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Page 16

by Jason Andrews

  Tonya pulled a chair and crossed her legs, walking around in lingerie had given her goosebumps, her boss always made her feel nervous. She knew the wrong answer could signal the end of a steady income stream. Mutual trust was vital between them, but their working relationship had its ups and downs lately. Sordida was a club that gave her a haven of safety after a life of crime on the streets. Tim had found her at her worst, offered her a home, a job, he’d given her a second chance at life, and it took years to get to this point, the level of trust between them both was mutual. It may be an alternative lifestyle, but it was a clean, professional image in an industry that society assumed an association with life’s rejects. She’d been off the drugs and clean now for a few months.

  “I have already said to her she’s got an air of innocence about her, I put her in a red dress and cut it up a little to look like a decadent slut. You can see right through her though; it’s all about the money with that one. The clients will love her I think. Fresh bait always goes for the most money at first, and I think she’ll deliver the goods. However, she’s knocking back the champagne a bit too much, and she asked about Angie?”

  “Angie?” Tim asked, “what did you tell her?”

  “Nothing at all because I barely remember her now. How is she getting on?”

  “I’ve heard she’s settled right at home now. Her clients are more than impressed. I also need to let you know that Matt, the one from my hotel bar is coming in tonight, he’ll be on bar duties. Make sure Amercia sees him tonight. Her naivety is her real sweet spot, cash in on it.”

  “Noted. Some of the girls have made a killing tonight, those two who paid for a threesome all night the other week in room two-three-two at the hotel have come back and bragged about it. The poor girl could barely walk the next day I heard they pretty much took advantage of every hole in her body. Most of the rooms are going to be taken downstairs with the number of people in this evening. All fee’s paid and counted, all the booze is going down nicely, just a matter of time before the clothes all come off.”

  Tim looked at his watch, stood up and grinned.

  “It’s amazing how such intelligence and wealth still revolves around the basic animalistic rituals, and sexual desires isn’t it. You can be a window cleaner, a fucking sanitation worker, a nurse, a manager, a chief executive who founded a multi-million company; yet all man is the same when it comes to sex. We crave it, but the wealthy, the rich and the famous have no boundaries, money can give you anything you’d like to dabble in if you are brazen enough to put your neck out. People like me give people like them an outlet. Tonight, Amercia shall feel like a queen; you make sure of it. I want the clients to see her at her true best. If she’s drunk, she’s drunk, but let’s see if she still holds it together. They’ll be watching her, looking at her, wanting her, craving her. Let her tease them and see if she’s more than just a walking vagina in a red torn dress. A lot of money, effort and time has gone into getting her here. She’s with Sordida now, so let’s treat her.”

  Tonya remembered that her role within Sordida is always to remain professional, impartial and unbiased while having a slight twinge of guilt, she owed Tim her life. When times were dark, he provided for her, when her addictions were uncontrollable he helped manage them with support, in return he had her honesty, trust and respect. She never understood the reasoning for his behaviours, but it saved people like her, people who needed a purpose. There was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” Tim shouted, “the door’s unlocked for Christ sake.”

  Matt walked in, chewing some gum, his t-shirt ripped and his muscles bulging in tight stonewash jeans.

  “I’m not impressed,” Tim said glaring at Matt’s jeans, “stonewash is a sign of poverty, I don’t do stonewash jeans in my establishments for fuck's sake.”

  “Sorry, Mr X. I just got here as quick as I could, I was already on my way when you called, had a lot on my mind, I haven’t really done this before so cut me some slack surely. What do you want me to do?”

  Tonya looked away unable to make eye contact with Tim in case his temper flared; she could sense the atmosphere and his disappointment.

  “Take them the fuck off and wear your underwear; it’s a swinger’s club if you haven’t noticed, hardly anyone around you is seen appropriately dressed so you’ll blend in just fine. Don’t put them back on. Also for the both of you; you can call me Tim when we’re on our own out of earshot, Mr X is just for the members benefit it as it adds to their escapism and role play. They love that shit.”

