Tonya took a deep breath and entered what she referred as the dragon's lair, she looked at Tim, seated but smirking at her, she nervously answered breathing heavy through her nose to conceal her anxiety.

  “You needed me, Mr X. I got your message, and it sounded important, was it something I did wrong?”

  “Not in the slightest, Tonya. I want to know how Amercia, fits in, how are they finding her down there since she is on her first official work night. The draw night everyone was pissed and only really interested in the prizes, it was my opportunity to show her off to the members back then, but what do you think, is she good enough?”


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