  Tonya laughed, not sure whether it was appropriate to do so, she laughed anyway but now louder.

  “What do you find so funny?” Tim asked her while Matt looked away, “you better get back down those stairs and see what Amercia’s up to, don’t let her out of your grip from now on will you?”

  “Just the part about stonewash struck me funny,” Tonya replied, before standing up and leaving the room while biting her lip.

  “Matt, I need you a second, you can stay. Give me a minute, and I’ll discuss the plan of action for you tonight.”

  Matt sat down and waited for a moment as he watched Tim pull out his mobile phone. He always fucking lives on that thing, Matt wondered, if he ever lost it he’d be fucking screwed. Sordida was a completely different environment than the Helman House Hotel for Matt; he was used to the banter from women who thought he was sexy, the exchanging of numbers and odd glances from across the bar, but the crowd at Sordida unsettled him. The members seemed more aggressive with their actions, and he didn’t like the ownership mentality they had upon him. Matt worked both locations, keeping the same smiley handsome attitude he carries for himself, yet Sordida made him nervous. Tim was more business focussed and wasn’t afraid to be more dominating in comparison.

  At Sordida, all staff privileged enough to have even seen the venue all signed non-disclosure agreements. Jobs were at risk if even a sniff of the existence leaked out; Tim wasn’t afraid to display his authority.

  “Keep quiet a minute Matt, don’t even move,” Tim asked, pointing a finger in his direction. Matt raised his eyebrows, “I’ll spare you all the details, but you’ll get up to speed in a moment.”

  Tim held the phone tightly to his ear; he watched Matt go rigid not to make a sound.

  “Answer your fucking phone, will you. I haven’t got much time, c’mon you fucking idiot.”

  “At last. I left you a message earlier today, but you didn’t answer. It’s all coming together quite nicely; Amercia’s here. She’s getting drunk, but she’s made it here. If it all works out as expected, you shall not hear from me again. I can give you my word.”

  Tim rolled his eyes, looked at Matt.

  “Stop crying will you Jake. Don’t ruin this. You did good, I didn’t think you’d be able to keep your promise, but you have. Thank you. I shall see you soon. Await my calls later and answer your fucking phone this time.”

  “Who was that?” Matt asked Tim as he watched him end the call, “why was he crying?”

  “Mind your own business. You know better than to ask questions, but for the record that was Jake Parker, he tried to fuck me over once and has now finally repaid his debt. He’s a nobody, a mentally screwed up bastard who should have known better than to try and cross me, that’s who. Now he seems to be riddled with guilt; I’ll cut the crap but will get you up to speed on the situation since I need you later to assist.”

  Matt looked bewildered, uncertain of the situation, so he started to listen carefully as not to make any mistakes. It all felt a bit of a blur; it surely couldn’t be real.

  Matt’s mouth dropped open in surprise.



  he room was spinning in a flurry of different directions, Amercia’s eyes were trying to focus on those around her as everyone was moving too quickly for her mind to catch up. She had somehow made it with the help of Roy to the main event room down the hall from the private steam areas. There were
people everywhere, some sober, others drunk, but more around her than she cared to count. Each had tried to converse with her about sexual contact at some point in the evening while supplying her with alcohol. She felt like a movie star because never had so many men tried to get her drunk in one night. Where’s Tonya gone? She thought to herself; I’ve not seen her in fucking ages.

  To feel this wanted had given her a real confidence boost; Amercia felt sexy, needed, empowered, but most of all that her plan for becoming a successful escort had finally come together this evening. She was on cloud nine. Many couples had been forward with their offerings of a cash-laden room, but she knew to await her instructions from Tonya as she’d heard that her clients are waiting for her. She knew she had to try to sober up.

  “There you are, I found you at last. So, are you having fun?” Tonya asked, placing a hand on her shoulder and another on her waist to stand her up in a straight position, “don’t you think you better get some control on the situation and get your shit together?”

  “What do you mean, Tonya? I’m ready, I’m fucking well and truly ready for my clients, where are they. I want to get fucked and filthy rich?”

  “Shut that bad mouth of yours, Amercia. You don’t want to fuck this up tonight. Don’t think for one minute you’re not the first to come in here and get all high on the attention, but you’ve got something special. You are going to have an amazing night tonight, but let’s start by swapping that drink of yours for water. I don’t think you can handle this expensive Italian shit and you don’t have to be all that crass about it, you sound fake.”

  Amercia tried not to slur her speech.

  “I was offered a few hundred for a triple penetration session with those couples over there. How does that even work?”

  “Two in the pussy and one in the ass. However, you are by no means ready for that so don’t let them lure you in just yet. We’re starting you off on something less painful tonight that you’ll never forget.”

  Amercia widened her eyes, never had she taken two cocks at once in her pussy, but the idea sounded painful. Thinking about the logic, why would two guys want to rub their cocks together in my pussy? She wondered, doesn’t that make it a bit bisexual at the least?

  “Roy, where’s Roy. Roy, where are you?” Amercia shouted, not noticing he was standing directly behind her, “Roy, come back.”

  “Blimey maid, you’ll burst my eardrums love. Funny how you want me now since you have ignored me all week. No offence was taken.”

  “What do you mean Roy?” She asked, slowly starting to sober up again, “I’ve not seen you until now have I?”

  Roy winked at her.

  “You haven’t even worked it out yet, have you? It’s me from the escorting website that you first contacted weeks ago on a little golf forum. I was on the site indirectly hinting about this club’s existence. I never replied to that message as I don’t tend to discuss Sordida anywhere outside these walls, but I found your escort profile with the same username that you contacted me with online. I put two and two together and realised you were the same person. You’re looking stunning tonight, and it’s a shame you didn’t take me up on my offer of the theatre, but at least we’ve met now. Maybe I can use your services in the very near future?”

  Amercia stood still, placed a hand on her forehead and gasped.

  “Fuck. I didn’t realise it was you at all. You don’t look anything like your photograph either. I’ve been drinking so much, I know the name obviously, but I didn’t expect you to be a Sordida member. I was only talking about you earlier tonight actually with Tonya over there. I do need to stop drinking now though and nice to meet you again Roy. It’s been a pleasure.”

  “So, you meant this Roy?” Tonya asked, “fancy that then, you had nothing to worry about after all. He was here all along babe; you haven’t paid for this booking tonight I expect, have you, Roy?”

  Amercia laughed, Roy smiled, and Tonya raised an eyebrow.

  “No, I’ve not had the pleasure of Amercia’s pleasures, not that I can hardly wait to taste her.” Roy replied sarcastically, “we’ve communicated online in the past, but not in a Sordida setting. You should be envious of this one; she’s so stunning, she might take your job from under your shoes Tonya. Make sure you treat this one better than other bird you paraded under our noses last month.”

  Tonya leant in forward to whisper in Roy’s ear.

  “Get the fuck away from us. Amercia’s booked tonight already and stop hanging around like flies on shit. You know the drill with the newbies, let her settle in gently and so enjoy the view like everyone else Roy or I’ll mark your card with a visiting ban.”

  Without so much as a reply, Roy turned around and moved into the crowd who were starting to get excited about gangbang roulette. Amercia looked confused as she turned to face Tonya.

  “You don’t need that one sniffing around that vagina of yours tonight,” said Tonya, “He’s always after the new ones on the bloody cheap. Ignore him, even with the complimentary champagne; he spends the whole evening just licking it to make it last, so he doesn’t have to go to the bar that often. That’s how some of these rich cunts get so wealthy; they spend fuck all. Others here like to stand in the background and watch from a distance, then come in with their wallets last minute.”

  “Oh, I do have a lot to take in don’t I, Tonya. I feel I am a bit naïve, but I have a good eye for detail.”

  “Your clients for tonight have been watching you the whole time. If you had that good an eye, you’d have picked them out of the crowd and made a beeline. Sometimes, it’s not always about having a good time; this isn’t your party. It’s their evening, and you’re here to blend in. As your first night on the job, we all knew you’d be somewhat overwhelmed, but don’t let yourself go all that much. No one spends that much money on an easy escort. Play hard to get a little, play the game.”

  Amercia couldn’t shift a headache, the dizzy spells came and went, but maybe the quality of the alcoholic drinks she drank was more intense than the glasses of prosecco on a regular cheap night out downtown. Trying to conceal feeling nauseous, instead, she focussed on looking straight ahead. The lights dimmed, the music drowning out to a better volume, Amercia noticed Tim Helman wheeling out a large table with the help of an assistant.

  “Welcome to gangbang roulette,” said Tonya, placing an arm around her, “the first of an event tonight, I bet you’ve never seen anything like this. Just stand here and watch, it’ll give you a good insight into the crazy shit that goes on in this room. Remember what you see, what you hear can never be repeated outside of these walls.”

  Amercia stood beside Tonya trying to stand up straighter now the dizzy spells were wearing off, this looked mesmerising as the semi-naked women all came into the room one by one strutting in their heels as the men clapped around them throwing five-pound notes into the air. Her eyes lit up like bright sparks of flint as the women stuffed the cash into their knickers, some wiping them around their vagina and throwing them back into the crowd. The men around her changed personality, some more animalistic than others as their eagerness to fuck was prevailing.

  Amercia watched as twelve women walked the floor like a fashion show with their breasts out, vaginas to the wind, and strutting their heels on fire with Sordida’s male members all gathering around, some with their hands down their trousers noticeably masturbating themselves. She spotted Roy not far from her who was now stumbling drunk, grabbing hold of any piece of ass he could find. The other members looked distracted, but Tim Helman had reappeared with his microphone to reprise another night as Mr X.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Tim said to the gathering crowd, “I would like to thank you all for coming, thank you all once again for your membership fees being due on time, and let’s kick off tonight’s gangbang roulette. The rules are the same as they always have been traditionally, but for those who are unsure of how tonight will unfold, it is as follows. Listen carefully.”

  Amercia smiled at Roy as he now passed by her, he looked into her eyes. She was soberer than she was a few moments ago now that Tonya had switched her drink to water. Tim’s voice started to drown out in the background as she focused her attention on the behaviours of those who clambered around her to eye up the women. Amercia was unsure whether they were escorts, members wives or a mix of both. The age range of the women varied from the late twenties until the mid-forties, but their bodies were all different. Some were not that special to look at as she thought highly of herself enough to know they’d have wanted her more than some others. Her eyes soon fixated upon the money drifting off in different directions, how it was so free-flowing and dripping over them all like confetti. Some of that could easily be mine, she thought to herself, I want all of it.

  “There are two rounds to this game; firstly there are thirty balls in our lottery machine, we place a ball in there for every person or couple who want to be the host. Then we spin the roulette wheel from one to twelve to determine how many of these specially selected escorts will join the hosts in our penthouse room for a whole night. The second round is the same in reverse. We will spin the roulette wheel to determine a number for the lady, and then we will draw a number from the lottery machine.”

  Tim continued to explain to the crowd who are anticipating their prizes.

  “Every man up to and including that number will take turns having crazy wild sex with her in an adjoining room for your privacy. Most of the rooms are soundproof, some more than others unless you leave the door open.”

  Amercia tried to take it all in because her mind wasn’t working as fast as usual due to the consumption of many weird tasting free wines provided to her this evening. It sounds like a fucking sex lottery; she thought to piece the puzzle.


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